View Full Version : Daemonic Astarath Ideas?

04-27-2010, 06:02 AM
As I'm playing a Khorne Berserkers army, but using the BA codex, I'm trying to come up with a good HQ model. I'm leaning towards Astarath as I love the Death Co, and I think the model for him is brilliant. However, I want something more evil... Was thinking the Demon Prince model with wings and a giant axe would be nice, but no idea where to get suitable wings or an axe from.
Heck, breaking away from the DP and going with another model wouldn't be bad either. So long as it goes along the DP aesthetic.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a ton.

04-27-2010, 07:29 AM
Be'lakor would make a quality Astorath stand-in... but I don't know if you can easily get him anymore.

04-27-2010, 08:44 AM
I would use the chaos marine khorne lord with the possed winged jumppack as a stand in

04-27-2010, 09:48 AM
you can still get Be'lakor from GW direct. I've got a buddy who just ordered one about a week ago. Great model.

04-27-2010, 10:47 AM
Grab the Nightbringer model, give him some demonic wings, I think that would look badass.

04-27-2010, 12:07 PM
Good wings could be the balrog wings which are on the bitz section for LoTR or the dark pegasus wings from the WFB bitz section. Dunno about an axe though. Getting a large rod and using plasticard is the only way i can think of atm.

04-27-2010, 12:53 PM
The Balrog wings look pretty good, and I like that they're plastic too! Definitely considering buying those and bashing with Nightbringer... possibly.

Major downside with a lot of the models I've been looking at is that they're 40mm bases, and Astarath has to be on the smaller troop size base unfortunately.

Just got my plasticard in the mail today! Kitbashing the axe is definitely a possibility. Maybe try my hand at designing something on it in green stuff too.

Btw, did you know that Astarath is actually a named demon in christian mythos? His name can also be translated as "Astarte". Interesting hmmm....

04-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Major downside with a lot of the models I've been looking at is that they're 40mm bases, and Astarath has to be on the smaller troop size base unfortunately.

He doesn't have to be. The rules pretty clearly state that you can increase the base size, you just can't decrease it. I put my Vulkan on a 40mm base because the model is so chunky, and not a single person I've played has said a thing.

04-27-2010, 07:59 PM
He doesn't have to be. The rules pretty clearly state that you can increase the base size, you just can't decrease it. I put my Vulkan on a 40mm base because the model is so chunky, and not a single person I've played has said a thing.

Where'd you find this ruling? That be the case, I think I might just go ahead and get a demon prince.

There's a nice Khorne Lord on Juggernaut in the WFB line too. It'd look pretty wicked with some wings on it... Dunno if possessed wings or something else would be best though.
Thing is, I looooove the wings on the Astarath model too.

04-27-2010, 08:43 PM
Some will argue that you can gain an unfair advantage from mounting a model on a larger base than it's supplied with. Most people don't care, especially if the larger base is for scenic effect.

The Juggernaut might be a little large for your purposes... if you like Astorath's wings, I think they're a separate piece (part of his jump pack) so you could always get it and attach it to a man-sized model like, say, Kharn the Betrayer.

04-27-2010, 10:47 PM
Where'd you find this ruling? That be the case, I think I might just go ahead and get a demon prince.

There's a nice Khorne Lord on Juggernaut in the WFB line too. It'd look pretty wicked with some wings on it... Dunno if possessed wings or something else would be best though.
Thing is, I looooove the wings on the Astarath model too.

Don't worry about the base size. Not even 'official' places and events give a crap as long as it isn't an obvious gain, like putting an Ork Trukk on a skateboard.

Just model it as you see fit.

04-28-2010, 06:30 AM
The Juggernaut might be a little large for your purposes... if you like Astorath's wings, I think they're a separate piece (part of his jump pack) so you could always get it and attach it to a man-sized model like, say, Kharn the Betrayer.

The Juggernaut itself is gonna get tossed into my bits bin. lol. I just want the Lord on top. Probably gonna have to hack off its legs and replace 'em with some running Berserker legs or something.
Went ahead and bought Astaroth as well. Gonna use his wings on the Khorne Lord and save the rest for another project.

The Madman
04-28-2010, 12:51 PM
i wouldn't use the Balrog wings on Be'lakor, i've got both the model and the wings and they would silly on it. the balrog wings would only look right on Tyranid Harpy sized models (flying trygon) as even on a 40k daemon prince they look too big. in my opinion of course.

"Major downside with a lot of the models I've been looking at is that they're 40mm bases, and Astarath has to be on the smaller troop size base unfortunately."

why does he? its only illegal game-wise if the model is on a base smaller then it should be (I.E a carnifex on a 40mm instead of a 60mm) or at least thats whats its been with me and the stores and clubs i've played in for the past decade.

04-28-2010, 06:03 PM
The rule concerning base size can be found on page 3 of the small rulebook, and it basically says that you can put them on any base as long as your opponent is okay with it, which is different from 4th ed where it explicity stated (page 6 of the big 4th ed rulebook) that you could only put them on bases that are equal to or larger than the models were supplied with.

Personally, I wouldn't care if you modelled Astrorath on a 40mm base. I only care if we're going to have a fun game.