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View Full Version : Problems painting High Elves

05-02-2010, 09:27 AM
At the moment im seriously trying to paint my HE, making an army that actually IS FINISHED. However Its either My colours, skills or the models but the SW im painting seem retro, The colours for standard archers are whit cloaks with yellow sash and undergarment, what colours should I use for SW?
Also Hope to add some pics soon :p

05-02-2010, 11:21 AM
While, the GW standard is white archers with light-blue sashes, with Shadow Warriors being white with navy blue cloaks.

If you want something similar, white and (bright?) yellow archers with white and deep-mustard SW's.
Something darker; that ties them together, but still seperates them and makes them look... hard-bitten, like the sun doesn't shine on them quite as brightly.

05-06-2010, 12:38 AM
Hi, I'm a High Elf player and theme my army around white, blues and silvers. I wouldn't be a fan
of the old school themes, for example the old all-sorts colouring of the dragon princes with reds and greens.

If you are looking to paint your elves fast, I would recommend undercoating in white and use 50:50 skull white to astro grey in the creases, this saves alot of time especially with archers.

For Blue I use Regal Blue for the basecoat, then Enchanted Blue and highlight with Vallejo Andrea Blue.

I found Ice Blue too bright a highlight and would definitely recommend Andrea Blue, vallejo is cheap and
it saves you from having to mix ratio colours.