View Full Version : Balls! By Macrocosm Is Live & Funded On KickStarter

Original Timmy
03-27-2016, 05:20 PM
Balls! is the latest Kickstarter by Macrocosm Miniatures.

It is for a set of 10 flying Balls made up from 6 unique sculpts, they are already funded and not far from unlocking the first stretch goal the legged versions.

These are 28mm and made from resin, the sculpts are quirky and remind me of Squigs so in that aspect you could use these as proxies for them, also imo i think these will be good for various RPGs.

So far there is only one add-on and that is the Monster Ball for £8.


Original Timmy
03-28-2016, 03:45 PM
The first two stretch goals has been unlocked, the legged versions and 10 eye pin hooks per pledge to make the "Balls" into Christmas decorations!

The next stretch goal is for the "Monster Ball Of DOOM!"

Original Timmy
03-30-2016, 07:32 PM
The Monster Ball Of Doom is now unlocked, onwards to the next stretch goal One Eyed Floating Balls!

Original Timmy
04-02-2016, 07:33 PM
Some more WIP pictures of the "Monster Ball Of Doom" and "One Eyed Floating Balls"

Original Timmy
04-04-2016, 06:34 PM
There is a new add-on, "Deflated Balls" £5 for the set of 3.

Original Timmy
04-09-2016, 02:56 PM
The Colossal Ball is now unlocked and is a £25 add-on, its one solid piece of resin too!

The next stretch goal is for the Great Balls Of Fire and they are very close to unlocking!

Original Timmy
04-11-2016, 05:22 PM
Some more WIP pictures of a Great Ball Of Fire and the horns and arm accessories.

Original Timmy
04-12-2016, 08:35 PM
The Great Balls Of Fire are now unlocked and can be taken as part of your pledge,

The next stretch goal is for The Swarm, Lots of teeny tiny Ball monsters all flying as one swarm together. This will be sculpted as one big monster Ball.

In the latest update they talk a little bit about some rules they are thinking of for the Balls.

From the Kickstarter update:

"I had a sit down meeting with Robey Jenkins (Horizon Wars) who pitched an idea of a game to me over a cup of tea and a biscuit. I was sold on the idea and am really excited to play it.
We will hopefully see a lot of movement on this during next week and I will keep you all informed.....
What I can say to you now about it is this..... It will be fast, it will be fun and it will be diceless...I better start practicing guessing ranges again, I've been spoiled with all the premeasuring games Ive been playing recently!"

Also some more WIP of the accessory wings with the prices and the new pledges level graphics with the Balls available to choose from as part of your pledge.

Original Timmy
04-18-2016, 09:15 AM
The Swarm Ball are now unlocked and can be added to your pledge for £8,

The next stretch goal is for The Tiny Balls, 2 sets of Tiny Balls sculpted! 5 One Eyed monsters and 5 2 Eyed versions.

There are some new add-ons Balls, the Mine Ball, Nukekubi* also eyes talks* and leg accessories*.

*Pictures to follow.

Also some more WIP of the Great Balls Of Fire.

Original Timmy
04-20-2016, 06:37 PM
The Tiny Balls are unlocked and can be taken as part of your Ball set choices or taken as an add-on, you also get 15 of them to a set.

The next stretch goal is for the Blob Balls.

There is a new pledge level, 1 of each sculpt for £170 with each stretch goal unlock being added as they unlock.

The WIP pictures of the eye stalks are now in.

There is an update re-guarding Balls The Game:


Original Timmy
04-22-2016, 05:14 PM

The Blob Balls are now unlocked, the next stretch goal is for Hairy Balls(think critters)

So far this campaign has unlocked:

Balls with legs
One Eye Monster
Fire Balls
Original Monster Ball
Monster Ball Of Doom
Swarm Ball
Mine Ball
Deflated Balls
Nakekubi Balls
Colossal Ball V1
Colossal Ball V2
Tiny one eyed balls
Tiny two eyed balls
Various horns, eye stalks, wings, arms and leg accessories

Original Timmy
04-23-2016, 04:28 PM

The Hairy Balls and the next stretch goal the Ball of Steel another monster sized ball were unlocked overnight. the next stretch goal which is close to unlocking, is the Tough Nut Balls.

All above unlocked stretch goals are added to the "1 click" pledge which is 1 of each sculpt unlocked through this campaign.

The 1 click pledge right now contains:

6 Original Balls
6 Balls with legs
6 One Eye Monster
3 Fire Balls
1 Original Monster Ball
1 Monster Ball Of Doom
1 Swarm Ball
1 Mine Ball
3 Deflated Balls
3 Nakekubi Balls
1 Colossal Ball V1
1 Colossal Ball V2
1 of each of the accessories sprues (6 Sprues)
5 Tiny one eyed balls
5 Tiny 2 eyed balls
3 Blobs!
3 Hairy Balls!
1 Monster Ball Of Steel

And this keeps getting bigger with each stretch goal unlocked.

Still waiting for WIP of the Ball Of Steel, i hear it should be with the Macrocosm by the morning.

Original Timmy
04-24-2016, 10:19 AM

The Tough Nut Balls and 1 free random Monster Ball for pledges over £25 stretch goals are now unlocked, they are added to the one-click pledge for free or can be taken as a choice for a standard pledge of 10 or an add-on for £25.

The next stretch goal is Zombie Balls and we are not far from unlocking them.

The Ball Of Steel WIP still is not in, but imagine a woodlouse rolled up with one eye and plate mail armour.

The Tough Nut Ball WIP is also still not in, but they are a cross of punk rocker and scarred veterans.