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View Full Version : BA Dreadnought kits

04-18-2010, 09:07 PM
Greetings everyone.
has anyone heard any type of rumors for a BA Dreadnought kit.
You know...a kit where we could make blood claws, magna crapples, frag cannons, librarian dreads...you know stuff like that. :P

I still scratching my head trying to figure out why GW didnt release those with the codex...just pissing money away.

Do you think they might be coming with the new SpearHead expansion?

Let me know if anyone has heard anything.


04-19-2010, 10:12 AM
No, as far as we know there's nothing like that forthcoming with Spearhead... or ever, for that matter.

They are pissing money away. Your'e not the only one scratching your head either.

Just go ask a Tyranid player why they don't have plastic boneswords, or Tervigons, or a Swarmlord model. Or ask an IG player why he can't get all the artillery or tank options in his codex unless he buys expensive resin from Forge World. Talk to a Blood Angels player and try to find out where the hell the Stormraven Gunship and Dreadnought Blood Talons are. And, just for fun, corner a Space Wolves player and see where the Thunderwolf Calvary are located in your local hobby store.

Their honest-to-God opinion is that if you want some of that stuff badly enough, go make it yourself. Then there's the problem of trying to make a proxy or conversion if you aren't a very skilled modeler. Then even if you make something, someone may question its legality.

I like their game, but they infuriate their fanbase by not fully supporting their own damn game system.

04-19-2010, 10:45 AM
Agree 100%. How they don't understand that they are tossing money away is mind numbing.
This is the same company that charges $16.00+ for one sergeant model :p
I would expect them to be chomping at the bit to sell what ever they could.

Sigh let's hope chapterhouse or forgeworld have something.
Or it's back to hack n slash table to make something...which isn't that bad, but it's the priciple of the mater.


04-19-2010, 11:21 AM
They also know that there are many in this hobby that are in it for the fun of building cool stuff. look at all the Stormraven conversions out there. They are averaging $90 each made out of other kits. How is that not making money? You have to buy a regular dreadnough to make a BA dread. How is that not making money? They know what they're doing. They have players like me hooked on buying kits no matter when they put them out. I have 11 dreads. I have built 1 Furioso since the codex came out, and I am building a Librarian now. Made from an old venerable kit. How is it that they arn't making money off me?

I will also buy the BA dread if a new one comes out (highly unlikely though until the GK stuff starts coming out again).

They have a business that is based around a hobby. They weigh out sales and they also look to see what the "hobbist" will do that the general gamer won't, like buy older kits to make what they need. They cannot always generate a huge amount of stuff all the time. Also, if no one was wanting to use a stormraven, would they then want to spend the money on the kit for it? If they see lots of people are fielding them with BA, it woul dmake sense to go ahead and do the kit as part of wave 2 or as the GK codex (as rumored).

John M.

04-19-2010, 11:52 AM
Just go ask a Tyranid player why they don't have plastic boneswords, or Tervigons, or a Swarmlord model. Or ask an IG player why he can't get all the artillery or tank options in his codex unless he buys expensive resin from Forge World. Talk to a Blood Angels player and try to find out where the hell the Stormraven Gunship and Dreadnought Blood Talons are. And, just for fun, corner a Space Wolves player and see where the Thunderwolf Calvary are located in your local hobby store.

This is just silly. All that stuff you mentioned can be had... by converting other kits. I've seen plenty of people kit bash the Canis model for the T-Wolves. If you don't want to do that, there are other options. There have been loads of people kitbashing the Stormraven, and by combining a Valk and a LR at that. That's a $108 conversion. Guess what? GW owns Forge World, so why not let people buy the resin models until they're ready to release it in plastic? Dreadnought blood talons? Oh whoops, FW has something for those too.

Crap, I don't have two close combat arms though, for a Furioso. Wait...There's an extra one in the Ironclad kit. But I don't want to use the Ironclad body! Wait... I'll buy the Venerable kit and combine them!

I think they have it plenty figured out.

04-19-2010, 12:37 PM
Plus the only reason for a lack of Storm Raven model is because they didn't finish it in time for the release. Would you rather them have held back the entire codex for a few more months so they could have had the model ready?

04-19-2010, 12:44 PM
I think they have it plenty figured out.

Exactly, you don't become a success without buisness savy.

04-19-2010, 09:23 PM
If "I think they have it plenty figured out" = Give me more money fool, then I would agree. Now does that make it right....no. Does it make them more money...possibly. Business Savy doesnt always mean the right thing.

Speaking of Business Savy, a company that released the iron clad dreadnought, and venerable dreadnought OBVIOUSLY knows that they are big sellers. An upgrade sprew is going to cost them next to nothing and they would be rolling in the money with people not only buying the other two dreadought kits but also their special one as well. There is money to be made.

Yes you can always kit bash...I have seen the results some are good and some definitly earn the word "bash". Having models available for sell does not stop the hobbiest from creating what ever they like.

GW was lazy on this one and they are loosing money.

04-19-2010, 10:14 PM
GW was lazy on this one and they are loosing money.

Again, I completely disagree. They weren't lazy, and I SINCERELY doubt they're losing money. All the pieces that you need to create ANY of the dreads in the BA Book are available. Plus, they re-released the Furioso model itself.

As others have said, the Storm Raven is a really poor example. They've basically said they wanted it to be done correctly, and will thusfar be releasing it later.

And talking about the "right" think is ridiculous. They're a business. They've released plastic kits of pretty much any troop model you could possibly take for any army, and they continue to release elite units in plastic as the new army books come out. And you're going to complain because ONE dreadnought doesn't have a specific upgrade sprue, which would amount to two weapons?


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-20-2010, 12:09 AM
Think at best they will release a sprue for your BA's, with both arms, the blood talons and every other cool peices you require to customize already existing models like tactical squads.

04-20-2010, 10:24 AM
Business Savy doesnt always mean the right thing.

Who said anything about doing the right thing?

04-20-2010, 11:11 AM
Again, I completely disagree. They weren't lazy, and I SINCERELY doubt they're losing money. All the pieces that you need to create ANY of the dreads in the BA Book are available. Plus, they re-released the Furioso model itself.

As others have said, the Storm Raven is a really poor example. They've basically said they wanted it to be done correctly, and will thusfar be releasing it later.

And talking about the "right" think is ridiculous. They're a business. They've released plastic kits of pretty much any troop model you could possibly take for any army, and they continue to release elite units in plastic as the new army books come out. And you're going to complain because ONE dreadnought doesn't have a specific upgrade sprue, which would amount to two weapons?


Businesses can do the right thing...it happens all the time.
They were lazy (isn't Internet arguing fun!) and should have either released the kit
with the re-release of the furioso OR just said more parts are coming soon (there's a business savy concept...communication!)


04-20-2010, 11:41 AM
Businesses can do the right thing...it happens all the time.
They were lazy (isn't Internet arguing fun!) and should have either released the kit
with the re-release of the furioso OR just said more parts are coming soon (there's a business savy concept...communication!)


How do you know they were lazy. Were you walking around GW HQ and saw some guys sitting around playing cards? Then their boss came up and said "hey, you're supposed to be making the BA dread model?" One of them replied, "yeah, sure, whatever, we'll get around to it. Hey, bob, raise you 5."

Please, for the sake of friendliness, don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, and do not attribute to incompetence that which can be explained in a perfectly reasonable fashion.

04-20-2010, 11:44 AM
Do we even know that they were planning on making a BA dread kit? Because then the GW is lazy argument makes even less sense. It would be like accusing Bungie of not making Halo 4, while in reality they are busy making Halo: Reach (a prequel) and currently have no plans of making Halo 4.

04-20-2010, 03:46 PM
Generally, GW don't seem to like releasing kits which excessively compete with each other. Your average hobbyist doesn't have that much money to spend in one go.

It's the same reason they didn't release a Tervigon/Tyrannofex kit, it would have competed with the Trygon and why they've staggered the new IG tanks.

In this case you have the baal and venerable dreadnought competing for hobbyists money. By waiting and having faster releases but with fewer kits at once, the average hobbyist will have saved up a bit more cash to spend next time around.

It makes logical business sense, release twice as many kits at once and you won't get twice as many sales so you stagger them more. As witness, see the second waves which were almost unheard of a few years back. You waited for your codex and maybe got a crappy chaos lord in the summer (grrr.. worst release ever:mad:)

04-21-2010, 04:03 AM
My annoyance is with things like the new leman russ and chimera kits. Sure the models look great, and yes you get 3 turret variations but they took the accessory sprues out of the kits and started selling them for 15 bucks a pop.

How hard would it have been to include 3 TL las cannons in the Valk sprue?

Now i know the second biggest part of this hobby is complaining about GW but seriously, I feel like i keep getting less and less for my dollar each year. Yes, yes, the space wolves and BA kits look fabulous and i hope the quality of the sculpt keeps going up, but it seems like the company is kind of all over the place when it comes to consistency. It's great that you can grab a venerable dread that had a bazillion accessories and options, but when it comes to the less popular armies it seems like they are skimping.