View Full Version : Chaos Marine Update Imminent?

The Madman
05-06-2016, 05:47 PM
Apologies if this has been posted already but whilst browsing the GW site I noticed that the Chaos Space Marines Squad (Both the ten man and five man Attack Squad) are sold out. Does this mean new basic infantry for Chaos Marines?

Linky - https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Warhammer-40-000?Nao=0&Nu=product.repositoryId&N=102296+4294967254+4294966919&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440130a-flat

05-06-2016, 05:52 PM
Not hardly.

I can't tell you how often people thought Bretonnians were finally going to be gone over the last ten years. It is only when you see either "Last Chance" or news on the weblog would I consider it factual that a model kit will be gone or replaced.

05-06-2016, 09:23 PM
Apologies if this has been posted already but whilst browsing the GW site I noticed that the Chaos Space Marines Squad (Both the ten man and five man Attack Squad) are sold out. Does this mean new basic infantry for Chaos Marines?

Linky - https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Warhammer-40-000?Nao=0&Nu=product.repositoryId&N=102296+4294967254+4294966919&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440130a-flat

In the picture, it looks like they're on the 25mm bases. Perhaps they're just moving them up to 32's.

05-06-2016, 11:59 PM
Hmm, the Raptor kit is still being packaged with 25mm bases though. Perhaps there is going to be a change. Fingers crossed- if they bring out a CSM kit on par with the Raptors kit in terms of looks, I will expand my DV Chaos force. At the moment, I am kind of limited to Raptors and Helbrutes (I have the Aspiring Champ clampack). I appreciate they are a sub-par unit, but I reckon they could at least be decent with some of the IA13 units as a transport. But then most of my armies are fluffy, like a mechanised Steel Legion force, and a conscript heavy Valhallan force.

05-07-2016, 11:40 PM
Apologies if this has been posted already but whilst browsing the GW site I noticed that the Chaos Space Marines Squad (Both the ten man and five man Attack Squad) are sold out. Does this mean new basic infantry for Chaos Marines?

Linky - https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Warhammer-40-000?Nao=0&Nu=product.repositoryId&N=102296+4294967254+4294966919&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440130a-flat

I doubt it, personally. Maybe a rebox, as someone said, maybe new bases. By your logic, Sisters are DEFINITELY coming like, now. Dialgus, Immolator, Blessed Banner carrier are Sold Out, Immolator off the site completely. But not terribly long ago, I was told, "They're coming." Sadly, not sure on reliability of the source. I feel the pain of an outdated Codex and taking every little thing as a sign the update is coming. Best of luck to us both, eh?