View Full Version : Truescale Grey Hunter with Great Co Standard

04-30-2010, 01:37 AM
Current WIP shots of a Grey Hunter carrying the great company banner that I've been working up.

Hereis a pic with two shoulder shields.

There's still a lot to do with this fella. Like adding a wolf pelt and triming the shoulder pads to make them look more like the standard ones. Plus the axe will need a little more detailing to be to my liking...

I'm also debating the following items:

1. The head. I was thinking to have him look to the side but I like the partially forward look in these pics better. I do plan on going with a full bearded head with plenty of shaggy hair!
2. The round shields on the shoulders. I like these but they may cover too much of the painful detail I sculpted on his chest… especially the one on the banner arm... or if I add wolf tails to them!
3. The banner – I tried doing one from GS but it turned out way too big. At the moment I’m thinking of using the regular marine banner and adding mini-banners streaming down the side.

Any suggestions or preferences?

Lord Inquisitor
04-30-2010, 03:15 PM
Looks great. Can't wait to see your progress.

04-30-2010, 03:21 PM
Awesome work! I agree with the head facing partially forward and the shoulder sheilds. I think the idea of the standard marine banner with the mini banners would add more than enuff detail to his rh side. A main chapter/company banner with some mini campaign banners maybe?

Cant wait to se him painted

04-30-2010, 04:59 PM
Thanks guys! I may attach a wolf pelt across his back and use the shoulder shields as the connection points... Of course I make everything up as I go along so who knows what may happen before it's all done! :p

05-01-2010, 12:10 AM
Here's an update on this fella:

http://imgur.com/PNd2j.jpg (http://imgur.com/PNd2j.jpg)

Any thoughts about this head? This model calls for a nice full beard but I'm afraid this head may not fit the body properly even though I sculpted an armoured neck plate to raise it a bit. I can't turn it quite as far toward the left shoulder as I would like! Maybe I'm too anal about these things!!

I also scavenged a couple of smaller shields that I think look better and added the shoulder pad trim. I positioned the shoulder pads to have a little space because I'm thinking of adding a wolf pelt over the back attached to the small shields.

I also noticed that I damaged the grey stuff pushing the head in so I'm off to smooth it out before it dries!!! :o

05-01-2010, 12:59 AM
I think the bald/beard head is better for this guy. The braids work well, but maybe the beard needs to be a little bushier over his cheeks (next to his mouth) to fit in with the increased scale? I actually think the angle of the head is about right and seems quite natural.
Top work either way.

05-01-2010, 01:58 AM
Agreed on the bald/beard combo... and the smaller sheilds look great ... altho they seem to have pushed the rh shoulder pad back a lil too far....?

person person
05-01-2010, 08:35 AM
Top-notch work, although I have to agree with Ugly about the right shoulder pad.

05-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Fantastic! Definitely a good call to go with the bearded head.

I love how much time you are putting into converting / sculpting each of these models.

05-01-2010, 10:54 AM
He's looking great. The greenstuff work is very clean.


05-01-2010, 10:39 PM
Thanks guys! I had never used green stuff or plasticard for much until I was bit by the truescale marine bug this spring. It has been an interesting experience! (not all good either!) :p

After deciding to go with truescale marines I decided to go for space wolves. I thought their individual nature would fit the time and effort going into each model well! Plus I love the futuristic viking, fantasy, sci-fi blend!

I made some progress today. I made a replacement GS banner which will need to cure for a good long while. I also bulked out the sides of the beard with a little GS and added the final sunray above the wolves muzzle. I also worked in 6 pairs of legs for the next squad. I'm aiming for a 2000 point army at some point, although it may be a year or more in the making! ;)

05-02-2010, 03:44 AM
Nicely done. The sculpting on the chest is superb.

I'd suggest making sure the banner, and any pelts/cloaks all "hang" in the same direction as his braided beard. It helps tie the different elements of the model together when suggested movement is all in the same direction.

Space Wolves are a great choice because you get so many extra details you can add that help conceal any potentially messed up greenstuff work. I personally want to make a big Arjac Rockfist to fit in a regular scale SW army.

05-02-2010, 12:05 PM
Nicely done. The sculpting on the chest is superb.

I'd suggest making sure the banner, and any pelts/cloaks all "hang" in the same direction as his braided beard. It helps tie the different elements of the model together when suggested movement is all in the same direction.

Thank you! I really appreciate the tips!

I love your website and to be honest your work is what finally inspired me to have a go at a truescale army. Although, I'm not sure whether to thank you for that or not! :p

Truthfully, I can't thank you enough for your website tutorial. Without it I wouldn't have known where to start!

Space Wolves are a great choice because you get so many extra details you can add that help conceal any potentially messed up greenstuff work. I personally want to make a big Arjac Rockfist to fit in a regular scale SW army.

I've used these details on more then a few occasions to hide any dodgy work. :o I'm still debating how to do upsized termie armour. There is an awful lot of GS on the termie squad you put together and I don't fancy being able to keep mine as smooth as yours!

05-02-2010, 12:36 PM
Truthfully, I can't thank you enough for your website tutorial. Without it I wouldn't have known where to start!

Your most welcome.

I'd like to put together a massive gallery of true/art/actual scale marines a some point in the near future. Not just mine but anyone who's braved the greenstuff, with full links and credit given of course.

Would you be ok with me adding examples of your own to the roster?

05-02-2010, 01:22 PM
Absolutely! I'm working on my second 10 man grey hunter squad and need 60 to 70 marines to finish the army. There should be a few photo worthy minis in the lot!

05-03-2010, 02:08 AM
Here is a current progress shot. I added some detail to te axe haft, the central banner, bulked out the beard and added the final sunray above the wolves muzzle although it doesn't show up in this pic at all!

The completed banner will have small side banners streaming all the way down to the ground. They're curing at the moment and can't be disturbed. :rolleyes:

And for scale comparison here he is next to a DKK guardsman.

http://imgur.com/vDxtC.jpg (http://imgur.com/vDxtC.jpg)

Puny human! eh-hem... sorry, couldn't resist! :-)

person person
05-04-2010, 08:32 PM
Looks amazing, but what are you gonna do for the back/power pack?

05-04-2010, 11:58 PM
Following the Master of the Forge I made a widened power pack by cutting and joining two normal ones. As soon as it dries I will be adding some wolf details to it!

The side pennants are finished and stream 90mm almost to the base. I am using a round shield as the central finial. I may also sculpt the wolf pelt down the back secured by the little shields to the shoulderpads/upper chest.

I'll be on holiday for the next couple of weeks and won't be able to post updates but I should have him finished and ready to paint when I return. I still have to do something at night, right? :D

05-16-2010, 01:06 PM
Here are a couple progress shots:


http://imgur.com/DNOP0.jpg (http://imgur.com/DNOP0.jpg)


http://imgur.com/aK3v8.jpg (http://imgur.com/aK3v8.jpg)

Close up with SM Scout:

http://imgur.com/2OVVy.jpg (http://imgur.com/2OVVy.jpg)

So is he ready to paint? :p

05-16-2010, 06:15 PM
wow man!!!!! any advise on green stuff mods? do i buy alot and mix it all, keep it moist, cut it with a knife? thats impressive!!

05-16-2010, 08:31 PM
wow man!!!!! any advise on green stuff mods? do i buy alot and mix it all, keep it moist, cut it with a knife? thats impressive!!

The artscale marine tutorial on MasteroftheForge.com has been my main inspiration. This is my 11th big marine so I'm far from a pro but here are the things I've noticed and/or like when working with GS:

- Buy the Green Stuff where the blue and yellow are packed separate. I've used a lot of the tape and do not like it! There is too much trouble where the blue and yellow touch. I buy mine at the FLGS from the Gale Force Nine display. I use Grey stuff too. :-)

- Work on multiple models at one time. After you sculpt a single item or area set it aside and leave it until it has hardened. A lot of times this is overnight for me! This has been the hardest thing for me to do as I like to keep working. Every time I do I make one big mess out of things!

- Only mix the amount of Green Stuff you need. I'm slow so if I mix too much it hardens a little and won't stick for me by the time I get to it! For example I sculpted the 2 thighs at the same time but I only mixed one thigh at a time. After both looked good enough I set it aside and started working on something else.

- Cooking oil can be your friend. I used plasticard, a plastic bag and generous amounts of cooking oil to roll out the banner parts. Thanks goto Chrome from coolmini for helping me out with this. The cooking oil extended the drying time of the Green Stuff but it was invaluable for keeping the banner from sticking.

- I let my tools soak in a little pot of water while I work and keep eveything moist. Too much water is not your friend. You need enough to keep things smooth and from sticking but not so much that the Green stuff starts to turn a different color as it will cause it to not stick properly!

Best of luck with any mods. What are you thinking about working up?

05-17-2010, 05:50 PM
He really is quite big isnt he.
The Greenstuff work is very nice and crisp looking.

Im looking to do some big marines myself and stuff like this is inspiring and intimidating in equal measures.

Cant wait to see this painted.

05-18-2010, 08:17 AM
looks awesome

07-16-2010, 12:00 AM
Wow I can't believe I haven't posted to this thread in so long! It took longer then I expected to paint up a 2000 point Dark Eldar army. Ah well such is life. Here are a couple of shots of the finished standard bearer. Please forgive my mediocre camera skills... :-)

Finished front: (Everything is freehanded.)


Almost finished back:


I have a couple of designs sketched out for the rear central red square but I haven't decided on the winner as of yet.

I'm currently upsizing Bjorn's claw arm and starting some long fangs. (They are proving to be 'long pains'!!!)

Any thoughts are welcome!


07-16-2010, 12:14 AM

07-16-2010, 08:48 AM

The only bad thing I find is the legs... So clear, withouth any more detail, but the complete work is astonishing

07-16-2010, 11:25 PM

The only bad thing I find is the legs... So clear, withouth any more detail, but the complete work is astonishing

Thanks for the feedback guys!

MC has a good eye for missing details! :p

I want to try a subtle wolfhead pattern on the legs. I believe I saw the effect on a french golden daemon model a while back. Time got away from me and I needed him ready for a single model painting competition, so I haven't had a chance to practice the effect and get it on him. (That's also why I didn't get a design on the back of the banner yet.)

He managed to nab me first prize even though I don't consider him to be 100% complete! Another point of concern I have is that I will ultimately be painting 50-100 of these big puppies so the time per model may prove to be a killer! They already have 5-20 hours of design/sculpting invested in them. ;)

I should have a test longfang ready after the weekend if I stay on target! I'm doing the scupting modifications on 20 figs at once. The green stuff isn't drying in all this humidity!

07-17-2010, 11:48 PM
Well the first longfang is done enough for his photo op.

Here's a couple shots with a Howling Griffon for comparison...

http://imgur.com/8gGBdl.jpg (http://imgur.com/8gGBd.jpg)

http://imgur.com/5XNGxl.jpg (http://imgur.com/5XNGx.jpg)

And a couple close up of the big fella...

http://imgur.com/FKV7Ml.jpg (http://imgur.com/FKV7M.jpg)

Still a little clean up needed on some joins/mold lines but he gives a good idea of how the squad will look. The normal ML was too short so I had to steal the Guard version and make a few mods to it. (It was actually a little too long!) What are you gonna do? :rolleyes:

07-18-2010, 01:53 AM
Excellent. This will be one of the most impressive armies Ive seen when its done,

Hurry up! :)

07-18-2010, 02:01 AM
I can't wait till it's time for Rhinos. =P

07-18-2010, 09:20 AM
Very impressive, man!!

Hehehehe thanks for the matter of the good eye, but mine is not as good as Telionīs

07-24-2010, 12:53 AM
A few current WIP Shots:

:D Made a lot of progress today! Too much free time will do that...

Here is the current state of the "lunging" wolf. I'm still not sure where to go with him next...

http://imgur.com/lIepyl.jpg (http://imgur.com/lIepy.jpg)

http://imgur.com/knq0vl.jpg (http://imgur.com/knq0v.jpg)

As you can see the profile is a bit 'thin' ... I'm needing some inspiration!!

07-24-2010, 12:55 AM
And a couple more long fangs have joined the pack so I'm half way finished with them. I decided to make special use of the articulated arms on the new missle launcher back packs... let me know what you think!

Long Fang #2

http://imgur.com/ZI8GMl.jpg (http://imgur.com/ZI8GM.jpg)

http://imgur.com/t5n01l.jpg (http://imgur.com/t5n01.jpg)

http://imgur.com/2hzEll.jpg (http://imgur.com/2hzEl.jpg)

07-24-2010, 12:57 AM
And my favorite Long Fang thus far #3...

http://imgur.com/fSxnQl.jpg (http://imgur.com/fSxnQ.jpg)

http://imgur.com/7ejCnl.jpg (http://imgur.com/7ejCn.jpg)

http://imgur.com/kczWIl.jpg (http://imgur.com/kczWI.jpg)

Any thoughts are welcome! Long Fangs 4-6 are well under way and should be finished in a day or so... :D

OCdt Mephiston
07-24-2010, 01:58 AM
Absolutely LOVE number three!!! Cant wait to see it painted!!

07-24-2010, 02:22 AM
Love the loading "Arm". Fantastic.

OCdt Mephiston
07-25-2010, 02:23 AM
I keep coming back to this thread, desperately hoping for hourly updates.... WHY ARENT THERE HOURLY UPDATES!?!?!?

I love your true-scales, and your painting is breath taking... Pleasepleaseplease quit your job, cut all social ties and do nothing but make sweet miniatures!!! Please?

07-25-2010, 04:24 AM
A wolf pelt/cloak trailing behind the lightning claw guy would add depth and reinforce the sense of motion. I think the wolf guard box has one.

This is a very impressive undertaking, your patience is epic.

07-25-2010, 12:54 PM
Love the loading "Arm". Fantastic.

It was a little fiddly to make but after all the other conversion trouble I thought – why not? I magnetized all the missile backpacks so that I can pull them off for safe transport. I’d hate to have to reposition the little devil! 

I keep coming back to this thread, desperately hoping for hourly updates.... WHY ARENT THERE HOURLY UPDATES!?!?!?

I love your true-scales, and your painting is breath taking... Pleasepleaseplease quit your job, cut all social ties and do nothing but make sweet miniatures!!! Please?

Thanks! I wish I could put everything else aside... Unfortunately I have to keep the job to scare up enough $ for these little buggers! :(

A wolf pelt/cloak trailing behind the lightning claw guy would add depth and reinforce the sense of motion. I think the wolf guard box has one.

This is a very impressive undertaking, your patience is epic.

That’s a really good idea! I’m posting some new pics below with a slightly altered pose for him but I think a pelt may fit him pretty nicely! ... and thanks for noting the patience. This kind of work takes buckets full!

Wolf Guard with twin claws:

http://imgur.com/hf7wsl.jpg (http://imgur.com/hf7ws.jpg)

http://imgur.com/8bZPjl.jpg (http://imgur.com/8bZPj.jpg)

I still need to detail the bottom of the boots, thicken the waist, add grenades and such, plus take him to the norse woodland mall to be fitted for that cloak! :p

07-25-2010, 12:59 PM
Here is Long Fang #4 His robotic arm was real fiddly to position as I wanted it to be plucking a missle out of the backpack.

http://imgur.com/uuElVl.jpg (http://imgur.com/uuElV.jpg)

http://imgur.com/rf1zIl.jpg (http://imgur.com/rf1zI.jpg)

http://imgur.com/UL7bxl.jpg (http://imgur.com/UL7bx.jpg)

07-25-2010, 01:02 PM
and here we have Long Fang #5

I ran out of missle packs and had to steal one from the blackreach box for him! At least all 5 of them are different! :)

http://imgur.com/H7wTdl.jpg (http://imgur.com/H7wTd.jpg)

http://imgur.com/fw04Ql.jpg (http://imgur.com/fw04Q.jpg)

and the bossy pack leader!

http://imgur.com/91rR5l.jpg (http://imgur.com/91rR5.jpg)

Now I need to finish some more Wolf Guard and Grey Hunters to round out the units...

07-25-2010, 04:07 PM
I like them very, very much!!

Hope you finish a Commander soon...

07-29-2010, 01:54 AM
Well I don't want everyone to think that I'm just lounging around taking it easy. :-)

So here are some new WIP shots of the truescale wolf madness!

A 10th Grey Hunter to round out my first squad. I may have to thicken up his waist after looking at the pic! :-(

http://imgur.com/7XEhSl.jpg (http://imgur.com/7XEhS.jpg)

and my personal favorite out of the current batch. A new inductee into the Wolf Guard with a Frost Axe!

http://imgur.com/V9Kqal.jpg (http://imgur.com/V9Kqa.jpg)

and here's a scale shot of Mr Axe with one of my original Wolves from the late 90's!

http://imgur.com/or6YMl.jpg (http://imgur.com/or6YM.jpg)

It's always important to keep scale in mind with these guys! :-)

The biggest change I've made is that I've adopted doghouse's method of thickening the regular marine arms instead of always using termie arms. This saves $ and provides access to a lot of new options!

07-29-2010, 07:27 AM
Love the one with the axe!!

Are you also thinking about painting them??

07-29-2010, 12:15 PM
Love the one with the axe!!

Are you also thinking about painting them??

I'm torn at the moment. I need to convert ~60-80 guys plus their tanks to finish a useable army. At the momoent, I have 20 guys fully modeled, 1 dread at 75% and 12 guys at the 50% mark so there is a lot of modeling yet to be done. I did the one off standard bearer to push my green stuff/painting skills and to have a nice single model entry for a local painting competition. So, my quandry is do I convert everything and then paint everything or do I go squad by squad. I've been leaning toward the do everything for each step as it is far more efficient and will ultimately see the army finished faster. I'm afraid if I start painting guys up I may get sidetracked and not finish the project for ages. :rolleyes:

07-29-2010, 05:19 PM
Hehehehe donīt worry, just go at your own rythm, youīre doing great!!!

08-04-2010, 10:29 PM
Time for a quick update. Longfang Squad #2 is well under way with a couple of Lascannons and the squad leader ready to go. I got them together for a group photo!

http://imgur.com/l1cnEl.jpg (http://imgur.com/l1cnE.jpg)

The cabling on the advancing pose was probably the most fiddly part of converting these guys... Here's a side view:

http://imgur.com/yGjZbl.jpg (http://imgur.com/yGjZb.jpg)

and a quick WIP showing size comparisons forwhat I hope may be a successful termie build, a slightly revised Wolf Guard with Frost Blade (The axe arm has been repositioned in an effort to make it look more natural), and a standard marine model. Of course its still way up in the air as to whether I can pull a termie off on the first try, but if it takes a few, oh well.. :p

http://imgur.com/ay3Otl.jpg (http://imgur.com/ay3Ot.jpg)

The termie still needs kneepads, thigh detail and an improved midsection. It's so humid here at the momoent that my GS isn't drying very well so I'm having to wait a much longer time between steps!

08-05-2010, 12:06 AM
Love the new axed man on the first pic!!

And like so much the grey you used to paint the one on the last pic, how did you get it?

I donīt want to paint my SW with the new "official" colour, that blue one!!

OCdt Mephiston
08-05-2010, 05:17 AM
The remodeled arm on the frost axe wielding wolf guard is ace! So subtle, but it really changes the dynamic of the model for the better! :D

Also, good luck on the termi!

08-05-2010, 10:30 PM
The remodeled arm on the frost axe wielding wolf guard is ace! So subtle, but it really changes the dynamic of the model for the better! :D

Also, good luck on the termi!

Thanks! It's hard to believe what a 1mm adjustment can do on these guys! I'm hoping to make some progress on Mr termie this weekend! :-)

Love the new axed man on the first pic!!

And like so much the grey you used to paint the one on the last pic, how did you get it?

I donīt want to paint my SW with the new "official" colour, that blue one!!

Which grey are you referring too? The one on the Grey Hunter standard bearer with an axe or the older regular scale SW above next to the Termie legs and revised Wolf Guard? They are very, very different colors! :-)

08-08-2010, 06:40 AM
Thanks! It's hard to believe what a 1mm adjustment can do on these guys! I'm hoping to make some progress on Mr termie this weekend! :-)

Which grey are you referring too? The one on the Grey Hunter standard bearer with an axe or the older regular scale SW above next to the Termie legs and revised Wolf Guard? They are very, very different colors! :-)

Obviously the second one, hehehehe, but I looked again and saw itīs more similar to the new colours of Games Workshop...

Big mek
08-08-2010, 07:29 AM
Very nice models indeed ;)

08-09-2010, 12:02 AM
Obviously the second one, hehehehe, but I looked again and saw itīs more similar to the new colours of Games Workshop...

I thought that was the one but I wanted to be sure. It is close to the current GW colors. I believe it was the old Shadow Grey with a touch of codex grey in the basecoat. Highlighted up to SW Grey. Of course 10 years ago SW Grey was a slightly different shade. :p

I wanted an earthy grey for my current wolves which is what I mixed for the standard bearer. It is closer to the pre-heresy grey with just a hint of the current SW Grey in the mix & highlights. (I actually mixed Chaos Black, Graveyard Earth and Codex Grey as the basecoat.) :)

Very nice models indeed ;)

Thanks! I'm learning a lot as I go so hopefully they will get even better as I move along... :)

08-09-2010, 06:02 AM
Thanks for the colour scheme!!

Iīll try mines and let you know...

08-11-2010, 02:17 AM
I've updated Bjorn the Fell-Handed prior to detailing! New legs/stance plus an improved claw

http://imgur.com/q8B6el.jpg (http://imgur.com/q8B6e.jpg)

http://imgur.com/aOFlXl.jpg (http://imgur.com/aOFlX.jpg)

http://imgur.com/hcirSl.jpg (http://imgur.com/hcirS.jpg)

08-11-2010, 02:18 AM
...and here is a comparison again with "classic Bjorn"

http://imgur.com/MzW3jl.jpg (http://imgur.com/MzW3j.jpg)

and a close up of the new claw...

http://imgur.com/zZLAll.jpg (http://imgur.com/zZLAl.jpg)

So did I go too big with the new claw?

The old one was too weedy for Bjorn! :rolleyes:

08-12-2010, 02:15 AM
The new claw looks alot more in proportion than on the original Bjorn... I ended up swapping out the claws on mine with the heads of WHF Undead Scythes totry and make it look more "wolf" like... great job

08-12-2010, 11:59 AM
The new claw looks alot more in proportion than on the original Bjorn... I ended up swapping out the claws on mine with the heads of WHF Undead Scythes totry and make it look more "wolf" like... great job

Thanks! Undead Scythes would make great claws. I didn't think of them and ended up going the hard route and carving these out of plasticard! :o

Updated photos with claw housing. I did shorten the arm 1-2mm to make it a bit more proportional!

http://imgur.com/yTipWl.jpg (http://imgur.com/yTipW.jpg)

09-24-2010, 05:14 PM
Bjorn is plodding along through the detailing process. I spent the last month organizing my bitz closet so he hasn't go tthe love he deserves!

I layered the claw, aiming to give it a more articulated look. I debated adding small round rivets to the joints but opted to leave it clean!

http://imgur.com/5v4wHl.jpg (http://imgur.com/5v4wH.jpg)

I also added a wolf tooth necklace as a nod to the old Bjorn model.

http://imgur.com/0pJwul.jpg (http://imgur.com/0pJwu.jpg)

Some wolf head detailing was added to the hip armour. (I started with screaming skulls but decided I need to stay wolfy!) :-)

http://imgur.com/00vscl.jpg (http://imgur.com/00vsc.jpg)

Andf here is the latest overall shot. I started to build up the base as I want it to be a mix of snow/ice/rock. Given the weight of this fella I want to give him a sunk in look...

http://imgur.com/BsopSl.jpg (http://imgur.com/BsopS.jpg)

Any thoughts are very welcome. I'm still not sure where to go with the wolf pelt but I have decided Bjorn needs a banner... So I think it will be the next item to get added on...


09-25-2010, 01:45 AM
I really like the new chunkier claw.