View Full Version : Leman Russ Eradicator

04-25-2010, 06:23 PM
Hey everyone! So I'm throwing a Leman Russ Eradicator into my latest IG list but I'm not sure how to go about converting one. I'm planing to use a standard russ and going from there. From the looks of the picture in the codex the barrel is only really subtly different. So what would you guys suggest I do? I tried adding a larger opening to the end but it just kinda looked goofy haha. I;m not the best modeler or painter really. More a fluff and gamy dude but I like my stuff to look decent at least! So any advice at all is welcome!

I look forward to your comments!

04-25-2010, 06:41 PM
Most people aren't familiar with the picture in the codex, so any kind of modification that makes it look different from a basic Leman Russ should be fine. It doesn't have to look like the picture.

I'd recommend looking at what parts you have lying around and see if there is something you can add to the barrel.

04-25-2010, 07:44 PM
I've seen conversions done using the hellhammer cannon (whichever one that comes with the baneblade kit, the weapon that most people don't use; with the large muzzle-brake). It works pretty well, although can look a little too large.
Or maybe the tip from the shadowsword Volcano cannon.

Of course this is useless advice, unless you or a friend have spare bits from superheavy tanks laying around.

04-25-2010, 08:01 PM
Well my shadow sword I made into a shadow sword but this could be an excuse to buy a baneblade... hmmm I'll ask around my local club first tho I guess haha

Thanks for the helpful feed back so far! Keep it coming!

04-25-2010, 08:20 PM
I've seen conversions done using the hellhammer cannon (whichever one that comes with the baneblade kit, the weapon that most people don't use; with the large muzzle-brake). It works pretty well, although can look a little too large.
Or maybe the tip from the shadowsword Volcano cannon.

Of course this is useless advice, unless you or a friend have spare bits from superheavy tanks laying around.

This is the exact bit I used to make my Eradicator turret. I assembled the regular Russ turret, and then I cut off the battle cannon after the first raised ring on the cannon barrel. After I glued the Hellhammer cannon in place, I used some wound guitar string to lengthen the HH's cannon's side bits to the plate on the turret. It looks great, and it's a good tank to bring against Eldar.

04-25-2010, 08:35 PM
This is the exact bit I used to make my Eradicator turret. I assembled the regular Russ turret, and then I cut off the battle cannon after the first raised ring on the cannon barrel. After I glued the Hellhammer cannon in place, I used some wound guitar string to lengthen the HH's cannon's side bits to the plate on the turret. It looks great, and it's a good tank to bring against Eldar.

rockin! Yeah I'm rolling one in a list with 2 hellhounds as well. Murders non MEQ and still wounds marines on 2's. Only thing I find they fail vs is Plague Marines/Bearers and Necrons.