View Full Version : AoS returns to Facebook officially.

Mr Mystery
03-16-2016, 06:32 AM

It's not just Forgeworld - looks like GW are returning to social media.

Now, any bets how long this lasts before some neck bearded, self-entitled goon starts ruining it for everyone?

03-16-2016, 07:02 AM
Not long unfortunately.

03-16-2016, 07:08 AM
We might discover a unit of time smaller than Terry Pratchett's "New York Second". If it's well moderated it might be alright. The fan run AoS FB page is very good.

Erik Setzer
03-16-2016, 09:19 AM
Was AoS ever on Facebook to have left? It's less than a year old, and GW's fear of dealing with customers goes well past a year.

I'm sure the neckbearded goons jumping to claim anyone who says anything critical of GW is awful will indeed ruin things. They tend to do that.

Otherwise... let's see how it goes. You should expect all kinds of comments, good or bad. EA's staff for Battlefront is actually a good study on how to handle the criticism, even when it's nasty. Just be professional when you respond, and respond to good and bad equally.

I expect there might be a good bit of negative, but, frankly, the company's kind of earned that. Maybe they're taking steps back in the right direction, but they'll have to modify their core business "plan" to get people to stop being angry. Overpriced toy soldiers with games trying to push you to buy a bunch of them, overpriced weekly sales flyer in place of the old useful monthly gaming magazine, overpriced books, and questionable quality in some recent sculpts and the unforgivable Supremacy Tactical Objective cards are all viable reasons to have an issue, and things that push people away.

So yeah... they'll have their fair share of viable criticism. The problem is, that might get buried by the neckbeard goons who jump in to defend GW as full-awesome and demand that anyone who doesn't love GW 100% be silent.

Mr Mystery
03-16-2016, 09:25 AM

You know perfectly well there's a vast difference between constructive criticism (such as; hey, I'd like to see; any chance of etc) and neck beard self-entitled goonery (JOR GAAME SUXXORZ, I HATZ JOOO! LOL MANTIC R BETTARZ!).

And as pointed out on the Gav Thorpe thread, it's heavily ironic that those who accuse something of being childish rarely communicate in a fashion as to suggest they'd be capable of playing a game as 'mature' as they constantly demand. And yes, that includes overly verbose language to try to give the impression you're wordly wise (not a dig at you!), especially when said overly verbose language contains clearly mutually exclusive terms, thus only enforcing the reality that they've been used to sound intelligent.

Erik Setzer
03-16-2016, 09:37 AM
My only dig at AoS being "childish" would be based on the silly rules that are still present. But more than just saying that makes the game "childish," I'd suggest it's a problem in that it forces people to do actions they might not be comfortable with (i.e. shouting in a shop) or gives bonuses based on gender (i.e. female gamers can't grow facial hair) or other physical elements that should have nothing to do with the game. I'm all for choosing to do an actual "WAAAAGH!!!" when my Orks do so, but being told I have to talk to my figure, shout something out, dance, stroke my beard, etc., doesn't feel the same.

And I wouldn't be so concerned about that stuff if it wasn't still in the compendiums.

03-16-2016, 10:17 AM
You can't trust an Ork/c player who refuses to Waaagh now and again, it is after all a word that can only be bellowed. To be fair the reaction to some of them have been fairly amusing I read a great rant by someone about not being able to roll 13 for the Screaming Bell.

Erik Setzer
03-16-2016, 11:54 AM
Reactions on both pages have been pretty reasonable so far.

The only real criticism so far was one post by someone saying they wished there were more rules for AoS, to which the official response was that AoS is a framework and you can houserule it to your heart's content, and a counter-point that houserules don't work for random pickup games. Nothing that sounds like trolling or anything.

I expect it to pick up some as people find out about the page, but they've already got a fair number of followers (over 2800 for 40K, nearly 1600 for AoS) and it's relatively quiet. Maybe it won't be as bad as people think? (But yeah, totally expect some. If GW can't attract the actual trolls, they've become irrelevant, and that's sad.)

03-16-2016, 12:12 PM
I read a great rant by someone about not being able to roll 13 for the Screaming Bell.

Doesn't Kairos Fateweaver allow you to change any one roll to a number of your choosing?

Mr Mystery
03-16-2016, 12:17 PM
Single dice roll (so yes, includes 3D6, 2D6) to a single to the result of your choosing.

Can't roll 13 on 2D6, so can't choose it.

- - - Updated - - -

Reactions on both pages have been pretty reasonable so far.

The only real criticism so far was one post by someone saying they wished there were more rules for AoS, to which the official response was that AoS is a framework and you can houserule it to your heart's content, and a counter-point that houserules don't work for random pickup games. Nothing that sounds like trolling or anything.

I expect it to pick up some as people find out about the page, but they've already got a fair number of followers (over 2800 for 40K, nearly 1600 for AoS) and it's relatively quiet. Maybe it won't be as bad as people think? (But yeah, totally expect some. If GW can't attract the actual trolls, they've become irrelevant, and that's sad.)

Either that or they're really good at deleting and booting offenders before they get a chance to really start shrieking.

Path Walker
03-16-2016, 04:02 PM
In my 20+ years of hobby, I've never had nor witnessed any such thing as a random pick up game. Is it an american thing?

03-17-2016, 10:57 AM
In my 20+ years of hobby, I've never had nor witnessed any such thing as a random pick up game. Is it an american thing?

You've never done a "I'd like to play a game, x points" post on your GW's facebook?

Mr Mystery
03-17-2016, 10:59 AM
That's not a random pick-up. That's still an arranged game, even if you don't know who you're playing until you get to the shop.

03-17-2016, 11:29 AM
That's not a random pick-up. That's still an arranged game, even if you don't know who you're playing until you get to the shop.

To me that's a pickup game as it's something I can arrange 30 minutes in advance. Showing up with a pile of miniatures is not a pickup game, it's just a game that will start 30 minutes later after people made their army.

Mr Mystery
03-17-2016, 12:45 PM
Well posted in the wrong thread...

I don't see that as a pick-up game, because there's still an element of pre-arranging.

Pick-up to me is just walking into the shop, case in hand and taking your chances.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-17-2016, 12:49 PM
oh s**t sorry MrMystery, had no idea you posted this one first - my bad!

Mr Mystery
03-17-2016, 12:55 PM
No worries dude. Two peeps can post the same thing :)

Erik Setzer
03-17-2016, 01:45 PM
Either that or they're really good at deleting and booting offenders before they get a chance to really start shrieking.

I really hope not... Better to give them a polite response and let them be noisy to the air than to appear as censoring. You'll get a lot more negative PR with the censorship.

- - - Updated - - -

Pick-up to me is just walking into the shop, case in hand and taking your chances.

That's what I do... I go to the shop, and if someone's down for a game, I'll play them. Hardly ever pre-arrange games. Now, when I so agree to play someone, the conversation then turns to how we want to play the game (points, scenario, etc.). But that's still a "random pickup game."

Mr Mystery
03-17-2016, 01:57 PM
Dunno dude - from my long experience in customer services, nothing encourages the rude, entitled and obnoxious more than learning their present victim just has to take it and still be polite...

03-17-2016, 06:52 PM
There is a limit to what is acceptable too- the Facebook pages have to cater to a variety of ages, so they will probably censor foul language at the very least.

03-17-2016, 08:49 PM
Is the facebook page alredy up? Cos I can't seem to find it.

Erik Setzer
03-18-2016, 08:30 AM

- - - Updated - - -

I know you can censor out posts with bad words, stuff like that. No issue there. But otherwise, if it's just censoring criticism... nope. Heck, it's free-flowing conversations, so it's likely someone else will come and sort out anyone being abusive.

So far seems okay, though.

03-18-2016, 04:10 PM

- - - Updated - - -

I know you can censor out posts with bad words, stuff like that. No issue there. But otherwise, if it's just censoring criticism... nope. Heck, it's free-flowing conversations, so it's likely someone else will come and sort out anyone being abusive.

So far seems okay, though.

Weird, I can't find the page, even on google. Your link works though.

Thx. :)

Is there something similar for 40k?

Erik Setzer
03-19-2016, 08:39 AM
Weird, I can't find the page, even on google. Your link works though.

Thx. :)

Is there something similar for 40k?



I did a search on Facebook once I heard they were popping out, and checked out what popped up. It was easy then to spot the official ones because they were new and had the same post that was made on the Forge World page.

Sarah Connor
03-19-2016, 12:53 PM

You know perfectly well there's a vast difference between constructive criticism (such as; hey, I'd like to see; any chance of etc) and neck beard self-entitled goonery (JOR GAAME SUXXORZ, I HATZ JOOO! LOL MANTIC R BETTARZ!).

And as pointed out on the Gav Thorpe thread, it's heavily ironic that those who accuse something of being childish rarely communicate in a fashion as to suggest they'd be capable of playing a game as 'mature' as they constantly demand. And yes, that includes overly verbose language to try to give the impression you're wordly wise (not a dig at you!), especially when said overly verbose language contains clearly mutually exclusive terms, thus only enforcing the reality that they've been used to sound intelligent.

So that last part confused me. Can you give an example of what you mean?

Mr Mystery
03-20-2016, 05:17 AM

My choice of words was a deliberate example. The difference being, I know what each of the words I used means, and when one should use it.

Sarah Connor
03-20-2016, 06:45 AM

My choice of words was a deliberate example. The difference being, I know what each of the words I used means, and when one should use it.

It wasn't your choice of words that confused me. It was your assertion that many/most people who regard Age of Sigmar as childish are immature brats who use verbosity to appear intelligent (but are undone by oxymorons). It's a very specific accusation, and I was just looking for examples.