View Full Version : Blood bowl

04-05-2016, 08:20 AM
It's happening, official FB page, announcement of new season and picture of new miniature. Could not be more excited.

Oh and for those who haven't got over the End Times it got Orcs not Orruks. Jim and Bob are still there as well. Looks like Nuffle has saved the Old World.

Erik Setzer
04-05-2016, 08:39 AM
It's still Orcs to me. It'll always be Orcs to me. I love my green-skinned buggers and I'll never use a stupid name made up by lawyers to describe what is, and always will be, an Orc.

Luckily it seems they haven't changed much with the game. Hopefully the rules will remain mostly the same. That'd be especially good when you can get converts from the video game.

04-05-2016, 10:41 AM
Oi none of that business talk, because


Rules changes or not I don't mind because


04-05-2016, 11:59 AM
Personally, I'm rather nervous. I like BB as it is at the moment. I suppose, whatever happens, I can still continue to play the old version - but there's always a danger, with their recent track record, of GW screwing things up.

Mr Mystery
04-05-2016, 12:45 PM
Not much of a BB fan, because I suck horribly at it, but always happy to see new models and stuff!

04-05-2016, 12:55 PM
Don't give me that Mystery you'd buy a turd in a box if it had a GW logo on it, we know because Erik told us 😘


Ben_S Don't worry Blood Bowl is Jervis's baby he won't let em hurt it.

All togeather now


Mr Mystery
04-05-2016, 12:58 PM
It's possible I may pick it up yet, if only because it might be something I can play with my traditionally non-gamer mates - and indeed the one game I won't inadvertently flatten them at.

Flatten them like a Great Dane sitting on a Toddler.

Erik Setzer
04-05-2016, 01:13 PM
Don't give me that Mystery you'd buy a turd in a box if it had a GW logo on it, we know because Erik told us 😘

No, no, I said he'd promote it like it's the next big thing, better than anything before.

In this case, I'll probably end up picking the product up. But heck, I've picked up other products lately (GA books for AoS, plan on SM supplement and maybe cards, got the Supremacy TacObj cards*, two BaC boxed sets...).

I doubt they screw up the rules, and the models so far look nice. Maybe a bit "much" for me, but I think other companies have been setting that trend already with fantasy football teams. If I don't like the Orcs that much, I'll just keep using the team I converted for a local league, but at least I'll have people to play against again!

*Yeah, those were kind of a turd in a box. The objectives seem fun, even if I lost horribly (bad luck and other factors). But the quality of the cards and the box they come in is shockingly low, especially compared to all the other cards I have from GW. Weird to see that, and then see the GA books with such a nice price point but also really good quality.

Mr Mystery
04-05-2016, 02:16 PM
Well, if someone could give me a 'Dummies Guide to Spending Your Hard Earned Wages on Stuff You Don't Enjoy', I'd be happy to give it a read.

Until then, I fear I may be stuck in a rut of spending my cash on cool stuff.

04-06-2016, 01:44 AM
Jim: Well it looks like we've got a real grudge match building between Mr. Mystery and Erik Setzer in the forums

Bob: It certainly looks that way Jim. There's only one way to sort this out.....


Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 01:59 AM
You misspelled Necromunda.

Clue is, it starts with an N, not a B.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-06-2016, 02:19 AM
Jim: Well it looks like we've got a real grudge match building between Mr. Mystery and Erik Setzer in the forums

Bob: It certainly looks that way Jim. There's only one way to sort this out.....


Nah, i reckon they love each other really. Erik is totally the tsundere. Wonder which one is the Seme and uke?

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 02:19 AM
You used words.....but not any words in my vocabulary?

Al Shut
04-06-2016, 03:29 AM
I think he called you an ukulele.

04-06-2016, 03:48 AM
Nah, i reckon they love each other really. Erik is totally the tsundere. Wonder which one is the Seme and uke?

I had to look that up (learning is good). And I reckon you're right about Erik. I think they alternate between the Seme and Uke roles to be honest. Psychology is of course very important in......


Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 04:02 AM
I think he called you an ukulele.

But.....I'm a card carrying Banjo?

Maybe I was adopted?

04-06-2016, 04:11 AM
A poster called Marky on the front page has mentioned what sound to me to be a great idea. Actually have a season for Blood Bowl and restrict the releases to a set number of months each
year and have a bit of a narative to go with it. That's great it'd build a bit of excitement each year, stop the game burning out in stores and it'd be a clever way to introduce new stuff, players, rules, game modes etc. Love it.

BLOOD BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!

P.s. Mystery any fool can see you're a small stringed instrument of some sort.

04-06-2016, 04:41 AM
I love me some blood bowl. Nuffle does not like me, though.
Like that time my skaven gutterrunner tripped over his own feet, snapped his neck, and the apothecary thought the best way to solve that was to remove the neck entirely, resulting in 2 dead injury table rolls.

04-06-2016, 07:02 AM
Well Nuffle won't bless someone who manages to kill themselves trying to run fast. But hey that's ......

BLOOD BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 07:25 AM
I did decapitate Griff Oberwald once.

But Zug clobbered my Chainsaw Loony, grabbed Griffs Head, and the ball, and scored a double touchdown. Costing me the match.

04-06-2016, 07:50 AM
Nah, i reckon they love each other really. Erik is totally the tsundere. Wonder which one is the Seme and uke?

So what I'm getting from this post is that someone needs to write a Mystery/Erik (MystErik?) Blood Bowl AU fanfic?

It's obviously a rivals to romance fic, with Mystery as the cool veteran player and Erik as the hot headed newcomer. The question is are they on the same team or not?

Different teams is the classic tale of rivalry with their passion building on the field with someone getting tackled and being surprised by their opponents beautiful eyes, shining amidst the mud and blood of the field. Same teams means a much more psychological build up, with lots of Top Gun style locker room tension and so on.

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 07:53 AM
Not entirely sure I'm comfortable with this.

Where did I leave the 'No' stick, and 'Knock It Off' Brick :p

04-06-2016, 08:37 AM
Well it'd a classic tale of Blood Bowl romance. Love it. Are you also thinking a Top Gun inspired tops off sweaty training session? Obviously Blood Bowl not volleyball though.

They certainly weren't shy of treating themselves to a bit of romance in the BB novels either.

Erik Setzer
04-06-2016, 08:43 AM
Well, if someone could give me a 'Dummies Guide to Spending Your Hard Earned Wages on Stuff You Don't Enjoy', I'd be happy to give it a read.

Until then, I fear I may be stuck in a rut of spending my cash on cool stuff.

Yeah, but you only spend your money on GW stuff, so clearly you *aren't* stuck in a rut of spending your money on cool stuff.

Now, if you were spending money on, say, shelves full of Star Wars stuff, I might sympathize.

- - - Updated - - -

A poster called Marky on the front page has mentioned what sound to me to be a great idea. Actually have a season for Blood Bowl and restrict the releases to a set number of months each
year and have a bit of a narative to go with it. That's great it'd build a bit of excitement each year, stop the game burning out in stores and it'd be a clever way to introduce new stuff, players, rules, game modes etc. Love it.

Nah. Using that as a narrative means to introduce stuff, yes. Making everything time-limited? No. Someone might want X team but find out it's no longer available because they missed it by a month. Then they just decide not to bother with the game.

Introducing things with seasons, though, would be cool. Maybe the occasional limited Star Player, as long as they weren't ridiculously good. Making things too exclusive, though, would hurt the game, and leave people sticking with the video game.

- - - Updated - - -

with Mystery as the cool veteran player and Erik as the hot headed newcomer.

Wait, is this a metaphor for something else? Because as the games go, I don't think 30 years of experience counts as a "newcomer..."

04-06-2016, 08:54 AM
Oh no I wouldn't make lots of stuff limited that wouldn't be as good. I was liking the idea of using it to introduce new stuff and to regenerate a buzz to keep it going. Sort of like a new edition buzz without everyone having to buy new rules.

I think Gott was referring to your time in the Lounge. With MM a 20000 post vet and you with a "mere" stripling of 3000

04-06-2016, 09:07 AM
Not entirely sure I'm comfortable with this.

Well we've solved the seme or uke question at least >_> :p

Well it'd a classic tale of Blood Bowl romance. Love it. Are you also thinking a Top Gun inspired tops off sweaty training session? Obviously Blood Bowl not volleyball though.

Of course! With plenty of charged stares across the scrimmage line and all that. Also fiery arguments full of hidden meaning about who's going to be in charge (of the team) and who's going to decide positions (on the field) etc :p

Wait, is this a metaphor for something else? Because as the games go, I don't think 30 years of experience counts as a "newcomer..."

I think Gott was referring to your time in the Lounge. With MM a 20000 post vet and you with a "mere" stripling of 3000

That's it exactly.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-06-2016, 09:09 AM
So what I'm getting from this post is that someone needs to write a Mystery/Erik (MystErik?) Blood Bowl AU fanfic?

It's obviously a rivals to romance fic, with Mystery as the cool veteran player and Erik as the hot headed newcomer. The question is are they on the same team or not?

Different teams is the classic tale of rivalry with their passion building on the field with someone getting tackled and being surprised by their opponents beautiful eyes, shining amidst the mud and blood of the field. Same teams means a much more psychological build up, with lots of Top Gun style locker room tension and so on.

Thats exactly how it looks to me, and yes that would be awesome. But why stop at a fanfic? make it a full-on Yaoi manga! MrMystery totally has that silent/cold dom thing going on, while Erik is more as you said hot headed but perhaps has a more sub side to him.

04-06-2016, 09:12 AM
Thats exactly how it looks to me, and yes that would be awesome. But why stop at a fanfic? make it a full-on Yaoi manga! MrMystery totally has that silent/cold dom thing going on, while Erik is more as you said hot headed but perhaps has a more sub side to him.



Erik Setzer
04-06-2016, 09:23 AM
perhaps has a more sub side to him.

Heh. You do not know me at all.:D

04-06-2016, 09:32 AM
Well I'm glad this is accurate then:




04-06-2016, 09:34 AM

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 10:17 AM

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-06-2016, 10:22 AM
Well I'm glad this is accurate then:





Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 10:25 AM
*goes off to the corner to sulk*

Bloody...what was that word I saw just now in the feminist thread? Weebs. I think.

Bloody weebs :p

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-06-2016, 10:28 AM
Feel free to get back me back at some point, same goes for Erik ^_^

Mr Mystery
04-06-2016, 10:32 AM
Thankfully your My Mystery 9,000 comes fully equipped with a sense of humour :p

Erik Setzer
04-06-2016, 10:51 AM
Revenge is like pizza... even better when it's cold.

04-06-2016, 10:52 AM
Blimey that got steamy real quick. I guess Blood Bowl gets the juices flowing 😉

Erik Setzer
04-06-2016, 10:54 AM
Now I have the urge to play smooth jazz in the background every time I play Blood Bowl.

Blood Bowl by candlelight, anyone?

04-06-2016, 11:06 AM
*goes off to the corner to sulk*

I've got an idea of who could comfort you ;)


Now I have the urge to play smooth jazz in the background every time I play Blood Bowl.

Blood Bowl by candlelight, anyone?

Strip Blood Bowl? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

04-06-2016, 11:17 AM
Strip Blood Bowl? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That's the first supplement.

Erik Setzer
04-06-2016, 11:18 AM
That's the first supplement.

I can see the tagline now:

"Turn a game of yards into a game of inches!"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-06-2016, 03:26 PM
I heard weeb...