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View Full Version : 40k Youngbloods league in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!!!!

03-10-2016, 01:10 AM
Hey hey everyone! After over a year of brainstorming Tempest Games in Cedar Rapids, IA is going to be running an event for all of our younger members and for kids that may want to get into playing Warhammer 40k!

Starting in April, Tempest will be hosting a Young-bloods league for kids and teens from 8-16 years of age! This is going to be a several months long league capping in a team tournament to close out the league and giving all the participants their first organized play experience! Since this league is designed for kids and teens alike, we are asking that kids 8-14 have a sponsor for the league. This can be a parent, aunt or uncle, Big Brother/Big Sister, anyone that has played or is willing to learn to play 40k with the kids. It also helps with transportation so that the kids are able to get to the store and play! We also have several experienced 40k players and Tempest regulars that have offered to be Sponsors if needed as well! This just goes to show what a great community we have!

This league will be a slow growing league starting out with players using one of the new/newly created "Getting Started" army boxes. We will be growing from this base for everyone working all the way up 1500 points! League nights will be on Tuesday nights during the course of the league, though as always games can be played whenever! During the course of this league we will also be hosting several modeling and painting workshops led by another local painter and player, so that our young-bloods will be able to experience all aspects of this great hobby that we all share and love!

In order to start this off on the right foot, this Tuesday the 15th, we will be holding an informational meeting at Tempest Games starting at 5:30 pm. Here we will get information from all participants of the league as well as go over basic rules and ground rules we are expecting everyone to follow. We will also be going over all of the different armies that are available to play as well, as well as to get everyone started with their first army!

Warhammer 40,000 and miniature war-gaming in general is a great way for kids of all ages to learn teamwork, sportsmanship, self confidence, decision making, and higher more organized thinking. Plus in addition the games and list building will help the kids with reading and comprehension, mathematical skills, geometry & statistics, budgeting and money handling skills, as well as the benefit of giving the kids the opportunity to make life long friends! We also have several benefits for those kids that get good grades in school!!! Keeping the kids focused in school will lead to benefits on the tabletop as well!

So I hope to see a great many of you on Tuesday for our first informational meeting at Tempest games! I am really looking forward to being able to see the next generation of mini wargamers and help teach them skills and lessons that will help them succeed not only in this league but also in their future! See you all Tuesday night!