View Full Version : Storm Ravens: How are they faring?

04-21-2010, 06:06 AM
I was curious as to what people have to say about the Storm Raven. In the next week or so, I'll begin building one (I'll probably start a thread on the hobby board once I get all my materials together), and I would like everyone to share what works and what doesn't work.

Here's my brief theory summary:

The Good:
Anti-melta rule.
Assault Ramp
Fast Skimmer. Can reserve up, fly in, drop off the kids, and loaf around, blowing up stuff.
Many different weapon options - a mix of anti-infantry, and anti-tank.
PotMS - Can fire one weapon after moving 24" (Multi-melta). (Actually, this is a little grey, but I'm pretty sure the RAW is all there.)
Transports Troops, Jump Troops (Yay?) and Dreadnought (Yay)
Deep Strikes (Kind of meh to me.)

The Bad:
AV 12
Attracts a lot of fire power (I imagine) This can be good and bad, however.
Expensive vehicle in an already expensive army
Almost impossible to hide
Has to buy extra armour in order to stay mobile (alive)
Probably many more I haven't mentioned.

The Ugly:
No model.
Will make your opponent groan/shake head/mention flying land raiders

This is all theory for me, of course. I have never played one, nor played against one, or hell, even seen one in a game. I do plan on using one, and I'll try to play it as often as I can. It looks like an interesting unit, and I'd love to see it work.

04-21-2010, 08:15 AM
I've only had one game with mine so far, but over all it fared nicely. It did attract a bit of fire, but not so much after it disgourged its Death Co contents all over in assaulty fashion.
I took extra armor on mine, and it was worth all 15 points. Didn't do much killing as my weapon load out of choice was pretty weak.... I went with MM and Plasma. Should have kept Assault Cannons... Also, the Hurricane Bolters are a top notch idea as they're S4 and count as deffensive weapons.

It's a fast skimmer transport, melta resistant, assault vehicle and can carry a dread. Whats not to like?

BTW, the Dread it dropped was awesome! Sixteen Termagaunts mowed down in one assault. :O

GM Rex Nihilo
04-21-2010, 11:06 AM
quoted from murrburger

The Good:
Anti-melta rule.
Assault Ramp
Fast Skimmer. Can reserve up, fly in, drop off the kids, and loaf around, blowing up stuff.
Many different weapon options - a mix of anti-infantry, and anti-tank.
PotMS - Can fire one weapon after moving 24" (Multi-melta). (Actually, this is a little grey, but I'm pretty sure the RAW is all there.)
Transports Troops, Jump Troops (Yay?) and Dreadnought (Yay)
Deep Strikes (Kind of meh to me.)

The Bad:
AV 12
Attracts a lot of fire power (I imagine) This can be good and bad, however.
Expensive vehicle in an already expensive army
Almost impossible to hide
Has to buy extra armour in order to stay mobile (alive)


Costly, but I think cost effective, especially as it shared between 2 units!
AV 12 a bad thing? especially as a Rhino is 11 BTW did you notice the AV12 rear armour!

04-21-2010, 11:39 AM
For 200 points, AV 12 is bad. (Although it has a lot of mobility)

For 35/50 points, I don't mind AV 11.

04-21-2010, 12:51 PM
Eh, the Asscannon, Heavy Bolters, and Hurricane Bolters match up nicely with the amount of Melta I have in my army coming in on turn 1. I'd say it's useful, and if it lives it's a great objective contester.

04-21-2010, 03:35 PM
AV 12 a bad thing? especially as a Rhino is 11 BTW did you notice the AV12 rear armour![/COLOR]

A Rhino costs 35pts. A Storm Raven costs 200+. Yeah, AV12 is a big, big weakness. Though anti-melta helps a lot, since that's most people's default AT nowadays.

04-21-2010, 04:55 PM

200, but, it flies, is an assault vehicle, carry jump troops, and a dreadnought--- did I forget to mention, an army's worth of weapons?

With all the special rules and weapons, I think the stormraven points value is appropriate for what the vehicle is suppose to do--- get 2 units into close combat, and blast the crap outta stuff.

04-21-2010, 06:54 PM

200, but, it flies, is an assault vehicle, carry jump troops, and a dreadnought--- did I forget to mention, an army's worth of weapons?

With all the special rules and weapons, I think the stormraven points value is appropriate for what the vehicle is suppose to do--- get 2 units into close combat, and blast the crap outta stuff.

Fully agree. It's worth its points, I think. Yeah, it's fragile. But I think it's one of those models that can do so much damage in one or two turns that even if it gets blown up it will make its points back.

04-21-2010, 11:01 PM
Yeah AV12 is fine provided you have enough other armor on the board. My Valnks/Vendettas seem to have no trouble staying in the air.

04-21-2010, 11:20 PM
Yeah AV12 is fine provided you have enough other armor on the board. My Valnks/Vendettas seem to have no trouble staying in the air.

I think the opponent will be a little more concerned about the death company/librarian dreadnought you drop in his face than the storm raven.

04-22-2010, 05:09 AM
I think the opponent will be a little more concerned about the death company/librarian dreadnought you drop in his face than the storm raven.

Sure was in my test game. He only took around 4 or so shots at my bird, and thats mainly because he knew Death Co was out of range. :P

04-23-2010, 06:46 AM
The thing ive noticed in a few games ive played, is noone but blood angels players seem to know the storm raven is armor 12 all around ... people assaulting it and thinking theyre attacking rear 10 is pretty funny.

05-02-2010, 12:16 PM
So I have played 8 games with my storm raven and here is what I have found out.

#1. The primary purpose of the storm raven is to deliver one assualt squad and an accompanying dreadnaught to a specific point in the battlefield. It tends to do this very very well. Nearly every game begins with me moving the storm raven 24" towards the point in my opponents line.
#2. The storm raven is very fragile for a 215 point model. With my aggresive play and the fact that I have loaded the thing to bear with assualt terminators and a dc dreadnuaght over 75% of the time the storm raven is shot down in the first turn. To date this has really only hurt me 1 time. If I am going second I tend to reserve it as unless it is moving or concealed it will go down in the first turn and leave your assualt force stranded on your side of the board. In the games I have played it has been shot down in the first couple of shots 2 times and has lasted the entire game times. Generally with the cover save it takes about 1/2 to 2/3'ds of my opponents heavy weapons to down it whcih is not a horiible thing (as they are not shooting my troops), and completely demoralizing when they do not actualy drop it.
#3. In some rare cases it does hav some unique alpha strike capabilties. I run the twin multi melta twin las cannon version and I have found that in one turn moving 6" firing 4 missles a multi melta and a lascannon at a vehicle squadron to be pretty effective. This is my plan to get rid of those pesky hydra batteries. It is rare becuase of the fragility noted in #2.
#4. I have read the machine spirit rules and the rule still reads one additional weapon which would lead me to believe that if you move flat out that you cannot fire a weapon with it. That is just my interpretation though.
#5. Compared to a deepstriking land raider I prefer the storm raven becuase in games in which I can start with the raven on the board I have turn two assualts and do not have to rely on deepstrike. I also do not have to fear aweful deepstrike roles and account for that locater beacons and such)

05-02-2010, 01:01 PM
#4. I have read the machine spirit rules and the rule still reads one additional weapon which would lead me to believe that if you move flat out that you cannot fire a weapon with it. That is just my interpretation though.

There is some debate over that. Same thing with using it after smoking. I'm of the opinion that technically, you can do it. Machine spirit lets you fire one more weapon than normal. Normally, you can't fire weapons after smoking or moving flat out. It then becomes 0+1 weapons, due to machine spirit. It's simple order of operations, mathematically speaking. I've yet to hear a good argument that contradicts this.

Whether or not you choose to do this, though, it up to you. I've never smoked and potms'd afterwards.

05-02-2010, 02:11 PM
exactly, if it allows a vehicle that isnt fast and mvoes 12" to fire a shot, which is specifically prohibited, but overruled by potms, i dont see why it wouldnt let you use the shot at flatout ....

Thats just people whinging for an advantage for themselves trying to deny it.

05-05-2010, 07:25 AM
I have had great success running three Storm Ravens. Two as transports supported by Speeders and one as a Gunship.
It is true most don't know it AV12 rear...oh well.
I have only lost one so far in 9 games. I have more high priority targets closer to the enemy...

05-05-2010, 08:40 AM
I have had great success running three Storm Ravens. Two as transports supported by Speeders and one as a Gunship.
It is true most don't know it AV12 rear...oh well.
I have only lost one so far in 9 games. I have more high priority targets closer to the enemy...

Excellent. Going to have to build a bunch for my Grey Knights.

05-05-2010, 10:36 AM
I have had great success running three Storm Ravens. Two as transports supported by Speeders and one as a Gunship.
It is true most don't know it AV12 rear...oh well.
I have only lost one so far in 9 games. I have more high priority targets closer to the enemy...

You Sir just motivated me to build a third. All the competitive gamers at my FLGS claim that Stormravens are garbage, but my two Stormravens have been extremely successful at living, dodging concentrated fire and dropping their Death Co payloads and daka storms on the enemy. I feel the Stormraven is extremely underestimated, especially with its extra armor upgrade.

05-05-2010, 06:07 PM
I believe as well they are underestimated until the opponent plays against three...
example - my last 2500 test run yesterday against Space Wolves - Hybrid Land Raider Drop list with 2 Rune Priest. He is a decent player and has strong builds.
Capture Control, Pitched...opposite corners for objectives...
He won the toss. Elected to go second.
I, against my practice and procedure, elected to put everything on the table. Strong right flank and Storm Raven gunship with 2 Assault sq Rzbk Las in far left corner over objective.
He castled his LR, Vindi, Vindi, LRC in the semi-center / my right (where the bulk of my force was).
He declined to steal.
My first turn of shooting was %$%@! amazing.
LR Immobile can't shoot, Vindi weaponless and Immobile, Vindi wrecked, LRC blown and 3 guys go down.
All I can say is 12 Blood Strike Missiles on top of the other fire power just wrecks whayever is across from you...

I won the game. He was so rattled after my first turn his Drop pods didnt fire their SB's until turn 5...

05-05-2010, 09:39 PM
I believe as well they are underestimated until the opponent plays against three...
example - my last 2500 test run yesterday against Space Wolves - Hybrid Land Raider Drop list with 2 Rune Priest. He is a decent player and has strong builds.
Capture Control, Pitched...opposite corners for objectives...
He won the toss. Elected to go second.
I, against my practice and procedure, elected to put everything on the table. Strong right flank and Storm Raven gunship with 2 Assault sq Rzbk Las in far left corner over objective.
He castled his LR, Vindi, Vindi, LRC in the semi-center / my right (where the bulk of my force was).
He declined to steal.
My first turn of shooting was %$%@! amazing.
LR Immobile can't shoot, Vindi weaponless and Immobile, Vindi wrecked, LRC blown and 3 guys go down.
All I can say is 12 Blood Strike Missiles on top of the other fire power just wrecks whayever is across from you...

I won the game. He was so rattled after my first turn his Drop pods didnt fire their SB's until turn 5...

Yup, I'm sold. Gonna tweak my list into a Trip Raven for 'Ard Boyz. :P Gonna have to drop some points to get it in though. :O

05-05-2010, 10:08 PM
All I can say is 12 Blood Strike Missiles on top of the other fire power just wrecks whayever is across from you...

can you fire more then one missle a turn ?? i was under the impression it was 1 a turn

05-05-2010, 10:57 PM
can you fire more then one missle a turn ?? i was under the impression it was 1 a turn


05-06-2010, 12:00 AM
I'm pretty sure you can fire as many as you want each turn because they're not ordnance.

05-06-2010, 05:35 AM
I get that question a lot at my FLGS
Each one is a separate weapon system.

My 1st turn I usually fire all into a squadron, absolutely devastating with thier range.

05-06-2010, 06:41 AM
My 1st turn I usually fire all into a squadron, absolutely devastating with thier range.

Kinda like the BA have some SOB's at their back for a turn...I love 'em!

05-06-2010, 06:58 AM
Woah, what!? You can fire all four on the same turn? :O
I thought they could only be fired one at a time per turn.... Please explain?

05-06-2010, 07:02 AM
They're fired as separate weapons so you could sit still for a turn and fire everything. Missiles, cannon, bolters, everything.

05-06-2010, 07:05 AM
Woah, what!? You can fire all four on the same turn? :O
I thought they could only be fired one at a time per turn.... Please explain?

Well, each BSM is a one shot wpn, Hvy 1. Whether I reserve or not, Storm Ravens are Fast Skimmers meaning they can move 6" and fire everything. Move 12" and fire one plus POTMS.
On turn 1 I move 6", and in the words of Maximus Decimus Meridias, I unleash Hell.

Whatever is left really should not be a threat to the SR's as they zoom to deliver death.

05-06-2010, 09:06 AM
Well, each BSM is a one shot wpn, Hvy 1. Whether I reserve or not, Storm Ravens are Fast Skimmers meaning they can move 6" and fire everything. Move 12" and fire one plus POTMS.
On turn 1 I move 6", and in the words of Maximus Decimus Meridias, I unleash Hell.

Whatever is left really should not be a threat to the SR's as they zoom to deliver death.

That sounds unrelentingly brutal. I love it!

05-06-2010, 06:44 PM
My opponent today was again rattled by the destruction two Storm Ravens can bring even coming from Reserve.
Turn 2 - x2 Vindi dead, x1 LRC wrecked, x1 LR immobile and cant shoot.
Turn 3 - x6 TermA in LRC dead, x6 TermA in LR 20% strength.

He gave up after turn 3. Killed Droppods for KP victory.

Storm Ravens are demoralizing and it has its lasting effect on the game.

05-06-2010, 09:27 PM
Heck, that may be a winning strategy. Take a trio of Ravens, and put everything else in drop pods. Drop pods get up in the opponents face, so they're too busy to deal with the Ravens. Ravens come on and blow everything up. Then next turn the ravens can turbo boost forward and fully support the units that came in via drop pods.

05-06-2010, 11:28 PM
Now ya thinking!

05-07-2010, 07:58 AM
Now I'll have to see if GKs have any non-Dreadnought anti-tank deepstriking units in the new codex so I can pull that off (since the dreads go in the storm ravens).

05-13-2010, 03:19 PM
A Rhino costs 35pts. A Storm Raven costs 200+. Yeah, AV12 is a big, big weakness. Though anti-melta helps a lot, since that's most people's default AT nowadays.

I would argue the anti-melta benefit is little to none. It only stops the extra die, the S8 and AP1 is still plenty sufficient to bring the bird down. I know if the refractive armor (or whatever) didn't come standard but was an upgrade, I wouldn't look at it twice and would keep the bird cheaper.

05-13-2010, 04:58 PM
I would argue the anti-melta benefit is little to none. It only stops the extra die, the S8 and AP1 is still plenty sufficient to bring the bird down. I know if the refractive armor (or whatever) didn't come standard but was an upgrade, I wouldn't look at it twice and would keep the bird cheaper.

Loosing the extra d6 means that the melta needs a 4 to glance , instead of being almost guaranteed to pen (goes from 92% a to a 50% to glance, if I did the math right). That's a fairly significant difference.

In fact, take a BS 4 unit with two meltaguns in range. Without anti-melta, they'll cause 1.2 glance/pens. With anti-melta they'll only do .67 glance/pens. That's big. And with everyone nowadays relying on meltas for AT, it's going to make a difference a significant amount of the time.

05-13-2010, 06:23 PM
Saturday I played some 'Ard Boyz warm ups against a Tervigon Nid list. He had a couple other MCs for daka support, but on turn one I released a torrent of missiles and killed one MC and knocked off a good number of wounds from his Tervigon and other MC. I then spent the rest of the game flying around and shooting him to death while dropping Death Dreads w/ Blood Talons on his poor defenseless Termagaunts.
He conceded at the top of turn 5 before I could do any more harm. He took under 400 victory points and I took well over 1000 and at least two objectives. :P

Stormravens are fun.

05-13-2010, 08:22 PM
Played another Ard boyz warmup, mission 2 vs Space Wolves. 3 Storm Ravens.
Reserved all but one 5 man Tac ML. My turn 2 he lost Vindi, 2 Rzbk Las, Typhoon Speeder and some dudes. His turn 3 not much to do, I lost my Tac ML...my turn 3 another Vindi, LR and half his troops. By the end of turn 5 he had a Rune Priest and 8 Grey Hunters... I love the Storm Ravens.

I really love the fact that it drops a Talon Furioso off to punk Logan. :D

05-14-2010, 08:40 PM
Loosing the extra d6 means that the melta needs a 4 to glance , instead of being almost guaranteed to pen (goes from 92% a to a 50% to glance, if I did the math right). That's a fairly significant difference.

In fact, take a BS 4 unit with two meltaguns in range. Without anti-melta, they'll cause 1.2 glance/pens. With anti-melta they'll only do .67 glance/pens. That's big. And with everyone nowadays relying on meltas for AT, it's going to make a difference a significant amount of the time.

Meh, in the few games I've seen the Storm Raven used, it has yet to be shot at half-melta range. By the time it's that close, it has disembarked its payload, and those meltagunners have far bigger problems.

05-14-2010, 09:31 PM
Meh, in the few games I've seen the Storm Raven used, it has yet to be shot at half-melta range. By the time it's that close, it has disembarked its payload, and those meltagunners have far bigger problems.

Exactly! Once it's unleashed it's payload, its mission is more or less finished. All its got left to do is fly around and harrass the enemy. If you're opponent is foolish enough he'll keep shooting at the bird thinking its the biggest threat.

05-14-2010, 10:38 PM
mine have being doing great no game more so than todays brought down a swarm lord that was really p**** me off in on shooting phase

05-15-2010, 08:05 PM
I lost one today to a single Krak grenade after having moved flat out. :O
That aside, another awesome performance, but not good enough to clench top three at 'Ard Boyz. Try again at another store tomorrow.

05-16-2010, 07:50 AM
Storm Ravens are the sickest thing in the BA codex. Aside from the insane firepower, when they alpha they demoralize the opponent... continued mistakes for the rest of the game.

I love 'em.

Sidenote, Furiouso Talon is next in line IMHO.

05-16-2010, 02:34 PM
Storm Ravens are the sickest thing in the BA codex. Aside from the insane firepower, when they alpha they demoralize the opponent... continued mistakes for the rest of the game.

I love 'em.

Sidenote, Furiouso Talon is next in line IMHO.

This! Other than the Raven, the Furioso, and maybe the Baal, the Blood Angels codex is pretty mediocre. Their performance in 'Ard Boyz proved that plain enough. Let us all disregard the +++CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION+++ like jawaballs who just posted an article about them being terrible. What a douche.

Commisar Chris
05-16-2010, 02:59 PM
I dont think they're very good, 200pts for a best armor 12 model. Eh, i wouldn't take it if i were a Blood angels player. Yes im aware of the awesome fire-power and transport ability but its just too killable. That's my non-blood angel player opinion.

05-16-2010, 03:06 PM
I dont think they're very good, 200pts for a best armor 12 model. Eh, i wouldn't take it if i were a Blood angels player. Yes im aware of the awesome fire-power and transport ability but its just too killable. That's my non-blood angel player opinion.

Look at the results they're getting before judging. If it's stupid, but works, then it isn't stupid.

05-16-2010, 03:08 PM
Let us all disregard the +++CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION+++ like jawaballs who just posted an article about them being terrible. What a douche.

Terminus, read the forum rules before posting stuff like this. Be respectful. If you have a personal problem with someone, keep it to yourself.

05-16-2010, 05:18 PM
This! Other than the Raven, the Furioso, and maybe the Baal, the Blood Angels codex is pretty mediocre. Their performance in 'Ard Boyz proved that plain enough. Let us all disregard the +++CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION+++ like jawaballs who just posted an article about them being terrible. What a douche.

??? Look at the BA compared to all the other SM codices. Point for point they are cheaper and better.

I dont think they're very good, 200pts for a best armor 12 model. Eh, i wouldn't take it if i were a Blood angels player. Yes im aware of the awesome fire-power and transport ability but its just too killable. That's my non-blood angel player opinion.

The Storm Raven itself is not the end all be all, it is how you play them. Insert a mediocre tool into a decent tactic and you may win a few. Insert 3 of the same said tool and your decent tactic exponentially improves.
Alpha strike and psychology is what wins wars.

The look on your opponents face and their body language says it all. $#% what the %#@$ happened? = Defeated turn 2.

In a friendly game I wouldn't take 3 SR's, I wouldn't take 2 Furiouso's. 'Ard boyz isn't friendly.

05-16-2010, 07:02 PM
I still have yet to actually use the Storm Raven... Im too busy playing all "Razor-Spam". When people are playing them how many are you running? 1,2,3? and are you maxing out the transport options? Or keeping it cheep with 5 guys?


05-16-2010, 07:12 PM
Today for my second 'Ard Boyz I had much better performance from my Stormravens. Played two different guard lists and a daemon list and the Stormravens were critical tools to the demoralization and defeat of my opponents. The guy in round three did beat me, but only one point. With the torrents of fire he was sending at my Stormravens, its unbelievable how long they lasted.

Overall they dropped I think three to five Chimera's, two Daemon MCs, and two Russ'. Their cargo caused even more havok. :P

It's really about how you use them. Moving 24 inches to get the rear armor shot with melta and a 4+ cover for you on the opponents turn is great. Movings 6" or less and unleashing a torrent of missiles and other shots is outstanding. And as always, dropping a Fleeting Death Dread with Blood Talons in front of the opponents "out of assault range" guard mob is awesome! First turn assaults for the win!

05-16-2010, 07:49 PM
Today for my second 'Ard Boyz I had much better performance from my Stormravens. Played two different guard lists and a daemon list and the Stormravens were critical tools to the demoralization and defeat of my opponents. The guy in round three did beat me, but only one point. With the torrents of fire he was sending at my Stormravens, its unbelievable how long they lasted.

Overall they dropped I think three to five Chimera's, two Daemon MCs, and two Russ'. Their cargo caused even more havok. :P

It's really about how you use them. Moving 24 inches to get the rear armor shot with melta and a 4+ cover for you on the opponents turn is great. Movings 6" or less and unleashing a torrent of missiles and other shots is outstanding. And as always, dropping a Fleeting Death Dread with Blood Talons in front of the opponents "out of assault range" guard mob is awesome! First turn assaults for the win!

This is exactly what I have been saying all along. DEMORALIZATION is a much longer lasting affect on the human psyche than any other tactic in 40K. There are guys that don't play for weeks, months or longer because they got their %$#@ kicked in. Imagine one game where you lose half to ALL of your list strength in ONE turn. They can cry cheese, undercosted/overpowered, broken, whatever...I use the tools presented to me (what is in the codex) to my advantage.

One came on turn 2 reserve and even after I told the guy twice they can't outflank, he still moved what was left away from the short edges preparing for the next two to come on...he was distraught over the first one and psychologically shutdown after the other two came on turn 3.

I still have yet to actually use the Storm Raven... Im too busy playing all "Razor-Spam". When people are playing them how many are you running? 1,2,3? and are you maxing out the transport options? Or keeping it cheep with 5 guys?


I played three SR's. I have tried a few different load-outs but the one that stuck for my tactical plan was TL LasC, TyphML, 4 BSM and HurB sponsons on all three. Sure at 255 they are costly but worth every point.

I load them with TermA and Dread and HQ and cut down whatever is left after the alpha strike. If they are foolish enough to come near my 20" range then I just assault and still fire one plus defensive plus POTMS, unload and next turn alpha strike with the BSM's.

I reserve all of them, load them with goodies and come in turn 2 (usually 2 - about 75% of the time) and unleash hell 6" from my edge. If one comes on I stay at the furthest range possible and still unleash hell. One game all 3 came in on turn 2 and he had no vehicles and half of his troops killed in the explosions or running away from the Death from Above.

I don't know if this is where to post my list (don't know if I want to) but the TACTICS used in conjunction with the SR's is what is important. Target priority and timing are critical for a finesse army like BA.

Anti-Horde is not a big issue. Bugs give some resistence. Orks die in droves. Foot IG, Marine take alittle longer but they succumb in a few turns.
Anti-Mech is the easiest as this is the intention of the list. Marines, IG, Eldar and Tau disappear.

Commisar Chris
05-19-2010, 05:58 PM
Look at the results they're getting before judging. If it's stupid, but works, then it isn't stupid.

Ok want me to look at the results first ok...done. I played a game against one before i posted my reply. My opponet got 1st turn and shot his raven at one of my russ's and shook it thats all. When it was my turn i only had to shoot 2 of my Vendetta's 3 lascannons and made his raven explode. And if your saying its cuz my cannons were twin linked i didnt have to re-roll either of them. So in my expirence they are too killiable. So it didnt work for him so its stupid. I know there are many other incidences where the raven has annihilated but in that game my opponet said himself it wasnt worth the points for that low armor. And if anyone is going to try to come back by saying the Valk/Vendetta is the same low armor, true. However its a 100pts-70pts lower than the Raven so i dont mind taking them cuz they arent breaking my point bank.

05-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Seems to be working really, really, really well for everyone else. Maybe your friend just has bad luck.

05-19-2010, 07:26 PM
Sounds like 1 game's worth of dice... maybe your friend and you (commisar chris) should have at it a couple more times...

05-19-2010, 10:21 PM
Ok want me to look at the results first ok...done. I played a game against one before i posted my reply. My opponet got 1st turn and shot his raven at one of my russ's and shook it thats all. When it was my turn i only had to shoot 2 of my Vendetta's 3 lascannons and made his raven explode. And if your saying its cuz my cannons were twin linked i didnt have to re-roll either of them. So in my expirence they are too killiable. So it didnt work for him so its stupid. I know there are many other incidences where the raven has annihilated but in that game my opponet said himself it wasnt worth the points for that low armor. And if anyone is going to try to come back by saying the Valk/Vendetta is the same low armor, true. However its a 100pts-70pts lower than the Raven so i dont mind taking them cuz they arent breaking my point bank.

I could agree with you Commisar, they are not worth the points as the lead character in the play. If your opponent is only taking 1 SR, he should have 2 LR's on the table or other high priority targets.
IMHO, the SR MUST come in from Reserve. Starting on the table with one is foolish tactics, with 2 or 3 is lucky.
I started with one on the table, then went to one in reserve, then two in reserve...now 3 Storm Ravens in Reserve are the backbone of my BA list.
They are versatile and powerful.
BA is a finesse army, not a "look I have this AV12 twin troop transporter and it is coming for you..."
More like "I have 2 or 3 SR's coming in reserve and they are loaded with (insert), meanwhile back at the ranch you have 2 LRR's with (insert) DS in front of your lines and a BAAL outflanking and a Pred Destructor blowing up your transports and ..."

Sounds like 1 game's worth of dice... maybe your friend and you (commisar chris) should have at it a couple more times...

Dice do go bad. It will take a few games to get the massage part of what you're sticking to your opponent down pat.

05-25-2010, 11:54 AM
I think the issue is the guy was using the storm raven to try and kill something on the first turn. That is not the primary use of a storm raven. The storm raven is a delivery mechanism for the BA assualt forces and one of various dreadnaughts. The killing power of the storm raven is only to be used after it has unloaded it cargo. The question that should be asked is the storm raven an actually good delivery mechanism. I have found that when I go first it is brilliant. When I go second I either reserve it or it gets shot down. The issue that keeps tipping it over the edgeand into my armies is the ability to transport a dreadnuaght. I have this unseemly love affair with the death company dreadnuaght that I just cannot get over and the ability to drive this into the center of my opponents line and let er rip is just too awesome (for me personally, not sure if it is the most effective choice but those days where you get 11 wounds on a squad and he picks up the entire unit just bring a smile to mt face and make the whole day).

05-25-2010, 03:32 PM
Speaking strictly from LGS and Local tourney metagame. I play against MECH. Hordes exists but are few and far between.

That being said, the Storm Raven used as a firepoint the turn it comes on is NECESSARY to crack the cases to get to the guys inside.
I could drop the cargo off first but then I am faced with multiple units in range of my 2-3 elements, whereas shooting first keeps me at range and keeps my cargo safe for a turn.

I have used the Storm Ravens (in tournaments) to deliver the cargo straight to the Ork and Bug horde half way across the board.
Against anything else or anything MECH I shoot first and deliver my baby second. (Kinda like my first kid, lol)...

The Storm Ravens are always supported by other threatening elements as I have found this to be the best method for me to utilize a BEAUTIFUL WMD.