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05-02-2010, 11:59 PM
As the ring leaders of my gaming community have ruled that the BA Vindicator does not have a Large Blast, I've been forced to drop my Vindi for another choice. I've come down to two choices to choose from... A Furioso Dread with Blood Claws and a Drop Pop or a Daka Pred (autocannon w/ Lascannon sponsons) with some points to spare for upgrades across the board.
I'm leaning towards the Dread... That being the case, I'd stick a Death Co Dread in the Pop as it has Fleet and use it as a first turn shock force. The Furioso will run with a Stormraven and Death Co.

Total: 2500pts

HQ: 480pts
220pts Astorath the Grim
260pts Honor Guard with Chapter Banner, Melta, Inferno Pistol, Hand Flamer x2, Lightning Claw and Razerback dedicated transport

Elites: 170pts
60pts Sanguinary Priests with Combi-Flamer
110pts Chaplain with Combi-Flamer

Troops: 1260pts
380pts Death Co (x8) with Power Weapon (x2), Power Fist and Inferno Pistol (And Lemartes)
225pts Death Co (x8) with Power Weapon, Power Fist, Hand Flamer and Inferno Pistol
135pts Death Co Dread with Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer
135pts Death Co Dread with Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer
145pts Assault Squad with Melta, Lightning Claw and Razerback dedicated transport
240pts Assault Squad (10 man) with Melta x2, Lightning Claw and Rhino dedicated transport

Heavy: 590pts
215pts Stormraven with Extra Armor
215pts Stormraven with Extra Armor

160pts Vindicator with Siege Shield and Extra Armor

As you see, 160 pts to work with... Furioso/Pod will run at 160, might switch it to have a Heavy Flamer and drop a Heavy Flamer from a Death Co Dread.
A daka pred will run at about 135pts, leaving room to spare for upgrades across the board.

Any other ideas?

05-03-2010, 11:26 AM
You did the points on the vindicator wrong: 145+15+10=170

Lemartes squad:
395 Death Co. Squad Lemartes
5 DC w/Jump Packs, 2 Power Weapons, Powerfist, Infernus Pistol, Lemartes

I recommend doing the same for the other DC--- Both Lemartes and Astorath have JPs and flying death co. will quickly move from opponent to opponent. Will make them harder to kite around.

Also, I am not sure exactly what advantage a 3rd Chaplain will give you- it will be nice, but I think you could probably use those 110 points better

HQ: 480pts
220 Astorath the Grim
260 Honor Guard
Chapter Banner, Melta, Inferno Pistol, Hand Flamer x2, Lightning Claw
Dedicated Transport: Razorback

Elites: 60
60pts Sanguinary Priests with Combi-Flamer

Troops: 1295
395 Death Co. Squad Lemartes
5 DC w/Jump Packs, 2 Power Weapons, Powerfist, Infernus Pistol, Lemartes
245 Death Co.
5 DC w/Jump Packs, 2 Power Weapons, Powerfist, Infernus Pistol
135 Death Co Dread
Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer
135 Death Co Dread
Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer
145 Assault Squad
5 Marines, Melta, Lightning Claw
Dedicated Transport: Razorback
240 Assault Squad
10 Marines, Melta x2, Lightning Claw
Dedicated Transport: Rhino

Fast Attack: 100
100 Attack Bike Squad
2 Attack Bikes, 2 Multi-Meltas

Heavy: 565
215pts Stormraven
Extra Armor
215pts Stormraven
Extra Armor
135 Predator Destructor
Lascannon Sponsons

05-03-2010, 11:44 AM
keep your vindy and tell your locals to read there rule book page 58 of the small rull book and on the first page of the Vehicles shooting section. get to them to read the ordnance weapons section

"all ordance blast weapons use the large blast marker" if they still disagree show them the wargear discription on page 80 of the psace marines codex it is the same as the one for the blood angles :) and as such they cant have the template eather. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. btw i am gessing you can find similer issues with any codex

have a good one