View Full Version : Know what? I'm gonna bring back the Flying V Formation!

Commissar Lewis
04-26-2010, 05:23 AM
I used to often pull this maneuver back in the old codex with Close Order Drill. When I decided to, I'd yell out "ALRIGHT MEN, FLYING V FORMATION!" and then move all of my Guardsmen base-to-base with each other in a large V shape and then charge across the board.

Rarely did it end well, but dammit it was funny as all hell. Though one time at the local GW store during a store event my Flying V Formation steamrolled (through sheer luck and Emperor being on my side) through an opposing Chaos player's thre3 10 man Khorne Berzerker squads, to a loud cheer by everyone in the store.

That was a fine day. Haven't used the FVF since the new codex, but I think I'm gonna bring it back for laughs. It likely will be viable w/ Straken and grouping into mobs of 20 Guardsmen w/ Commissars.

04-28-2010, 02:56 AM
I'm really unsure of infantry blobs anymore, which is sad. You can't hide powerfists in them, and they wither under fire. Still though, Straken is just an irresistible option to take. Having a 'Monstrous Creature' in your HQ squad, along with all his aura benefits is wonderful.

04-28-2010, 03:41 AM
Blob guard isn't viable but it sure as hell is fun.

Commissar Lewis
04-28-2010, 04:30 AM
Exactly, out of ~50 so times I ran the Flying V, only ONCE did it do something good.

That was at a store Apoc game, where my Flying V, through sheer luck on my part and unluck on my opponent's, managed to steamroll 3 squads of 10 Berzerkers each. The store cheered at such a crazy display.

Sadly the Flying V was soon scythed down by waves and waves of Tyranids, but damn they made a fine stand.

It's fun as hell to run a Flying V. Not tactucally sound at all, blob guard in general, but fun. And in the end, that's all I care about.

04-28-2010, 04:39 AM
It's not very smart to call out "Your bloodthirster versus Helbrecht, one on one, bring it *****" But It's still fun to do =) Reading on the net makes me sad, people spend way to much time thinking about the unbeatable list and to little time on doing stupid things =)

Remember: Friends don't let friends do stupid things.....alone

04-28-2010, 05:09 AM
Yea a couple months ago i had a squad of 10 plague marines get blasted to the plague champion and he assaulted a blob of 30 guardsmen out of sheer desperation to escape the plasma and he ended up winning the assault and getting a sweeping advance left combat and still got shot and killed next turn because he was not in CC.

04-28-2010, 05:13 AM
Try it with Straken and a few Power Weapons thrown into the mix, maybe the odd Commissar? ;)

Commissar Lewis
04-28-2010, 08:12 PM
Exactly, Col. Gravis. In this new codex it could well be formidable, while still fun.

Half of the fun was the bewildered look on people's faces a giant V-shaped mass of Guardsmen ran across open ground to assault stuff they shouldn't have been assaulting. Sometimes it went poorly, sometimes moderately well. 'Twas fun.

04-28-2010, 10:24 PM
I'm looking forward to hearing some stories Lewis :D

Reading on the net makes me sad, people spend way to much time thinking about the unbeatable list and to little time on doing stupid things =)Yeah me too. People always say "so and so doesn't work." In what context? Whether or not something works depends on you and your opponent's levels of experience and timing, your lists, the situation in game, and the luck of the dice.

It makes me sad when people tell someone not to do something based on whether or not it would work under imaginary optimum conditions with all other variables removed.


Commissar Lewis
04-28-2010, 10:50 PM
Hell, Straken has killed An'ggrath in CC in one of my Apoc games. He truly was the Colonel Badass of the day. Although Quaritch is a badass, if they'd only had Straken on Pandora...

Bloodthirsters ain't that scary. Even the king of em.

04-29-2010, 04:54 AM
I'm looking forward to hearing some stories Lewis :D

Yeah me too. People always say "so and so doesn't work." In what context? Whether or not something works depends on you and your opponent's levels of experience and timing, your lists, the situation in game, and the luck of the dice.

It makes me sad when people tell someone not to do something based on whether or not it would work under imaginary optimum conditions with all other variables removed.


"Hmmm... Jenkins! Chap with the wings there. Five rounds rapid."

04-29-2010, 06:24 AM
Guy at the tip needs a leather football helmet striking a Heisman pose. I say commissar with a power weapon would do well for that. Do you play Cadians? The helmets would just add do the awesome! We need pictures of the V in action!

04-29-2010, 07:12 AM
So funny, do bring it back and post picks.

You could also use the "maximum 2" when a pie plate is inevitable, or the ground is about to open up for a jaws of the wolf. "Spread a full arms width apart lads and hold onto the vitals!"

04-29-2010, 03:33 PM
I used to do something similar with my Orks. There was a unit of 30 Grotz up front, then three columns of 30 Orks, one of them 'ard Boyz, with a Warboss and Big Mek with KFF, followed up by a massive unit of PK/Cybork body Nobz. Good times.:p

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
04-30-2010, 10:55 AM
When I decided to, I'd yell out "ALRIGHT MEN, FLYING V FORMATION!" and then move all of my Guardsmen base-to-base with each other in a large V shape and then charge across the board.

I'm going to do this, except it's going to be four units spelling out "F**k".

It's going to be called the "Flying F**k Formation".

If I'm losing a game I will shout something about giving a Flying F**k and charge them straight to their deaths.

Commissar Lewis
04-30-2010, 12:21 PM
^ Haha, nice!