View Full Version : Tournament report

04-25-2010, 01:51 AM
Just got first place in a 1000pt tournament, and had a blast. Felt like giving a quick run-down.

First off, my list:

Grey Knight Grand Master, psychic hood
8 Grey Knights
2x 5 Stormtroopers, 2 Meltaguns, Rhino
Land Raider, Extra Armor
Grey Knight Dreadnought, Assault Cannon, Extra Armor

Game 1: vs Eldar. Pitched battle, 4 objectives
Opponent's list;
Dire Avengers in Waveserpent
Storm Guardians in Waveserpent
3 Warwalkers with scatter lasers

He won the roll off and chose to go first. I deployed trying to hide my ISTs behind the Land Raider, as he had no Bright Lances. Regardless, his Warwalkers wrecked a Rhino in a hailstorm of fire. The squad would simply sit around and hold the objective they were next to for the rest of the game.

From here, though, the game just didn't go well for my opponent. He's a skilled player, but luck abandoned him at a few key moments here. He kept failing to kill the remaining Rhino and Dread with his missile launchers on the wave serpents. At one point, he attempted to assault with the Harlequins, but was forced to assault the Dread instead of their intended target due to a poor fleet roll. The Harlequins failed to do anything, and ran away.

All the while, my Land Raider sauntered forward, shooting as it went. The Grey Knights jumped out only after my stormtroopers melta'd one of his Waveserpents, and cleared off that objective. The Land Raider then contested his other objective, while my stormtroopers claimed both of mine. His remaining models were unable to do anything, as the game ended turn 5 before he was able to contest anything.

The only model I lost in the whole game was my single Rhino.In retrospect, perhaps I should have reserved the Rhinos, giving the Land Raider a turn to kill a Warwalker or two. Victory, Grey Knights.

Game 2: vs Daemons, Killpoints, Dawn of War

Opponent's list
2x Bloodthirsters
Horrors w/ changeling

He won the roll off, choosing to go second. I opted to reserve everything.

He failed his daemonic assault roll, so the horrors and nurglings came in. They deepstruck into the middle of a building in the center of the board.

On my turn two, everything but a single Rhino came in. I drove on 6", and shot everything into the Horrors, killing a single one. His turn, his bloodthirster came in, which he chose to keep safe behind the building until the other came in.

I jumped my Grey Knights out, and started shooting Horrors. By turn 5, there was only a single one left.

In the meantime, his second Bloodthirster didn't come in until turn 5. He had moved the first thirster forward turn 4, then jumped up next to the newly deepstruck thirster, prepared to start the slaughter.

The game ended.

Yeah, that's about how anti-climatic it was. We tied with 0 killpoints each, but I was the only one who had killed anything so I won on victory points.

Had the game gone on, it would have been a bunch of fun. I had put a wound on one bloodthirster, and had two TL lascannons, four meltaguns, and a Dreadnought to do some damage. I think I would have been able to kill one with shooting. He then would have had to break through my two Rhinos or my Dreadnought, giving me another round of shooting with meltas and lascannons, then my Grey Knights could have assaulted. And, with my Grand Master, I could have force-weaponed one on the charge with a little luck, as I don't think he had the collar of khorne. I think I could have still pulled off a win, though it's very hard to say for sure.

Either way, we were both disappointed the game ended just as it was about to start. Incidentally, this was only my second non-apocalypse game against Daemons. Pretty sad for a Grey Knight player.

Game 3: vs Space Wolves. Capture and Control, Spearhead deployment.
Opponent's list
Rune Priest, Murderous Hurricane (don't know what the other power was)
4x5 Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino
Long fangs w/ 2 Lascannons Razorback w/ TL Lascannon
Long fangs w/ 2 Missile Launchers Rhino
Long Fangs w/ 4 Missile Launcher Rhino
Lone Wolf (literally points filler, as he had 20pts and decide to include him just for fun)

Yeah, that's 7 Rhinos in 1000pts. Not fun.

He won and chose to go first (sensing a theme here?).
He deployed three Rhinos far forward, with one Hunter squad on the objective and the Long fangs spread out for optimum fire lanes. However, there were several building in the middle of the board, which would provide me with plenty of cover saves over the course of the game (a few of which I even made!)

I reserved the ISTs, and hid the Dread behind my Land Raider. His shooting bounced off the LR, and would continue to do so all game. I think he might have shaken it once. Maybe.

He rushed his three Rhinos forward, but forgot to smoke the front one. I stunned it with the Land Raider. I also made my only real mistake of the tournament, not only backing my Dreadnought too far back to assault cannon one of the Rhinos, but also leaving it completely exposed to the 2 missile launcher long fang squad. It died, to my great embarrassment. That was really, really stupid of me.

Anyways, he continued forward, but one of my IST squads came on, melta-ing one of his Rhinos. The Land Raider popped the other one that moved forward, which contained the Rune Priest.

In his turn, he blew up my Rhino, then assaulted and killed the ISTs. His Rune Priest and squad moved into cover.

I jumped my Grey Knights out to assault his Rune Priest and squad, which was partially out of cover far enough I could assault without a difficult terrain test. I fired my storm bolters, killing every single Grey Hunter in a single burst, and leaving his Rune Priest out of assault range.

Fortunately, his Long Fangs were way, way on the other side of the board, so he didn't try shooting the Knights due to shrouding, instead continuing to shoot the Land Raider. The Rune Priest used Murderous Hurricane, which failed to do anything. My Grey Knights retaliated with a hail of storm bolter fire, killing the Priest.

My Rhino had come on, and popped his last forward Rhino, whose squad had failed to melta the Land Raider. My Grand Master split off, assaulting the squad that had earlier killed my IST squad, killing all but two who ran away. The last full hunter squad was shot up by Grey Knights, who were a bit out of assault range.

All this time, his lone wolf had moved forward to contest the objective. He had two partial squad and the wolf, with the rest of his army sitting firmly on his objective.

Between my IST meltas, my massive amount of storm bolters, and my Land Raider, I finished off the Lone Wolf and two hunter squads, so I held my objective. The game then promptly ended.

We tied on objectives, but I had killed about 500 VPs, while he had killed about 250 or so. Victory, Grey Knights.

Game 4: vs Chaos. Pitched Battle, Killpoints
Here I'm pitted against the only other undefeated player.
Lash Prince
Chosen Squad, 4 meltaguns, Rhino
2x Plague Marines, 2 plasmaguns
Plague Marines, Meltagun, Champ w/ Pfist, Rhino
2x Obliterators

There was another large building in the center, so he deployed and would move up behind it. I kept my ISTs in reserve, leaving the Dread and Land Raider on. He moved forward slowly, while I took potshots at him to no real effect. He made way, way, way too many cover saves. I wish I could make my cover saves like that:(.

His Chosen came on, moving 12" and popping smoke, but too far away to target the Land Raider. One IST squad came on immediately after, blowing up the Rhino and killing a few. He in turn blew up my Rhino, and then assaulted the ISTs. He failed to do anything to them, however. The other IST squad came on, but pretty much just got killed. I actually don't remember how.

In the center, my Land Raider and Dreadnought just kept shooting at stuff. His Daemon Prince flew forward, taking a bunch of storm bolters to the face, though they only did a single wound. My Dreadnought then put two wounds on it, and it then failed two armor saves, leaving him with one.

Now, at this time, his three chosen are in assault with my three ISTs. He keeps hitting them, but I make all of my 4+ armor saves. Over the three rounds of combat, my ISTs kill his three chosen:D. They then get out of combat, just as the Daemon Prince flies up. They move into cover and shoot. Two rapidfiring hellguns, and one melta. The melta missed, but I roll a 6 with a hellgun to wound. One failed armor save later, and the trio of ISTs have added a Daemon Prince to their kill total. Ooh-Rah:D!

In the meantime, I run my Land Raider with Grey Knights forward, dual assaulting two of his plague Marine squads. I kill off one of them between my Dread, Justicar and Grand Master. The game then ends before I can finish off the other squad.

I've lost two Rhinos and one IST squad. He lost a Daemon Prince, Rhino, Chosen squad and one Plague Marine squad. Grey Knight Victory, and first place for me in the tournament:D.

04-25-2010, 01:03 PM
Nicely done! Congratulations! :D

04-25-2010, 07:57 PM
Huzzah for the finest of the Emperors finest!

Commissar Lewis
04-25-2010, 09:40 PM
Congratulations, brother! For the Emperor!

04-25-2010, 11:05 PM
Hey, thanks. Though I realized that i probably should have posted in the battle report section. Oh, well, it was like 0130 or something when I posted.

Anyways, that was probably the most fun I've had with 40k in a while. Afterwards five of us got together and did a 2v3, 3000pts per side. I took three land raider full of Terminators (2000pt list), and my partner took his 1000 tournament list, which had abaddon, a sorcerer, and like 10 terminators, all in one 850pt unit. In 1000pts. Not too competitive, but awesome.

Our foes tried to Rhino rush us, but my partner pinned down their flank with a deepstrike (though he ultimately got shot to death), while my Land Raiders had a field day with Rhinos. I kept immobilizing and stunning their front Rhinos, forcing them to drive around. They eventually gave up and just jumped out, at which point my GKTs jumped out and started to wreck face. My 15 terminators (including Stern and a Grand Master) ate their way through probably 10 CSMs, 20 Plague Marines, and another 15 Space Wolves. There was a Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, and Rune Priest in there somewhere, too. My Grand Master and a THSS Terminator were ultimately the only survivors, but they had literally killed every single infantry model on their side of the board, and when they ran out of those targets they started to carve their way through the half dozen immobilized Rhinos scattered over the board.

It was awesome. Just like those first days of Apoc all over again, but even better. We didn't even bother keeping track of game turns, we just started killing stuff. They techinally won on objectives, but I claim victory for reaping the most skulls in the name of, er, the Emperor:D.