View Full Version : Hero Quest: Silver Tower

04-06-2016, 10:50 AM
via 75hastings69 (text in bold) 3-31-2016

Who’s ready to enter the great silver tower of Tzeentch?

Chikout asks: Is that a hint about the board game? A Tzeentchian tower could be a suitably aos style ‘quest’ dungeon.

Maybe more a hybrid quest/pitfight

Chikout follows up with: “I am super curious who the antagonists are. The fear is that it is the Stormcast, though a warhammer quest or even pit fighter style game could allow for bespoke minis from various different factions.”

75hastings69 highlights the “bespoke minis from various different factions.”

later on he goes on to say in reference to the new game:

AFAIK it’s all new. Some of it kind of existing but with a new twist. If that makes any sense?

via Darnok 3-31-2016:

“From what I have been told, this WHQ-like game is coming this May. The title seems to be “Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower”, and it comes with hero models for multiple races – including human, Stormcast, Aelf, Duardin and Ogor (and I quote: “amongst others”). There might even be expansions, if the base game sells well.”

A guess of mine: we will at least see some WD additions in form of a scenario. Just remember what we got for B@C or DWO.

I expect something very similar to the Deathwatch boardgame, all in terms of number of models, quality of sculpting and of course price.”

via SadPanda 4-2-2016

“The working title in the studio is or was Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower.

Will it be the final product name? I don’t know.

The concept is a dungeon crawl in an ever-changing labyrinth of Tzeentch, slaying Horrors (that just turn into more, smaller Horrors) and other creatures of Tzeentch.”

via SadPanda (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/810/683422.page#8564316) 4-4-2016

False rumors about "all" the GDs being finished are oddly persistent.

While the LoC was finished only recently (and is not in this box), the design team did start off this larger project with some smaller AoS Beastmen minions (technically Birdmen, I suppose) of Tzeentch. Watch out for those.

via a source who spoke to BoLS on condition of anonymity: 4-6-2016

The game is set in the Age of Sigmar world.

Chaos opponents – highlighting Tzeentch.

Modular board with random layout.

Multi mission campaign in box with White Dwarf mission add-ons.

6 Heroes included:

Stormcast Eternal
2 others (unknown)

Chaos Opponents included:

12 Horrors
4 Screamers
2 Flamers
6 Cultists
1 Sorceror
1 Deamon Prince of Tzeentch (boss)

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 01:45 PM
I hope SadPanda is on the money....mostly because Avian Beastmen sound pretty bloody cool - and it springs hope we'll see greater variety in Beastmen models in the future. Got no issue with the Goat take, but I yearn for the older style ones as well.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-06-2016, 06:54 PM
More variety of beastmen would be a cool direction for chaos to go. I like the sound of bird based beastmen, certainly different. I wonder if they will be in a future Tzeentch Arcanites faction or if they will be a new seperate faction.

Mr Mystery
04-07-2016, 01:34 AM
I'm really suspicious about the last rumour box though....

First up, it's an anonymous source.

Second? It doesn't add up. Most of it is just the previous rumoured content. But the Daemon stuff? Screamers and Flamers are already in plastic, so if they're included I'd most likely expect a box of each - so that'd be 3 Screamers and 3 Flamers....

Path Walker
04-07-2016, 03:31 AM
Yeah that contents list is pure speculation dressed up as rumour

Mr Mystery
04-07-2016, 04:59 AM
Lady Atia has apparently confirmed that contents listing is nonsense.

Perhaps Steve The Warboss has decided to conceal his identity these days, on account nobody will believe him ever again, on account he's a proven rumour fantasist?