View Full Version : I hate chaos.

03-12-2016, 05:41 AM
Not fictional chaos from a far-flung distant future, but rather real personal chaos in the immediate future.

So this all started just over a year back, when a former boss thought she could ruin my career and take credit for my work at the same time. It didn't work out like she'd planned, but I decided to leave my position anyway, since she was left in a managerial position, instead of being fired like she should have been. After that, I moved 1,500 miles away from home (away from my family) to work a year contract in Portland Oregon (USA). Actually, it was originally just a six month contract, but they kept extending it, eventually wanting to bring me on permanent. I ended up working with a great bunch of men and women. It was a place I really felt comfortable in, and wanted to stay (moving my family up to be with me), but they couldn't put together a financial package that would make my staying feasible. As result, I ended up taking a position in the general Washington DC area. I've managed to impress the hell out of the people I'm working with now, thus completely rebounding from the malfeasance of that one woman, but still it means uprooting my family and moving them 2,300 miles from our home of 10+ years. I hadn't seen my wife and kid in something like a year, except for during the major holidays and via Skype. Now, they are with me, and we're looking at houses. My kid is happy to be with daddy again, but she's not thrilled with the idea of moving. My wife is excited about being closer to historical heritage sites, but isn't thrilled with the housing that is available in the area. Meanwhile, she has to go back home, get the house cleared out and sold, and then truck everything across country, and I won't be able to help her. Even though my current employer is footing the bill for the relocation, there's still a lot of work involved.

And, of course, there is the separate issue of moving away from all my gaming buddies.

The more I think about it, the more I really, REALLY get to hating that woman, my former boss.

03-12-2016, 08:45 AM
You'll do fine. Stop dwelling on the badness that sent you on your path, she is not worth 10 seconds of your mental energy. Look forward to the opportunities in front of you. Someday down the road you may actually thank that woman for the lessons you learned from the experience.

When I was on active military duty for 11 years I did these moves: home to Ft. Benning to Ft. Lewis, to Korea, to Ft. Benning, to Germany, to Monetery CA, to France, to Ft. Leavenworth. Now granted, I had the military support systems in place to help those moves be as easy as possible, but each one was an adventure and great experience.