View Full Version : Admech Army Lists

03-29-2016, 10:27 AM
Ive been eyeing the skitarii and cult for awhile ever since i started playing warhammer (which really hasnt been that long!) Ive cooked up a couple lists to take on my buddy and to hopefully get a good feel for my units and the plethora of special rules they have as a whole! Im also open to criticizism and different ideas as i havent been playing for an exceptionally long time and i am happy for any advice thrown my direction.

the first list is a cheesy one since its the Cult Mechanicus War Convocation, i just couldnt pass up all that free wargear plus i love my knight crusader and intend to use him as much as possible! (he was one of my first models that i purchased. Hehe)

the HQ is a Dominus w/ uncreator gauntlet, volkite blaster, stasis field and any other free goodies that he had available

troops were 2 squads of Destroyers, 3x Grav/phosphor and 3x flamer/plasma

then a heavy support of Kastellans w/ TL phosphor and torrent flamers
the Datasmith has technomartyr raiment, refractor field and other freebies

then came the skitarii battle maniple:
2x dragoons with jezzail, 1x onager with nuetron/stubber combo and all freebies, infiltrators with flachette and goads priceps w/ conversion field and phase tazer, ruststalkers w/ razors claws and grenades priceps w/ conversion field and omniscient mask, 9 rangers w/ 3 TA the rest with galvanic rifles the alpha w/ arkhans divinator conversion field and another galv rifle, 4 van w/ 2 plas 2 radium carbs the alpha with rad carb and the skull of elder tesla

then my Knight crusader w/ SS rockets, battlecannon/stubber, meltagun, and avenger gatling cannon.

thats my first list and im pretty sure it can be effective in different ways. but im open to suggestions as i said before.

this list is 1850 points on the nose. my other list will follow soon!