View Full Version : What are your challenges in this hobby?

04-03-2016, 08:30 PM
Hey guys!

I brought this question up in another forum and I'd like to increase the sample size of responses as I find this an interesting topic of discussion.

What are the challenges you feel strongly on in this beloved hobby of ours?

- Is it cost related?
- Perhaps it is the lack of locations to play?
- No community presence albeit store availability?
- Time investment required?
- Other reasons?

Gamers, Hobbyist and Brick & Mortar Owners are welcome to answer this question.

I am very interested to know this and I would also take this opportunity to voice out your thoughts because from what I understand, game companies do reads stuffs like these in forums. Chances are, they might even address it!!

NOTE: I understand topics such as this can degrade into a negative spiral. Therefore I strongly recommend to be understanding, keep things civil and if you wish to provide suggestions, please make it constructive!

Mr Mystery
04-03-2016, 09:05 PM
Commuting and work eating up at least 12 hours of each week day.

Rarely home before 7 pm. By the time I've had my tea, and showered, there's no time left for gaming.

04-04-2016, 12:42 AM
Painting all the models I have bought...

Deacon Ix
04-04-2016, 01:43 AM
Time, always time...

04-04-2016, 04:19 AM
Getting my friends to pick between WFB 8, 8.5 or 9th age.

04-04-2016, 04:31 AM
Painting, always painting. Then again, I consider that to be 'the hobby.'

If we're referring to 'the hobby' as GeeDubya products, the major challenge is that both stores in my area have had 40K and AoS simply die in the last year.

04-04-2016, 07:57 AM
For me, I've moved around a lot. In the past 6 years I've lived in 4 different states. Finding new communities is tough and as much as I'd like to think that I'm an extrovert, its sometimes difficult to integrate into an existing community over and over and over again.

Most recently, in my current location its tough to get out on Wednesday evenings to the 40k event. Its about 45 minutes away, and while I could make it out there by 6pm, I'm an old fart who doesn't like to stay up until 10pm playing games on a weeknight. Weekends are for spending time with Defenestrata and her wants, needs and desires. There's so much to do here where I live outdoors and socially that its tough to find time for hobbying.

Plus my basement where I paint flooded when a pipe froze and now there's mold down there that we're trying to kill. Tough to paint when you're constantly coughing.

Captain Bubonicus
04-04-2016, 09:49 AM
It takes up a lot of time - not that I mind, but when there's someone else involved, I feel guilty about not spending more time with them.

I've tried to compromise by moving my painting table into the living room so I can toil away while she watches TV. At least that way we're in the same room.

04-04-2016, 10:03 AM
1. Time with Wife.
2. Time with Kids (3 & 5).
3. Space with Kids (did I mention they were 3 & 5?).
4. Was just laid off.
5. LGS just closed, next decent gaming space is hard to reach.

Hendrik Booraem VI
04-04-2016, 11:06 AM
The challenges faced in the hobby have varied based on my circumstances.

When I first picked up the game in 1989, I was 18, living with my mom, going to high school, and had a job. So I could spend my money however I wanted (because I didn't have actual living expenses), and my mom had a ginormous dining room table, so I wasn't lacking for a place to play. I had plenty of time to play also. Unfortunately, I lived in a backwoods part of South Carolina, USA, and there wasn't anyone around for 45 miles who even knew what Warhammer 40k was, let alone was willing to spend money on it.

Later, after I graduated college and got married, I had a job, but I had living expenses. Even though I was living in a larger town, I didn't search out people to play WH40K with, because I didn't have the space to play (tiny apartment) nor did I have the money to buy the new rules (3rd edition required codexes and stuff that RT days had not needed).

Now I'm 43. I've worked in my career field for 20 years. My wife works also, and we have six kids (I've mentioned this before, but here we go again...), three of whom play WH40K with me, and one of whom wants to when he gets a bit older. I have a custom-built table (looks like an American Flag (America, HECK YEAH!)) that's just the right size for WH40K. But now, I don't have the time. :( I get home from work at 6pm daily, when I don't have meetings or stuff at church, and my kids have chores and homework, so we only play on weekends, and even then only once a month or so.

As a result, I don't spend much money on WH40K, even though I could. It just isn't worth it to annoy the wife but not get to use the cool stuff.

EDIT: I do want to point out, however, that now I have the resources, the maturity, and the access to organize collective gaming events. This past weekend I put together a day-long Warhammer 40K gaming session at my church that had 10 attendees, and I've designed a campaign map, rules, and am working on creating a gaming club at the local college (where I work). So even though I don't get to play as much as I'd like, I have the resources to help others play a lot more, which is really fun.

04-04-2016, 01:32 PM
The main challenge is always evolving...

Early in life it was money.
During the career and cash earning years it was always time.
Now that I'm 45 and semi-retired the biggest challenge is finding ways to maintain interest and have fun with it.

Interesting topic. :)

Warsmith Shaughn
04-04-2016, 04:06 PM
Commuting and work eating up at least 12 hours of each week day.

Rarely home before 7 pm. By the time I've had my tea, and showered, there's no time left for gaming.

Yep that's about the same for me; time is the biggest challenge.

Also, Hendrik, was anyone in your church group playing Daemons? That'd be funny : P

Hendrik Booraem VI
04-04-2016, 05:40 PM
Yep that's about the same for me; time is the biggest challenge.

Also, Hendrik, was anyone in your church group playing Daemons? That'd be funny : P

Amusingly enough, yes, there was a Chaos player who had some CSM and a lot of daemons, including two Daemon Princes.

Da Gargoyle
04-08-2016, 12:55 AM
I have the time and money but no one close enough beyond the GW stores themselves. I was thinking of putting a notice up on the local shopping centre to see who is interested.

04-08-2016, 01:59 AM
Painting time.

Also for gaming, I find it frustrating the sheer amount of 'army of the month' players there are. Look - my main army is Chaos. I can't in all honesty begrudge someone whose tired codex gets an update of awesomeness - I hope for the same.

But not all of them out there were playing a Biel-Tan warp spider strong list, or a Saim-hann bike spam list. if you look at old tournament army list rbeakdowns, Eldar had a few absolutely elite players who wielded their force like surgeons with scalpels. Now they are en masse and lacking finesse.

idk mebbe the meta is 'if you can't beat them join them' but I can't help but roll my eyes discretely when yet another top-tier codex tips up at the table.