View Full Version : Citadel Air question.

Mr Mystery
04-13-2016, 10:51 AM
How do?

So I've got me the GW spray gun, and a poo load of Skellingtons needing a base coat.

And I spy with my little eye, that Ushabti Bone is available in the GW Citadel Air range.

Anyone know if these are suitable for the spray gun?

04-13-2016, 02:25 PM
It says in the description it's air brush only, not suitable for the spray gun. No idea why, I was wondering if someone with more airbrush-fu than me would know.

04-13-2016, 03:07 PM
I use all kinds of paint in both my Citadel gun and Badger air brush.

IMO, the real challenge is just figuring out how much water or air brush paint thinner to add to your paint to make it coat well without making it runny or making it too thick to gum up the nozzle. The guide on the Citadel gun bottle is pretty accurate on the water/paint ratio for a mix. Just use the regular Ushabti paint and mix with water and test on a piece of paper or cardboard to find the right consistency.