View Full Version : AoS South Coast GT Army Bundles

Erik Setzer
04-16-2016, 10:00 AM
GW's put up bundle packages for the top three armies from the SCGT:


Forest Goblin Spiders & Ogre Big Beasts
Skaven & Nurgle
Stormcast & Seraphon

The only one that really tweaks me in terms of fluff is the Skaven one, only because there's some non-Pestilens units, but I guess that's fine. Probably mostly bugs me because I'm in the midst of assembling a Pestilens/Nurgle army. Wait... no, looked again... Skarbrand?!? In "An Alliance of Plague"?!? ... I'm going to cut myself off now before I spew out five paragraphs of ranting on that. (Also, that army had a Forge World character in it. Not a huge deal, just worth noting because you can't get the full army he ran using the bundle alone.)

Otherwise, the other two make sense. Forest Goblins on Spiders alongside Ogres on beasts, makes sense. Seraphon granting their aid to Sigmar's Stormcast also makes sense.

Gives a bit of basic hints on each army, too, which is nice. The description of how the pieces of the army buff and complement each other is cool.

These armies aren't any cheaper than WFB GT armies would have been. But at least people can opt to play at smaller sizes for non-tourney gaming.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually... I think in an old-school GT, you couldn't put this much on the table. If you add up the old points, that'd be a LOT. But IIRC, the rules also said you could bring X amount of stuff but only put Y amount on the table at a time, giving you the option to choose from what you brought. (Even if I'm not accurate on that bit, that'd be a cool way to approach an event.)

Mr Mystery
04-16-2016, 12:52 PM
Memory is hazy, but I don't think they've ever done this sort of bundle before?

On the points thing....SCGT gave you 150 'pool' points, but you only deployed 100. I think.

Erik Setzer
04-16-2016, 08:51 PM
Memory is hazy, but I don't think they've ever done this sort of bundle before?

I'm not sure... I think it's somewhat possible they did it in the late '90s, early '00s, but definitely not in recent memory. Maybe I'm thinking of some other kind of army bundle... I remember they've sold some army bundles in the past, but as actual boxed armies, complete with army list. But that was like back in 2nd edition 40K. And I don't think those were based on tourney-winning armies. This is sort of a similar concept to when Magic: The Gathering sells tourney-winning decks.

On the points thing....SCGT gave you 150 'pool' points, but you only deployed 100. I think.

Yeah, that's it, just didn't feel like double checking at the time (didn't really have the time). So to have just the stuff you'd be playing, you could probably cut a good bit off the price. That said, if you wanted to get started with a wide selection and had a lot of cash on hand, any of them would give someone plenty of options to swap around, along with a basic idea of how to use them in-game.