View Full Version : My Mate Raphaello's Cinematic Project: 'CHURCH'

04-20-2016, 04:17 PM
Ummm. I was wondering about putting this in the Kickstarter part of the BoLS Lounge, but this is completely unrelated to anything miniature based, so I figured The Oubliette was the better place.

Anyway: my mate Raphaello, who was my very best friend while I was at Uni... He's making an action film. In Hollywood. Starring a whole bunch of wrestlers.

No, I am not making this up. Yes, this is completely real. Yes, he's quite capable of pulling this off.

He's got a Kickstarter. He needs money for it. A sh!t-ton of money.

But when a mate decides to make a film starring a bunch of wrestlers throws a Kickstarter, you've pretty much gotta jump in there and support that.

Please: donate to my mate's Kickstarter. The finished film is clearly going to be AWESOME. Seriously, check out the page for it: it's insane.

Like, I think he may have actually gone completely mad.

Since uni, it seems like he's friends with every former ECW wrestler now. I don't know how this happened, but if it was going to happen with anyone, it was going to happen to Raph.
