View Full Version : Macragge PDF

04-26-2010, 07:16 AM
Hi everyone,

I am new to this Forum although I do post on other Forums such as 40K Online, Warseer etc, and thought I would share some pics of my current ongoing IG army.

I already have an almost complete 2000pt Cadian Army, but when the new IG Codex came out a year or so ago I couldn't resist starting another army, which in hindsight now seems bit crazy!

As my Cadian Army is pretty much "straight out of the box" I thought I would try something a little bit different this time around so I started a Macragge PDF army.

This army follows the Codex Astartes very closely, as all good citizens of Ultramar should!

Please bear in mind that this a Macragge PDF army, which is a bit different to a bona fide Guard army, so the unit markings etc relate to the rules laid down by Roboute Guilliman.

These Macragge PDF are attached to the Second Company Ultramarines of Cato Sicarius.

So here are some work in progress shots. I started this army back in November, so have been painting for about 5 months, but as yet nothing is totally finished. However once I have my HQ finished I will go back and finish off the rest of my troops before moving onto the tanks etc.

Also apologies for some of the photos, I have been having problems with the camera lately


Colonel Iron hand Straken. (I had to take his Shotgun off during painting.)


I have a fair few pics to show, but don't want to double post and am limited to 4 pics, so will post more of the command squad a bit later.

I also have quite a few pics of my Troops too.

Cheers for looking, C and C always appreciated.

04-26-2010, 07:50 AM
nice necromunda shotgun- I've seen some armies that used strakens rules to have a marine overseer in their guard army (what with the 3+ armour) maybe the citizens of ultramar could be lead by one of their more illustrious brethern. the Smurfs do have closer ties to the normal citizens of the imperium than most marines

04-26-2010, 08:33 AM
Are the U and the aquila from the brass etched sets or did you sculpt those yourself?

The figure looks great as a Guardsman officer.

04-26-2010, 08:52 AM
Great looking mini and brilliant idea...wish I had thought of doing it! :P

Keep the photos coming

MC Tic Tac
04-26-2010, 09:15 AM
I love the idea, but there again I am doing the UM 1st Company at the battle of Macragge (where they all die 300 style), and they fought along side the PDF too.

04-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Cool points= 10 out of 10! Great idea, great execution-please post more pics as you complete your force.

04-26-2010, 09:35 AM
Cheers everybody,

The Aquilla and Ultramarines U were from the Forge World Brass Etch set, and the sash around his waist was sculpted on.

I have been using a fair bit of the FW Brass etch on this army, it isn't the easiest stuff to work with at times but it does look cool!

And also I did think long and hard about using a Marine instead of Straken, it would have fitted with my fluff and looked cool, but in the nd I decided against it as eventually this will be my 40K Tournament army and I wouldn't want to confuse people.

I am desperately trying to figure a way of getting some Marines in there somehow though.

OK, on to some more pics.

I may as well show some more of Command Squad to begin with.

Next up is my Astartes Fleet Liaison Officer, which I use as a "counts as" Officer of the Fleet. This is because according to the fluff Adeptus Astartes Chapters do not have access to Imperial navy vessels after the Horus Heresy, but instead maintain their own Astartes Strike Cruisers.

It therefore follows that the Ultramar Defence Forces also wouldn't be able to rely on the Navy, so I have replaced the Officer of the Fleet with Lt. Varras from the Battle of Macragge Boxed Set.

Astartes Fleet Liaison Lt. Varras:


Then I also hit another problem with the fluff. Space Marines do not regard the Emperor as a God, and do not venerate in the same way as the rest of the Imperium (Adeptus Mechanicus excluded).

Therefore it would be unlikely that the people of Ultramar would worship the Emperor in exactly the same way the rest of the Imperium of Man, which meant having Ecclesiarchy Priests presented a problem.

I decided that Priests of Ultramar would be more like Adeptus Astartes Chaplains, and so converted up this chap.

Chaplain Caustus Dan Glokta (counts as Priest with Eviscerator):


Once again all of these are still work in progress, I hope to have finished pics soon.

As always thanks for looking.

04-26-2010, 10:06 AM
SWEET :eek::eek::eek::eek:

04-26-2010, 10:06 AM
SWEET :eek::eek::eek::eek:

those are soo cool 100/10

04-26-2010, 10:29 AM
Absolutely lovely painting and converting. What I like most is that the models are all converted, but very subtly so, so that you get a different feel without being whacky or out of place. If the rest of the army is this good, it will look spectacular

04-26-2010, 11:02 AM
I am doing a similar thing.i am in the process of buildin an Ultramar PDF army - 8th regiment( i konw Ultramar isn't a planet but it has a nice ring to it).

Basic main colour Scheme is -

Astronomican Grey for the fatigues and vehicle base colour.
Mordian Blue for the armour and picked out areas on vehicles.
Charadon Granite for boots and weapon cowlings.

I am using up all my old Ultramarine Transfers i have collected form my 12,000 point Ultramarine army that have never been used.

It being the 8th regiemnt it allows me to use the scuplted Cadian banners with a bit of filing.
i would post photos but my digital camera is playing up.

OCdt Mephiston
04-26-2010, 12:03 PM
As a suggestion to getting marines in this army, true scale scouts might be cool as ogryn, or scout bikers as rough riders... I am reluctant to actually suggest full battle brothers, because frankly it would be a bit of a slap in the face to demote them to those stat lines... but scouts training with the PDF? Thats fairly plausible I think...

04-27-2010, 04:38 AM
Hi everybody,

Cheers for all the positive feedback, glad you like them as I have had a lot of fun building and painting them.

And yes although I am not sure if I could ever actually get any full fledged Astartes in this army I am sure there will be a way to get some Scouts in.

The Scout bikes as Rough Riders is actually an idea I am keen on, so I may well follow that up.

Ok so I have a couple more shots of the Command Squad, and then I will start posting pics of my Troos so far.

Hardened Veteran with Melta Gun. (still work in progress)


Once again apologies for the bad pics, I have better ones of my troops I promise. Just couldn't get the camera to play nicely when I photographed these guys.

As you can see being a Vet he has a white helmet as per the Codex Astartes, but also has a white shoulder stripe which also conforms to the Codex Astartes, but has caused some confusion as it is also the sign of Conscripts in other IG armies.

To rectify this I will be painting a small Crux Terminatus in the middle of the white stripe, but I need to wait until I am feeling confident in my freehanding skills!

Command Squad so far:


And this is the HQ as it stands right now. I have also assembled 2 body guards for this squad but only finished assembling them last night, so they aren't even undercoated yet.

The rest of the squad looks like this:

Iron Hand Straken
3 x Melta Guns
1 x Chaplain (Priest)
1 x Officer of the Fleet
2 x Body Guards.

These guys will also be getting a Vendetta as Transport, which I am starting this weekend.

Next up will be some pics of my Troops.

Cheers. :)

04-27-2010, 05:18 AM
You have beautiful mini's with excellent conversions. There is just enough change to make the army feel unique and flavorful without it feeling ridiculous, and you seem to paint pretty well also.

Keep up the great work, and make sure to keep us updated!

04-27-2010, 06:39 AM
Cheers Fasted,

I really wanted to do something different from my Cadians, but as you say I didn't want to do anything too way out, so I'm glad that's come across.

The plan was to be able to use units from my Macragge PDF with my Cadians and my Ultramarines, so anything too OTT would stand out a bit, but I think there are enough subtle elements to bring the Marine theme through without them losing their identity as Imperial Guard.

So I also have some pics of my Troops.

Once again these aren't finished yet, my plan is to get 1 HQ and 2 Troops choices done, so I am working through the Command Sqaud plus a Penal Legionnaire Squad and an Infantry Platoon.

So first up is the Infantry Platoon.

Squad 1


I still have a fair bit left to do on these guys. The Heavy Weapons team need to be attached to their base (I paint them seperately), and their Autocannon needs painting too.

Then I have to paint their webbing, las guns, grenades etc, but they are pretty much done.

Once again following the Codex Astartes they have the Tactical Squad symbol on their shoulder pads, and sergeants have red helmets.

These guys will also be mounted in a Chimera, which I have started painting but haven't got very far with unfortunately, but I'll post some pics of that next.

Cheers for looking.

MC Tic Tac
04-27-2010, 07:24 AM
They are bootyful.

Top notch, and I love their keeping to the Codex Astartes theme too.

Calgar 2.0
05-12-2010, 05:41 PM
I can't wait to see more pics dude, everything looks great so far. Keep up the great work!

05-13-2010, 04:20 AM
nice mate, Just a note, the worship of the emperor varies significantly from chapter to chapter. Still thats a hell of a concept for a priest and I like it.

05-13-2010, 09:43 AM
Hello StraightSilver.

Just a question, are you using the full codex or are doing and limiting was can be used?
I am not using any of the following -

Primaris Psyker - i don't Ultramar high command would allow any outside psykers and anyone who did show psyhic potential would either be in the Ultramarines or dead.

Ministorum Priests - i don't think the people or Ultramar would need anymore religious encouragement.

Ogryns or Ratlings - no mutants.

Psyker Battle squad - same as Primaris Psyker.

Penal Legion - can't think of reason.

Rough Riders - feels antiquated for a realm such as Ultramar.

I am however using lots of tanks and infantry.:)

05-14-2010, 08:40 AM
Cheers everybody, and apologies for the lack of updates recently but work has been keeping me busy so I haven't had a chance to post.

@ david5th: Yes I am thinking along the same lines as you to be honest, and so am restricting myself to using most of the Codex but not all of it.

I have ruled out the use of Abhumans which means no Ogryns and no Ratlings, which is a shame but not too bad as I rarely use either in any case. My vision of Ultramar is an idyllic, aspirational one which Marneus calgar hopes will be a shining example to the rest of the Imperium, as Guilliman would have wished. Therefore unfortunately there isn't really a palce for abhumans, who are really just tolerated mutants.

I have also ruled out Penal Troops as such, as I see the judiciary system of Ultramar very different from the rest of the Imperium. However I couldn't leave them out of the army as they are one of thebest units in the new Codex so I have included some "counts as" Penal Troops. These are in fact Special Forces Recon Scouts, trained at Agisellus alongside the Astartes Initiates.

I didn't rule out Psykers though, as the Ultramarines don't seem to share the same trepidation as other Chapters regarding psykers, so I have in mind a unit of psykers, but rather than being Imperial sanctioned Psykers these will be my "Librarius", again made up of failed aspirants who survived the trials at Agisellus, but nevertheless went on to serve Ultramar elsewhere.

And I think everything else is fair game, my Rough Riders will be converted from Marine Scout Bikes at some point, but the main chunk of the army will be mechanised, so lots of tanks for me too.

OK so I have more pics:

Infantry Squad 2:


Again I haven't finished these yet, but I am trying to get as much done to my HQ and 2 Troops done so that I can game with them, and will then go back and finishe them off.

So same as before, sergeant, plasma gun and autocannon team in this squad.

05-14-2010, 08:49 AM
Apologies for the double post (update at bottom of previous page), but the 4 pic limit does make it difficult to show stuff. However if Mods require I can amend my post.

So as mentioned above I was unsure of having Penal Troops in my army as they don't really fit the background for Macragge, but their stats are just too good to miss out on, so I came up with a solution.

With their infiltrating and special abilities the rules for Pena lLegionnaires just screams out special forces reconnaisance, so that's what I came up with.

Recon Unit ("counts as" Penal Troops)


Cheers for looking everybody.

05-14-2010, 09:58 PM
yeah I like these. Keep up the good work.

05-18-2010, 11:44 AM
yeah I like these. Keep up the good work.

i can but say the same

05-18-2010, 01:04 PM
Ministorum Priests - i don't think the people or Ultramar would need anymore religious encouragement.
The other way to look at this would be that the people of Ultramar would be especially likely to include priests with their PDF units. I think you can spin piety equally easily as either, "We better make sure these slackers have some priests with them!" or "Please, Father, accompany us as we fight the Emperor's war!"

05-19-2010, 10:34 PM
Consider that even Ultramarines have chaplains. You could have nonstandard priests that teach a dialect of the imperial creed closer to what the Ultramarines themselves believe. There is such a thing as theological currents in the Ecclesiarchy.

Also, I must congratulate for the outcome, very clean and neat. Can't wait to see some stormtrooper-equivalents. (I'd go with kasrkin models)

08-17-2010, 07:57 AM
Hi guys,

Well I have to confess that I have been very slack at keeping this blog up to date, but then I have also been very slack at getting any painting done too so I guess they cancel each other out!

Although work on the army has been slow I do still have some pics to show.

This army will eventually be Mechanised, so there will be a fair few tanks, but for now I just have a couple to show you.

As this army is from Ultramar I wanted to give their vehicles a bit of a Guard / Marine cross over. The Ultramar Defence Force, and therefore the Macragge PDF, are meant to be very well equipped and disciplined, and so I wanted them to stand out from my other guard armies.

Therefore their vehicles tie in very nicely with my Ultramarine vehicles.

First up is my Hellhound variant. This uses parts from the Razorback, Land raider and Chimera kits.

Guilliman Pattern Hellhound.

As with everything else this is by no means finished, but I plan to finish it this weekend.


I do have some other vehicles to show, but I am limited to 4 pics so will post some more later.

I also have all of next week off work which I plan to spend painting, so hopefully I should finally have some finished pics to show next time.

As always cheers for looking, C and C always appreciated.

08-17-2010, 08:04 AM
Very impressive, it really looks like a marine/guard crossover.

My only suggestions would be to cover the slots on the side of the redeemer cannons with something (like an ultramarines drop pod icon or an aquila symbol) and either add a gun/searchlight to the cupola mount or cut it off.

08-17-2010, 10:38 AM
I'm guessing that the aquillas on your officers' flak armor are the smallest ones on the etched brass sheet. Is that right?

It's nice to see them on some imperial guard models to get a sense of the scale. I had considered getting some etched brass but those look a little too big for how I intend to use them.

08-17-2010, 12:09 PM
Excellent! Very orignal and well executed.

10-12-2010, 03:09 AM
Hi Guys,

Well it's been a while, and I have to admit to my usual slackness!

I had a great start to the year, 5-6 months of fairly solid painting and then for whatever reason I simply stopped. It might be "painting fatigue", or just real life issues which have caused this.

I find I have to really push myself to paint, bizarrely I love the end result but hate the actual painting side of things. Plus at the start of the year I had motivation to paint as I was taking part in a tale of four gamers style challenge, which once again I failed to finish.

However the project isn't dead by any means, and this week I have been assembling the rest of the army ready for painting.

Unfortunately I have lost the charger for the camera, so don't have many pics to upload, but hope to sort this out over the weekend.

So I have assembled a few things which I haven't posted pics of yet.

First up is my Manticore.

Guilliman pattern Manticore

Firing Position


Travel Position


I have to confess that this was completed a little while ago but I hadn't gotten around to putting up any photos. I typically finished this about two weeks before the new GW one came out, but to be honest I think this one fits in better with the rest of my army, even though I do love the new one.

10-12-2010, 03:13 AM
I also have started on Straken's Vendetta.


These are also pretty old photos. So old in fact that I have almost painted the Vendetta now, but as mentioned haven't had a camera to get any photos. I do have a couple of shots of it in action though.


Not the best photos ever, also some painful memories of Straken and his Vendetta getting toasted by scarab swarms!

Although it doesn't look like I have done a great deal I have assembled two more Chimeras, making the army so far fully mechanised, and I have started on my first squad of melta vets.

I have also assembled a Guilliman Pattern Devil Dog which has turned out quite nicely.

After that I have to assemble another squad of vets and two Valkyries and the army is all assembled. I have 2 weeks off in October so I reckon the army should be finished by the end of the year.

That's 1500pts of Guard painted in 12 months, which might sound slow but considering it took me 4 years to paint the same amount of Cadians I don't think I have done too bad.

I also have the camera back now so should be able to start more regular updates with any luck.

As always cheers for looking, C and C always appreciated

08-16-2011, 03:13 AM
Oops, I have just realised that I had not been keeping this plog up to date! Apologies for that, I think I am getting a bit old and get distracted easily....

Anyway, I have some more pics to show. Not a huge amount of progress but the army is getting there.

These pics are a few months old now so there has been more progress since these were taken (although not much tbh) but as I hadn't posted them here yet I thought I would do that first.

So here are some shots of the work in progress Vendetta, still not finished but almost.


I have some more pics to show but don't want to bombard everybody. It's quite scary seeing things so big on a monitor though, might go back and redo some of my highlighting at some point. It looks ok in the flesh though.

08-16-2011, 03:33 AM
More pictures! Like the concept and the colours suit IG in my opinion.:)

08-16-2011, 03:52 AM
Cheers Eldargal, I often get a mixed response when I use this army. Some people don't like the idea of puny humans sporting the Ultramarines logo, even though there's a lot of fluff to back it up. But I like smurf guardsmen, and blue is a nice colour to paint!

Ok so more pics. I have a couple of last pics of the Vendetta which I couldn't fit above.


And then the underside which I stupidly decided to paint be hand and then wondered why it took aaaaages....


Then we have Straken's bodyguards


08-16-2011, 03:56 AM

As has been pointed out these cheery looking souls like to protect Straken by deflecting blows with their faces! LOL

And then I have a quick army shot of everything together


Still lots of work to do but that's 1500pts assembled and pretty much base coated so they should get finished at some point.

The trouble is I have a large Dark Eldar army sitting in boxes calling to me which is making painting these guys a bit tricky....

11-16-2011, 08:38 AM
Hi guys,

well, it's been a while but I do have some updates for you.

To be honest I have been pretty much out of the hobby for the last couple of months but recently picked up my brushes again, so here's what i have been up to.

Not really much of an update, more just trying to finish bits off.

I have been mainly concentrating on getting my transports done, so I have some Chimeras to show you.

As usual nothing's finished yet, but it's getting pretty close.

So first up is Straken's Command Chimera.

HQ: Company Command Chimera


It's nearly there, needs the metallics doing properly, final bits painted and then a little bit of weathering.

I have more Chimeras to show but will post them later due to the pic limit.

11-17-2011, 01:48 PM
WOW i love the chimera! youve made it look like a completly diffrent tank! and the painting is fantastic!

great army :D


11-17-2011, 02:50 PM
very nice paint job and love the chimera conversions :D

11-18-2011, 01:12 AM
Good stuff, good stuff. you need to bump this up to Apocalypse scale and paint some superheavies. ^^

11-18-2011, 05:17 AM
Cheers everybody,

I definitely plan to add some bigger stuff into the army.

I would very much love to do a Baneblade but unfortunately from a fluff point of view I can't.

After the Heresy all Marine Chapters were forbidden from keeping and maintaining Baneblades, and I want to stick to that.

I know these are technically Guard, but they are attached to an Ultramarines company.

However the army will getting a couple of Macharius' as I think they will fit in nicely with my Chimeras.

And of course I have a Warhound Titan sitting in a box in my cupboard...

Anyway, I have some more pics to show. These are the transports for my infantry platoon.

As above these still need finishing off before weathering, but they are getting there.

Troops: Tactical 190


I have some more pics to show but am limited to four at a time and don't want to double post so will put some more up later.


11-18-2011, 07:56 AM
Awesome army man, keep up the good work.

11-18-2011, 08:55 PM
Amazing work. Really amazing.

I kinda wanna see them on snow bases, partially because GW has been pretty heavy on the snow side of Ultramar. However the artist in me thinks the painting is awesome and white space afforded by snow would let the models paint scheme 'breathe' alot more.

On the subject of white, i'm really impressed with the cleaness of the white areas on the command vehicles. And the conversions on the chimeras. And the command squad.

Will your psykers be wearing librarian armour blue or librarian robe yellow? On their rank migth you create a new lower rank and symbol (http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Librarians).

Sorry, this is one of tghe most exciting executions of a project and idea I've seen in some time.

Calgar 2.0
12-06-2011, 04:38 PM
Cheers everybody,
I definitely plan to add some bigger stuff into the army.

I would very much love to do a Baneblade but unfortunately from a fluff point of view I can't.

After the Heresy all Marine Chapters were forbidden from keeping and maintaining Baneblades, and I want to stick to that.

I know these are technically Guard, but they are attached to an Ultramarines company.

However the army will getting a couple of Macharius' as I think they will fit in nicely with my Chimeras.

Source for the Baneblade topic? You can take Baneblades for SM in Apoc.

01-24-2012, 04:46 PM
I am working up a very similar army idea for support to my Ultramarines in APOC games. I saw you mentioned that you were trying to work in Space Marines. What I was going to do is take a marine, using the Dark Angels robed marine, use a normal unhelmeted head with green stuff to be the cowl pulled back on the nape of his neck. Then arm him with a chain sword and bolt pistol. Paint the robes Mordian Blue(which is the base I use for my Ultramarines) with Ultramarines Blue as a highlight color. All of this to make my "commissar." I just didn't feel, since the PDF are not IG, that they would have commissars. This way though I can use IG rules and just substitute him in in place of the commissar using a straight commissar stat line. Then, since it is not mandatory, I would not shoot runaways. ;) I don't know if that helps you out or not. Just thought it might help. Also if you have any more ideas on that bent PLEASE PM me, I would love to bounce ideas off each other.

06-27-2012, 03:19 AM
Hi guys,

Well it's been a while hasn't it? :)

Unfortunately had a fairly crap start to the year, split up with the missus in January, and in between sorting out my flat etc I haven't really been getting much hobby done of late.

On the bright side though it means I now have a lot more time to paint. ;)

So I have steadily getting back to my man dollies, and have some new pics.

As usual nothing is finished at this stage, but I am currently working on 4 different armies and keep flitting from one to the other.

Thanks to the really rather cool alies rules I will now also be including my Ultramarines in here too, as they are now part of the same army, I love you GW!!

First up we have some Ultramarines Rhinos, and yes there is a reason there are six of them with Tactical markings........ I must be mental!

Ultramarines Rhinos - Second Company


06-27-2012, 03:20 AM
Next up is the third full Tactical Squad which is almost finished, so half way there.....

Ultramarines Tactical Squad - 2nd Company


06-27-2012, 03:20 AM
Then the beginnings of a Scout bike squad.

Ultramarines Scout Bikes


06-27-2012, 03:22 AM
And some progress on the rough riders.

Macragge PDF Rough Riders


06-27-2012, 03:22 AM

06-27-2012, 03:23 AM
And then just because I am more than a little bit excited about 6th edition, and stoked about the new allies rules here is my army in full, which I can use in standard games.

It's almost as if GW were reading my blog.....


06-27-2012, 03:26 AM
So pretty.
Are the heavy weapons teams armed with Autocannons with an extended barrel?

06-27-2012, 03:36 AM
Cheers Wolfshade, the autocannons are the standard IG ones, I think I have just put them a little bit further forward on the base.

06-27-2012, 03:38 AM
Looking truely fantastic! Big Kudos to you mate. Your army really is what allies were made for.

06-27-2012, 04:31 AM
This army is fantastic.:D
Well done. I envy you and the people lucky enough to play against it.
Everything is great but I particularly like the guard bikers.

When I see this beautiful army, it really inspires me to sort myself out and get an army finished, instead of flitting between things.

Do you have a games club you go to in S.E London?

06-27-2012, 05:23 AM
Cheers everyone.

@Energongoodie: I wouldn't worry too much, I have been playing 40k since the very first day of Rogue Trader over 20 odd years ago, and this is the first army I have ever (almost) finished.

I have so many other unfinished projects it's not even funny, so I know what you mean about not sticking to one.

As for a games club we don't have one as such in S.E London, just a group of 4 regular gaming buddies who meet up at each other's flats, two of us have space for a 6 x 4 games table, and we play or paint most weekends.

We keep meaning to look into starting a club in the area, but just would need to be a bit more organised and committed to do that.

We go to somef tournaments and stuff in London / Reading area (check out OG games in Wandsworth which isn't far) and visit GW HQ about 2-3 times a year.

Whereabouts are you?

06-27-2012, 07:25 AM
I'm in Sutton, so Wandsworth isn't far. Finding time is the tricky part.
I've been painting and collecting since 1990 and I have only ever managed a small Tau army with no tanks or transports, that I painted up when they first came out that now look a little tired and dated. I am determined to get an Iron Hands army done that is a basic marine army with no specialization and a Minotaurs army done that tries to take advantage of the new rules and forthcoming codex.
I have models for a big Dark Eldar army, a good size Space Wolf army and a small Grey Knight army. I have barely undercoated 5 of them :(

I really want an army like yours.

07-02-2012, 02:46 PM
Little bit chuffed, made the GW homepage today. :)


@Energongoodie: I wouldn't worry, you don't want to know how many models I have that aren't even assembled yet. :)

It takes time to paint an army, and feels like a slog, but then one day it all just comes together and the next thing you knoe it's finished.

If you're not far from Wandsworth check out Og games. Great store and they run a monthly 40K tournament which is a blast. :)

07-03-2012, 02:01 AM
I was just on GW and I saw this army and I thought, "Hey! That look familiar" so iwas going to post it here and say, look it's your army! and then I got here and it is already noted.

07-03-2012, 04:24 AM
Little bit chuffed, made the GW homepage today. :)

Congratulations BOLS chum!

07-03-2012, 04:27 AM
Cheers guys, I got all over excited when I saw them on the front page and had a mad half hour ringing my mum and then all my mates to tell them!! :)

It's quite sad to get so excited about little plastic man dollies.... :)

07-03-2012, 04:35 AM
Not sad....AWESOME! :cool:

07-03-2012, 05:29 AM
Little bit chuffed, made the GW homepage today. :)


Congratulations mate! it's a well deserved recognition! :D

heretic marine
07-03-2012, 12:15 PM
MAN!!! your stuff is awesome!!!

07-11-2012, 05:23 AM
Cheers everybody.

Well, a teeny tiny update today, just to prove that I am still painting.

This is the very, very early stages of the first Veteran Squad (powerfist sarge and 3 meltas).

These guys have literally had their fatigues base coated in, but this is the most time consuming process, the rest is pretty quick after that.

So far just Bleached Bone with one shading of Kommando Khaki. They will get further attention once all the armour is lined in and base coated.

The photos show that my figures don't start out all that neat and tidy.....


I have also completed this stage on another full squad of Vets (Harker and 3 grenade launchers), but didn't get photos of those guys.

The plan is to get all the armour done on this squad tonight, get it lined in and then start highlighting that and start on the flesh etc.

07-18-2012, 12:36 PM
Well, another tiny update from me as I didn't get any painting done over the weekend.

I did manage to get all the armour lined in and base coated, and have started painting the flesh on those figures without gloves and helmets.

However I have struggled a bit with this and am not overly happy with the results so far.

This is primarily because I have used the same paint recipe for several years, and had got to know what I was doing with it. Unfortunately though GW have now withdrawn the colours I was using, and I didn't get a chance to replace those colours.

I have found some very close matches in the Coat D'Arms range, but for some reason I just can't seem to match earlier efforts, and the 2 figures I have worked on so far have now been repainted twice, and I think another repaint would start to obscure their detail.

So these are some very WIP pics, so far the only thing I am happy with is the cigarette, which turned out how I imagined it. Remember though kids, smoking is bad for you!


07-18-2012, 12:38 PM

I am planning to tone down some of the skin tones by shading down some areas, but may have to leave them for now until I find a recipe that works.

heretic marine
07-18-2012, 01:32 PM
How do you get so much detail? what brushes are you using?

07-18-2012, 04:17 PM
I use Rotmarder-Kolinsky sable brushes from EM-4 Miniatures.

They take a bit of getting used to as they have triangular shaped brush handles, but I have found this gives better brush control as you don't need to grip them so tightly.

I use a number 1 for most stuff as it has a great paint reservoir, but I also use a 2/0 for detail work, and very occasionally 5/0 for very fine detail, although the smaller the brush the less paint flow you get as it has such a tiny reservoir.

The biggest trick is to really thin your paints and only have enough on the brush for what you need, if you overload it you lose control.

I also mix a tiny bit of vallejo matt varnish into washes and glazes, or when I am blending as it improves the flow of the paint, and makes washes sit better in the recesses as it adds weight to the paint.

Plus lots of practice, quite a lot of my finished models have had bits repainted at least once where I've made mistakes.

The other advantage of keeping your paints well thinned is you can correct mistakes by removing them with a clean brush and water.

Ok so I have done a bit more work. It may not look like it from the photos as my lighting indoors is a bit rubbish but I have toned down the sergeants face by giving it a glaze of dwarf flesh and them re-highlighted. I am much happier with it now as the skin tone looks more natural in real life.

I have also almost finished another vet using this method and so far it's looking ok.


07-20-2012, 02:45 AM
Another tiny update:


I still have to paint the bandages on the first guy, and have had some issues with the guy with the respirator but that's more the FW sculpt than anything.

That's all the faces done on the guys without helmets, so I can now go back and start painting the armour and fatigues so hopefully should have this squad finished next week.

the drake
07-20-2012, 11:23 AM
I love your models, especially the tones you got on the faces. Good stuff!

07-30-2012, 02:31 PM
Well, not much of an update for me unfortunately, but I thought I would post in an effort to kick myself up the backside and get some work done....

The reason for the lack of progress is mainly due to the British weather. As daft as it sounds the heat has made painting very difficult as the paint is drying on the palette faster than I can get it on the model.

However I have got the shading done on the helmets, they are grey right now but will be white eventually. You also can't see it from the crappy photos but the belts and webbing have been base coated too.


07-30-2012, 03:31 PM
Will post more pics tomorrow. :)

01-15-2013, 09:07 AM
I just wanted to say that this plog isn't dead, I have just been out of the hobby for a few months but should have some updates soon. Although they will be quite small.... :)

But i have got my paints out again. :)

01-15-2013, 09:33 AM
I look forward to it :)

Calgar 2.0
03-03-2013, 02:28 AM
Must. Have. More.

BTW, you can post these on BnC now, without the mods bringing the banhammer on you. IG have been added to the boards.

01-17-2014, 07:53 AM
Hey everybody, well it’s been a while…..

I have to admit I have been neglecting my hobby for a very long time. Life in general got in the way, plus a house move which has pretty much disrupted everything!

In the last month or so however I have picked up the brushes again but after over a year (maybe even 2?) I have struggled a bit to get back on form.

This has partly because I am still getting used to using Vallejo Game Colour. That might sound strange but I have used Citadel paints for over 20 years and hate change.

I have had to start using Vallejo as I am still working on 2 armies that have the same colour scheme and there is no longer a paint in the new Citadel Range that matches their old Ultramarines Blue, but the Vallejo equivalent matches perfectly.

So here is my first mini of 2014, still WIP but almost finished.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01283.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01283.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01282.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01282.jpg.html)

I have an absolute ton of marines lying around and needed to upgrade my Tactical Squads so this was a practice piece. If I’m really honest I’m not 100% happy with it but it has taught me a lot.

VGC needs a lot more thinning than Citadel paint, and if you get the mix wrong it’s too fluid for edge highlighting. After using Citadel for so long I found it instinctive to know exactly how much to thin my paints and now I am learning all over again…

The colour is a perfect match but the highlights are pretty sloppy, again this may be the new paint or maybe because I am very out of practice. I must admit my new painting area isn’t ideal in the new house either as the light is pretty poor, but the new house has 3 cats so I am limited as to where I can paint…

I also painted up a couple of heavy weapons marines and these seem to have come out better, think I am getting the hang of it now, but obviously they will get arms and weapons added at some point….

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01284.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01284.jpg.html)

I have had to replace a lot of paints, and this has meant trying out new flesh recipes which again has been a learning experience. Once again this is due to GW replacing their paint range and if I’m honest I do not like the new paints, although again that might be because I haven’t used them enough yet.

01-17-2014, 07:53 AM
So far I have struggled to find a flesh recipe I am happy with and I think this is because I have been using a black undercoat.

It’s difficult to tell from the awful photos (really need to get a new camera and sort out my set up) but I haven’t been getting results like I used to using the new paints. The face on the sergeant is quite sloppy, and this is because he has had way too many layers put on.

So I have gone right back to basics and started doing something I haven’t done for a long time, which is use a white undercoat. This has meant painting the heads separately but it has been soooo much easier and I don’t know why I didn’t do it like this sooner…

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01272.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01272.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01271.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01271.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01267.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01267.jpg.html)

So these two are no way near finished. These have had a white undercoat, a very thinned coat of Cadian Flesh Tone, an Ogryn Flesh Wash (very diluted), followed by a layer of Dwarf Flesh.

They both should really just need a couple more highlights and be done.

The thing is to get to this stage before would have taken ages, a lot of paint and obscured a lot of detail.

These have taken no more than a couple of hours and I can still see all the detail so I am very happy with them (they look better IRL, the photos really are bad..).

I am also finding the new marine plastics have some great bare heads and I have a lot to practice on.

01-17-2014, 07:54 AM
I have also been adding a bit of air support to the army.

This is a Storm Talon I am working on. Still very WIP but tbh not much more to do on it. Need to do some final edge highlighting and a bit of weathering but it’ll do for table top for the time being.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01259.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01259.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01260.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01260.jpg.html)

This was actually a really fun model to build and paint. It looks ridiculous in terms of design but was really easy to assemble and paint and it’s kind of growing on me…

And then a much nicer model but still early days yet. A Vulture for the PDF. Love this model, this one is actually one I have had sitting in a box in my “magic cupboard” for a looong time so is the all resin one. It was a right bugger to put together and needed a lot of work but is a lovely kit so am excited about getting this finished.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01277.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01277.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01276.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01276.jpg.html)

01-17-2014, 07:57 AM
And finally some models I posted a long time ago, my Psyker Battle Squad, again still very WIP but you can see the conversions better now they have a bit of paint on some of them.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01285.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01285.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01286.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01286.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01287.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01287.jpg.html)

I didn’t want to use the metal / finecast GW ones simply because there are so few poses so build these and am pretty happy with them so far. These are the plastic tank sprue torsos on max Mini great coat legs which I think works nicely.

I am now not sure about the Grey Knight staffs, they are too big but it’s hard to say for definite as they are held on with blu tak for the photos, and they were a bugger to get hold of so reckon they’ll stay.

Anyway, thanks for looking, hopefully I will have more finished stuff to show next time, and will have better photos. And hopefully I will post more regularly too.

I have a fair bit of other stuff sitting on my desk right now too but none of it was at a stage worth showing but hopefully will be soon. :)

01-17-2014, 08:23 AM
I really like the psyker battle squad.:)

01-17-2014, 08:29 AM
These continue to look awesome..

01-17-2014, 08:44 AM
Thanks Eldargal, I need to get more paint on them so I can attach all their staffs etc. There are also lots of nice little scrolls and pouches etc from the WFB wizards / flagellants that don't show up. :)

And cheers Wolfshade, I hope to not leave it so long next time. :)

And you really notice stuff when it's photgraphed and then displayed on a monitor... that sergeants legs need a complete repaint I reckon...

01-17-2014, 01:09 PM
The Chimera/Predator cross overs are absolutely amazing, it's how I would imagine Imperial armour would be. Amazing!

01-20-2014, 03:56 AM
Thanks Gingerpanda. I have to admit I cannot take credit for the conversion idea on the Chimeras. An amazing chap called Bungaroo over on Warseer was the first person to set the turret ring further back, I just added the Predator turret and I think set back it looks really cool and fits the theme of my army nicely.

But glad you like them, they are also probably my favourite bit of the army as well. :)

01-21-2014, 05:02 AM
So I have a tiny, teeny update.

I have been painting up the new plastic librarian and have been really enjoying painting it but unfortunately that means I haven't been painting anything else.

Obviously nothing really much to see, and the photos prove once again that I cannot take photos to save my life!! lol.

I have been working from the middle and working my way out, the little details like the scrolls and purity seals are really nice, there's a lot of stuff on this model that I missed until I started painting it.

Only problem is when the arms and staff are on you can't really see any of it...

So as I say still very WIP needs more highlights and washes. The only bit that I thought was finished were the yellow robes, but I don't like them so will probably try them again.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01292.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01292.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01293.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01293.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01294.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01294.jpg.html)

I will wait and see what he looks like tonight with his head attached and need to get some highlights on the power armour before I decide on the robes, but the back looks a bit streaky. I have also spotted a hair on the back which I didn't see until the photo was blown up on my monitor, hopefully that's just dust and not stuck in the paint.....

01-21-2014, 05:36 AM
I thought the yellow robes were rather pretty myself. If the streaks concern you perhaps trying one of the yellow washes/shades might help even it out?

01-21-2014, 06:24 AM
Cheers eldargal, I like the colour and the front I'm happy with, I am just not sure about some of the creases I have painted on the back, think it should be a bit smoother.

But I reckon you're right, a yellow glaze should tidy it all up and soften some of the shading. :)

Plus I haven't painted yellow in aaaages so wasn't sure how dark to go on the shading, and in hindsight should have shaded down rather than highlighted up. :)

In fact it feels like I have only painted blue, blue and more blue with the odd bit of bleached bone for the last 5 years... :)

Stoopid Photobucket!!!! Will sort that out and hopefully pics will re-appear.....

01-27-2014, 05:55 PM
Little bit more work on the Librarian, unfortunately didn't get as much painting done as I had planned, mainly due to the pub....

Once again apologies for the bad pics...

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01306_zpsbdd1cb2b.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01306_zpsbdd1cb2b.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01299_zps61eda905.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01299_zps61eda905.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01301_zpse4db3092.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01301_zpse4db3092.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01304_zpsb339a313.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01304_zpsb339a313.jpg.html)

The arms and head are dry fitted for now which is why they are a bit wonky...

Also applied a couple of glazes to the cloak which has helped but still needs more work.

Lord Ezekial
01-27-2014, 09:33 PM
I am blown away man! These are awesome. I like the concept too, it is very different from your typical guard army theme. Can't wait to see what else pops up!

01-28-2014, 03:25 AM
Cheers Lord Ezekial, I must admit I need to go back and give the IG elements a bit of love, they only really need finishing off although I saw a lovely Hydra proxy that would fit my army nicely the other day that I may have to steal... :)

I seem to have got back into Marines right now though, probably because of the new Codex which means that when the new IG one comes out in a couple of months I will get bored of them and go right back to Guard.... ;)

01-28-2014, 03:37 AM
Of course I have not told you the problem that your thread has actually caused. I have long been toying with the idea of a Baal PDF to support my Bangels, now unfortunately, not only do I have to do it, I now have to copy some of your conversions to make it look more marine-y.

Damn you!

01-29-2014, 08:01 AM
I'm with Wolfshade on this, once I'm done with my Imperial Fists I plan on doing something along the lines of the Inwit PDF to support them and will have to borrow some of your Guilliman pattern tank ideas. Course Forgeworld are actually helping out with this with the Heresy era Legion Basilisk and Gorgon models, perfect for such armies.

02-13-2014, 04:59 AM
Cool, we need more PDF forces, and by all means steal away, would love to see them in IF colours, and the Legion basilisk will be making an appearance in my army soon too. :)

So I have been doing a bit more painting, mainly for practice but also to give my army a bit of oomph.

I have a had a break from the Librarian but he will get finished hopefully over the weekend.

For now I have been painting up 2 new captains, one for painting practice and the other for the army.

Typically the one I was using for practice has come out better than the one for the army, but hey ho.

So here is a First Company Captain with Artificer Armour, Power Fist and Shield Eternal (fancy Storm Shield).

He is still very WIP and looking at the photos the armour needs a bit of attention as the highlights aren't working right now.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01319_zpsd3a322aa.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01319_zpsd3a322aa.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01318_zps45bb14c7.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01318_zps45bb14c7.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01320_zps81940eca.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01320_zps81940eca.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01321_zps86d1f45f.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01321_zps86d1f45f.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01322_zpsfbc91abb.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01322_zpsfbc91abb.jpg.html)

You can't really see it very well in the photos but the about the only thing that has turned out how I wanted it is the white cloak at the back.

But he's coming along, he will also have a back banner which should break up all that white and draw the eye back away from the Storm Shield, but I think I need to go back and neaten up his helmet and some of the power armour.

Then there is this chap, another of the single sprue plastics which I have to say I am becoming more and more impressed with, so much stuff to paint on them and they seem to just "work". Still don't think the price is necessarily justified but this guy and the Librarian have been fun to paint.

Obviously still very WIP like the first guy but think this guy is coming on better, which is a shame as I would probably never use this load out in a game.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01323_zps0042dabc.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01323_zps0042dabc.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01324_zps527c2af7.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01324_zps527c2af7.jpg.html)

This figure was primarily for me to practice on, I am feeling a bit rusty and having to relearn a lot with the new paints but also because it's been a while.

The biggest thing was for me to find a new flesh recipe and i think i may have cracked it.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01326_zps19d4ed8e.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01326_zps19d4ed8e.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01328_zps52559a26.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01328_zps52559a26.jpg.html)

This was very simple and I am happy with the results but will wait and see what it's like on the model, might need one more highlight but will leave it alone for now.

Hopefully have these guys and the Librarian finished over the weekend although it's valentines day tomorrow so might get killed if I do any more painting!!

Then next week I will start on my Devastator Centurions.

05-09-2014, 07:06 AM
This is just to prove that I am still alive. :)

I have been pretty slack once again on the painting front although have more free time right now so hopefully will get stuff done.

Also have to make some changes to my Macragge PDF now as the new Codex has made some of my units obsolete, which is a shame as they were nice conversions and i had spent a fair bit of time on them. :(

Anyway just so you know I have the brushes out I got an Imperial Knight for my birthday a month ago and have been slowly getting it painted.

I know it isn't Ultramarines or PDF but it is blue and gold so fits the armies nicely....

And massive apologies for the terrible photos, I don't have a camera at the moment so these are off my phone, which is rubbish...

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/1978848_10154143136530096_1395499201333954998_n.jp g (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/1978848_10154143136530096_1395499201333954998_n.jp g.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/10308235_10154143135940096_7479434525506048820_n.j pg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/10308235_10154143135940096_7479434525506048820_n.j pg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/10256804_10154143136400096_6067342890457929034_n.j pg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/10256804_10154143136400096_6067342890457929034_n.j pg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/10270279_10154143136205096_8437606536022745443_n.j pg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/10270279_10154143136205096_8437606536022745443_n.j pg.html)

Still a way to go on it but it's getting there and has been fun to paint, love the model.

06-04-2014, 03:47 AM
OK, so the Knight is pretty much finished. Just some detailing to do and another couple of passes of matt varnish over some of the decal areas.

I'm also unsure of some of the paint chipping, especially on the shield, never done it before so might have to retouch some of that as well.

But she's almost done and I have had a lot of fun painting her, here are some better pics.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight1.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight1.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight2.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight2.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight3.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight3.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight4.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight4.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight5.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight5.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight7.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight7.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight8.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight8.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Knight%20Titan/knight9.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Knight%20Titan/knight9.jpg.html)

I have more pics to post but will have to wait as there is a limit.

07-14-2014, 04:44 PM
Well after I finished off the Knight I decided to start on a squad of Devastator Centurions. Not a massive fan of the models but for completeness sake wanted to add a squad and they are handy against MCs.

They were supposed to take a couple of weeks, but a month later they are still WIP and I have been rushing them a bit to get them finished but here's where they're at.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01360.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01360.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01362.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01362.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01365.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Macragge%20PDF%20HQ/Macragge%20PDF%20Troops/Macragge%20PDF%20Elites/Macragge%20PDF%20Fast%20Attack/Macragge%20PDF%20Heavy%20Support/DSC01365.jpg.html)

These have not been that enjoyable to paint, but I should have broken them down into sub assemblies. Plus the decals in the kit don't fit, they are too big so luckily I had the FW Ultramarines decal sheet, which is very handy.

Just a bit more to do on them then it's back to painting Tactical Marines....

07-15-2014, 01:59 AM
They look great despite the difficulties you said you had.

07-17-2014, 02:54 AM
Cheers Wolfshade, they probably weren't that bad, I just didn't plan them out enough.

If I did any more I would keep the legs and torso seperate during painting, and leave the pistons off the back of the feet. Otherwise it's a nightmare getting a brush in anywhere.

I also think that after painting the Knight, which was a very well thought out kit and obviously designed with painters in mind, everything feels like a chore now.

I might have to buy another Knight... :)

08-20-2014, 07:54 AM
Well, not really a proper update as such purely because I haven't gotten around to photographing anything as such but will be rectifying that later today.

However I attended my first proper tournament this weekend run by the excellent guys over at H.A.T.E (Hackney Area Tabletop Enthusiasts).

This was a 2000pt escalating narrative tournament, so started out with a 500pt scouting mission and increased in 500pt blocks up to 2000pts.

It was great fun but 4 games in a day was a bit exhausting!!

However it meant i really had to get my finger out and actually get stuff finished to the Tournament standards, so everything assembled, based and painted.

As anybody following my plog will know most of my stuff is "almost" finished so I had 3 weeks of furious painting to get stuff finished, and although there are still little bits to do I did attend with 2000pts of models finished to gaming standard.

So my marines finally got their bolt guns attached, decals added (more on that later) and vehicles highlighted etc.

I also picked up a trophy for best painted army which I am very chuffed about as there were some gorgeous armies in attendance. An Imperial Fists army and Eldar Corsair army were two stand outs.

Despite not faring so well in gaming terms (2 pretty bad losses, a close draw and a win) I had a really fun day and think will attend more Tournies in future.

Here are some blurry phone pics for now, but will put up some photos of the models I painted for the event when I get home tonight.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/HATETournie1_zpsb0a8daa4.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/HATETournie1_zpsb0a8daa4.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/HATE5_zps5f3a647b.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/HATE5_zps5f3a647b.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/HATETournie3_zps03852e66.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/HATETournie3_zps03852e66.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/HATETournie4_zps3c93adb2.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/HATETournie4_zps3c93adb2.jpg.html)

08-20-2014, 09:32 PM
The shield you are using for shield eternal. What kit is it from. Ive seen that same model a couple times and never found out where its from.

08-21-2014, 02:47 AM
Hi DemonFerret,

I'm pretty sure it's just one of the Storm Shields from the Terminator Assault kit. Most of them are cross shaped but there is one on the sprue the same as I have used for the Shield Eternal.

Trouble is I have a bits box the size of a small car for marines so if it's not from the assault termi kit the only other place it could be from is the plastic Space Marine commander kit.

Hope that helps. :)

And i did take pics last night... but have left the camera lead at home so will put them up when I get in from work tonight. :)

08-21-2014, 02:56 AM
Yes, the storm shield is from the Terminator Assault kit

03-02-2015, 08:54 AM
Hi guys,

Once again I find myself realising how long it was since i last posted any pics!! Must admit I have been actually painting a fair bit but don't seem to have finished anything!!

However I do have some (bad) pics to show just to keep the plog alive. I really need to invest in a new camera, or learn to take photos. :)

First up is my first ever Razorback. I can't believe I've never actually painted one, I have six Rhinos painted for this army but decided a Razorback made more sense for my Commander as he more often than not drives around in a Rhino with a 5 man combat squad.

I decided to make this one stand out a bit and as effectively he is from 1st Company thought some white accents would differentiate it from all the other vehicles. I have done this with the Macragge PDF and like it although I'm not sure if it works so well in this case.

Here are some WIP shots so far, apologies for bad photos.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/First%20Co%20razorback%203.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/First%20Co%20razorback%203.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/First%20Cp%20razorback%202.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/First%20Cp%20razorback%202.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/First%20Co%20Razorback%205.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/First%20Co%20Razorback%205.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/First%20Co%20razorback.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/First%20Co%20razorback.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/First%20Co%20razorback%202.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/First%20Co%20razorback%202.jpg.html)

I am still unsure about the white, it definitely stands out but looks a bit too much like a Mentor Legion Rhino now.

Next up is my version of Sergeant Chronos. I really like the GW version of Chronos but in all honesty was just being a cheap skate as i have so many marine bits lying around so cobbled together my own version, he is equipped the same so hopefully nobody will have any issue over him.

He looks a bit like Sean Connery at this point... still very WIP but almost done.

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Chronos%20WIP%203.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Chronos%20WIP%203.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Chronos%20WIP%202.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Chronos%20WIP%202.jpg.html)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/Chronos%20WIP%205.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/Chronos%20WIP%205.jpg.html)

I am also working on a Razorback for a Chaplain and 2 Land Raiders but they were still so WIP I didn't take pics.

Hopefully I will be able to get as much of my Ultras and Macragge PDF finished off soon as i intend to start doing some 30K stuff, and eventually getting my Dark Eldar painted....

03-02-2015, 11:24 AM
I like the look. Makes it stand out a little.

03-09-2015, 04:37 AM
Cheers Thaldin, after it sitting in the cabinet for a few days it's really grown on me. :)

OK, so I had planned to put up quite a few pics but my camera really has died, time to get a new one (the one I am using is about 10 years old...)

I have been painting, got a couple of Land raiders on the go and another Razorback almost finished but the only half decent pic I could get was of my Chaplain.

He is still very much WIP but seems to be coming on quite quickly, really didn't like the model at first but he's growing on me. :)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/6abcb343-c39d-4687-8ebe-24b624ae60a8.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/6abcb343-c39d-4687-8ebe-24b624ae60a8.jpg.html)

09-04-2015, 03:23 PM
I have some updates, but not much as I haven't had a chance to get much painting done lately.

These are all still WIP, some are more finished than others.

And as ever apologies for the truly awful photos! Really not my strong point! :)

Chapter Champion (also stands in for 30K Praetor)

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01402.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01402.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01405.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01405.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01404.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01404.jpg.html)

- - - Updated - - -


http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01409.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01409.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01408.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01408.jpg.html)


http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01446.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01446.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01441.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01441.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01440.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01440.jpg.html)

I have more pics to follow but am limited by the number I can post.

09-05-2015, 06:41 AM
Good stuff, man, loving the Champion a lot!

09-05-2015, 07:12 AM
Very nice work! You've really created an awesome army. Love the freehand on the captain and the way you painted the champion.

09-07-2015, 03:15 AM
Cheers guys, I must admit I am very happy with the Chapter Champion but my Captains are a bit jealous of all of his bling!! :) I need to get the rest of the command squad painted so that he doesn't stand out so much.

And I hate doing freehand so was quite happy with the captain's cloak. I have to go back and freehand some writing on the scrolls on the champion but have been putting it off. And i ought to get the captain finished but not sure I would ever use him in a game, but the model's nice.

Next up is some very WIP Devastators. They will all be armed with las cannons, and yes these are the old models which have sat in a cupboard for 6 years! As soon as i started putting them together the new models came out... :)

But I quite like the old ones and happy with these so far - but sadly most of them will be covered up by the weapons which is why I thought I'd post pics at this stage.

Their arms are on my desk as we speak so hopefully they will get them attached soon...


http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01430.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01430.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01431.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01431.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01429.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01429.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01424.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01424.jpg.html)

09-09-2015, 03:43 AM
Bit more work on the Land Raider.

Land Raider

http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01423.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01423.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01421.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01421.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01420.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01420.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01419.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01419.jpg.html)
http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af307/MacraggePDF/DSC01418.jpg (http://s1018.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF/media/DSC01418.jpg.html)

12-30-2015, 02:44 PM
Cheers everybody, well not a very exciting update but I have been going back to stuff and finishing it off.

So I have finished my first Devastator Squad and pretty much finished off 6 Rhinos for my Tacticals. I have also gone back to the infantry for my Macragge PDF and finished off all their webbing, fatigues etc and added decals. I hit gold for these when the GW Ultramarines decal sheet came out as the SM Scout decals fit the Cadian models perfectly so I don't have to freehand the Ultima symbol any more.

First up Devastator Squad:

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01482_zpsamoqaorn.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01482_zpsamoqaorn.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01478_zpspsrgkjdu.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01478_zpspsrgkjdu.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01480_zpsn9d698r4.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01480_zpsn9d698r4.jpg.html)

Rhinos 1-6:

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01493_zpswb9yxtqx.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01493_zpswb9yxtqx.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01490_zpslzmpl3ei.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01490_zpslzmpl3ei.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01492_zpsf4s8dede.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01492_zpsf4s8dede.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01491_zpsdbfb4huf.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01491_zpsdbfb4huf.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01489_zpsbevo9je6.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01489_zpsbevo9je6.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01488_zpspldvo3go.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01488_zpspldvo3go.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01486_zpsd6i5eov8.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01486_zpsd6i5eov8.jpg.html)

I have lots more pics to follow.

01-04-2016, 04:17 AM
Some more pics, this time of the PDF.

Command Squad:

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01447_zpsxsku6uyr.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01447_zpsxsku6uyr.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01448_zpszzhbgwbr.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01448_zpszzhbgwbr.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01450_zpsekhwbowj.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01450_zpsekhwbowj.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01451_zpsf5trayxx.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01451_zpsf5trayxx.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01452_zps5kkc5rr5.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01452_zps5kkc5rr5.jpg.html)

These are pretty much finished now, the new GW Ultramarine decal sheet hs been a godsend for the PDF infantry as the SM Scout decals fit the Cadian shoulder pads perfectly.

01-04-2016, 04:25 AM
they are looking fantastic

01-04-2016, 05:30 AM
Thanks Kirsten, they're getting there, slowly but surely....

Also some updates on the infantry platoon (more pics to follow but have to adhere to 10 pic limit):

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01477_zpszs49evu6.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01477_zpszs49evu6.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01476_zpsvsfky9qh.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01476_zpsvsfky9qh.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01475_zpsdbabnvln.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01475_zpsdbabnvln.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01473_zps2sqenrov.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01473_zps2sqenrov.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01472_zpse3opchn1.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01472_zpse3opchn1.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01471_zpsmifetgwc.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01471_zpsmifetgwc.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01470_zpsllkcwmhl.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01470_zpsllkcwmhl.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01468_zpshdpdweje.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01468_zpshdpdweje.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01467_zpsp4rz2ytz.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01467_zpsp4rz2ytz.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01466_zpszsyunwzr.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01466_zpszsyunwzr.jpg.html)

01-05-2016, 03:10 PM
I love this so much. I've got two different guard armies, and a handful of Marine armies but I must have ADD because I've never been able to settle on one chapter and focus on it for any given amount of time. I'm so envious of your dedication to the Ultras.

01-06-2016, 04:13 AM
I love this so much. I've got two different guard armies, and a handful of Marine armies but I must have ADD because I've never been able to settle on one chapter and focus on it for any given amount of time. I'm so envious of your dedication to the Ultras.

Cheers cactus, if it makes you feel any better I am exactly the same. I have started soooo many armies over the years and finished none of them, the closest I came was my Cadians.

For some reason though I have managed to stick with the boys in blue, I think that's because mixing marines and IG gives me such a variety of things to paint but also maybe because blue is such an easy colour to paint.

I also tend to skip frm one project to another though, I think that's pretty normal behaviour for gamers, we all have a mixture of ADD and plastic addiction!

I managed to get some (bad) pics of the army so far to show though, and there is a lot of blue!

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01502_zpsaz2yuofg.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01502_zpsaz2yuofg.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01494%20-%20Copy_zpslnjhg4qf.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01494%20-%20Copy_zpslnjhg4qf.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01500_zpsrcio4thu.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01500_zpsrcio4thu.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01499_zpsuiglh4vs.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01499_zpsuiglh4vs.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01498_zpsyops1sku.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01498_zpsyops1sku.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01497_zpsdqetudj0.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01497_zpsdqetudj0.jpg.html)

Hopefully will get them finished one day, but still soooooo many marines to get through.

Peter Zuidgeest
01-11-2016, 08:17 AM
Love your army!
Very clean and crisp painting

01-25-2016, 04:09 AM
Thanks Peter. :)

OK, so I know I wasn't going to start anything new until I had finished lots of other stuff, but whoever sticks to that....

I got quite a lot of Heresy stuff over Xmas so thought I would paint up a small 5 man Assault Squad just as a colour test.

Sadly didn't read the unit entry so didn't realise minimum squad size was 10 so need 5 more but for now they are working as a painting exercise and I can always use them as a 5 man squad in my 40k army.

I wanted to tie my 30k stuff in with my 40k stuff and as they are 2nd Company my 30K stuff will have a bit more gold on them than is usual.

So far I like it but might not have so much gold on my standard units and save it for elites, but what do you think? Are the gold bonding studs too much?

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01510_zps4fisdaap.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01510_zps4fisdaap.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01517_zpsr9qfts43.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01517_zpsr9qfts43.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01511_zpstkigihnf.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01511_zpstkigihnf.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01515_zpsb28beeoa.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01515_zpsb28beeoa.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01513_zpssmnftttk.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01513_zpssmnftttk.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01514_zps0g0p99rg.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01514_zps0g0p99rg.jpg.html)

Obviously they're not finished yet, got the shoulder pads and jump packs to add but they are getting there.

01-25-2016, 05:42 AM
OK, so I know I wasn't going to start anything new until I had finished lots of other stuff, but whoever sticks to that....

Heh if any of us actually stuck to that this hobby would have died out years ago. Promised myself the same thing a while back, then Betrayal at Calth came out, Xmas and 40th birthday happened and I finally gave in to the desire to make a force of Savage Orcs for Age of Sigmar cos loved the look of those models for ages.... My backlog now scares me!

So far I like it but might not have so much gold on my standard units and save it for elites, but what do you think? Are the gold bonding studs too much?

Actually I think they look pretty wicked, I'd stick with them. You have plenty of metal going on with the armour seams and pipes/cables and whatnot, so the gold works really well. I would suggest picking out the little skull on the commanders headpiece in a different colour then gold though.

01-25-2016, 05:56 AM
Cheers Brakkart, I think you're right that little skull does need to stand out a bit more. I might do it white, or possibly silver? But yeah it's a bit lost amongst all that gold.

And yeah my backlog is super scary...... I don't even want to think about what's left to put together and paint if I ever finish everything else...

But 30K was way too tempting once Betrayal of Calth came out..... :)

02-07-2016, 03:43 PM
Well, they took a bit longer than expected but I haven't had much painting time of late.

So that's 5 down but need to paint up 5 more for the squad to be legal. I'm gonna call these done for now (not up for spending another £35 at Forge World....) and make a start on the BaC set.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01519_zpscfqsupqw.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01519_zpscfqsupqw.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01526_zpsuu3pwkac.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01526_zpsuu3pwkac.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01527_zpsu9tdoqs1.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01527_zpsu9tdoqs1.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01525_zps8c3vuxtl.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01525_zps8c3vuxtl.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01520_zps8sbv9zhu.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01520_zps8sbv9zhu.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01523_zpsg2jluszv.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01523_zpsg2jluszv.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01521_zpslysxfpx6.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01521_zpslysxfpx6.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01524_zpsxqoup3y7.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01524_zpsxqoup3y7.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01522_zpsmdczu8ot.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01522_zpsmdczu8ot.jpg.html)

02-10-2016, 01:02 PM
Very pretty

02-15-2016, 02:07 PM
Thanks Wolfshade. :)

So I have made a start on an HQ choice - gotta say not really enjoying this mini so far....

It's the limited edition Praetor and the one I got had a lot of issues, mainly miscasts.

I should have sent it back tbh and FW did offer to replace it but one thing led to another and I never got round to it.

I have fixed him up as best I as I can - quite a bit of greenstuff, and thought would get some paint on him as a practice piece.

I had to swap the head, not because of any casting issues, as I hate the one it comes with.

Still very WIP but looking at the photos needs some tidying up but he's getting there.

Will obviously look better with arms.....

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/Untitled_zpsk0pglfmo.png (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/Untitled_zpsk0pglfmo.png.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/004_zpsd9mvzbfq.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/004_zpsd9mvzbfq.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/002_zpse6byrfxo.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/002_zpse6byrfxo.jpg.html)

02-17-2016, 12:55 PM
Decided to take a break from the Praetor for a bit (ever just get one of those moments where you aren't enjoying painting a particular mini but having a break helps?) so I started another potential HQ.

This is one of the guys from the MKIV Command Squad, the standard bearer is also on the go.

Again still very WIP but he's also getting there. Also quite pleased as this is the result of a day's work which is super fast for me - I'm getting quicker. :)

Obviously will be painting arms the rest of the week.....

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01538_zpssief8cxz.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01538_zpssief8cxz.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01535_zps6bfdprls.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01535_zps6bfdprls.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01537_zpsaotqavbh.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01537_zpsaotqavbh.jpg.html)

The photos have kind of bleached out the colours a bit but happier with the head and face than I thought I'd be. Didn't like the look of the one that came with the kit and was going to swap it out but actually looks alright. He looks a bit small though.

02-20-2016, 09:51 AM
Standard Bearer WIP.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01540_zpsr0nq5pq1.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01540_zpsr0nq5pq1.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01543_zpsmavo4vkf.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01543_zpsmavo4vkf.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01541_zpsijxjvi7h.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01541_zpsijxjvi7h.jpg.html)

Have only just started on his cloak so it's looking a bit messy but hopefully have it sorted by end of today.

Then will be having fun with decals.... the standard decal looks like it will be a nightmare....

02-21-2016, 02:41 PM
Progress is a bit slower than expected on these guys - the cloaks have been pretty fiddly to be honest but I'm very happy with them.

Still WIP, need to finish the gold parts but now the cloaks are done I reckon the rest of the models should be pretty quick - except the standard, which obviously is the biggest part of the model but looks like will be tricky to get the decal on....

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01544_zpsjwt2sbxy.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01544_zpsjwt2sbxy.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01545_zpsinoz3tq9.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01545_zpsinoz3tq9.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01546_zpsf8zkhge8.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01546_zpsf8zkhge8.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01551_zpshm3mde0f.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01551_zpshm3mde0f.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01550_zpssvxbuzkw.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01550_zpssvxbuzkw.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01552_zpsq1ct5ihj.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01552_zpsq1ct5ihj.jpg.html)

03-13-2016, 03:14 PM
So I am gonna call these guys finished now, they took a bit longer than expected and I did rush a few bits but overall pretty happy with them.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01561_zpsj4krpc8a.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01561_zpsj4krpc8a.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01556_zps0siidkbg.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01556_zps0siidkbg.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01558_zpsawgwbl2m.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01558_zpsawgwbl2m.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01559_zpsy6ld2r58.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01559_zpsy6ld2r58.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01553_zpspqeirlvn.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01553_zpspqeirlvn.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01565_zpsapwli7gq.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01565_zpsapwli7gq.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/DSC01563_zpsebmfbhri.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/DSC01563_zpsebmfbhri.jpg.html)

Gonna take a quick break from Heresy stuff as I need to finish my 40K Land Raiders and do some work on the Macragge PDF but plan to start working through the Betrayal at Calth boxed set hopefully next month.

03-13-2016, 04:43 PM
They look fantastic, lovely crisp paint job.

03-14-2016, 03:43 AM
They look fantastic, lovely crisp paint job.

Cheers. :)

02-19-2017, 04:41 PM
Well after a long break from painting decided to paint something fairly big to get back in the swing of things.

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/16681528_10158211516875075_8866478549810094380_n_z psqcl1s1qx.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/16681528_10158211516875075_8866478549810094380_n_z psqcl1s1qx.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/16649530_10158211516600075_6204188058653495866_n_z psnfhtyzos.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/16649530_10158211516600075_6204188058653495866_n_z psnfhtyzos.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/16830965_10158211516795075_1906662305101008528_n_z psqw0bvdmz.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/16830965_10158211516795075_1906662305101008528_n_z psqw0bvdmz.jpg.html)
http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r430/MacraggePDF2/16708719_10158211516360075_6515581067089058955_n_z psunmirc3u.jpg (http://s354.photobucket.com/user/MacraggePDF2/media/16708719_10158211516360075_6515581067089058955_n_z psunmirc3u.jpg.html)

Just got the base and decals to add, plus some text on the scroll on the sarcophagus.

Gotta say it's been nice painting again after a long break.

07-07-2017, 01:42 AM
Hi everybody,

Small update from me, as ever bad photos though...

Considering starting a new plog as I have lost all of my photobucket links, not sure how everybody else is resolving that one?

Anyway I have managed to find a bit of time to get some painting done. Not much, just a WIP of the Primaris Lieutenant from the starter set. Need to get some photos in daylight as the face is looking a lot darker than in IRL.

https://preview.ibb.co/mOcoZa/19702293_10158928392035075_5609340476666245982_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/cjvaEa)
https://preview.ibb.co/n2yvEa/19701992_10158928392300075_8329172617081621818_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/m0ED0F)

07-07-2017, 05:50 AM
Very clean paint job, looks great.

As for photobucket... dunno. I just rent my own server at Hetzner.de and host my pictures on there. For +-50 euro a year it's hassle-free. :)

07-07-2017, 07:06 AM
Cheers Meph, still got a bit left to do and tidy up, the whites aren't great IRL so need to go back and tidy up but they are lovely models to paint.

And yeah I think that actually might be the way to go and might look at doing the same myself. I think Photobucket really shot themselves in the foot with this one.

07-18-2017, 03:37 AM
Ok so apart from the base the Primaris Lieutenant is done. Took way longer than I was expecting (so used to painting "normal" marines and these are pretty different) but overall happy with it, hopefully be able to get them done a bit quicker now.

As always my photos are awful though! :) The blue is actually nowhere near that bright / light IRL.

https://preview.ibb.co/ijgXLF/DSCN0562.jpg (https://ibb.co/naARfF)
https://preview.ibb.co/dwQRfF/DSCN0571.jpg (https://ibb.co/kPxHnv)
https://preview.ibb.co/mrpu0F/DSCN0576.jpg (https://ibb.co/nkqdSv)

07-19-2017, 04:41 AM
Top notch work, mate! And yeah, those Lt. lines are a hassle to get 100% right. :) mine aren't either. Although I did found it easier to paint straight when taking the effort to painting 'with' the line instead of holding your brush perpendicular and dragging the tip sideways. As they say: Remember kids, it's down the lane, not across the road. :D

08-17-2017, 10:29 AM
That's way too bad about your Photobucket account... do you have a link to other images from your army?

01-02-2018, 03:58 AM
Some more WIP shots and slightly better pics of the Lieutenant.

@ Cactus: Sadly not at the moment - lost all my pics to PhotoBucket but planning to redo pics soon.

https://preview.ibb.co/bX8vjw/DSCN0588.jpg (https://ibb.co/gJcXWb)
https://preview.ibb.co/hvR4cG/DSCN0589.jpg (https://ibb.co/fF7XWb)
https://image.ibb.co/gBgsWb/DSCN0593.jpg (https://ibb.co/iUZCWb)
https://image.ibb.co/m5fmrb/DSCN0594.jpg (https://ibb.co/hykxxG)
https://preview.ibb.co/iXt6rb/DSCN0595.jpg (https://ibb.co/bxdHxG)
https://preview.ibb.co/eRkajw/DSCN0596.jpg (https://ibb.co/gyL84w)
https://preview.ibb.co/cWmRrb/DSCN0597.jpg (https://ibb.co/fLXcxG)
https://preview.ibb.co/mdePcG/DSCN0598.jpg (https://ibb.co/kz5ajw)
https://preview.ibb.co/g1jeBb/DSCN0602.jpg (https://ibb.co/eT86rb)

01-02-2018, 10:45 AM

Awesome job as usual, mate! :D

01-03-2018, 03:02 AM
Cheers Meph. :)

They now all have heads too!! :) Well, except for the Lietenant.... his went in the Dettol... stupid stripey helmets..... :)

Hoping to have arms on later tonight as well, will post pics when I get in.

I'm also taking part in a tale of 4 gamers type project on another forum which started yesterday so the plan is to paint 20PL per month - first month's pledge is a Capatin in Gravis armour and another 10 Primaris.

Hopefully if work/real life don't get in the way they should be done in the next 2-3 weeks.

01-09-2018, 03:13 AM
OK so a tiny bit of progress. Heads aren't attached yet but gives an idea of what they will look like.

I have also started a painting challenge on another forum - paint a 100PL army in 6 months. I am going for 100PL Ultramarines Primaris list, that way I can run them on their own or add them to my Ultras 2nd Company.

So first month's pledge is a Gravis Captain and 10 x Intercessors. Just base coated so far but for once I'm keeping to a painting schedule.

https://image.ibb.co/cT75cR/Primaris1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/kdu7rm/Primaris2.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/fKdYWm/Primaris3.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/iY5DWm/Primaris4.jpg (https://ibb.co/g6Uwj6)
https://preview.ibb.co/mPchP6/Primaris5.jpg (https://ibb.co/faffBm)
https://preview.ibb.co/jMwbj6/Primaris6.jpg (https://ibb.co/exr946)
how to upload photo to internet (https://imgbb.com/)

01-11-2018, 09:52 AM
Those are bloody gorgeous mate!

01-16-2018, 04:54 AM
Thanks BigGrim. :)

Some very early WIP on the next 2 units of Intercessors and the Gravis Captain.

Everything's looking a bit messy at the moment, need to tidy up my base coats and get rid of some of the lumps and bumps. I have done more painting this month than in the whole of 2017 though so at least I'm getting stuff done.

Last night was spent doing the checks on the 2 Sergeant's knee pads. Did not enjoy these at all and silly mistakes meant i had to redo them both several times - hence the lumps. Hopefully can tidy these up tonight and a coat of gloss varnish should smooth them out a bit.

This is the stage I hate - lots of work but not much to show for it - this evening though I can start highlighting which is when everything starts to come together.

https://preview.ibb.co/dyeanR/Prim_sarge_knee_1.jpg (https://ibb.co/eNWAMm)
https://preview.ibb.co/btQsZ6/Prim_sarge_knee_2.jpg (https://ibb.co/iUfgSR)
https://preview.ibb.co/kpuVMm/Prim_sarge_knee_3.jpg (https://ibb.co/cEfgSR)
https://preview.ibb.co/iSCjgm/Primaris_Int_1.jpg (https://ibb.co/b0fsZ6)
https://preview.ibb.co/e8wAMm/Primaris_Int_2.jpg (https://ibb.co/gwyeE6)
https://preview.ibb.co/mjXT7R/Primaris_Int_3.jpg (https://ibb.co/d9JeE6)
https://preview.ibb.co/jqQFnR/Primaris_knee_4.jpg (https://ibb.co/bOtPgm)
https://preview.ibb.co/cnpanR/Primaris_knee_5.jpg (https://ibb.co/jELRu6)

03-20-2018, 08:44 AM
OK so things are taking a lot longer than expected but first squad of Intercessors is almost complete.

Just have a tiny bit of tidying up, couple more decals and the bases to finish off (haven't decided exactly how I want to do them yet...)

I also have pretty much finished the other Lieutenant - I stripped his head as I wasn't happy with the stripe on the helmet but reckon I have a better way of doing that now...

You can also see the "varnish incident" wasn't completely resolved, mainly on the Sergeant's leg but it's only noticeable really close up.

https://preview.ibb.co/gft6uc/29365449_10160087267950075_2753770178176643404_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/i6UPfH)
https://preview.ibb.co/eWDjfH/29366079_10160087266865075_3064142723187066561_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/e84qLH)
https://preview.ibb.co/nzWsZc/29386810_10160087267495075_6548745998339173028_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/mq4CZc)
https://preview.ibb.co/jAXzEc/29425431_10160087267340075_2592347392715415940_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/ci087x)
https://preview.ibb.co/hFZqLH/29432965_10160087267705075_6001211422512658334_n.j pg (https://ibb.co/gaFKEc)

03-28-2018, 03:33 AM
So the next squad is on the go right now.

Got some issues with the sergeant though which only became apparent when looking at the photos on my monitor.

Not sure if the undercoat was too thick or I rushed the base coating but the chest aquilla and some areas of the armour need sorting. Paint is too thick and obscuring detail.

I also tried out a new method of painting flesh which was a lot quicker but is maybe too pale?

I also finally attached the head to the other lieutenant. I really, really struggled with the stripes on the helmet and this was my 3rd attempt - it will do, lol.

https://preview.ibb.co/kbmQX7/Prim_lieut_3.jpg (https://ibb.co/c0Xcen)
https://image.ibb.co/jVgg5S/Prim_liuet_4.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/guP15S/Prim_serge_1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/ec3Hen/Prim_serge_2.jpg (https://ibb.co/fHNokS)
https://preview.ibb.co/mTVKs7/Prim_squad_2.jpg (https://ibb.co/ggHzs7)