View Full Version : Captain America: Civil War

05-13-2016, 08:10 AM

I'm curious more than anything on why there's no thread for this, (and a thread for Batman vs Superman!)

Has anyone else seen Marvel's latest rock 'em, sock 'em crowd pleaser? I particularly enjoyed this movie, having watched Winter Soldier the weekend before. Balances drama with comedy and lightheartedness with some darker moments. Particular highlights are the big fight at the airport, which I don't consider a spoiler because A, it's what you went to go see in this movie, you know there would be a big fight somewhere, and B, the trailers spoiled that it happened, but sweet Jesus it's so fun and creative as it gets rolling.

Best moment has to be that last sequence. Y'know, with that revelation. I really felt sorry for that character when they found out about what happened, and given the weight of movies' worth of characterisation behind these characters, it was a really great moment that cashed in on the investment put into them.

Viewers of Batman vs Superman will find themselves in familiar territory, but this movie can't help but feel like the Porsche to BvS's Delorean, a slicker, more comfortable and more fun ride that only serves to show how badly put-together the other was, despite its appreciable style in parts and inclusion of some likable elements.

Path Walker
05-13-2016, 08:15 AM
Saw it this week, it was a joy, some really funny moments with two of the characters in particular being hilarious every time they were on screen.

The relationship between Bucky and Sam was great too.

Overall, it had a more believeable set up to a pair of Supers battering each other than BvS and the fights were a lot more interesting, due to the more grounded powers of those involved. The fight in the airport was spectacular, the trailers made it seem like a straight up slug fest but it was a long and involved fight with tons of combatants yet felt easy to follow and fun to watch, which is no easy feat.

05-13-2016, 08:23 AM
I think I know exactly what two characters you mean. The Bug Boys, right? :P

Much more believable, and each side was right in its own way, and the conflicts were the characters driving the plot, not vice versa. Again, that last fight had so much more emotion and meaning in it than the entire BvS movie.

Also, a certain feline vigilante was very well-handled, I thought. Definitely cool and somewhat unexpected as I wasn't familiar with the character.

Path Walker
05-13-2016, 09:22 AM
Yeah, those two need a buddy movie, I'd watch that in a heartbeat.

Yeah, the motivations were good, Cap wanted to help people, Tony wanted to be absolved of blame, totally works given how they've been fleshed out over the last few years.

I thought the last twist that caused the climactic action scene was a little irrational and not exactly how'd I'd have thought the reaction would go, it was impulsive, which fits but didn't have that moment of clarity and realisation until too late, I guess its a hangover from his arc in AoU and the other things he's gone through that he lashed out when he found the person responsible for another of his losses!

05-13-2016, 09:23 AM
Might be seeing it tonight, looking forward to it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-13-2016, 09:24 AM
I thought it was alright, didn't blow me away or anything. I thought Black Panther was cool and liked the new Spiderman. Didn't feel much of a "war" though with only a dozen of them but I suppose Civil Skirmish doesn't have quite the same ring to it :P

Mr Mystery
05-13-2016, 09:47 AM
I really liked it, despite missing the opening half hour or so.

The big fight scene was an absolute joy, but most importantly when it came to our heroes picking their sides, nobody felt contrived, or fifth wheel. And that's definitely no mean feat when you've got that many personalities on screen, particularly when none of them were acting out of character.

Although, I do have a single criticism. As enjoyable a film as it is, it felt very much like a bridging movie, setting lots of up stuff up for later. Not a bad thing, but I can't help but feel that Cap deserves a proper end to his own trilogy.

And yeah. Black Panther and Spidey were superb, and I can't wait for Doctor Strange. Far as I'm concerned, we're now 13 for 13 great movies in one franchise!

Erik Setzer
05-13-2016, 10:01 AM
I loved it. The big thing is that, despite having a lot more characters than BvS, it felt like it made sense why they were fighting, and why they chose sides, and you actually knew what was going on without having to sift through what you're watching. Dialogue and action were solid. I actually liked BvS, but I feel like this movie was Marvel saying, "Hey, DC, let us show you how it's done." (On that front, the timing and similarities feel a bit peculiar. Wasn't Civil War announced a while back, before we heard about the first Justice League movie? Seems DC decided to do their own "hero vs. hero" story, but get it out first, so there'd be no unfavorable comparisons in reviews.)

Black Panther was freaking AWESOME. I'm so ready for his movie. Spider-Man was also great, it'll be fun to see how his personal movie works.

On a semi-related note... the way Marvel's referencing the MCU in the comics, in a way, feels kind of weird. Agents of SHIELD has its own comic, with the cast of characters from the TV show. Exact names and likenesses. But since it's in the comic continuity, when Spider-Man shows up in an issue, it's the adult Peter Parker in Hong Kong. Whereas with other characters there's enough differences to not feel weird (Captain America looks different, Iron Man's armor is a different style, etc.), this is a group that looks exactly the same in both continuities, and it just feels so weird.

05-13-2016, 04:41 PM
Two things I have to say about it from my wife's perspective.

My wife loved seeing the "bug boys" and their antics. However, the rest of the movie fell flat to her because she hadn't seen First Avenger or Winter Soldier. So, make sure you catch the Ant Man and other Captain Americas before watching this to help.

I enjoyed it for the most part. The cat was a pleasure to watch and fully believable. Watching the full scene hinted at by the trailer of Cap and company beating the crap out of Stark was also a pleasure.

I do wish that the main antagonist was closer to his comic version, though. But, that would have left a lot less time of Cap v Iron Man or less cat, so I find it only slightly unforgivable.

Mud Duck
05-13-2016, 04:48 PM
The thing that I wonder about is it seems that all the baddies in the MSU seem to a suicidal streak in them. Come on, they're going to have to start reviving <RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!> in some of the later movies just so the Hero has someone to fight.

05-13-2016, 04:50 PM
I think the way the villain was lended itself to a good ending for him, and I don't think this is the last we'll see of them. That moment with the cat was pretty cool at the end, and a good plot point for both characters.

I'm glad I watched Winter Soldier the weekend before, because it was a surprisingly important movie to the plot of movies released after it. Haven't watched Ant Man yet, but knew enough to work with his character. Winter Soldier is just great, though, so I'd recommend it anyway.

Mud Duck
05-13-2016, 05:01 PM
It's more the villain in the begin that I kinda hope to see again. I could see him being a major plot point/ baddie in a different movie; him and Bacroc <sp> as team up in 'Black Widow'? Give it enough action to a more spy movie?

05-13-2016, 09:50 PM
The thing that I wonder about is it seems that all the baddies in the MSU seem to a suicidal streak in them. Come on, they're going to have to start reviving <RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!> in some of the later movies just so the Hero has someone to fight.

To be fair, DC movies, particularly Batman, have been doing it forever. It was to the point of amazing that Ledger's Joker wasn't killed.

But, I agree. So many of the big baddies have lasted for a long time and did not show a proper death like they show in the cinematics.

Darren Richardson
05-20-2016, 07:58 AM
Having watched all the 'series' so far, Have to say they've kept a fairly good record.

Love the twist over who really killed Tony's parents, we Know from Winter Soldier it was Hydra, but that was a twist.

Loved the Fight at the Airport, really showed off the abilities of all the heroes very well.

I did get more of an 'Avengers Disassembled' feel from it then a 'Civil War' feel though.

05-20-2016, 08:39 AM
Saw it the other night, I'd rank it as my third favourite MCU film behind Avengers and Winter Soldier, but the big thing I feared would happen with it happened, specifically that because they ballsed up the relationship between Tony and Steve from Avengers forward, and because a lot of the teams had never worked with each other before or not extensively there was very little emotional impact to them actually fighting. This film should not have been Civil War, it should have been a Team Cap building film to prepare the way for Civil War, and we should have got another Avengers film with both Team Cap and Team Iron Man working together closely to build that inter-personal relationship.

The twist about Howard and Maria Stark didn't come as much of a surprise to me because its been a super popular fan theory since Winter Soldier hehe.

Darren Richardson
05-20-2016, 04:43 PM
The twist about Howard and Maria Stark didn't come as much of a surprise to me because its been a super popular fan theory since Winter Soldier hehe.

Was it? How the heck have I missed that Fan theory?

I do agree though, the emotional level of the Avengers tearing apart wasn't quite there, I felt it was far too much emotinally geared towards Steve and Tony, though I did enjoy the nods towards the Vison's feelings for Wanda.

05-20-2016, 05:06 PM
it did resolve a little quickly for me. the end fight was awesome, but then they all just kind of get over it. I do think that is entirely possible, and suggests the depth of feeling they have for each other, and their growing maturity. but still, it was a little neat. I felt Cap's team was a little bit thrown together, there isn't much reason given for Hawkeye to side with them, he just kind of does, Falcon follows Cap, Ant Man follows Falcon, Wanda follows Hawkeye, it would be nice to get more of an idea about their feelings for the actual supposed reason for it all. still thoroughly enjoyed it though

Erik Setzer
05-23-2016, 10:06 AM
You had like a dozen heroes, and the non-hero characters as well. It still felt more cohesive than BvS. And I'm not sure it was "resolved" that much. Cap had to go to Wakanda to have Bucky stored somewhere safe, and since they went after the guy who actually killed T'challa's father, he didn't have much reason to hate Bucky or Cap any more. Tony's likely just glad he actually survived.

Actually, about that... It seemed like for so long they were suggesting Tony's suit is powered by the same arc reactor keeping him alive. Did that change when I didn't notice? If not, Cap putting his shield through the reactor to shut down the suit should have killed Tony. (And I'm wondering if they'll ever mention that, that Cap nearly did kill Tony in order to defend a guy who, albeit brainwashed, did indeed kill Tony's parents.)

Mr Mystery
05-23-2016, 10:11 AM
Iron Man 3 - no more shrapnel threatening Tony's Ticker :)

Erik Setzer
05-23-2016, 11:01 AM
I'll have to pop that in some time and watch it again. Forgot about that bit.

Luckily, found the whole trilogy on Blu-Ray for a nice price, but I've only gotten around to re-watching the first one. I last watched IM3 when it was in theaters.

05-23-2016, 02:53 PM
Saw this the other night, it was good, but compared to MCU perhaps just an ok.