View Full Version : Fluff Scale Dreadnought

04-30-2010, 01:28 AM
I've been working on a truescale marine army and decided to add an upsized version of Bjorn the fell handed.

Here is a Scale shot with a couple of truescale marines

http://imgur.com/j9PKWs.jpg (http://imgur.com/j9PKW.jpg)

And for fun a scale shot with the original Bjorn model:

http://imgur.com/PpqO5s.jpg (http://imgur.com/PpqO5.jpg)

Now I'm getting to the fun part.... detailing! :p

The current to do list includes - rivets, a wolftooth necklace, some wolf tail talismans and somewhere I should try to add a full wolf pelt. I also need to add a targeter for the assault cannon and some detail on the CCW shoulder too. I may thicken up the legs a little and extend the forearm armour on the claw arm but I'm undecided on these two items. Any thoughts or critisims are much appreciated. :-)

04-30-2010, 09:20 AM
WOW................ that is impressive!!

04-30-2010, 12:44 PM
What are you using as a reference for scale wise for Dreads? I understand "true marines" you can use the size proportions of humans (ie how many heads tall, etc..), not sure how that would compare though. I'm just curious. Nice work on the dread. :)

04-30-2010, 02:32 PM
My guess would be the sarcophagus. The model looks wonderful. The assault cannon is nicely executed.

04-30-2010, 04:54 PM
Thanks guys!

For scale I used 2 references. The Marine codex metions dreads are 2-3 times the height of a man, so using the 32mm top of head guardsmen as an estimate gives 64-96mm tall. In the Space Wolf codex dreads are mentioned at 2x the height of a marine. Well my truescale marines are 40mm tall (top of head) so that puts them at 80mm.

I actually planned on 80 mm when I started scaling but I added 10mm to the legs by adjusting the angle to make them fit the 60mm standard base. I hadn't planned on this so the little fella tops out at almost exactly 90mm! Whoops!

It's still within the range of fluff size but a little toward the top end. Of course Bjorn 'should be' bigger then life, right? :rolleyes:

Here are a couple of additional pics:

Assault cannon side

http://imgur.com/mN0VYs.jpg (http://imgur.com/mN0VY.jpg)

Rear view

http://imgur.com/mZd7Zs.jpg (http://imgur.com/mZd7Z.jpg)

I'm happy with everything except the Claw arm. I've already drawn up a plan to make it a little thicker with bigger claws and extra detailing... Now I just need to sip some Dr Pepper and wait on inspiration to hit! :p

04-30-2010, 10:10 PM
Absolutely amazing work! That is one of the best scratch builds I have seen in a long time. My one concern with the model is the legs, you mentioned you repositioned them to fit the base? It just looks to me that they are either positioned too narrow or they are too small in some area to hold up the massive girth of the top. I think its the round bit right above the knee guards, where the leg would rotate, the rest of the model is roughly in ratio with the other dreadnought but that seems smaller than it should be.

This is still an absolutely inspiring mini, I can't wait to see the final result!

05-01-2010, 12:18 AM
I've had some doubts on the legs too. Having to fit the regulation base cramped my style a wee bit but I think I can add a few mm to the rounded parts and also up the size of the GS thighs. It sure can't hurt to try!! :)

Thanks for the feedback!

05-01-2010, 01:05 AM
Looking at the rear picture it looks like the groin thing and his hips are not much wider than in a regular dread, making his whole waist profile very narrow compared to his upper body . I think if you could get one or both of these wider it might make the legs sit a little better (almost certainly need a bigger base then!).

Is anything going between the shoulders? This area seems a little empty.

Damn good work anyway!

person person
05-01-2010, 08:28 AM
That is fantastic, It has friggin' land raider power plant on it!

I agree with gorepants with the groin waist area though.

05-01-2010, 10:08 AM
Thanks guys! This is my first scrath build so it has been a bumpy learning curve! A lot of the GS is smoothing out areas where I had to rip things apart and reset them after they were glued and I realized they didn't work! Next time it will all go better.... I hope!

I'll see what I can do with the legs when I rework the claw arm. The arms are magnetized and the waist is pinned in place so everything comes apart to ease any rework. I may not be able to get the waist/thighs up to the size I'd like on this fella but any increase in heft would help! :o

Gorepants "Is anything going between the shoulders? This area seems a little empty."

I was leaving the top open for a possible wolf head/pelt but I have no good idea about how it should drape across everything. Plus my sculpting experience at this point is roughly 20 truescale space wolves (including the Grey Hunter banner bearer in the other thread) so I'm not sure I could pull it off. :-)

personperson "That is fantastic, It has friggin' land raider power plant on it!"

I'm glad you like the scavenged part although it did make the dread deeper then I planned. I think I used it just for laughs! Who expects to see a LR part on a Dread? :-)

05-01-2010, 10:56 AM
Looks fantastic! Very impressive work. Can't wait to see him painted aswell.


05-01-2010, 02:36 PM
I've had some doubts on the legs too. Having to fit the regulation base cramped my style a wee bit but I think I can add a few mm to the rounded parts and also up the size of the GS thighs. It sure can't hurt to try!! :)

Thanks for the feedback!

Hmm... there are ways of getting around this and still being legal and fitting on the base. Perhaps adding a rocky outcropping to the base like you did for your truescale marines, it'll let you expand the area you can place the legs of the dread and still have the correct basesize for the model