View Full Version : Wip iw dp

04-25-2010, 10:10 PM
Acronyms aside, my IW army is my second attempt and first real venture into Wargaming, painting, and collecting. This DP is my first model of significant size (save for vehicles) and I've had a BLAST painting and assembling him.



Still need to paint alot of skulls and spines, and the sword hand is having problems staying attached.

04-26-2010, 05:09 PM
Ah good. I that will give me some time to try out the paint scheme on another model first. I have the harness for one of the rail guns almost finished and Ill try to put a WIP picture of it up tonight.

04-26-2010, 06:03 PM
Didn't know if you want C and C but here it goes anyhow.

I don't know if it is the camera affecting the Silver Paint, but it seems the model could use a little shading, Try something like a Devlan Mud wash on the silver parts and then rebuilding the silver on the 'upper parts of the armor. Also, don't be afraid to build up the "gold," and "red," a little more... I know it is Chaos-y but it could help. As far as getting metal to stick to metal (Without pinning the model) the easiest way is to get some green stuff and put glue on the sword the put the green stuff over the glue then put glue on the arm and attach the two pieces, it should hold pretty well, but not as well as pinning.

Just my .02 All in all it is a great job. keep up the good work


04-26-2010, 06:33 PM
i love the flame/lava effect, it looks ace.

04-26-2010, 09:22 PM
Not quite sure what you are talking about Perc

Thanks Duke and Tsini! Duke it is a rather crappy camera (Blackberry Storm makes uploading simple). I did highlight the boltgun with mithril silver as it's easier to see here


It's pretty awful IMO, I just can't get those thin highlight lines down, the brush won't obey! I'm not sure how to highlight the gold, any tips?

I did the magma effects based on Simple Force Weapons tutorial from Heresy-online.

ALL C&C are welcome, this is the internets after all

04-26-2010, 11:40 PM
Here is bow I do my gold (fell free to look at my thread "dukes blood angels," for refrence).

- Start with scorched brown
- paint the whole area shinning gold
- wash in gryphon sepia
- highlight with shinning gold (you could also drybrush this part)
- mix a 2:1 or 3:1 mix of shinning gold and put it on the extreme edges of the gold.
- done.