View Full Version : You know what I love about the Imperial Guard?

Commissar Lewis
04-20-2010, 08:02 AM
The fact that they are simply human, armed with (compared to everything else in 40k) substandard armor and weaponry, yet they face down daemons, genetically-enhanced evil supersoldiers, alien monstrosities, genocidal robots, scheming highly advanced aliens, other high-tech aliens that follow and spread an idealology, and sadistic raider aliens.

They face all that with a simple lasgun and flak armor. Now that... that is truly heroic IMO. You always hear about a space marine cutting down hundreds of foes, but come on. He's got genetic super-abilities, bolter, and power armor. That ain't heroic; that's like mowing your lawn with a nuclear weapon.

Now for a Guardsman to face all the crap of 40k with a lasgun and flak armor, THAT is heroic and badass.

Stayed up all night, forgive my rambling.

Lord Azaghul
04-20-2010, 08:13 AM
The fact that they are simply human, armed with (compared to everything else in 40k) substandard armor and weaponry, yet they face down daemons, genetically-enhanced evil supersoldiers, alien monstrosities, genocidal robots, scheming highly advanced aliens, other high-tech aliens that follow and spread an idealology, and sadistic raider aliens.

They face all that with a simple lasgun and flak armor. Now that... that is truly heroic IMO. You always hear about a space marine cutting down hundreds of foes, but come on. He's got genetic super-abilities, bolter, and power armor. That ain't heroic; that's like mowing your lawn with a nuclear weapon.

Now for a Guardsman to face all the crap of 40k with a lasgun and flak armor, THAT is heroic and badass.

Stayed up all night, forgive my rambling.


I feel the same!:cool:

04-20-2010, 08:14 AM
Badass Normal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassNormal). The IG is Batman. Ok, maybe not batman, the Stormtroopers, or maybe the Commissars are Batman.

04-20-2010, 08:30 AM
I love the way you can represent ANY part of ANY colonial/WW1/WW2/vietnam/Iraq (the list is endless) even the falklands movie/story (true or fiction) with the imperial guard

Kelly's heroes - a few guys, a hippy in a tank company (Forgeworld's grizmund with his speaker) and its done

The ride of the valkyries from apocalypse now - been said many times how thats just a wing of valkyries with some surfboards on

D-Day landings - either using gorgon assault vehicles or a scratchbuilt fleet of landing craft.

all of this is the rich tapestry of the Imperial guard allowing us to re-create all that we love about these movies/heroic stories, with simply a smattering of commissars and double headed eagles and you're right back in the year 40,000

04-20-2010, 09:10 AM
The Imperial guard have one of the broadest canvasses to create your own back story, organization, tactics, etc. It's not that they're not supported by official fluff, it's just that the fluff makes it clear that if you can imagine it, there's probably a planet spitting out regiments just like it.

The other big advantage is the number of ranges IG have, model wise. Two full plastic ranges (plus the ancient RT plastics), two resin ranges, nine metal ranges, and tons of conversion and cross over potential mean that IG armies often look and play extremely differently.

04-20-2010, 11:11 AM
IG are probably the most diverse army in the game. Nobody has the range of models or units that IG have, nor the extent of support from 3rd party companies and of Forgeworld. IG armies can be vastly different than each other (much more so than say, Blood Angels from Black Templars or Space Wolves) and look even more drastically different.

04-20-2010, 11:32 AM

I feel the same!:cool:

As do I.

The Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Battle are the true essence of badassery in 40k, ordinary humans fighting against the worst that the grimdark 40k galaxy can throw against them.

Inquisitor Soren
04-20-2010, 11:46 AM
IG are the most amazing, wonderful, fantastic army to play. I haven't won a single game since I've started 5th, but honestly I could not care less. Three foot veterans, two platoon blobs, Straken and friends, a hellhound, and a few tanks along with an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor just makes the army fun to play. Not to mention the fluff! Sometimes you feel sorry when you charge that blob head long into the jaws of death to buy one or two more rounds of shooting with your tanks and heavy weapons but you know they didn't die in vein when the tryanid deathstar crumples under obscene firepower, or the triple battle wagons get fragged by grenades! Chaos will always be my first love but you can really feel for the IG. ^^

04-20-2010, 12:43 PM
Hmm, you know what I like about SM? They are genetically enhanced supersoldiers. They can take on a ton of guys on their own. They are clad in anceint and reverred suits of power armour. They do use holy bolters to smite the Emperor's foes and they doo al this without fear, without want for personal gain and always running staright into the most dangerous situations where no other would dare go. They are very strong but they'r not immortal, they bleed and they die but never does this stop them, only in death does duty end. They may be far better than your average guardsman but they are few and far between against a glaxy full of enemies. They are the ones who have to face down the mightiest champions of Chaos, they are the ones who have to rip the heart out of the Tyranid attacks. If they are better than normal guardsman then they're missions quite easily scale up to match them. And unline guardsman they don't have strength in numbers.

That's my ramble anyway.

Lord Azaghul
04-20-2010, 12:59 PM
Hmm, you know what I like about SM? They are genetically enhanced supersoldiers. They can take on a ton of guys on their own. They are clad in anceint and reverred suits of power armour. They do use holy bolters to smite the Emperor's foes and they doo al this without fear, without want for personal gain and always running staright into the most dangerous situations where no other would dare go. They are very strong but they'r not immortal, they bleed and they die but never does this stop them, only in death does duty end. They may be far better than your average guardsman but they are few and far between against a glaxy full of enemies. They are the ones who have to face down the mightiest champions of Chaos, they are the ones who have to rip the heart out of the Tyranid attacks. If they are better than normal guardsman then they're missions quite easily scale up to match them. And unline guardsman they don't have strength in numbers.

That's my ramble anyway.

No major disagreements, but I would like to point out what I highlighted in color also applies to the average guardsman who is all the more heroic, for he accepts his task, and his life is often spent upon conquest that the SM's could not undertake.

And I really don't want this thread to turn into a who is better argument. My main army is IG, and I love 'em, but all the things you said are also the reason I started my Crimson Fist army. Both have there place, but the guardsmen speaks to me more then the space marine.

04-20-2010, 01:03 PM
Let's face it, for the overwhelming majority of the Imperium's forces, only in death does duty end. Hell, that term is actually used as the name of the rule for Repentia: Only In Death Does Duty End.

04-20-2010, 01:19 PM
Hmm, you know what I like about SM? They are genetically enhanced supersoldiers. They can take on a ton of guys on their own. They are clad in anceint and reverred suits of power armour. They do use holy bolters to smite the Emperor's foes and they doo al this without fear, without want for personal gain and always running staright into the most dangerous situations where no other would dare go. They are very strong but they'r not immortal, they bleed and they die but never does this stop them, only in death does duty end. They may be far better than your average guardsman but they are few and far between against a glaxy full of enemies. They are the ones who have to face down the mightiest champions of Chaos, they are the ones who have to rip the heart out of the Tyranid attacks. If they are better than normal guardsman then they're missions quite easily scale up to match them. And unline guardsman they don't have strength in numbers.

That's my ramble anyway.

Don't need numbers when you've got h4x. Where's the challenge when you can walk through weapons fire like rain?

That and, of course, half the mightiest champions of Chaos are...Space Marines that ah, didn't turn out so well. ;) Thanks for reigning on the parade.

04-20-2010, 01:27 PM
You know what I love about the Guard, even more than the Sororitas? That they never have the option to say no to a mission. If a Guard regiment is tasked with a mission that will almost certainly kill every man and woman in the unit they can't say, "We refuse to be treated as expendable assets." They just front up and earn it.

04-20-2010, 01:31 PM
Only in death does duty end applies even to spa resort owners in the grimdark. :/

Lord Azaghul
04-20-2010, 01:41 PM
Only in death does duty end applies even to spa resort owners in the grimdark. :/

I can just picture it now, Lord Generals taken there ease in aquila shaped hot tubs, spouting 'the emporer protects' between shots of sacra.

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
04-20-2010, 03:08 PM
I agree with this sentiment.
The IG and Battle Sisters have always appealed to me for this reason.
I can't put myself in a space Marine's shoes, but I can imagine putting on a helmet, jacket, grabbing an M14, and jumping into the fray.
It's scary as hell, but fun to think about...

04-20-2010, 05:27 PM
My guardsmen don't face all that with a lasgun. They shoot it with a shotgun, then charge. Redneckachans, maybe.

04-21-2010, 11:43 AM
Ye it did occur to meafterwards that 'only in death does duty end' was pretty general. Personally my SM have always been my soft spot but I know why that is. I do have some guardsman as well but they just don't spark my imagination as much as my SM.
Each to their own.

05-10-2010, 05:11 PM
You know what I love about the Guard, even more than the Sororitas? That they never have the option to say no to a mission. If a Guard regiment is tasked with a mission that will almost certainly kill every man and woman in the unit they can't say, "We refuse to be treated as expendable assets." They just front up and earn it.

Melchett: Now, Field Marshal Haig has formulated a brilliant tactical plan to ensure final victory in the field

Blackadder: Would this brilliant plan involve us climbing over the top of our trenches and walking, very slowly towards the enemy?

Darling: How did you know that Blackadder? It's classified information

Blackadder: It's the same plan we used last time, and the seventeen times before that

Melchett: E-e-exactly! And that is what is so brilliant about it. It will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard. Doing exactly what we've done eighteen times before will be the last thing they expect us to do this time.

That's the spirit :P

Commissar Lewis
05-10-2010, 09:34 PM
Imperial Guard - if it ain't broke, why fix it?

05-10-2010, 10:14 PM
Imperial Guard - if it ain't broke, why fix it?

No, if it ain't broke, take it apart and find out why:D.

05-10-2010, 10:31 PM
Imperial Guard: If it ain't broke, then shoot something with it.

If it don't shoot, why do you have it in the first place?

Commissar Lewis
05-10-2010, 10:45 PM
Imperial Guard: If it ain't broke, then shoot something with it.

If it don't shoot, why do you have it in the first place?

True words, true words...

Or: "If it ain't broke, send wave after wave of infantry and tanks at it until it is!"

05-10-2010, 10:52 PM
The guardsmen of the Astraean 801st will fight to the death!

Well, someone's death. It's far more their style to advance so far, panic, throw their lasguns at the enemy, and casually run away.

Commissar Lewis
05-10-2010, 10:53 PM
Who knows, when they toss their lasguns they may start malfunctioning and firing about the place rapidly and may kill some enemies?

05-10-2010, 11:24 PM
Lasguns never malfunction. It's a side-effect of barely functioning in the first place.

05-10-2010, 11:52 PM
... actually lasguns are just as powerful, if not moreso, than modern rifles. And they're more reliable, and their ammunition is cheaper in the long run, and lasguns are cheaper to make in the long run...

Basically the lasgun is the ideal standard infantry weapon for a massed army.

Frankly the bolter isn't much better against some enemies. I'd rather have a platoon of Guardsmen shoot at a daemon than just a single squad of Marines. Especially a combined platoon with the officer giving a certain Order....

05-11-2010, 12:20 AM
lasguns never malfunction. It's a side-effect of being awesome in the first place.


Commissar Lewis
05-11-2010, 09:14 PM
Yeah, I have a fondness for the humble ol' lasgun. To hells with machine gun mini-rocket launchers, pulse rifles, shuriken guns, and all that vapid nonsense, I love the old lasgun.

Plus lasers are frickin' cool.

05-11-2010, 09:54 PM
Also, lasguns in DoW2 look ****ing awesome. That's actually close to how I imagined them to look and fire.

Commissar Lewis
05-11-2010, 09:56 PM
Hm, have only played DoW2 a few times at my friend's. Don't own it myself; Firestorm Over Kronus 3.5 is sufficient for me ATM. (If my fethin' PC it's on's machine spirit would get over itself and work again.)

Will have to check out how they look in DoW 2 sometime.

05-11-2010, 10:21 PM
No power armor....no bolters... and no drop pods. Just faith in the Imperium, a few thousand tanks, and a lasrifle powered by AA batteries. Thats why I switched from SM to IG (well that and IG are more fun to mod!)

DoW2 is worth getting and there is an nice mod that lets you play imperial guard units (its not perfect but it is alot of fun)

05-12-2010, 06:36 AM
Don't get me wrong, I'd have a lasgun over a bolter any day of the week. I loved them in DOW - it looked like a frickin' ELO gig.

Commisar Chris
05-12-2010, 08:33 PM
I cant agree with you more fellow Commisar. :D
I picked Imperial Guard because i really conected with them. Space Marines are pretty Inhuman and live only to fight, Necrons...well they're necrons, eldar tyrannids and dark eldar are confusing to wrap your head around, orks and CSM are too brutal and again live only to fight, and inquisition same as space marines.
But Imperial Guard...They are human. They join to fight for their home, their imperium, but they still want to come back home when its all said and done. They think about their farm back home, their dog, their girlfriend or wife, the sunsets they watched, etc. I know that sounds pretty sappy and stuff but its something i really connected with because i've been thinking about going into the military when i get old enough. Thats what I love about the Guard.

The Imperator
05-12-2010, 08:50 PM
I love IG because they provide plenty of biomass for my nids:D

05-12-2010, 10:03 PM
There's also the fact that I completely love the two principal officers in the 801st Astraean: Colonel Selar Barion and Lord Commissar Archaius Grimcut. Imagine Sue Sylvester and Gene Hunt in a power struggle and you'll see what I mean.

05-12-2010, 10:16 PM
yea ... just ordinary humans, with insane heavy support from tanks to aa platforms, naval warships in orbit, air supremecy from vultures and valks etc etc.

Not saying they arent "braver" that a SM, as it takes balls to be a normal guy in the 41st millennium, but they do have some of the scariest warmachines supporting them in the 41st millennium as well ;)

Commissar Lewis
05-12-2010, 11:27 PM
Exactly. We Guardsmen may not be the best infantry out there, but **** with us and we've got the best damned tanks to put some armored boots up some *****. Average infantry, awesome vehicular power.

Plus there's always the "for every one of us who falls, ten more take his place!".

05-13-2010, 09:06 AM
I completely love the idea and background of the Catachans, I just don't like the current models. By the time I finish my Orks that problem will hopefully be resolved, if not, well, I just may have to do some conversions! Besides, I just figured out I like painting vehicles. :)

Commissar Lewis
05-13-2010, 05:13 PM
Yeah the Catachans are awesome, I have about 30 Catachans in my regiment. It's a mixed regiment - the 110th Daneland/33rd Catachan.

And Straken leads the regiment, because he is my favorite named character in 40k.

05-14-2010, 01:06 PM
Yeah the Catachans are awesome, I have about 30 Catachans in my regiment. It's a mixed regiment - the 110th Daneland/33rd Catachan.

And Straken leads the regiment, because he is my favorite named character in 40k.

I like the concept behind the Catachans, but the models look a bit ridiculous. They're arms are bigger then some Space Marines'. It doesn't make sense. Of course, asking something in 40K to make sense is like a mosquito to stop biting you.

05-14-2010, 01:43 PM
They're not scaled correctly. Catachans are tall and all, but they're still shorter and smaller than an Astartes or Orks.

Commissar Lewis
05-14-2010, 11:46 PM
True, but the massive arms get across that 80's, Rambo or Arnold look. I mean when Arnold was kicking the Predator in the nuts and gunning down countless minions with a machine gun, not acting as a questionable governor.

... I swear, when I heard he was elected governor of California, I hoped he'd run around and gun down gangsters and criminals with an M60, or something similarly awesome. Alas... but I'm getting off topic here.

05-15-2010, 08:48 AM
I never particularly liked Arnold movies to begin with... if I wanted some cheap schlock I'd go watch some cheap schlock.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-15-2010, 10:58 AM
Personally, I find human armies boring because I am a human every single day of my life in reality, so the idea of playing that part in a fictional universe which has nearly everything is unappealing to me. I'd rather use my imagination and make the coolest looking creatures I can! no offence to IG players, just my personal reason why human armies dont appeal to my taste.

05-15-2010, 11:16 AM
If you can't find anything human to be remotely interesting, then I kinda feel sorry for ya :P

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-15-2010, 02:15 PM
If you can't find anything human to be remotely interesting, then I kinda feel sorry for ya :P

I know your being goofy, but I mean anything human in terms of fiction and fantasy in game format specifically ! (wargames, rpgs, boardgames, video-games ect). If thats what you thought then thats ok too - as those little niches are what makes me creative and drive me to do my own things (im making my own wargame, video-games and even a sci-fi web show!).

That said, I can see the appeal of being human too (the OP explained it very well I thought) - I just wanted to explain why it didnt particularly work for people like myself.

Commissar Lewis
05-15-2010, 09:49 PM
A fair point, Xeno. After all, games are fantasy, so why be what you are in real life? But personally, I'm a Guard man through and through.

05-15-2010, 10:13 PM
games are fantasy, so why be what you are in real life?

I'm not a Battle Sister, Guardsman, or Ork in real life. Emperor help the world if the first or third were true.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-15-2010, 11:19 PM
I'm not a Battle Sister, Guardsman, or Ork in real life. Emperor help the world if the first or third were true.

Well, you're a battle sister when it comes to debating with people :D I mean that in a positive way, however!

A fair point, Xeno. After all, games are fantasy, so why be what you are in real life? But personally, I'm a Guard man through and through.

Thats cool man, your explanation was perfect - and I sincerely enjoy hearing why people like things that they do. While I wouldnt play guard - I do love facing off against them and they certainly have some of the best model ranges IMO (death korps and the metal ranges are undeniably awesome!). That said, if I had to play guard it would be savlar chem-dogs or athonian tunnel-rats..or if I wanted to be the glorious loser, praetorians!