View Full Version : Developing an alternative rule set for 40k.

04-23-2010, 04:04 PM
Hi all.
Over the last 20 years or so , we have been 'simplifying ' wargame rules for new players at our games club.

When I looked at all the modern warfare simplifications , I got a basic patern for straight forward modern wargame rules introduction.
I have used this basic outline to form introduction rule set to lead into the more complex wargames.(Like Firelfly Challenger II, Bodycount,ASL etc.)

The basic outline covers all the aspects of modern combat in a straight forward way.I wonderd if this basic outline of mine could be developed into an alternative rule set for 40k?

As the units used in 40k are closest to modern warfare units , people wanting a more tactical simulation rule set , may prefer a modern warfare type simualtion?

As my DTP skills are rubbish all I have is a 13 page text document , explaining the outline , game mechanics and resolution methods used.

Should I copy/ paste it into a post, as I can not attach it.

Or should I talk through it a section at a time ?

I am new here so I am not too sure what is the best way to proceed.

Many thanks for advise in advance,


04-24-2010, 03:28 AM
Hi all.
Here it is my ROUGH outline .PLEASE feel free to ask questions and pass comments on what bits you like-dont like, or dont understand.

(Straightforward Tactical Action Combat Simulation.)
By K. Wesselby.

Introduction Pg1
Unit definitions Pg 2
Unit characteristics. Pg 2
The Game Turn Pg3
Movement Pg 4
Terrain Pg 5.
Attacking Pg 7.
Moral. Pg 10
Command and control. Pg 12

A war game is a representation of combat scaled down and played out on a ‘war- games’ board or table.
(A playing area with scaled down terrain features, such as buildings ruins, swamps trees etc.)

‘Units’ in the game can be represented by a single scale model, or a group of models.

Players decide on how many units a side they want in their game , then select their forces up to this number of units.(I will detail how unit selection is done later.)

Then the players set up a suitable sized playing area dressed with terrain and objective markers in an agreeable way.

Then the players decide who is going to be the Attacker , and who will be the Defender,(the Defender pick their deployment area, the Attacker takes actions first.)

After deciding on role and deploying units , the players take a mission card. The players may wish to keep their mission secret from their opponent.
The mission determines the level of success of the player, failure, minor victory or major victory, dependant on mission conditions.

Unit definitions.
The following definitions are used to describe the basic unit types found in the S.T.A.C.S. war game rules.Units fall into two basic types;-

Type 1 ,Units made up of multiple models that are removed individually to denote the loss in unit effectivness. Most commonly infantry units , but also includes individually mounted infantry, like bikers, cavalry and various beasts used in alien armies.

Type 2 ,Units made up of singular models that have multiple systems/ functions integral to the model. Most commonly crewed vehicles , but also includes monstrous creatures emulating vehicle roles in some alien armies.

Vehicle type units tend to carry multiple support /full support weapons ,and may have transport capacity to carry other less well armoured units.

Unit type and organisation.
Units are defined as the following.

Core .(The players first selection, that determines what HQ and Specialised units may be used.)

HQ (The players second selection that determines what support units may be used.)

Support .(The units taken to support the force under HQ direction.)

Specialised (the units taken to support the core units directly)

Restricted.(Can only be taken if a set number of specialised units are taken.)

Each force has a choice of Core unit type ,Infantry , Motorised, Armoured ,and Airborne.
The 'core unit group' list units to be taken, and the relevant unit value.(As some units are the equivalent of multiple units.) Other units are values equalised by synergistic methods.

Unit Characteristics.
Defined by a units movement type, ( Legs, [L] wheels [W]tracks [T] and hover [H]and its movement rate.(How far the unit may move across the playing area, when taking a move action.)

Defenfensive capability.
Armour Resistance to damage( AR) how hard the unit is to damage.

Damage points (DP) how much damage the unit can take.

Stealth (S) How well the unit can conceal itself on the battle field.

Command and Control.
Moral Grade,(MG) how willing the unit is to fight on .

Command Value (CV).what effect the unit leader/hero has on the actions of this /near by units.

Offensive Ability.
This is defined by the units weapon characteristics.(These will be given in detail in the relevant sections on how to carry out attacks.)
The game turn
As this war game is focused on tactical interactions, I want each unit to decide on the actions they are going to take in the next minute or two.
And as the actions only cover a short period of time , I want them to only be able to perform 2 action per game turn.
This set of two actions per game turn , represents the tactical 'orders ' given to the unit by the unit leader or command unit.
('Dig in and give covering fire', 'follow me...opportunity fire!', 'withdraw in good order','CHARGE!!' 'keep your head down and follow me...' etc.)

'Orders' are made up of the following actions.

Move, move up to the (M) value of the unit.

Attack, attack using weapons in effective range of target unit.

Ready, take the time to make maximum effect of the following actions.

This gives us the following orders.
Advance,(A) move then attack.

Double,(D) move than move.

Evade ,(E) attack then move.

Fire support,(F) ready then attack.

Infiltrate (I) ,ready then move.

How do I give orders to units?
Create enough counters with the relevant letters clearly marked on one side .(Or even create your own symbols, they are your counters after all!)

During the 'Command phase,' of the game turn , place ONE order counter next to each of your units face down.(The opposing player should not know what your units are going to do!And you don't have to give all your units the same order, )

If units have a moral damage counters ,suppressed (S), neutralised (N) or routed(R) , they DO NOT receive an order counter, but follow the actions listed for units with moral damage later in the rules.

Game Turn Phases.
The game turn is broken down into phases.
Each phase lets players do set things in a set order. As a lot of things have to be done in the course of a game turn , its easy to loose track of where you are if everything happens all at once!

Command phase.
This is when the players ;-
1)Issue orders to their units, ( units can be given different orders to each other.)

2)Request off table support.(Call in artillery or air strikes, and reserves.)

Primary action phase.
This is when one player reveals their unit order counters one at a time , and performs the FIRST ACTION of the order with each unit as their order counter is revealed .

Then the opposing player reveals their unit order counters one at a time, and performs the FIRST ACTION of the order with each unit as their order counter is revealed .

Secondary action phase.
This is when one player removes their unit order counters one at a time , and performs the SECOND ACTION of the order with each unit, as their order counter is removed.

Then the opposing player removes their unit order counters one at a time, and performs the SECOND ACTION of the order with each unit, as their order counter is removed.

Resolution phase.
This is when players;-
1)'Rally' units with 'moral damage'.(Suppressed /neutralised units take a moral test.)

2)Plot arrivals.(See if /where reserves and off table firing arrive!)

Movement .
A unit may move up to its mobility value in inches when it takes a movement action.
Distances are measured from the same point on the moving model,(Usually the front of the base or hull)
Movement type determines how well the unit moves across through different terrain types found on the battle field. Movement types are ,Legs (L), wheels (W) tracks (T) hover (H) . These types are listed after the mobility value,
E.g., slow infantry 3”(L)Infantry 4”(L) fast 'light' infantry 5”(L).
Buggies-Bikes 12” (W), Tanks 6”(T) Speeders, jet bikes 12”(H)

Models mounted on bases use these to determine interactions, vehicles models NOT mounted on bases use their hull to determine interactions.

Models can not move through the space occupied by another model. If there is a gap wider than the models base /hull , the model may pass through it.

Unit ALWAYS move at the speed of the slowest model in the unit. A unit may NOT turn and change facing during a attack action!Only during a prepare,or move action.
Its important for the units to be looking where they are going and pointing weapons at their intended target to be effective in the game.(Fire arcs will be discussed later.)

Unit Coherency .
Infantry unit models have a coherency range of 2 ''.
ALL other units/models have a coherency range of 4''.(Bikes,cavalry,beasts,vehicles,monsters. etc)

The coherency range is the maximum gap left between individual models in a unit ,or attached to a unit. Measured between the closet points between the models bases or hull.

E.g.,An armoured infantry squad , mounted in an APC, dis-embark. ALL the individual infantry models must remain within 2” of each other , but the APC can be 4” away from any infantry model in its unit, to be considered to be in unit coherency.

Units that are out of coherency range can NOT receive any Command bonuses from leaders/heroes. So its best to move a units models back into coherency as soon as possible.

There are lots of different war zones ,and the battlefields are littered with different structures , plant life and geological features, in varying amounts.
It would be impossible to list every possible type of terrain feature we could use.
So as with the combatants in the game , I will list basic types and characteristics , to let the players decide how to classify their own terrain features.

Terrain can effect units in the game in three ways.
1)Modify movement rates.
(The way terrain modifies movement rates, movement modifier(Mm) depends on movement type and terrain type as given in the table below.)

2)Provide concealment .
(A piece of terrain with a concealment rating (Cr), means units with a equal or higher stealth value may claim cover from it.
E.g. A low wall Cr 2, can conceal units with S of 3 or higher. S 1 and 2 units are just to bulky to claim cover from the wall.

3)Provide physical protection from damage.
Any terrain that gives physical protection from damage , like fortifications, give a AR bonus to units claiming cover from the terrain.(E.g. concrete bunker, AR +2 )

Moment type/Legs(L)/Wheels(W)/Tracks(T)/Hover (H)
Open ground/0/0/0/0

Road /hard surface/+1/+2/+1/0

Light woods./-1/I/-2/I

Heavy woods./-2/I/I/I

Water feature*/-2 OR I/I/I/0

Linear Obstacle* -2/I/-2/0

Buildings.*-1 to move inot or out of/I/I/I

*Buildings ,linear obstacles and water features vary considerably ,so please use common sense to decide and agree on terrain effects, before the game starts.

A shallow stream may be deemed -2,to (L) (W) and (T), but a deep marsh may be deemed Impassible to all but (H) type movement .

Usually infantry is the only unit able to occupy buildings , but an aircraft hanger is large enough to be occupied by most types of units.

Special movement abilities.
Amphibious (A), allows units to treat water features as open ground.

Difficult terrain mod (D), allows units to treat light woods,rubble and linear obstacles as open ground.(Dozer blade attachments etc.)

Jump jets, (J) allows the unit to make short powered jumps over terrain features , up to 8” distance in a straight line .To clear higher terrain features the jump length is shortened to compensate, deduct 2” off the jump length for each hight level of the highest intervening terrain.
(Use the storey heights of buildings as a rough guide to hight levels.)

Flying units .]We assume flying units usually move without restriction at altitudes higher than the highest piece of terrain on the table.

IF a flying unit wishes to interact with a unit/element on the game area.(Drop off/ pick up a unit, or make a low level attack.)
It must be called into action during the command phase of the owning player.

Flying units always enter the table using a (D) order , diving to low level. Then count as a M 12” (H) unit, until they decide to leave the action, by taking another (D) action and climbing to high altitude.(Out of the weapon range of units on the table.)

Area terrain.
Sometimes terrain features have clearly defined boundaries.(A building for example.)
Other features are just representative , e.g. a few model trees mounted on a base to represent a wood.(For practical and financial reasons...)

In the case of these representative bases , use the base edges to define the boundaries.
As long as terrain features have their edges clearly defined in some way, its OK.

Units entirely behind a terrain feature , are said to be concealed if their (S) value is higher than the (Cr) of the terrain. Concealed units can NOT be targeted.
A unit that has some models /part of a model exposed ,(out side the boundary of the terrain feature) can still claim cover if their (S) value is less than the terrains Cr value.

Some times hight differences come into play on gauging line of sight. Simply extend the highest point on the terrain feature across the entire area of terrain.

If a model is unstable in/on a terrain feature, rather than risk damaging any thing, simply substitute the model with a 'marker' (piece of paper , small coin etc.)to mark its actual position.

A unit is taking an ATTACK action, follows the following actions.
3)Resolving physical damage
4)Resolve moral damage

Targeting .
When a unit attempts to spot (acquire) a target , use the unit leader,or hero, to determine LOS .
If a unit has NO leader or hero , simply use the closest model to the intended target. (This model is referred to as 'the spotter'.)

The spotter picks a point on the table within their LOS*,all enemy models within a 6" radius of this 'target point' may be eligible targets for attacks.
( IF the attacking unit can acquire the target unit(s), and have LOS to the intended target models.)
This 12" diameter area is called the 'attack zone'.

Acquisition of targets.
Acquisition ,(spotting, identifying and bringing weapons to bear on a target,) is a very complex process with multiple factors to be taken into account. I have tried to resolve this complex and important process into a simple and intuitive method.

The attacking units , rolls a D6 and adds any applicable modifiers.

If the attacking units acquisition score score beats the target units Stealth (S) value they acquire the target unit!

Acquisition modifiers.(Add to attackers acquisition roll)
Target unit attacked acquiring unit last action +3
Target used support or fire support weapon last action+1
Target unit within 18'' +1.
Target unit moved more than 6 '' in attackers LOS in its last action. +1
Equipment modifiers,+variable (targeting equipment etc.)

Stealth modifiers.(Add to targets Stealth value.)
Attacking unit over 36'' away.+1
Target unit in cover +1
Target unit on Infiltrate (I)or fire support (F)orders.+1
Equipment modifiers,+ variable.(camouflage , smoke dispensers etc.)

The attacker resolves hits on the models closest to the shooting unit .These target models MUST have hits allocated to them until they are removed as casualties.(OR if vehicles or monsters suffer stunned or worse damage.)
A unit may split fire between target units units within the 'target zone' .

Weapon arcs.
Weapon arcs are the define the area where the model can shoot.
We assume infantry weapon arcs are 360 degrees.(Can shoot all round.)
However as Cavalry ,Vehicles. and Monsters are more bulky, they MAY have more restricted weapon arcs.

E.g. a hull mounted weapon may be fixed forward and limited to 45 deg total arc.(27.5 deg either side of weapons axis.)
Or side mounted weapons may have 90deg total arc.(front axis to left/right as appropriate.)
(Similar to diagrams on Pg 59 40k BBB)

Resolving attack damage.
Weapons in S.T.A.C.S. have their in game abilities represented by following characteristics.

Name/ER/AP/E /AV or AI. ( Bonus dice)

ER is the effective range of the weapon , only models within this range can be effected.

AP is the armour piercing ability of the weapon.

E ,is Effectiveness of the weapon determines how many models the weapon can effect in the same target unit. Expressed as a number OR Blast size.

Bonus damage dice. (Anti Vehicle bonus(AV) to AP or Anti Infantry (AI) suppression dice ).

Note, some weapons have different attack modes or ammunition types. These are listed as separate entries, with the same name . It does not mean the units has multiple separate weapons with the same name that fire differently!The player chooses which weapon effect they want to use that turn.

Resolve weapon hits against Vehicles and Monster Units.
Add the AV bonus dice,(if applicable) to the AP value of the attacking weapon.
Subtract the targets vehicle /monsters AR value from this total.
This is the value the target unit has to roll over to avoid taking damage from the weapon hit.(The saving roll).

If the target unit rolls over this value the target unit takes no damage at all.(Passes the saving roll.)

If the target unit rolls 1 under the save value , the target unit takes minor damage,(-2 on damage table roll)

If the target unit rolls 2 to 3 under the save value , the target unit takes normal damage .

If the target unit rolls 4 or more ,under the the save value , the target unit takes major damage(+2 on damage rolls

Result/ Effect.
1 or less Suppressed
3Armament damage .(Lose armament DP and lose weapon function accordingly.)
4Mobility damage.(Lose mobility DP and reduce movement rate accordingly.)
6 or more, Annihilated.(destroyed all friendly units within 6” suppressed)
*Vehicles and monster may have different AR value dependant on facing.(Where the weapon hit comes from in relation to the target model.).If applicable these are listed as front /side/rear AR values.

Infantry and cavalry units are comprised of multiple models that are individually more fragile than vehicles and monsters. Therefore the effectiveness of these types of units are represented by removing individual models from a unit,(and from play,)when they fail to save themselves from a weapon hit.

Resolving weapon hits against infantry and cavalry units.
Determine which models are effected by the weapon hits.
Models in the 'attack zone' of the attacking weapon deduct their AR value from the AP value of the attacking weapon.
This is the number the targeted model has to beat to save themselves from the weapon hit.
If model roll lower than this number they loose a DP, when a models DP are reduced to zero,it is removed from the unit ,(and from play ).
( As the most infantry and cavalry models only have one DP, they are removed when they fail their saving throw.)

Allocating Damage.
After the number of damage points lost has been determined.(The number of failed saves from one unit attack.)These are allocated to the models closest to , and in clear LOS of the attacking unit, and these models are removed first, working back away from the attacker as their DP allocation is met.(Models in cover are removed last.)

Ducking Back.
After the attaker has declared the intended target, the defender MAY decide to swap the position of 'notable models',(leaders heros, support or full support weapon carrying models,)
with ordinary models further back in the unit.
This represents , these more experianced members of the unit ducking back out of harms way, or other unit members retrieving the specialised weapons of the unit.
Assault weapons and sniper weapons prevent the defender swaping the attacked models, with other models in the unit.(EG if a model is attacked with an assault weapon or sniper weapon they may not swop positions with another model.)

Weapon classifiactions and characteristics.
How a weapon is used by a unit, is determined by the units weapon characteristics.
They are listed as ;-

Assault ,( the weapons a unit uses in close combat.)
Small Arms.(The main ranged weapons used by an infantry type unit.)
Support,(The specialised weapon(s) a unit uses to deal with specific target types.)
Full support,(Support weapon(s) that can only be used if the unit is on fire support order.)

Resolve a units attack in the following order,Assault, Small Arms/Support/Full Support.

Resolving moral damage of infantry and cavalry units.
After resolving weapon hits as above to determine physical damage, (and removing any models that have DP reduced to 0.)

Take the basic number of weapon hits caused by the attacking unit on the target unit. Add the AI dice bonus for the support, full support weapon fired by the attacking unit at the target unit.

This is the suppressive effect of the attacking unit.

The target units suppression value is its current DP added to its lowest AR value.

If the total suppression effect of the ranged attacks is over the suppression value of the target unit, the target unit is suppressed

If the total suppression effect is over double the suppression value of the target unit , the target unit is neutralised.

E.g. a squad of infantry fires 8 assault rifles (ER 24”/AP6/E 1/-)
And a heavy machine-gun, (ER 36”/AP7/E 3/AI D6)

The target is heavy infantry unit(AR 5) 8 models with 1DP(wound)each.

The target unit has to make 8 x 3+ saves(6-4=2 therefore 3+ save. For the small arms fire.)
And fails one save.
Then 3x 4+ saves,(7-4=3 therefore 4+ save for the HMG fire.)
And fails 2 saves.
The target unit looses 3DP (failed 3 saves)therefore looses 3 models .

The target units suppression value is now reduced to 5(AR) +5(DP) = 10.(Originally 5AR+8DP=12)

Then the attacker determines suppressive effect of the attack.

8 assault rifles firing = 8(One each)
1 HMG firing =3+D6
8+3+(D6 roll of )3=14.

The suppression effect of the firing unit is over the suppression value of the target , the target unit becomes suppressed

If the suppression effect of the firing unit is over double the suppression value of the target , the target unit becomes suppressed

Moral Effects .
A unit that has suffered moral damage, suppressed ,(S) or neutralised,(N) replace their order counter with the appropriate (S) or (N) counter.
The unit will take the appropriate compulsory actions below until it returns to good moral after successful rally attempt(s) at during the end of game turn phase of the game turn. At which point it receives orders as normal.

The unit may retire(move away from enemy units,) to cover , or move to intervening( within movement distance and nearer than all enemy) cover .
In both cases the unit takes a single move action in the secondary action phase.

A unit that is in cover when it becomes suppressed will not move, but may take an attack action, in the secondary action phase .

A vehicle unit may turn to put its (highest) front AR facing to wards the attacking unit that suppressed it instead of moving to cover. If all enemy units are within the vehicles units front AR facing, the vehicles unit may count as in cover.(Take an attack action in the secondary action phase.)

Neutralised (stunned).
The unit will not take any actions until rallied. Unless it is attacked with close combat weapons , at which point it will fight back normally. When rallied a neutralised unit moves to suppressed.

Routing units.
When a vehicle type unit looses all of its weapons , it must make a Moral test at the start of every game turn.
When an infantry type unit loses 75% or more of its starting DP, it must make a Moral test at the start of every game turn.
If these moral tests are failed the unit routes from the battle field, place a (R) counter nest to the unit.
A routing unit must attempt to exit the playing area, as quickly as possible by the shortest available route. (Takes a compulsory move action in both action phases.)

Rallying units.
During the end of game turn phase, a player may attempt to improve the moral of suppressed, neutralised and routing unit .
To rally a unit, simply roll over the units moral grade using the following modifiers.
Rallying Modifiers.
Moral grade modifiers.
Unit at less than 75% of starting DP.+1
Unit at less than 50% of starting DP +1 .
More enemy units within 12'' than friendly units +1
For every friendly unit with moral damage /destroyed within 12 ''+1

Rallying dice modifiers.
Unit at 100% of starting DP.+1
Unit in cover +1
More friendly units within 24” than enemy units +1 .
Command value of leader/hero +variable .

Example Moral grades.
Fanatical(fearless.) moral grade1.
Elite , moral grade 2.
Standard, moral grade 3.
Conscripted, moral grade 4
Mindless/cowardly , moral grade 5.

Ramming and Running Down.
Some times Vehicles and monster units , may want to take a Double Order to use their bulk to ram or run down enemy models.

The attacking unit must move forward in a straight line when performing a ram or running down attack.

Rams.(Vehicle units attacking vehicle units.)
The attacking unit moves up to 2 x M value, to bring it to contact with the target model.
The attacking unit adds HALF the distance it moved ( in inches ,)into contact, to its contacted AR value.
This is the attacking models ram impact value.
The ram impact value is resolved as an AP value attack on the target unit..

The target model adds a D6 to its contacted AR value , this is the targets resistance value.
This is resolved as an AP attack on the ramming vehicle..

Running down.
A vehicle or monster unit may want to try to crush infantry or cavalry models using its sheer bulk !
The attacking model moves into contact with the intended target model(s).
The attacker stops as soon as they make base(or/hull) to base contact with an enemy model.
If the attacker rolls over the target model(s) stealth value (S) the target model is run down.
The target model deducts its AR rating from the AR rating of the attacking model, to determine its saving throw.( Usual there is little chance of surviving being run over by a heavy tank!)
The attacker can continue to move forward in a straight line until it moves into contact with another enemy model, or reaches its M value .

If the attacking model fails to roll over a target models Stealth value (S), the target model dives out of the way,(Placed to the side of the attacking unit , not in contact.)And the attacking unit stops moving.
This is to represent the attacker over steering and loosing impetus.

Command and Control.
The ability of a unit leader or hero, to influence the actions of friendly units on the battle field.
This is defined with the units Command Value,(Cv).
It is expressed as a number for leaders. Eg CV 1 means the leader can add one (+1) to ONE dice roll per game turn.

A hero attached to a unit, or with a retinue in a HQ unit. Has more influence on the actions of the entire force.
This is represented by fate points (F).Each fate point allows the hero to change ONE failed dice roll of ANY friendly unit,to an automatic success ONCE per game.

The Command value (Cv) also determined the amount of units that can be added to the leaders unit to form a unit group.

The experienced squad leader Cv of 3.
Can have up to 2 other units join his unit to form a unit group.
The unit group counts as a single unit for all in game interactions.
And represents experienced leaders 'taking charge' in the heat of battle.

Cv of 2 or more allow the leader/hero to add one (+1)to this number of dice rolls per turn

Off table support.
This is the term used to define units and effects of units , that are not represented by models on the table at the start of play .
(They are requested in the command phase and arrive in the resolution phase.)

These are defined as ;-
Reserves, units that will enter play later in the game.

Artillery strikes, weapon attacks launched beyond the boundaries of the gaming area.

Air strikes, these are flying units that briefly enter play to make attacks on ground units.

Reserves and Air strikes are called into play in the command phase.
The players pick a point on the edge of the playing area , (in their half) this is called the entry point.

The players place 4 (numbered) entry point markers every command phase , only one can be used to let a reserve or air strike unit arrive.(Secretly note which entry point the unit will use.)

If the player makes a successful request roll , in the resolution phase the reserve/air strike unit is placed on the entry point, ready for orders in the next command phase.

Artillery strikes .
Artillery strikes are called into play in the command phase, in a similar way to reserves and air strikes.

The player places 4 (numbered )target point counters anywhere in the gaming area, as long as a friendly unit has clear LOS to the target point.(Secretly note which target point the off table artillery will aim at.)

If the player makes a successful request roll , in the resolution phase the artillery strike is centred on the target point. The artillery strike will scatter from this target point .(Roll 2 D6 and pick the highest result to determine the distance the artillery strike scatters. Determine the direction of scatter using a 'scatter dice' or a D12 for 'clock face' directions,etc.)

Request roll.
The request roll is the score needed on a D6 to get the off table support to arrive in this game turns resolution phase.
It depends on the number of requests, (represented by game turns ,)and the control value of the requesting HQ.

Game turn/dice score required.
The requesting HQ unit can ad its Cv to the dice score .

PLEASE post some comments !

04-24-2010, 06:01 AM
Hey ... I find this interesting as an exercise. I'm always interested in how one can represent something using rules.

Generally I have no negative comments to this. I do have a conceptual question, though: what differentiates an elite unit equipped with X from a green unit equipped with X? Is the difference in combat effectiveness intended to be captured by the CV system (and if so, does that mean that we effectively differentiate squad leader experience only)? Or are "weapon" profiles individual to the unit (e.g., an elite unit would receive more bonus dice than a green unit, even if their physical equipment was identical)?

The suppression effect of the firing unit is over the suppression value of the target , the target unit becomes suppressed

If the suppression effect of the firing unit is over double the suppression value of the target , the target unit becomes suppressed
Is this a typo?

04-24-2010, 08:19 AM
Hi Nabterayl.
Thanks for the questions.
Yes, the idea is the units weapon profile denote the specific units combat experiance /effectiveness.

The effective range of the weapon may be increased, the number of models effected(attacks/shots ) may be increased, or the bonus dice may increase for the better units .

If we say an assault rifle has an 'average' effective range of 24".

A green unit could have an effective range of 18"

A average unit could have an effective range of 24"

An elite unit could have an effective range of 30"

But the real difference is represented by the moral grade.

The elite troops are much easier to rally,they recover from negative moral much quicker than green units!
So they spend more game time doing as they are ordered.;)

And yes It was a typo.:o
It shold read ...
If the suppression effect of the firing unit is over double the suppression value of the target , the target unit becomes neutralised.

I was hoping to use unit data cards, I mean a playing sized reference card with all the unit characteristic and weapons profiles on the front , and the organisational information on the rear.

I would like to structure army compositoin around themed unit selection ,and the game play random secret mission cards.

Hopefuly this would negate the need to resort to PV .(I find creating armies to a set PV limit overly fiddely, I much prefer to just pick a set number of units.)

When you play narrative based missions with themed armies the games are a lot more engaging ,IMO.

I know its only a rough outline, and needs more work.

Would you be able to help me develop it futher?


04-26-2010, 11:07 AM
Hi again.
I am working on the missions ATM.
I would like the attacker and defender to have 6 seperate missions each.
This gives 36 different game combinations.(Much better than just 3 !)

As the mission goals for the attacker and defender are varied , no one can build an optimum list for all eventualities.

What do you think about having 4 basic themes for all armies?
Armoured,Airbourne,Infantry and Mechanised.

Each list strats with picking a core unit group,then a specific HQ , with support units , specialised and restricted units all following the theme .

I may not have explained my ideas in the rough draught very well.

Is there anything that need more explanation/justification?


05-01-2010, 04:34 AM
Hi again.
Well lots of people have had a look see.
Not many have posted negative comments , Ill take that as a lack of interest, or no serious problems with the basic outline.:D

Unfortunatley the missions writing is taking a while to get under way.
(Far too many great ideas to choose from!)

I am hopeing to move away from using PV to determine game size.
As this unaturaly focuses peoples attension on 'point efficiency of indivudual units',and can be totaly counter productive to variety of chioce .(Well I like the unit but its just not competative enough...:()

I would like game sizeto be determined by number of 'units' a side.

EG a 10 unit a side game of a 20 unit a side game.
(Its far less fiddely than messing about with pv.)

The selection process starts with picking a 'army structure type'.
Airborne ,Armored, Infantry or Mechanised.

Most armies will be able to have at least 3 of these 4 structure types.

The army selection proces starts by picking a core unit group.(The group of unit that sets the theme of the army.)

This selection determines what HQ units and Specialised units may be taken.

These selections determine what Support units and Restruicted units may be taken.

The cost in units is displayed at he end of the selection.

Eg Core unit groups could be ...
4 light infantry squads = 4units
3 meduim infantry squads = 4units.
2 heavy infantry units = 4 units.

Game ballance is determines by structureing the themed selections.
Eg An ig Armoured core unit group is

2 LemanRuss =5 units.

Ig Armoured HQ (Chimera = 5 man command unit) , needs to have 4 Tanks to be selected.

This means the basic army of IG Armoured company is 4 Leman Russes and a Chimera HQ unit costs that costs 11 units.(Rather restrictive for low number of unts.)

A light infantry IG selection could be.

4 light infantry squads =4 units

IG Infanty HQ 10 man command unit, needs 4 infantry squads to be selected.

The HQ unit allows up to 2 Infantry Support units ,and takes 2 off table heavy artilery batteries.(2 units)

The Core unit sellection allows up to 2 Specialist units to nbe taken(1 per 2 core infantry units.)
(2 heavy weapon units are taken.)

These 2 Specilaised unit selections allow one Restricted unit to be taken( One Deep striking Stormtrooper unit is selected.)

1 HQ 10 man command unit with 3 support weapons .
2 heavy artilery batteries (Off table)(Orbital bombardments.)

4 10 man light infantry sqads with 2 supprt weapons.

2 Heavy weapon units comprised of 3 heavy weapon teams .

1 10 man storm trooper unit (equiped with grav chutes and off table air transport.)

Thats 10 units for a flexible infantry themed IG army .

What I am aiming for is EASILY themed army selection that can be tailored to your personal preference.
And strong narrative missions driving the game play , to make it the most engaging experiance possible

EG'... its like being in part of 30 corps racing to relive the Paras at Arnhem...' (Hells Highway mission.)

Rather than ' I have got to take out that unit this turn to get my points back, what special rules has it got?'

I admit I am rubbish at explaining my ideas.
So rather than dismiss them , please feel free to ask for clarifications or justifications.


Uncle Fester
05-07-2010, 08:51 AM
Love your work Mau, please keep it up.
Generic rules have been a fav of mine since the kids were taught "dinosaur war & teddy bash" (I made it up)
2 legs move 6", 4 legs move 12" etc

Kind Regards UF

05-07-2010, 01:24 PM
Hi Uncle Fester.
Thanks for the positive responce.
I am developing a WWII version of the STACS rule set,( with an international gaming group,) ATM.
I am in the middle of a lot of development work but I will drop back onto trying to develop a rule set usable with 40k minis in a while.
(Maybe the development of a historical game system might help finalise development of the mission sets, and iron out any 'wrinkles' in the core rules...)