View Full Version : 1750 sisters list

Radical Inquisitors FTW
04-25-2010, 07:06 PM
Living Saint. 201 points.
Malleus Inq Lord w/ 3x mystics, terminator armour, psycannon, 2x sages, close combat wep, bolt pistol, familiar. 141 points.
Hereticus Inquisitor. Bolter, power armour, rosarius, ccw, bolt pistol. 59 points.
Eversor Assasin. 95 points
3x 10-man sister squads. Each squad has a superior, imagifier, 2 flamers, heavy flamer, repressor. 654 points.
Fast Attack:
3x 8-man seraphim squad w/ 2x flamers, braziers of holy fire, sister superior. 630 points.

1750 points.

Tactics: Living Saint and Seraphims team up into a charge/shoot-till-they-drop force, reinforced by the sisters that will be arriving in repressors soon after. Malleus and Hereticus inquisitors stay back as a sniper/counter deep strike force. Eversor will arrive by infiltrate and (hopefully) cut a bloody swathe in close combat. 9 faith points. Really, with 64 models, I will die in my Local Gaming Store because I either play dual-monolith deepstriking necrons, mass orks and/or elitist orks, Space wolves, chaos, pretty much everything except pure daemonhunters, pure chaos daemons. In other words, I'm not too optimistic because the Dice gods have forsaken me, and the chaos gods of rolling now help me. In other words, games usually don't go to plan. Please post!

04-25-2010, 10:15 PM
I like where your going with the heavy focus on jump troops. I love my seraphim, and I run my one squad of 8 as you are running yours. I have not used the Saint, but would love to use the model. Have you had good success with her in the past?

A quick rules thing, your sisters squad will only be able to have either 2 flamers, or 1 flamer/1 hvy flamer. They only gain access to the heavy if only one special weapon is taken. Kudos on putting them in repressors, that will make their firepower come to bear even while mounted.

I personally don't understand why you would put the malleus inq in there, it just seems out of place for the list. I would personally drop the squad. I would either focus on making your hereticus inq a little better and invest in say 3 death cults. Either that or mount your hereticus assassin with some ISTs and make him mobile with the rest of your army.

Otherwise, it looks like a fun list to play! make sure to post how it does=D

04-25-2010, 11:14 PM
This list is hilariously weak against anything with vehicles. Just about every single list I have would rip it to shreds because of this, it's just that bad. You have no method of defeating AV12 or better (this list can only glance AV12); a single Land Raider would be able to beat this list without risking taking a single glancing or penetrating hit. An Ironclad Dreadnaught would laugh everything off and tear the army a new *******.

It's not even that fluffy.

04-26-2010, 08:20 AM
To Melissia; If you are going to knock this list so badly, at least offer some constructive criticism. However, I do agree with your main point. Radical needs some anti mech.

For Radical; Here are some of your options:

If you drop your inquisitors and assassin, you free up just under 300 points. With this, you could get a couple exorcists. These things are pretty awesome in pairs, and can reliably take out AV 12, and with good rolls take out anything higher. You might also consider running a multi-melta retributer squad, or a 4xmelta dominion squad in a multi-melta immolator.

I personally love running assassins, so you may not want to get rid of your elite inquisitor/assassin. Another option is to convert 1 or 2 of your sister squads to 2x melta special weapons instead of the flamers. This would be the cheapest change you could make to your army without affecting your points balance. Your seraphim already have two flamer templates per squad, and your sisters in the repressors have the heavy flamer on the vehicle. Seriously consider switching your special weapons to melta's.

Hope some of this helps, Keep the Faith!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-26-2010, 10:37 AM
Hey as a fellow SoB player i give you a respectful appreciation for effort.
But on that, i can see and agree with Melissia here that any army you oppose with any vehicle stronger than AV12 is going to slaughter you. If that happened to be a tank like a LR or a Dreadnought you cant stop it at all.

Add either a Dominion squad with Melta's and a Immolator, or add as mentioned 2 Melta guns in your battle squads to anti-tank.
Maybe equip a character or VSS with melta bombs always is good just in case.
You have to think tactically and wisely to balance your army for horde, anti-troop, and anti-tank for maximum effect with points you have. Its hard yes.

04-26-2010, 12:36 PM
To Melissia; If you are going to knock this list so badly, at least offer some constructive criticism.-Arch

I did. "Get some anti-tank".