View Full Version : Warhammer Quest : Silver Tower teaser

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-06-2016, 05:54 PM

the birdmen look pretty cool! hope there are some female heroes too though.

Images via Gianluca Klavier (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Astropate/permalink/1729192283959494/) (Facebook) 5-8-2016


Mr Mystery
05-06-2016, 06:30 PM
Pics via Dakka (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/210/690078.page#top)5-9-2016


--------------Original Post Below---------------------

As a valued member of BoLS, even when I'm talking utter bollocks, that's a mere 10 days before my birthday.....do a bro a solid?

05-07-2016, 03:15 AM
via Miniwars.eu (http://www.miniwars.eu/2016/05/warscrolls-heroes-warhammer-quest.html)5-9-2016


--------------Original Post Below-------------------

The composition of Heroes look a bit odd to me, barbarian - fighter, stormcast - fighter, fireslayer - fighter, warrior priest - buffy fighter, it's a bit like the turbo nutters inc from an old white dwarf!

No magic (good guys anyway) no bows etc, hope the gameplay ain't just walk forward and smack things!
Loved war hammer quest so will stay optomistic (probably be add on heroes later)

Birdybeastys look good, I hope that's some sort of tzeenchian korgorath rather than a deamon prince (new unit rather than a not really needed new sculpt, is that a flamer? Looks more like an ethereal horror (that would be cool) nice chaos warrior hiding at the back!

Overall very excited for this release

05-07-2016, 05:33 AM
via Usagi3 (http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=240221&page=13#entry2914711), Warhammer Forum


Click to Enlarge

------------------Original Post Below------------------

could be interesting, teaser doesn't really tell us anything though

05-07-2016, 06:50 AM
Yay for Warhammer Quest but I'll be pissed if there isn't a female figure in it. There is no excuse for it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-07-2016, 06:59 AM
Yay for Warhammer Quest but I'll be pissed if there isn't a female figure in it. There is no excuse for it.

Yeah, thats the one thing thats annoyed me about the artwork. I want that rumoured tzeentch sorceress, and there should at least be some female heroes too. At least they made the priest dark skinned though.

05-07-2016, 07:09 AM
Yep. Hopefully they have actually included some in the set and just didn't put them on the cover (its really sad that it something we have to hope for) to avoid threatening gamerboys masculinity but I doubt it. A sorceress would be something at least.

05-07-2016, 09:40 AM
I like the look of the Tzeentch stuff!

Mr Mystery
05-07-2016, 01:42 PM
Really looking forward to seeing this in the flesh.

There'll be a playable version at Warhammerfest, so I'll do me best to get lots of pics and an impression of the gameplay :)

Particularly interested to see if it has the same 'infinite expansion' capability as the original, so rules for all the beasties and nasties the Realms have to offer....

05-08-2016, 02:16 AM
Lots of pics on the AOS Facebook group. Looks like a female elf Mage to go with the rest mentioned. Great figutes all round...very fantasy ! At last something I might actually buy.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-08-2016, 02:18 AM
Now shush

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 02:50 AM
We can do better than that ;)

Absolutely loving those Tzangor.

Makes me hope we'll see a more diverse Beastman range in the future.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-08-2016, 02:56 AM
I couldn't be arsed. xD

05-08-2016, 03:05 AM
We can do better than that ;)

Absolutely loving those Tzangor.

Makes me hope we'll see a more diverse Beastman range in the future.

Well if any range needed to be very diverse it's beastmen. I've always found it a little disappointing in recent years years that they are all very similar looking. We used to get insect beastmen and all sorts.

This whole release is looking very promising, the the title gives me great hope that it isn't a one off but a new Warhammer Quest opener.

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 03:07 AM
Indeedydoo. It's not so much I don't like the current Beastmen models, just the range is too standardised for a race of mutants.

Second part I guess will depend entirely upon sales. But I'm definitely picking this up. May even get an early copy at Warhammerfest.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-08-2016, 03:18 AM
I only really want the Barbarian dude, for my Khorne army. xD
I would love the boardgame, but I don't tend to have people at my house.

- - - Updated - - -

*waits for Erik's moany rant*

05-08-2016, 03:57 AM

Loving the look of the Barbarian and the Sigmarite priest characters and that Gaunt Summoner is stunning. I adore the familiar with the bird head!

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 03:59 AM
Familiars are adawbs, and seemingly at least one is an update on an original!

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-08-2016, 04:02 AM
elven heroes look interesting, i like the one that looks like they are floating (go figure) the birdmen are great too, would love to see them as an army.

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 04:26 AM
I reckon we'll see them, and the Cultist dudes as well.

Really looking forward to getting this :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-08-2016, 04:30 AM
I never liked the use of bird imagery in the daemons, but I think it works really well with the beastmen.


05-08-2016, 05:52 AM
I like what I'm seeing a lot. So elf mage is confirmed female? Hard to tell from the small picture, looks like the Tzeentch spellcaster could be female two which would be awesome because talk about a refreshingly non-sexualised female figure if it is heh.
This might be my first GW purchase in quite some time.

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 05:54 AM
Shadow Elf looks to be female as well.

05-08-2016, 06:04 AM
I was wondering about that one, kind of hard to tell given how they sculpt elves now (which is not a criticism) and the quality of the pictures. Fingers crossed.

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 06:08 AM
Still incredibly hopeful this is just a base game, and that we can look forward to expansions.

Shall ask at Warhammerfest!

05-08-2016, 06:15 AM
It would be great if we got expansions and character packs like the original. With any luck FW might give us alternate version of the characters too, hopefully female versions of some as well.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-08-2016, 06:16 AM
I like what I'm seeing a lot. So elf mage is confirmed female? Hard to tell from the small picture, looks like the Tzeentch spellcaster could be female two which would be awesome because talk about a refreshingly non-sexualised female figure if it is heh.
This might be my first GW purchase in quite some time.

If I ever get my game out, all of the females are non-sexualised...unless you find tentacles and branched limbs hot.

I really do like the sorcerer though, reminds me of Pans labyrinth.

- - - Updated - - -

Still incredibly hopeful this is just a base game, and that we can look forward to expansions.

Shall ask at Warhammerfest!

Thanks, hope they give you a good reply. Expansions in different settings would be good - Nurgle's Garden or a fyreslayer foundry ect

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 06:17 AM
True that. I know other dungeon crawls offer female alternatives, but I've not idea what the uptake on those is like - but that's no reason not to have them on offer.

Really really really hope that like the original Quest the boxed set contains rules to field any gribbly nasties in the range - because this time I have the disposable income to buy boxes of whatevs to mix it up.

As for dungeons - as we can safely assume Chaos is about to be driven back, that's leaves world upon world with untold ruined/razed cities and keeps and castles etc...INFINITE POSSIBILITY!

05-08-2016, 06:20 AM
I hope so too, there is no better way to generate ongoing sales both of WHQ and kits in the main range than by allowing as much crossover between the two as possible. The same applies to most of the skirmish games.

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 06:25 AM

Get someone assembling a dungeon for higher level adventurers, and before you know it, you've got a small army - which just needs a box or two to round out. Likewise, for someone on a budget, Quest offers an avenue of play you can enjoy with a single monthly purchase whilst you build up a force intended for AoS/Warhammer.

And that's recollections from a time before mass plasticification of the ranges - wanting 20 metal Ghouls is different from wanting 20 plastic Ghouls, for instance.

And getting even moar enthusiastic, it can potentially allow the studio to do tester kits - for instance, plastic Fimir intended for Quest, but usable in AoS. Don't need to be a full army, jug a single set which can also make a character of some kind.

The random boxes of random gribblies - the latest part of the Bladestorm story features a very odd sounding creature ideal for a Dungeon - all teeth and tentacles.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-08-2016, 06:32 AM
for instance, plastic Fimir intended for Quest, but usable in AoS. Don't need to be a full army

Yes they DO need to do a full army of Fimir :P

vicar in a tutu
05-08-2016, 06:50 AM
I also hope they release expansions to the game. However, Silver Tower seems really narrow (Tzeentch-flavoured). It seems to be that there are four possibilities for GW to expand the game.

1) Missions / Quests in White Dwarf. This would resemble the extra Space Hulk-content and wouldn't signal any significant commitment from GW's side. In that case, Silver Tower becomes a "fire and forget" game.
2) Extra miniatures. I think the best way for GW to do this, would be to create a cross-over from Age of Sigmar. So that you can use figures from Age of Sigmar in Silver Tower. That would help drive sales of Age of Sigmar as well.
3) New stand alone games. In 2017 GW might release, say, "Warhammer Quest: Barren of the Flesh-Eater". Some of this content could be used with Silver Tower and vice versa. I'm thinking of stuff like treasure cards, heroes, random encounters (if there is a such a thing in the game, I have no idea what the rules look like, I assume it will be a spiritual successor the Warhammer Quest of yore, but be different from it in many respects).
4) You could have true boxed set expansions, like Fantasy Flight releases for Descent. They would include more minis, tiles, quests (a "mini campaign"), etc.

Of these alternatives, I think 1) and 3) are most likely. With a possibility of 2) as well. Alternative 4) is very unlikely, unfortunately. Those are my "gut" feelings.

Yay, first post :)

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 07:40 AM
Vicar in a tutu - the boy is not afraid :)

05-08-2016, 08:34 AM
Welcome Vicar in a Tutu I think what you say is very plausible.

AX, yep they do need a Fimir faction for AoS. Using WHQ releases to introduce new factions would be a clever move in my opinion

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 08:48 AM
I could go for any of the Vicar's suggestions - and importantly, they're not mutually exclusive.

We know from Space Hulk that GW have an appetite for limited run games with extensive components. Release fixed run expansions (time or issue limited) with half a dozen room tiles and some new toys, and you're largely there. None of that is new to Warhammer Quest, either.

I'm incredibly excited about how this might turn out in the future. Provided this box sells well, the sky's the limit for what we could get.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-08-2016, 09:06 AM
I'd hope for 2 and 3. I love their boxed games. I think it is where they have been doing the best the past year. 2 would be good if it was like a series of hero clampacks.

05-08-2016, 11:13 AM
is it guaranteed to be a ltd run though? Or will it be like B@C where it is still available

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 11:16 AM
Nobody knows yet. Cost and availability remains to be discovered - though I understand from my local manager that Calth is time limited, and will eventually be replaced with a different take on it.

Al Shut
05-08-2016, 11:42 AM
Shadow Elf looks to be female as well.

I'm seeing none of that. Doesn't anyone speak enough French to at least be sure about the mage, or does French have a grammar that doesn't give such things away?

Mr Mystery
05-08-2016, 12:12 PM
It's the chest armour - I've only ever seen that sort of design on female Aelves.

05-08-2016, 12:13 PM
All those models look lovely.

05-08-2016, 12:52 PM
I'm seeing none of that. Doesn't anyone speak enough French to at least be sure about the mage, or does French have a grammar that doesn't give such things away?

It depends on a couple of things it they are just referring to an Aelf Mage then the masculine/feminine form will apply the the word Aelf not to the gender of the Aelf
Itself, which appears to the the case so is no help. If it is referring a specific individual that wil change but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-08-2016, 05:48 PM
All it says basically is
"an unfathomably powerful Aelf mage" the masculine feminine tense is applied to the word, and doesn't have much of a reflection on the gender of the person being described.

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 03:46 AM
Moar peekchurs.

Six limbed Gobbos are my faves so far :)

05-09-2016, 04:12 AM

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 04:16 AM
Big Magic Ogrey dude is a wee bit Warcraft for my tastes, but seeing as the rest is spiffing, hardly a deal breaker :)

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 07:58 AM
4 legged grots? Ogre Mage? Pink Horror splitting in to two blue horrors when it dies? This is so very, very cool so far. Can't wait to see it in action on Sunday!

05-09-2016, 08:00 AM
Moar peekchurs.

Six limbed Gobbos are my faves so far :)

Looks like the shadow dancer might be a chap, oh well. Still looks great though, really love the pink horror.

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 08:10 AM
Possibly - but then I'd say possibly more.....Aelfsexual.

Which I kind of like. Very athletic, not an ounce of fat (so no dirty pillows), impossible to really tell gender without getting rather personal.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-09-2016, 08:11 AM
would get rid of the legs on the horrors and make them float, would look a lot better imo. The flame ones are neat though, wonder if they would release those seperatey. Lots of interesting stuff with this game.

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 08:58 AM
Hmm...this is also the first time in a long time (possibly ever? Memory fails and I wasn't there for the really early days) where we've got Greenskins (albeit weedy Gobbos) physically mutated by Chaos?

Could point to interesting new things ahead. Or two heads. Perhaps even three! Wouldn't be more, because Gobbos can't count that high. Not properly. The old 'boff 'ands, boff feet and yer nose' gets skewed when you've got too many feets and hands and noses.

05-09-2016, 09:30 AM
Pics via Dakka (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/210/690078.page#top)5-9-2016


05-09-2016, 09:37 AM
Yay a sorceress. Shadow dancer is male, at least teh French is using masculine forms while the sorceress is using feminine so...

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-09-2016, 09:48 AM
I hope Tzaangors become a full faction. Love the Sorceress there!

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 09:52 AM
Chaos mutated greenskins have been a thing previously, 3rd Edition WFB has a 2-headed goblin on the front cover, but since those days its not something we've seen much of. Very cool to see that idea making a come back!

So, a pal of mine runs a local independent store and has a good relationship with his sales rep and is usually right on the money with these things:

Rules are similar to the original WHQ, the core concepts and such are there.
WHQ will be a range if the sales are good
Support is planned for the future with more models and expansions
Rules in the box include more than the 6 featured Heroes
There is a WHQ App on the way, you can scan new products with the included QR reader and get WHQ rules added to the app (he doesn't know if this means new AoS stuff getting WHQ stats or specific WHQ products, the new AoS stuff already includes a QR code that links to a warscoll though, wouldn't take much to add this functionality to the WHQ app)

Apparently there is more to tell that he can't reveal just yet, but he's very excited.

This year has proven it so far to me, this isn't the GW we're used to dealing with, they're changing and its so exciting.

05-09-2016, 09:55 AM
Hmm...this is also the first time in a long time (possibly ever? Memory fails and I wasn't there for the really early days) where we've got Greenskins (albeit weedy Gobbos) physically mutated by Chaos?

Could point to interesting new things ahead. Or two heads. Perhaps even three! Wouldn't be more, because Gobbos can't count that high. Not properly. The old 'boff 'ands, boff feet and yer nose' gets skewed when you've got too many feets and hands and noses.

Chaos Goblins were a thing in third edition, definitely in Slaves to Darkness, but as you point out a very long time ago.

And what Path said.

Erik Setzer
05-09-2016, 10:28 AM
There's some really nice game pieces in that game. Hope the game holds up to the Warhammer Quest standard, and gets expansions like the prior game.

Rumored starting price is still not that great, but they aren't really marketing these board games to board game players or new customers, they're more for the dedicated GW fan who'll drop $125-$200 on a board game. I don't agree with that approach (because I want more exposure to bring in more new players), but eh... guess they've conceded the board game market to FFG.

05-09-2016, 10:39 AM
This bodes well for the Aelves when we see those released, I think, love both of those.

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 10:49 AM
Comparing Warhammer Quest (RRP £95) with Decent: Second Edition (RRP £64) you have a game with more models and of a much higher standard of production and design. The models in Warhammer Quest are also usable in Age of Sigmar (and potentially AoS models are usable in WHQ) and have more value. In terms of value, this isn't a raw deal, you're getting over 50 miniatures for that cost, as well as cards, floor pieces, dice and tokens.

Look at Super Dungeon Explore, I recently got the v2 Forgotten King version, the RRP of that is £80, the models are cute and decent enough but they're not going to entertain a painter and hobbyist, the quality isn't good enough, there are no alternative poses and the material isn't great to paint but that's fine as they're game pieces. You're getting a similar number of models to what's expected from The Silver Tower but again, they're just so much higher quality from GW compared to the pure board game market.

Basically, if you're looking at board games, £95 isn't actually that much compared to a lot of other big box games, especially when you factor in the quality of the components.

05-09-2016, 11:13 AM
Is comparison in that way necessarily fair, is anyone else making Boardgames like the one's GW does with the level of quality we seen in the miniatures we've seen so far. Apples and Oranges?

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 11:45 AM
Is comparison in that way necessarily fair, is anyone else making Boardgames like the one's GW does with the level of quality we seen in the miniatures we've seen so far. Apples and Oranges?

Not many are going for the level of miniatures that GW are, certainly some are trying, but yeah, Erik made the comparison (as usual based more on his own personal feelings about not being able to buy models than any sort of objective reality) so I thought I'd run the comparison past some obvious real world examples.

05-09-2016, 11:47 AM
Not many are going for the level of miniatures that GW are, certainly some are trying, but yeah, Erik made the comparison (as usual based more on his own personal feelings about not being able to buy models than any sort of objective reality) so I thought I'd run the comparison past some obvious real world examples.

Ah fair enough.

05-09-2016, 11:51 AM
via Miniwars.eu (http://www.miniwars.eu/2016/05/warscrolls-heroes-warhammer-quest.html)5-9-2016


Erik Setzer
05-09-2016, 11:57 AM
It's not even apples and oranges, more like apples and hamburgers.

First of all, any attempt to explain a board game's pricing with "You can use the game pieces in another game where they're overcharging like crazy already" is just silly. Come on, cut that out, people, we're past that.

But as I noted, these aren't marketed to the board gamers out there. They're being marketed to people who'll say, "Wow, that game piece has a bunch of bits on it! Surely that makes it better than Imperial Assault, because those models don't have a lot of flair!" Or people who'll say "Oh, I can use these game pieces in my toy soldier army." They're being marketed to existing GW customers, not as a means to bring in new people via board games.

It's not just the price, it's also that these games aren't often seen outside of GW stores and the independent stockists that in some cases are forced to stock them (i.e. Execution Force). Even GW, in the past, had their board games carried outside of the traditional channels. You could find HeroQuest, Tyranid Attack, BattleMasters, and others in hobby shops, toy stores, department stores. Can't find these new games there.

It's a marketing decisions they've made. I just don't agree with it, much like I disagree with their not stocking licensed products in their stores (would give a wider assortment of products, and they'd make more per copy sold). And on the licensed product front, perhaps they feel FFG is just doing a nice enough job of making board games that they can just market collections of figures at a reasonable price (especially compared to normal pricing) that happen to have a game tacked on (and sometimes the game is even a good one).

Still, I would have loved to see something like Imperial Assault, where it's available all over, caps at $100 for the starter box, and offers a steady stream of expansions and new characters or baddies to fight. Much of that's still possible, though.

(Oh, and I'm not using terms like "game pieces" or "toy soldiers" in a condescending manner. I'm using those terms because that's exactly what these are, and it seems like people could use being reminded at times, especially the guys in Nottingham. I'm proud of my collection of game pieces and toy soldiers, happy to call them what they are and not about to feel bad about it!)

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 12:09 PM
It's not even apples and oranges, more like apples and hamburgers.

You were the one that compared it to other board games and specifically Fantasy Flight Games

First of all, any attempt to explain a board game's pricing with "You can use the game pieces in another game where they're overcharging like crazy already" is just silly. Come on, cut that out, people, we're past that.

Adding value adds value. If you can potentially get two different uses out of it, then its potentially nearly twice as valuable to the consumer. Thats not silly, thats very simple and very basic economics. Don't forget that one of the reasons one of their very excellent and very well priced Board Games (Dreadfleet) wasn't successful compared with Space Hulk, was that the customers didn't want a product they couldn't get two uses from.

But as I noted, these aren't marketed to the board gamers out there. They're being marketed to people who'll say, "Wow, that game pieces has a bunch of bits on it! Surely that makes it better than Imperial Assault, because those models don't have a lot of flair!" Or people who'll say "Oh, I can use these game pieces in my toy soldier army." They're being marketed to existing GW customers, not as a means to bring in new people via board games.

Nope, not true, theses board games are both a product for existing customers and a great entry point for either newcomers or those who want to dip their toe into the hobby, the theory is that this is a complete experience so people aren't feeling like they've got to carry on the hobby if they didn't vibe with it. Again, this is based on customer and staff feedback.

It's not just the price,
It's always the price with you. Admit it.

it's also that these games aren't often seen outside of GW stores and the independent stockists that in some cases are forced to stock them (i.e. Execution Force). Even GW, in the past, had their board games carried outside of the traditional channels. You could find HeroQuest, Tyranid Attack, BattleMasters, and others in hobby shops, toy stores, department stores. Can't find these new games there.

Those games were all made by board game manufacturers with distribution channels into toy stores, not by GW themselves. A bettwer example would have been the 40k 2nd Edtion and WFB 4th Edition boxes, but again, they were the product of trade channels that they don't have any more and aren't worth risking for a relitivly new project like the return of specialist games, which much not sell the millions of copies they need to justify those set ups.

It's a marketing decisions they've made. I just don't agree with it, much like I disagree with their not stocking licensed products in their stores (would give a wider assortment of products, and they'd make more per copy sold). And on the licensed product front, perhaps they feel FFG is just doing a nice enough job of making board games that they can just market collections of figures at a reasonable price (especially compared to normal pricing) that happen to have a game tacked on (and sometimes the game is even a good one).

I'm sure the multimillion pound multinational company is gutted that internet sadsack and fedora wearer Erik Seltzer doesn't agree with their marketing decisions.

Still, I would have loved to see something like Imperial Assault, where it's available all over, caps at $100 for the starter box, and offers a steady stream of expansions and new characters or baddies to fight. Much of that's still possible, though.

Thats what they are doing, just at a higher price point.

Erik Setzer
05-09-2016, 12:16 PM
You were the one that compared it to other board games and specifically Fantasy Flight Games

Except I didn't. I said that it seemed to be marketed to a different group and that they seem to have conceded the usual board game market to FFG. That's how I mentioned FFG.

"but they aren't really marketing these board games to board game players" ... "guess they've conceded the board game market to FFG."

Exact quotes.

EDIT: Last I'll say to the person in question. Put him back in Ignore, so I won't be tempted to unload a bunch of negativity on the forum. I apologize for not containing myself.

Path Walker
05-09-2016, 12:23 PM
Except I didn't. I said that it seemed to be marketed to a different group and that they seem to have conceded the usual board game market to FFG. That's how I mentioned FFG.

"but they aren't really marketing these board games to board game players" ... "guess they've conceded the board game market to FFG."

Exact quotes.

Really, son, keep up. Using bold font to yell only illustrates your problems, like Trump screaming into a microphone. I specifically gave the argument for why the price point as compared to normal board games doesn't work, by stating these aren't normal board games.

Don't care what else you wrote. You're clearly incapable of reading comprehension, Trump-Walker.

Back into the Block for you. Trolls like you I can't stand, and I don't want to wreck others' conversations by having to explain basic concepts to you, like how to read English.

I can't believe how little you have in the way of self-awareness. I am flabbergasted.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, bold is for highlighting important points and doesn't denote "yelling". Comparing me to Trump, especially you doing it, doesn't rile me, its hilarious. See also: trying to deamin me by calling me "kid", twice, just funny, because you're not even close to being able to patronise me.

05-09-2016, 12:46 PM
Taking no prisoners today then Path? 😉

Well that's definitely a Female Aelf Sorceress then. I'm surprised the skin colour of the priest has gone unremarked I know a few people were hoping for a change in that direction

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-09-2016, 12:57 PM
It would be cool if this led to their being 3 tzeentch factions - the arcanites (barbarians), daemons and beastmen.

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 02:55 PM

Roll on Saturday.

Erik Setzer
05-09-2016, 03:51 PM

Roll on Saturday.

Calm down a bit there... Pre-orders are Saturday. You won't have it in your hands until the next Saturday. Don't want ya getting too excited and then recognizing that last second and having a deflation attack or anything.

On the other hand, if you pace it right, that gives you almost two weeks to build up excitement to be loosed upon opening the box. (Just, ah, don't break your new toys in the frenzy of opening.)

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 04:11 PM
I'm going to Warhammerfest on Saturday, so there's at least an outside chance I may be able to pick it up there and then.

And if I can......NERDGASM!!!!!

Mr Mystery
05-09-2016, 11:41 PM
Mist weaver would make for a decent Shadowsweer alternative model. Which is nice. Shard bloke likewise could make a decent Wych with Hydra Gauntlets - or potentially even an alternative Solitaire gone full 'Oogedyboogedy' on the charge?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-10-2016, 03:15 AM
I would like to say that the only thing I enjoy about FFG is their art. Whoever writes their rules is should be immediately fired.

05-10-2016, 03:21 AM
Flag on the play.

Intentional Criticism of anyone other than GW.

10 yard penalty and 10mins in the sin bin

We'll have no more of that no one knows where it could lead, people may start mentioning that PP need to try harder with their miniatures.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-10-2016, 03:33 AM
To be fair, I also really dislike 40k's rules currently. Too cluttered, not fun.

- - - Updated - - -

Age of Sigmar has spoiled me for all games

05-10-2016, 03:35 AM
To be fair, I also really dislike 40k's rules currently. Too cluttered, not fun.

- - - Updated - - -

Age of Sigmar has spoiled me for all games

The penalty still stands.

Despite your excellent reasoning I might add.

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 05:18 AM
Main thing I want to know....is there an equivalent to the Roleplay book from the original?

It doesn't seem so from the pics, but could be coming as a separate product (Roleplay book was quite daunting to NooBs, and could be seen as a bit off putting, seeing as this is intended as a complete gaming experience in a box).

- - - Updated - - -

I'll just park this here. Lifted off the FB group, actual origin Unknown.18429

Bit of a drag that you have to pay, but it does open the game up massively - being able to field any hero model in a Dungeon means a group can tailor their own party to their collections - so depending on how much it is (I'd be happy up to and including a fiver).

Now, add in a book of gribblies so I can field pretty much any unit as a dungeon populace, and you've got never ending gaming gold right there!


05-10-2016, 05:30 AM
adding in any existing warhammer character is pretty huge

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 05:32 AM
Oops, apologies - it's 'almost' every hero miniature.

So no Nagash is my guess. Which makes sense. He'd just get wedge in the door, and knock his silly hat off.

05-10-2016, 05:33 AM
don't know if I will get the game yet, but if I do it would be a good excuse to grab the character models I really like but wouldn't want an army of

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 05:34 AM
I'm totes defo 3,020,473,481% getting it :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-10-2016, 05:39 AM
Perfect use for that dark elf sorceress kirsten sent me with the witch elf stuff!

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 05:43 AM
It's going to let the game hit the ground running, for sure.

If we assume it's only man sized models on foot, that's still dozens of heros to choose from!

Thinking further on the possibility of a gribblies book....this App sets a very interesting precedent, and it seems massively illogical they wouldn't sell us rules so we can populate a dungeon with any monster we so wish.....

05-10-2016, 05:47 AM
Did anyone notice that neither Aelfs have a subfaction keyword?
I wonder what's up with that...

Nevertheless, I'm really excited - especially now that you can "create your own hero" (?)!
I'll definitely pick up a box as soon as I can.

05-10-2016, 05:55 AM
Perfect use for that dark elf sorceress kirsten sent me with the witch elf stuff!


the new warboss might be too large, but would be awesome. I've like the flying stormcast dude with the bow since that was released too, and some of the khorne heroes.

oooh, the Empire Witch Hunter, I have wanted that model since it was first released.

05-10-2016, 06:08 AM

the new warboss might be too large, but would be awesome. I've like the flying stormcast dude with the bow since that was released too, and some of the khorne heroes.

oooh, the Empire Witch Hunter, I have wanted that model since it was first released.

It almost as if they're doing on purpose to give us a reason to buy hero models. The bounders!!!!

That Witch Hunter is one pretty model.

I hope the Megaboss is good to run though (they do mention a Warchanter) I always like playing an Orc/Orruk

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 06:09 AM
Slaaneshi followed seeking their lost God.

05-10-2016, 06:12 AM
so is this going to be like the old Warhammer Quest with adventuring elements, or is it just board game?

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-10-2016, 06:20 AM
It almost as if they're doing on purpose to give us a reason to buy hero models.

It's working with me too, the capitalist b*stards! I'll have to write a sorry note to Karl.

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 06:27 AM
so is this going to be like the old Warhammer Quest with adventuring elements, or is it just board game?

As it looks? Two 40 page books, so probably just a board game as it stands - but I'd be surprised if there's not an expansion book released as well.

The roleplay element really made the game.

OK, so let me get this straight....you went dungeoneering, slaughtered the underlings, personally nutted three Bloodthirsters to death, rescued the Maidens Fair, grabbed all the loot, then died from an infected splinter on the way back to town


vicar in a tutu
05-10-2016, 06:28 AM
Well, the app and the rumour that GW intends to support Warhammer Quest as a line, made me pull the trigger. I haven't painted any miniatures since I was 10 (and they were all horribly painted). Now I'm 32 and just purchased the "Stormcast Eternals paint set". They seemed easy and simple pieces, good for beginners. Any tips for a noob? Typical newbie mistakes?

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 06:32 AM
Use your local games shop - GW lessons are typically pretty decent.

And, it's all in using the right brush, and watering down your paints.

05-10-2016, 06:40 AM
As it looks? Two 40 page books, so probably just a board game as it stands - but I'd be surprised if there's not an expansion book released as well.

The roleplay element really made the game.

yeah, wouldn't hurt to make the town based stuff a little easier, rather than ending up half killing your character and depriving them of all their hard earned gold. it was safer dungeoning :p

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 07:00 AM
Half killing?

You sure you were going to town right?

05-10-2016, 07:07 AM
well the character was a halfling

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 07:31 AM
For anyone pondering the quality of GW's own apps (as opposed to third party licensed mobile games), I can attest that the AoS App is pretty wicked. However, I haven't bought anything through it - instead I buy the physical books.

05-10-2016, 07:52 AM
Use your local games shop - GW lessons are typically pretty decent.

And, it's all in using the right brush, and watering down your paints.

Wet palette, after 27 years just started using one and it's changed my life gives the advantages of watering the paints without losing the pigment.

Erik Setzer
05-10-2016, 09:23 AM
Well, the app and the rumour that GW intends to support Warhammer Quest as a line, made me pull the trigger. I haven't painted any miniatures since I was 10 (and they were all horribly painted). Now I'm 32 and just purchased the "Stormcast Eternals paint set". They seemed easy and simple pieces, good for beginners. Any tips for a noob? Typical newbie mistakes?

Don't try to mimic top-quality off the bat and get disappointed if you can't match it. Paint to the best of your abilities, or just as well as you feel like is needed. (Can't really be expected to put hours of work into each little grunt model, for example, especially with something like Goblins.)

Shades are your friend. You can get pretty decent looking depth with painting a layer, do a shade, and if you want more, do a drybrush over that. Easy peasy. Heck, in some cases, you can get away with doing a layer and washing an entire model with something like Agrax Earthshade and it works pretty well (that's how I did most of the Orks in my latest army, and they look quite nice, especially as an army). Don't be ashamed of "cheats" like that, especially starting out. (One of my favorite "cheats" is using Nihilak Oxide over a white basecoat on ethereal models. Looks perfect for spirits.)

Erik Setzer
05-10-2016, 09:34 AM
For anyone pondering the quality of GW's own apps (as opposed to third party licensed mobile games), I can attest that the AoS App is pretty wicked. However, I haven't bought anything through it - instead I buy the physical books.

I'd bet they still bring in some third party to actually build the app. Just makes sense. (Heck, the guys I work for have more money to work with and can hire more people, and still do that.)

My main concern with the app is that it sounded like you'd be purchasing not just rules for models (which feels a bit cheeky when new characters are already $30... if someone's paid that, let them have the rules), but also items and stuff, which almost feels like adding a pay-to-win mechanic found in some of the worst MMOs out there (and I hate the MMOs that do that... RIFT is starting to really annoy with the way it sells access to class kits). Had to re-read it to be sure I wasn't misinterpreting, but it says there's "an in-app store through which you can purchase new skills, treasures, and hero cards." And maybe I'm just "old school," but it just feels weird - wrong, even - to have a physical game where, instead of having physical expansions like packs of hero cards and treasure cards, they're selling that stuff piecemeal through an app (which, of course, won't work for everyone, depending on the phone they have, making the game more exclusive at the start rather than inclusive). Expanded rules are nice, but why is the game starting with expansions on the app and no hint of physical stuff? Head-scratcher there.

Ah well, should be enough in the core game to satisfy many folks, and if it sells well enough (it should), someone should be smart enough to say, "Hey, we need to put out expansions for this in stores!"

05-10-2016, 10:48 AM
via Scanner (http://forum.spikeybits.com/showthread.php?20765-Age-of-Sigmar-Warhammer-Fantasy-9th-Rumors-Explosion/page13) 5-10-2016

Silver Tower components


Erik Setzer
05-10-2016, 10:56 AM
Looks like the Knight-Questor is a tank. Handy taunt ability there. Especially if you use it to get enemies into perfect position for the Weaver to hit them with the area effect ability (assuming it's something suitably offensive).

05-10-2016, 01:43 PM
Looks like they've redesigned the character profiles to resemble those of AoS rather than use the older WFB like rules. I'd suspect the other rules will be AoSified as well. Only sensible given that it's possibly going to be a gateway game for some.

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 01:58 PM

I just really really hope they do an additional role play volume. As covered, towns and travel were deadlier than any dungeon.

05-10-2016, 02:28 PM
Well there's definitely two books there.

I don't know however and this is just a feeling not a rumour but it's feeling like this will be a stand alone quest like the expansion we got for the previous games and we'll see the release of a more genral WHQ later on. I'd rather it was as you suggest though.

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 02:30 PM
I've had a damned good squizz at the pics with my Aelf eyes (which I keep in a jar when not required. But not next to the pickled onions. Believe me, that's a mistake you only make once!) and it mentions just the two books, both 40 pages - so seemingly no Roleplay book at the mo.

05-10-2016, 02:44 PM
Maybe they've squeezed a lot into a small space, it's been a bit of an AoS theme 🙂

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 02:48 PM
True, true. But there's an awful lot to fit in as is!

Mr Mystery
05-10-2016, 03:19 PM
The more I think of it, especially in light of the App, the more I'm convinced a Beasty Book and Roleplay Book are all but inevitable.

It adds near infinite variety to the game. And over time, someone fond of setting up dungeons can easily spend more on various denizens than someone who puts together a couple of armies - because dungeon design is bloody addictive! Roleplay element keeps players playing. PCs need dungeons, and dungeons need variety, especially when they start creeping up the levels, as wading through hordes of Gobbos becomes a doddle, so that necessitates a selection of biggerer nasties (Trolls, Ogres, Minotaurs etc), which is another set sold.

All it takes is a book of beasties (or books, or individually available scrolls. Any of the above!) and a Roleplay volume to turn a boxed game into a near addiction. GW know this. They did it before with Warhammer Quest, so I'm damned near convinced they'll do it this time.

- - - Updated - - -

Official GW Facebook group just shared these :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-10-2016, 04:33 PM
Good to see closeups of the heroes, they all look really good too imo.

05-10-2016, 04:44 PM
by and large I like them, though the male elf is going to break his index fingers the moment he attacks anyone with those claws :p

05-10-2016, 11:00 PM
images via IMGUR (http://imgur.com/a/LENM5) 5-10-2016


Mr Mystery
05-11-2016, 01:03 AM
via Usagi3 (http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?showtopic=240221&page=13#entry2914711), Warhammer Forum


Click to Enlarge

---------Original Post Below---------------------

More piccies from Lady Atia, who credits Usagi3 @ Warfo (no, me neither, but thank you oh Unknown and previously unheralded sharer of nice things!

Excitingly, I see rules for Flamers and Screamers, neither of which are in the set. This bodes well for future expansion.

Erik Setzer
05-11-2016, 08:44 AM
The clearer pictures really help you see the models better. I like them all, except the Sigmarine... beside all the others, he really highlights how boring the Sigmarines feel. (Personal preference.) I think the Mistweaver's mist needs a bit of alternate painting, I know they were going for regular fog style mist, but it just makes the model look kind of weird. Change it up for a more magical, colored mist, and it'll be ace.

Saw something somewhere about basically early adopter stuff for the game? It so, that could be a good way to convince people to pick up the game early. Since it's just prettied up stuff and not content or models you can't get later, I'm cool with that. (Absolutely hate it when video games say "Pre-order or buy in the first few days to get this content before we sell it to you for a quarter of the price of the game!" Some kind of skins that have no effect except to pretty up the game? That's fine.)

Sprues seem to suggest these models aren't going to be popping out of the box any time soon. Not sure if we can speculate anything from that, but hey, it's a tradition, so let's try: Seems to suggest they intended these pieces to be used specifically in this game (albeit with rules for use in AoS*), and that also makes it seem more definite this is intended as its own game.

*You know, speaking of those rules for AoS... Couldn't you set up the dungeon tiles and play AoS in the dungeon? Just have hero models versus bad guys (either heroes or small units). Core rules would probably work fine, and you already have rules for all the models you'd use. Maybe switch from one side moves, shoots, etc., IGOUGO combat, then the other goes followed by IGOUGO, to a complete IGOUGO? But even without that tweak, should be fine overall. Heroes' turn, Evil's turn, over and over, until some goal is accomplished. No need to wait for further books or buy rules on the app. And then when a Bestiary comes out (if it does), you can just switch to that. It's at least an idea for an alternate way to play the game.

Mr Mystery
05-12-2016, 03:50 AM
It's sooooo pretty! (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/05/warhammer-quest-silver-tower-latest-rules-pics.html)

Looks like GW have really pushed the boat out with this one. As you may have noticed, Dear Reader, I'm a bit of a fan of Warhammer Quest, and I know I'm not alone in holding the original in ridiculously high esteem. So to me, it's very pleasing to see this is a lavish set - it suggests real care and attention has been put in.

To date, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, just on sight of the contents. One can only hope the game play holds up (though I suppose one could always just procure this set to get the basics for a non-insane-eBayonet price, and then, erm....obtain the classic rules[/I] if these ones prove not to taste.

Mr Mystery
05-12-2016, 05:19 AM
Full unboxing here, courtesy of Volomir and his blog (http://volomir.com/index.php/2016/05/12/warhammer-quest-silver-tower/)

The Familiars, they have actual names!

Most interest?

We consider this a product that can boost the penetration of Age of Sigmar, especially considering that you will be able to play with the rest of the AoS range in Warhammer: Quest Silver Tower. Actually, as an extra goodie, purchasing the box in FLGS stores will get you a whole set of foil Warscroll cards that will cover for the complete existing AoS character releases so far. Very good move Games Workshop!

Path Walker
05-12-2016, 06:45 AM
Such a good set, can't wait, think I'll pop into my local GW on Saturday to pre-order and test out the game (as I know they'll have a copy) then Warhammer Fest on Sunday!

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-12-2016, 07:00 AM
interesting that the characters are all on clampack style sprues, i wonder if they will sell them individually at some point.

Path Walker
05-12-2016, 07:03 AM
I'd guess its nice for them to have the option if they feel like it at any point

Erik Setzer
05-12-2016, 12:32 PM
I remember reading something about limited time goodies like the foil cards and other stuff somewhere, like "early adopter" goodies. (It's a trick to boost the sales of a product in opening weeks, but I commend G-Dub on the way they're going it, giving away stuff that's just prettier versions of what you should otherwise be able to get, rather than some kind of content you can't get elsewhere, or will be paid content later.)

I think that's what the "Don't Miss Out!" posters are about, rather than, "This is a limited time product, better get it now!" (If they were trying to suggest it's a limited release just to get panic sales, I'd lose some respect, but I'm betting it's more about the limited time extras.)

05-13-2016, 03:35 AM
Full unboxing here, courtesy of Volomir and his blog (http://volomir.com/index.php/2016/05/12/warhammer-quest-silver-tower/)

According to Faeit212, Volomir has taken down that page of his blog but you can still see the unboxing photos on his imgur (http://imgur.com/a/MyJkU).

05-16-2016, 09:34 AM
via Scanner (http://forum.spikeybits.com/showthread.php?20765-Age-of-Sigmar-Warhammer-Fantasy-9th-Rumors-Explosion&p=240830&viewfull=1#post240830)5-16-2016


Mr Mystery
05-16-2016, 09:38 AM
Bloody hell. All that for £25? That's pretty good, that.

Even if I'm mistaken and it's £35 (really hard to tell!) it's still well good value.

Path Walker
05-16-2016, 10:10 AM
Bloody hell. All that for £25? That's pretty good, that.

Even if I'm mistaken and it's £35 (really hard to tell!) it's still well good value.

Based on the other currencies, Canadian $ at 70, for example, I think its most likely £35, still, great value for those 4 models.

Currently one is out of production (the Chaos Sorcerer) and the other 3 come at £61 at RRP. With the Sorceror at the old price (£9) this would take this bundle to me half price!

(Can't wait for someone to complain that this means the prices should be lowered for all models without understanding how costs scale!)

05-16-2016, 10:46 AM
looks like £25 to me, but still impressive at £35. surprised they have gone for another fyreslayer though, another race would be nice

vicar in a tutu
05-16-2016, 10:47 AM
I really dislike the fact that there are no hero sheets in the box. I know the rules are in the main game, but come on! Are we supposed to bother with photocopying from the book? This is a game with wonderful components, can't we get physical hero sheets for all the heroes? Including hero sheets in expansions to dungeon crawlers is the standard for almost all other games (Descent, Shadows of Brimestone, Dungeon Saga, etc.). They must really want us to use the app ...

Erik Setzer
05-16-2016, 12:24 PM
Bloody hell. All that for £25? That's pretty good, that.

Even if I'm mistaken and it's £35 (really hard to tell!) it's still well good value.

Even at £35, that's over 50% off. At £25, it's the price of one of those models, with the other three being included free. Either way, it's a horrible look. If they can sell them at that price, why are the individual packs so bloody expensive? It's a disaster if it's £25, because that means you're pretty much giving away three models, and people will likely be just splitting the cost of the box to get models for AoS.

This kind of stuff is why I don't believe in Rountree at all. Dude, if you want to make the prices friendlier, start with just making them sane across the board, rather than releasing a model at £25, three at £18, and then package all four for the price of one (less than the price of two).

Path Walker
05-16-2016, 12:50 PM
One box of models isn't that different in costs/labour to a single model in a pack (once the sculpts have made their production costs back through individual sales) as the packing and the plastic the model is made from are pennies. Shipping, handling, cost of sales, staffing and all that jazz are what is costing you money, not the materials. When your previous pricing means that the £35 price is a bargain that can't be missed which will generate sales. So, you have more sales and the cost per unit is not much higher.

Assuming your material costs are basically negligible, whats better? Selling 4 models in a box that nets you £34 profit per sale or having one model that gets you £24.50 from one sale? Especially when the higher profit item is an easier sale!

05-17-2016, 01:47 AM
Age of Sigmar Warscrolls for Silver Tower Opponents

images via imgur (http://imgur.com/a/AHfG5) 5-17-2016


Mr Mystery
05-17-2016, 01:59 AM
Well, Horrors just became a PITA to properly job - as is right and proper!

And if Grot Scutlings are ever released as a boxed set on their own? I'm having twelfty! Just something I love about those models!

05-17-2016, 08:55 AM
looks like £25 to me, but still impressive at £35. surprised they have gone for another fyreslayer though, another race would be nice

Can confirm it is £35, saw it in print today when deliveries arrived. Still good value though.

05-17-2016, 09:38 AM
via Scanner (http://forum.spikeybits.com/showthread.php?20765-Age-of-Sigmar-Warhammer-Fantasy-9th-Rumors-Explosion&p=241112&viewfull=1#post241112)


Al Shut
05-17-2016, 10:22 AM
Can confirm it is £35, saw it in print today when deliveries arrived. Still good value though.

Given the choice in heroes that was promised, (almost all of the available models I believe was the word) such sets wouldn't make much sense without a huge discount. Most people will end up with 3 models that are at best close to what they would have bought individually.

05-17-2016, 10:44 AM
all existing models in plastic is the key proviso. I am hoping they extend it to resin models though, you can't play Warhammer Quest without a witch hunter after all.

Path Walker
05-17-2016, 11:37 AM
Well, Horrors just became a PITA to properly job - as is right and proper!

And if Grot Scutlings are ever released as a boxed set on their own? I'm having twelfty! Just something I love about those models!

I asked one of the writers of the game about Scutlings, if they were like that before the Silver Tower or because of it, he said it wasn't made quite clear to him what caused them to become different, just thats the models the studio desgined!

Path Walker
05-19-2016, 03:28 AM
While talking with Andy Clark, who did a lot of the writing for Silver Tower, a few interesting bits came up during the conversation
The idea for the game was presented to him and the rules writer about 12 months ago
They were shown the models that were produced and a bit of the idea of the game "Its warhammer quest in a Silver Tower of a Gaunt Summoner, here are the heroes and the baddies"
Andy was really happy to see the price under £100 as until last week, he'd assumed it would be higher
The design studio made a load of cool minatures for the concept then the game was written around the models.
The phase "idiot attentions of this wriggling fishbeast" is possibly the greatest thing to ever be put in to a Games Workshop rules book.
The rules were written by ex-Mantic employee and bear-wizard James Hewitt (not the one that's Prince Harry's real dad)
Andy Clark asked to write the tie-in novel, again the brief was very open, he was told to tell the tale about some heroes banding together in the Silver Tower
While the game starts with everyone co-operating to be successful, only one person can either finally defeat the Gaunt Summoner or make a deal with him to escape the Silver Tower
In Andy's mind, the Silver Towers, while each being a distinct land mark within the Realms, are linked and interconnected sort of like the webway.
He hasn't been told about any expansions (at least, not that he could tell me about)

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 11:09 AM
App is out in the Apple App Store.

Yes. Yes I am.

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 11:22 AM
App itself is free (HURRAH!)

Treasure Cards and Skills Cards - £2.99 each

Additional characters -£0.79 each (not including models, obvs)

Every current upgrade as a bundle? (37 characters, 2 'card' packs) £20.00

Oddly, no mortal humans. None. Not a Witch Hunter or Noble in sight. So far.


Six ones from the main game, and the four in the forthcoming expansion box (Knight Venator, Tzeentch Sorceror, Slaughterpriest and Auric Runemaster.


Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer
Assassin (Dark Elf)
Black Ark Fleetmaster
Chaos Sorceror Lord
Exalted Deathbringer with Impaler Spear
Exalted Deathbringer with Ruinous Axe
Great Bray-Shaman
Grey Seer
Grimwrath Berserker
Grot Shaman
Knight Azyros
Knight Heraldor
Knight Vexillor
Lord of Chaos
Lord Castellan
Lord Celestant
Lord Relictor
Nomad Prince
Orruk Warchanter
Orruk Weirdnob
Saurus Oldblood
Savage Orruk Warboss
Skaven Warlord
Skink Starpriest
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-Hammer
Sorceress (Dark Elf)
Unforged (Dragonslayer)
Warden King
Wight King

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 01:09 PM
And some piccies to go with.

Path Walker
05-19-2016, 01:15 PM
I already have so many of them! 79p is what I expected for the heroes, really cool idea. Could I be tempted by the £20 deal? Hmmm maybe

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 01:17 PM
I'll be getting that and just cut out the faffing.

I don't have that many of the models like, but I know I'd just get them all in dribs and drabs anyways. Might as well admit it and save some munneh! Would be £35.21 otherwise.

Path Walker
05-19-2016, 01:23 PM
Well :

Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer
Assassin (Dark Elf)
Black Ark Fleetmaster
Chaos Sorceror Lord
Exalted Deathbringer with Impaler Spear
Great Bray-Shaman
Grey Seer
Knight Azyros
Lord of Chaos
Lord Castellan
Lord Relictor
Orruk Warchanter
Orruk Weirdnob
Saurus Oldblood
Savage Orruk Warboss
Skaven Warlord
Skink Starpriest
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-Hammer
Unforged (Dragonslayer)
Warden King
Wight King

I already have those, so I'm most of the way there, need to get painting though! What can I say, I love the plastic clamshell models

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 01:29 PM
Not bad at all!

Only downside so far is that I can only use it for one hero at a time, rather than having a group resource.

Path Walker
05-19-2016, 01:37 PM
Yeah, i can see that, means each player has to buy the heroes they want and the cards if they want them too.

Mr Mystery
05-19-2016, 01:46 PM

But hey - if I GM a game, I can just write out the cards for those that wish to use them etc.