View Full Version : Krieg Heavy Mortars: Worthwhile?

04-21-2010, 06:19 PM
Hey guys! I've gotten a lot of good advice from all of you in the past, so I thought I'd tap your brains once again for a question I am pondering. I really like the Death Korps Heavy Mortars, as models by themselves, but they are a bit expensive (about $115.) So the question I pose to all of you is, have you used the Heavy Mortars in combat, and if so how effective were they for you? The second part of my question is, is the points cost and Elite slot worth it? Here's the profile for Heavy Mortars:

Elites choice, 1-3 mortars w/ 3 crew per gun, Artillery, Range: 12-48", Str 6, AP 4, Ordnance Blast, Specialist shells (not concerned with these ATM), 45 points per gun (135 for a 3-gun battery.)

What do you guys think? I love Death Korps, so I might dish out the $115 just for cool models, but I would also like a unit that is combat effective. Any productive input you may have would be appreciated. Thanks again!


Brithian Ranger
04-21-2010, 07:59 PM
Griffons are much cheaper and do the same thing. You could probably even get some krieg tank-riders for less money, plus the guns cant take any fire, i mean armor ten, and instant death, its ridiculous, i would not suggest wasting your money on them.

(sorry if that sounds a little harsh)

04-21-2010, 09:15 PM
That's a reasonable argument, but I would argue that Griffons are 225 pts for a 3 gun battery, while the Heavy Mortars are 135 pts for a 3 gun battery. With any luck and smart setup, they should not come under enemy fire very much. Your argument is duly noted and taken into account, and thanks for the input.

04-21-2010, 11:47 PM
I like them and regulary use them . Just 2 , but they are useful.
But as my dear friends tend to pod just to kill them they much more interesting.

I tend to use them naked , no special ammo . Just sit , shot and cause pinning .
Wolves dislike them very much .

04-22-2010, 05:56 PM
Your missing the most important thing, if you like the look of them and think they are cool use them. If your only worried about min/maxing then there are alot better things to buy. But if you like the models buy and use them. There is nothing wrong with that.