View Full Version : Battle-Brother Gaius, Grey Knight

04-30-2010, 05:06 PM
Ok, not strictly the correct forum, but it is the 40k universe and it is modelling (and painting within the next few weeks I can hope)

So, here is something I've been working on over the last couple of days whilst waiting for the bitz for my superheavy project, Battle-Brother Gaius, an Inquisitor scale Grey Knight:

He's converted from the Battle-Brother Artemis kit, which isn't the easiest of kits to work with for such a conversion, for those who don't know the pose, it is one foot on the ground, sprinting, bolter in right hand raised up, power sword leading the way across the body. Alternatively, just do a google image search, probably better.

It's an entirely metal model, as with all Inquisitor scale models, and is an awesome model when painted up to boot. I've already done one of those however. It was time for a different take on it, it is a project I've been planning on doing for a year or two now, I had nearly all the bits, but never quite got round to it. The superheavy project has kicked my hobby drive back into action though, and I figured why not!

So with much sawing, green stuffing (not my greatest area of expertise!), pain and sorrow (It caused a great deal of frustration at times. The model now sits at an angle, waiting for the green stuff to fully cure before I go any further. I am fully expecting to come to it in the morning lay it flat, and the whole top topple off, but there are pins somewhere in there, so I can always hope.

Here it is, the running Marine with power sword and bolter converted to a standing Grey Knight with nemesis force weapon and stormbolter, destroying a runic symbol beneath him. The pose didn't work out quite as planned, but it still looks passable. Oh, and there's an Inquisition symbol for the psychic hood that fell off and is waiting to be glued back on, so not quite complete.


Edit: And yes, it does need tidying up, lots of it! But for the moment I'm happy that it is almost standing!

05-01-2010, 03:33 PM
Well, it didn't fall apart at least, and it does stand, though I've added a bit more green stuff in behind the knee joints to try and counter the upper bodies tendency to tilt backwards more than it should . . . It hasn't worked out quite as I'd hoped, but it's still a passable model, hopefully once painted it will look better. You can always hope!


05-01-2010, 03:34 PM
And a couple of closeups of the 'busy' arm, stormbolter and halberd. The halberd needs some work on the join, now that it should have cured.


GM Rex Nihilo
05-01-2010, 07:20 PM
I like it, the base, the pose the Inquisitorial Insignia but ...
- the SB on the arm is a bit hefty, remember it is supposed to count as a Pistol for the second CCW.
- also you can get some brass etched GK insignias from Forge World that might be goo on this model.
- BTW what is the right hand doing?

05-02-2010, 02:02 AM
Yes, the right hand . . . in my mind, it was supposed to be holding the halberd as well, but that was going to be nigh impossible. So it is essentially a clenched fist, one that needs some work yet due to the bolter grip.

As for the stormbolter, I always thought of them as essentially a dual bolter, rather than a pistol. Clearly I'm mistaken on that point, but it'll probably stay as it is ;) I may get rid of one or both of the targeters, not certain yet.

I may get some GK insignias in my next order, I'd forgotten they did the GK ones!