View Full Version : Command Squads and Captain question

papa smurf
04-21-2010, 01:46 AM
hey all, i have a question about the regular Space Marine Codex. Do captains benefit from the retinue rules from being in a command squad? i thought it was changed from the old codex that they don't, and i don't remember seeing the retinue rule anywhere in the command squad entry in the current codex, just the fact that they don't take up a HQ slot.
However, last game (a while ago) i played a Space Marine player using Sicarius (for all intents and purposes can get a command squad and be treated like a captain in this situation) and he thought that because of the command squad, Sicarius could not be singled out. I wanted to kill the squad anyway, but that's beside the point. i disagree with what he said, but i didn't want to get in an argument about it so I just went along with it, i rushed him with some genestealers, and they're pretty indiscriminate. So i defer to you guys, can space marine captains be singled out in close combat if in their command squad?
fluff wise i think it makes sense he's just like part of the squad, but absence of the retinue rule tell me otherwise. the only doubts i have are that in the rulebook (paraphrasing here) the word "retinue" can be interchangeable with the word "bodyguard", and possibly a few others. any clarifying words would be nice, thanks :)

04-21-2010, 01:53 AM
Command squads are not retinues, no. The confusion some people have about this seems to stem from the fact that each captain unlocks one command squad (similar to the old "may take a retinue" wording), combined with the fact that, as you say, fluff-wise it makes a certain amount of sense. However, this is an area of the rules where what is not said is important. Because the command squad does not have a special rule that makes it a retinue, or a special rule that prevents the captain from leaving the squad while the command squad is alive (which would make it a de facto retinue), the command squad is not a retinue.

04-21-2010, 03:54 AM
completely right. the squad is a unit of its own. just like a tactical squad. the captain is an independant character. he does´nt need to be deployed with the command squad or stay with it. he can join or leave the unit and can as an independant character be singled out in close combat.

04-21-2010, 08:58 AM
Yeah, this is another fluff over rules thing. If you read i their fluff section it says they often form retinues for heroes, captains, whatever blah blah blah, but their actual entry doesn't give them a rule that says this!

04-21-2010, 10:19 AM
GW is getting rid of almost all retinues (I think the Tyrants and Guard is the only ones in the new codexes that are keeping retinues).

The Characters are becoming so powerful, that to be able to hide them in Close Combat, and not have to be in base to base to fight, puts them 'over the top'