View Full Version : Nemissary's Nurgley Traitors and Mutants Blog

05-04-2010, 09:26 AM
I figure I have started and stopped so many little blogs here and there that it was high time to make one of current projects and highlight some of the older stuff. This way, I will have all my stuff in one place (finally)

To start things off:

Nurgle TraitorGuard Vet squad and the "Dumpster" Chimera.




Comments, critiques welcome. This is actually my first vehicle ever and first time doing weathering on that scale with powders, oils etc. Tried to make it match a local dumpster in coloration.

I am currently constructing 2 Infantry squads and a conscript squad for the month of May. Will throw some pics up later.

05-04-2010, 09:29 AM
Awesomely creepy. I love the guy with the flamer. I'm not seeing the Chimera pic, though.

05-04-2010, 10:43 AM
Hmm.. the Dumpster is here:



I'm fairly new to posting here and I think i may have double posted on my own thread or something silly like that. If I did, i hope the mods forgive me and delete the other one :)

HvyFlamer guy:


bad moon on afull moon
05-04-2010, 11:05 AM
the chimera doesnt look much like a dumpster but is really well painted anyway

05-04-2010, 11:07 AM
Great stuff! I think I've mostly just seen your converting before, but your painting is ace too. :)

These guys show how even some relatively simple changes and choices like head swaps or the uneven track guards can really change a look/feel.

05-04-2010, 04:52 PM
Thanks guys!

I am doing an Infantry Platoon this month. it will consist of 50 conscripts, 2 infantry squads, Plt. Cmd. squad, Commissar and a Chimera. I have untill the end of May to be completed with this.

The beginnings of my conscripts:




Lord Inquisitor
05-04-2010, 05:25 PM
It all looks really good so far.

person person
05-04-2010, 08:44 PM
Cool stuff, using the Skaven bodies is a smart idea.

05-05-2010, 12:03 AM
They look great! I really like the verdigris effect on the gong.

05-05-2010, 07:21 AM
@Badmoon: the camo green with the worn spots and streaks of rust are based on a RL dumpster by our game store and is a close match. That is why I dubbed it the dumpster :)

@person person: Thanks! I chose the Skaven bodies because I wanted the conscripts to be easily distiguishable from my normal Traitor. My vision is that they are little dregs and mutant slaves that were used in mines and factorums and now they have rebelled. So, they are not good soldiers like the dedicated TraitorGuard.

@Kahoolin: I have mixed up my own verdigris from Vallejo verdigirs (it is too light) and some GW scaley green. I love the way verdigris looks and would like to work it into more models.

close up:


I am torn on the exact colors to use on the conscripts. Should I use the camo green like my Vet Squad or should I go for more of the blue-green highlighted with a little camo-green like my Ogryn?

reference pic:


05-14-2010, 12:59 PM
I went with mostly camo green robes on my conscripts (because I have that in a spray can). I will have to dirty them up a little though and make them look lowlier than your avg. cultist :)

I haven't got a pic up of them because there isn't a ton of progress besides the base coat of Camo green.

I do have a pic of my WIP Ogryns for my next grouping of them. These will be added to my 3 above and I will eventually have a total of 20... just for kicks.


Throw some comments or criticisms on any portion of this blog. You guys need to help me improve all of my modelling and painting skills. :nod:

05-15-2010, 09:47 AM
Here is another side project that I am tinkering with as I make the conscripts. Tanks that I can have as Chimera or Hellhounds or Banewolves etc etc. Just a simple use of magnets and plasticard.



I have a ton of old tanks from Ebay, most of them are just partial kits or heavily damaged or covered in thick paints, but I will cobble them all together into something.

person person
05-16-2010, 01:44 AM
The old Hellhound will look great with your painting and conversion!

05-18-2010, 05:25 PM
Thanks person person! :)

A little update. Here is the current status of the 50 Conscripts and the 25 Guardsmen for the month of May:



I still need to go in and touch them up, do some highlights and pick out details like eyes etc. I think they are coming along and I may just make my promise for completing them in one month.

As always, comments and criticisms welcome. :)

Commissar Lewis
05-18-2010, 09:46 PM
Amazing job, man. They look good and Chaos-y, and I love how the conscripts look like mutant slaves that finally had enough and said "**** this" and went traitor.

All around, great character, stellar painting, and cool theme.

05-20-2010, 05:50 PM
@Commissar Lewis: Thanks! The slave revolt thing is exactly the army idea I have been trying to wrestle into a story. Right now I just have the basic idea of Mutant slaves in the mines joining forces with rebellious/corrupted guards and/or PDF and moving out into space to wreak havoc after they escape the good ole homeworld.

05-21-2010, 11:32 AM
Very nice conversions. I like the paint jobs as well. The Skaven bodies are a very nice touch!

05-21-2010, 03:15 PM
they really are creepy.

I'd hate to meet them on a dark ally

05-30-2010, 10:40 PM
Oath Completed!!! 75 models in one month, including a musician just for kicks!





I weathered the bottoms of the robes and added my usual water effects/swamp details to many of the bases.

The 50 conscripts are the lower slaves and the 25 IG (2 ten man squads and a 5 man Pltn Cmd) are the overseer mutant slaves that are helping to lead the revolt.

05-31-2010, 02:53 PM
I decided that my Platoon with conscripts could not be complete without a 76th model. Here is the attached Commissar. I painted him today (31st).


person person
06-02-2010, 06:59 PM
Nurgle must be proud.

Is that commissar a conversion, 'cause I really like that gas mask.

06-02-2010, 08:18 PM
Those are very, very cool.