View Full Version : Blackadder's Scratchbuilt Lucius Pattern Warhound

04-18-2010, 06:51 PM
I use the name Blackadder. I like to scratchbuilt the larger 40K warmachines. My current project is a Lucius Pattern Warhound I call Lucie. Lucie is about 95% complete and I would like to share my building techniques with other like minded individuals on this forum.

This is my scratchbuilt Warhound Titan as it stands today actually in early March.

I still have the weapons and armour to fabricate; a few minor details and of course painting. Right now she just has a coat of primer. I have a complete set of images of the whole manufacture of this model and being new to this forum I was looking for the right place to post a construction article.


Tell me what you think,

The Blackadder

04-18-2010, 07:02 PM

Is it to table top scale? and when are you gonna post the construction stuff?

04-18-2010, 07:31 PM
Table top I guess thanks for the reply.

Just a few more images of Lucie as she is today. Lucie has fully articulated legs and feet.

all the joints on her toes flex to the limits of the FW design. This is one of the reasons it has taken me so long to build this model. designing the joints and making them strong enough to take flexing so she can be fully poseable.


Lucie and friends.


She looks strange without arms.


Posing with my superheavy scratchbuilt Titan Hunter .


Leaving her companions in the dust.


04-18-2010, 07:37 PM
ummmm .... :( i want to make something like that =/ awesome job.

04-18-2010, 07:42 PM
So it's a scratch, but there are pieces from the FW kit on the Titan and there are pieces from GW kits on the super heavy, yes?

04-18-2010, 08:52 PM
Incredible detailing... you scratchbuilt the titan killer as well?

04-19-2010, 05:36 AM
Hi there mate, I don't mean to sound negative, but just in case you weren't aware, scratchbuilt means its been made from cardboard, wood, foam, plasticard, greenstuff, using hardly any GW parts

these look too close to the real things that i really doubt they are scratchbuilt, i mean the rivets are exactly in the same place on your titan as the forgeworld one.

If they indeed are "Scratchbuilds" please please let us know how you get such professional results from raw materials, we would all love to know :D

04-19-2010, 06:04 AM
If they indeed are "Scratchbuilds" please please let us know how you get such professional results from raw materials, we would all love to know :D

Maybe he's really Will hayes? ;)

04-19-2010, 10:01 AM
Hi there mate, I don't mean to sound negative, but just in case you weren't aware, scratchbuilt means its been made from cardboard, wood, foam, plasticard, greenstuff, using hardly any GW parts

these look too close to the real things that i really doubt they are scratchbuilt, i mean the rivets are exactly in the same place on your titan as the forgeworld one.

If they indeed are "Scratchbuilds" please please let us know how you get such professional results from raw materials, we would all love to know :D

Glad I'm not the only one that thought this. If they are indeed scratches, I'd be wholly interested to see some pointers.

04-19-2010, 10:13 AM
My guess is they're re-casts in a lighter material, foam or some sort of plastic, so it is superlight to enable the poseability - resin would be too heavy for the legs to support.
The only bits that have lost detail are the piston (the bits that hold the pose), so I reckon they're made from something else or are constructed differently somehow.

04-19-2010, 10:19 AM
WOW :eek::eek:

that is amazing!! that titan is increadble but the titan killer!!!! WOW :eek::eek:

you are amazing sir

(are you chuck noriss of 40k ? or the emperor)

04-19-2010, 01:36 PM
i dont know???? it could be a fw one modded a bit. something in me is saying this isnt real. but then it may well be...

04-19-2010, 06:32 PM
Hi there mate, I don't mean to sound negative, but just in case you weren't aware, scratchbuilt means its been made from cardboard, wood, foam, plasticard, greenstuff, using hardly any GW parts

these look too close to the real things that i really doubt they are scratchbuilt, i mean the rivets are exactly in the same place on your titan as the forgeworld one.

If they indeed are "Scratchbuilds" please please let us know how you get such professional results from raw materials, we would all love to know :D

This should be interesting, in all the forums I've posted no one has doubted the veracity of the claim of "scratch build". Lucie is entirely made of plasticard over a foam core posterboard but I suppose I should begin at the beginning:

About a year and a half ago I was finishing up the 'Titan Hunter' (It will be the subject of another thread if anyone has an interest) and I was discussing with my son what to do for the next project and he said the Apocalypse rules allow for Warhounds in the game so we decided on a Lucius Warhound for a project.

I started this project in March 09 and after a few failed starts last year I final made a body core that was of a reasonable shape and size. It was a very inauspicious beginning. At that time I had no idea what size an actual Warhound was other than the cryptic statement that the model stands 10.5" high. Well considering that you can build it in a lot of different poses "10.5 inches" is not much to go on. I had hundreds of images I had found on the web but not one gave a hint as to any measurement. Blindly I started to make a hull out of foam board just to get a feel for the construction.

This pitiful assembly is still at the core of Lucie.



04-19-2010, 06:34 PM
I have very few images of the initial construction as I was out looking for a new career.

Here are the first few construction images. I decide on foam core posterboard for the hull and carapace because heavier material would make Lucie top heavy especially with the pivot point so far aft. Too far aft as I found out later and the waist pivot point has been brought further forward about three times to it's current location.

See, All too human. LOL





Sorry to say my documentation of the preliminary parts were very sparse.


04-19-2010, 06:36 PM




One week into the build and I was still feeling my way along as far as size and proportion. Surprisingly the hull and carapace I had nailed from the beginning. I have not had to change anything on either other than to skin them with plasticard.

04-19-2010, 06:37 PM
The legs were another story. My first set were functional but too small and dainty.





I might add at this time I wasn't going to copy the FW model exactly but the cardboard model the plans of which that are floating around the web.

After I assembled the various components I thought, "I can do better."

A that point the madness commenced,


04-19-2010, 06:39 PM
I was none too gently apprised that the legs were not robust enough and I hastily scraped the leg work and rebuilt them in a grander scale. These seemed to fit the bill and I proceeded with the over all build.

At that time little did I know that I had built in some ill reconcilable flaws that would come to haunt me later on and almost caused me to scrap the project.

The following pictures I call:

"Then a Miracle Happened"

as I have no intervening photographs! LOL

A very gratifying photo of Lucie when I first assembled all the components. An error in perception prevented me from noting the obvious mistakes pleased as I was with the overall look.

Even at this early stage I knew I wanted Lucie pose-able. I worked towards that goal using PVC plumbing pipe and wood dowels for the axles on the legs and the marvelous properties of Evergreen telescoping styrene tubing for the toes. Note the amount of flexing the toes initially had. The hydraulic cylinders designed by FW severely restricted the actual amount of movement the finished toes could make. Were it not for the cylinders in the toes and legs Lucie would be much more pose-able.

This extremely undignified pose highlights all the flaws that almost caused me to quit. The waist is too far aft on the hull, The waist itself is far too small. The upper leg segments are too long and not robust enough, The hip axles and hydraulic mounting cylinders are too small in diameter and the toes are too long!


Happily I circumvented these problems but it did cause me to add a month or two to the actual construction. I spent weeks deciding whether to rebuild the offending mistakes or just finish it up half-assed and hide it from the world.

It pays to work off of plans boys and girls, I'll never do another project I haven't any scale drawings for.


04-19-2010, 06:43 PM
In my last post I intimated that I was apprised the legs were too delicate looking for the body. Absolutely correct and I scrapped 90% of the work I had done on the legs. Fortunately the new dimensions brought me up to the PVC pipe range which made the joints easier to fabricate. I kept the hull and covered it with .05" Evergreen styrene plastic card sheeting. There is a commercial 7 minute epoxy made for plastic and it is wonderful stuff. It even adheres plastic to card stock.

I'll go into greater detail of the construction but first a picture to see if my effort meets your approval.



04-19-2010, 06:47 PM
One picture is worth a thousand words and in this case a thousand errors of perception. Working without any plan or measurement I had made numerous errors in scale and one digital photo revealed them. So after an all night rebuild here is the result plus I managed to attach the head as well. All the leg and hip joints including the feet and toes are fully movable and pose-able at this point and I made the neck connection movable as well. Try that one FW:D




04-19-2010, 06:48 PM



E. Blackadder

Constructive critiques and comments would be greatly appreciated,


04-19-2010, 06:50 PM
I got tired of looking to buy fans for the upper cooling compartment. I managed to make a few after some trial and error so the last one I took some pictures of the process.

It took about 20 minutes to make the four after they're trimmed and under the cover screen I believe they'll look fine.


This is my goal, a shot of the cooling compartment of a real Warhound.


This is the empty space to fill.


I started by making a box to house the fans and AC units. The fans were mde up of small triangles of 0.25mm styrene. The completed fans are 9.0mm in diameter.



04-19-2010, 06:52 PM

After rough gluing the fanblades into the approximate shape I filed them round and drilled an axle hole.


The fans installed in the compartment and set in the hull.


The AC unit installed.


04-19-2010, 06:53 PM
A close up good enough for G'ment work.



As this is the only interior detail it got painted first.


04-19-2010, 06:57 PM
I'd been agonized over the following step and trying to figure out how to make a proper ring of plastic around the orbit of the ankle and hip ball socket receptacle and the following is how I finally managed to accomplish it.


Surprisingly it was simplicity itself but the most obvious somehow escapes us. I started by gluing with a good grade of thin liquid plastic glue. I use 'Tamiya - Extra Thin Cement :


I glued the selected piece to the periphery of the socket using the installed ball as an inner guide. fortunately I used wooden spheres so they are not affected by the glue. I imparted a slight curve to the ring strip initially and started a bit before the desired location so the beginning end could be cut off leaving a curved beginning.


Applying pressure with your thumb (or favorite finger) serves two purposes; one it is a clamp you can rely on to make the proper curve and two the heat of your hand speeds the drying of the glue.


Following the curve of the ball make gluing every 30 degrees or so being careful to not let the glue flow back to the starting point as it may dissolve the original joint and you'll have to start over.

04-19-2010, 06:58 PM

Working your way around the ball to the starting point, cut off the short straight piece from the beginning and cut the end of the strip to butt with the beginning and voila; a perfect ring of plastic.


I needed a second layer to thicken the ring on the ankle and hip but the second layer is easier than the first and my only complaint is why didn't I think of this sooner.

The mentally challenged Blackadder

04-19-2010, 07:00 PM
Once the ring was installed the rest of the detail was just hunkering down and doing it. The problem I see with most scratchbuilts is that while it doesn't have to be identical to the original model most builders never take the time to install enough detail. I hate the rough work of building the base form but the real fun of scratchbuilding is the detail except for the rivets. Gad I hate rivets and Lucie has thousands. There's no fast way to install rivets I'll go over the best way I've found in a subsequent post.

Now for the waist detail:

The coiled conduit is 0.025 copper wire wrapped around an undersized round bit of white sprue, same as the AC conduit in the cooling compartment. Once wrapped a touch of Cyno-acetate holds it in place.


Some views of the almost never seen bottom of the waist:





04-19-2010, 07:02 PM
This should be interesting, in all the forums I've posted no one has doubted the veracity of the claim of "scratch build".

Looking at the quality of some of the details I have to admit I had my doubts, but I seeing the build I have to say that that doubt is a pretty good compliment to your skill. That's some really good work.

04-19-2010, 07:03 PM
I'll take a step back and show the detail of the head . Pigment aficionados will be happy to note that I have begun painting by applying a coat of gray primer to the engine compartment. Meanwhile I was adding detail to the head.


The head is coming along very well after I bit the bullet and with a good deal of trepidation drilled recesses for the "headlights, parking lights and directional signals" for want of better terms.

To drill relatively large holes into soft plastic I use new bits exclusively. even then the bits cut too deeply to fast so I turn the bits backwards by hand. It's a bit slower but the cutting doesn't rip the plastic as it would using a power drill.


The hood and cheek vents look about done then the edging for the head armour can be installed.

04-19-2010, 07:05 PM

For those interested,

I did a little 'Photoshopping' (Actually I use Photo Impact Pro #10 which I think is a better program than Photoshop.) since I'd completed most of the detail on the head.


I still had the armour on the top of the head to do and the windows and window framing replete with rivets need to be added after painting.

So I copied and pasted one of my images of a real Warhound head onto my recent image. I was greatly pleased and surprised how well it came out.

There is a wealth of detail on the head that is never seen or photographed. I managed to get a picture of the underside of the head and add the detail to my model.



04-19-2010, 07:07 PM
I started installing the umpty ump rivets I lost count after 300. I used 0.020, 0.030, 0.040, 0.050. 0.060 diameter styrene rods shaved 0.20mm thick, and half inch straight pins.




Note the damage on the toes. Assembly and disassembly took it's toll; they were much too weak and had to be reinforced. A project I had been putting off for obvious reasons. Gahhh!

04-19-2010, 07:09 PM


Blackadder's mixed his units of measurements as usual; how does he manage to keep it straight???

04-19-2010, 07:11 PM
I made what I thought were scale drawings initially just to get started. I needed a base from which to work. I felt somehow that the hull and carapace would be a good starting point. All my work is based on that hull so if my proportions were off on that the whole thing is wrong. As I may have mentioned before; the only actual measurement I have from the FW model is that the beast stands 10.5" tall. Since the legs can be built in an infinite array of poses that is not much help witness the range of height Lucies legs can attain:



Granted either of these poses would look comical but it demonstrates the problem. After I was satisfied the overall proportions were reasonably correct I started detailing. To do that I study the hundreds of images I have of various hounds I have found on the net. I draw in the detail on the actual model in pencil and put it aside for a day or two and work on something else. occasionally I look at the drawn on piece and compare it to the images. If I'm satisfied it's okay I fabricate the detail and tack it on. If that looks right I glue it on properly.

I work mainly by eye and all the images I have are in some degree taken in perspective so sometimes the piece I fabricate is elongated or foreshortened such as the bolter. Mine is a tad longer that the original but it works so I needn't rebuild it.


04-19-2010, 07:14 PM
Whoa that's an accolade that will be hard to live up to. I hope I continue to meet your expectations.

I took better pictures without benefit of Margaritas.

I must confess the skulls on the cheeks were sliced from a GW model panel that my son had in his bitz box. That's the only kit production parts used thus far.




04-19-2010, 07:15 PM
All the rivets are hand placed by eye, I don't measure as it would take forever to measure the distances and mark the spot for the rivet etc.



04-19-2010, 07:19 PM
More rivet detail

It took me 3 hours to install the 196 rivets on the caps for the leg joints not to mention the 32 in the interior of the hip swivel drums. Talk about tedious. I still have to install the rosettes on the caps but decided to take a break and take some pictures. In all the caps took 3 days to manufacture and I don't relish repeating this part of the project but I still have the toes to do IIIEEEE!




04-19-2010, 07:22 PM
Okay folks the next time you see this hull for better or worse it will have a coat of primer in it. I did a crash program marathon to get it ready for paint this weekend installing something like 200+ more rivets and the rest carapace underside detail. I also replaced the six link coupling tubes with styrene tubes in between the generators.





04-19-2010, 07:23 PM




04-19-2010, 07:23 PM

Question of probabilities for you math and physics majors out there:

I've studied a little quantum physics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle but I'm at a loss to explain why when you install a rivet approximately 0.030inches in diameter and 0.015inches thick it invariably stands on edge instead of lying on the flat disc surface. I've even tried to stand it on edge (even though I really want it to lie flat just to confuse the gods of the laws of probability) and the damned things still stand on edge. It's like flipping a coin a hundred times and every time it stands on edge.

Now here's the real kicker; on a piece of scrap I deliberately tried to stand these tiny disks on edge and they lie flat every time.

I think my basement is haunted by Schroedinger's cat,


04-19-2010, 08:29 PM
Wow dude. Just ****ing Wow. I for one wasn't doubting, I was just CONVINCED you had to be using some other parts (mostly for the Titan Killer, I thought). I think this is an absolute testament to your talent.

I loved looking over this and wish I had both the time and patience to do this. My warmest kudos to you sir. I raise my glass to you.

Hairy Piggy
04-20-2010, 02:35 AM
The time effort and huge amount of work you undoubtedly put in to this deserve to be applauded:


Really amazing, professional looking work. Well done and keep it up!

04-20-2010, 03:20 AM
Wow dude. Just ****ing Wow. I for one wasn't doubting, I was just CONVINCED you had to be using some other parts (mostly for the Titan Killer, I thought). I think this is an absolute testament to your talent.

I loved looking over this and wish I had both the time and patience to do this. My warmest kudos to you sir. I raise my glass to you.

No problem, sometimes when I look back over the images I can't believe it myself.

You can't run with the big dogs without establishing your bona fides.

What turned me onto this forum was the Warlord Titan by David Smith which is the epitome of first class titan building. After I finish up Lucie and wrap up my other loose end projects I'd like to have a go at duplicating his noble effort.

As for the Titan Hunter, that was my first attempt at scratchbuilding (as opposed to buying a kit and assembling it). I heavily relied on casting parts of Baneblades and taking pieces from my son's bitz box such as the sponson mounted lascannons and hatches from a Leman Russ etc but the basic frame, hull, fenders and the entire engine section are fabricated from scrap plastic and 'Evergreen' plasticard. The plasma cannon was completely fabricated and only after making it was I so fortunate to win a bid for a Stormblade. Although I was pleased how much my cannon mimicked the original it was slightly thinner and less robust when compared side by side. But then the 'Hunter' is a more refined looking vehicle. The Stormblade is a brute.


04-20-2010, 04:26 AM
HAHA time for me to eat pure humble pie!!

Well done mate, that is truly an effort!! fantastic work. you certainly have an eye for detail, wish i had the patience to put together something so... complete, it's all there.


04-20-2010, 05:13 AM
Holy Rabid Midgets, thats amazing!

04-20-2010, 05:18 AM
No need to eat humble pie Tsini, you're right to question unsubstantiated claims. I'm just pleased I could allay your suspicions.

As I stated before the toes were much to flimsy to hold up the mass that Lucie had become. She weighs in the order of a kilo by now and so I removed the toes for rework and strengthening. While I was at it I replaced the joints with smaller diameter tubing and shortened the second segment of the phalanges. More on the toes later which incorporate on the order of a hundred components each; counting the rivets. Not the work for someone who hates tedium.....


Some random images of the leg building while the toes were being rebuilt.


04-20-2010, 05:29 AM
Someone commented on the lack of detail on the ankle pistons and cylinders. You know I completely forgot to do that! A lot of the detail is hidden by the greaves but I could add a few skulls, aquilla, and data plates without too much trouble.

04-20-2010, 05:41 AM
I call these images, "Lucie's Pat Boone impersonation" and are for a point of reference as to the scale of Lucie during construction

I couldn't find any decent figures except for some old Catachans and my Lucius Baneblade Arethusa. I took these shots for comparison sake but I have since renamed them as Lucie's Pat Boone phase!

The toes are just placed in front of the foot pad so I had to hold the model.

If you look real close at the # 3 toe there is my first hydraulic cylinder in place. Sorry no macro lens on this camera.




04-20-2010, 05:53 AM

The literally hundreds of components in the toes alone not counting the mistakes, re-dos, and redesigns many more than the FW model. I wouldn't recommend this project to those who frustrate easily. The little 'T' shaped objects in the foreground are the undressed mount base hydraulic cylinders. they are about 1/8 long.


Each toe is fully articulated and as close to the scale of the original as the material will allow.

The #2 toe components exploded view

A very grainy image of the #3 toe forward hydrualics

04-20-2010, 05:55 AM
The #3 toe in flat position

The #3 toe flexed not much of a range of motion for all that work!

The reason the Blackadder is certifiable

04-20-2010, 05:58 AM
This forum is getting the express version of the build because I am anxious to bring the project up to date.

Here is my attempt to manufacture the megabolter. Lucie will have that and a turbolaser for her first weapons built I will probably build all the weapons in the FW arsenal the last being the plasma cannon as I already built one for the Titan Hunter.

Originally the megabolter front housing was too short and the mount arm housing too long. The bolter barrels were too small and the front overhang too short so I redid virtually the whole thing working on the existing frame.

It looks pretty alright to me and the proportion to the head and hull looks about right so next came the detail.




E. Blackadder

04-20-2010, 06:03 AM
This 4 image limit is pretty frustrating but it increases my post count so what the hey. Here are the remaining two images of the above post:


Showing the hidden.structure of the bolter. Lucie is so front heavy I had to lighten her all I could to keep her from toppling forward. All that 'moment' is put upon those tiny toe hinges which amounts to kilos per sq cm. No wonder the original toes snapped off.

I might add that I shall be returning to the toes later to show the rest of the detailing including the amazingly ornate treads. What a waste that there is so much hidden detail on the FW model. It's not surprising they cost so much.

The Blackadder

04-20-2010, 06:20 AM
Back to the phalanges; I went through the interminable process of rebuilding the toes and detailing them. Although they are a lot leaner than before they are much stronger and more to scale; especially the joints. The row of cylinders in front are the joint caps left to do in various stages of completion FYI. Twenty eight caps in all to do =280 rivets just for the caps alone. Whew!




04-20-2010, 06:27 AM
Labor day weekend had come and gone and I was sure I would have been finished with this foot fetish project by now but I am still rebuilding and detailing.

I did manage to almost finish the detailing on the toes only the banners and the final rivet dressing to complete and I'd be ready to prime them.





04-20-2010, 06:31 AM
There are those who may say I had compromised and not carried this out to the nth degree but in truth I was tired of making these d---ed toes and they were just going to have to suffice.

I had to move on to the arms and armour or this thing would never be finished so here are the toes as they stand (groan) and let no man say I didn't try.

E. Blackadder

http://e.imagehost.org/0727/DCP_7548a.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0727/DCP_7548a)http://e.imagehost.org/0911/DCP_7549a.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0911/DCP_7549a)http://i.imagehost.org/0217/DCP_7550a.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0217/DCP_7550a)

How could I have been so stupid to include skulls on the toes and not installed them on the hydraulic cylinders???

Can senility be far off?

The drooling on himself Blackadder

04-20-2010, 06:39 AM
Speaking of senility I forgot to post the tread images. I hope when I have finished this project to have the time to explore this forum fully.

Right now I have to remain focused and complete this work and not get sidetracked.

Here's something you don't see everyday namely the treads on the bottom of the toes which outside of the fortunate few who actually own a real Warhound very few have seen.

I know I hadn't.

It took a week to fabricate these treads. and I accomplished four today so I guess I was just dragging my feet (groan).




Many thanks to my benefactor Jabba for taking the images of the bottom of his Warhound's toes so I could replicate them.

Not that anyone will see all this work but at least I'll know it's there.


04-20-2010, 07:11 AM
There are those who may say I had compromised and not carried this out to the nth degree

Rest assured that I certainly won`t say that.

Man, that is awesome beyond words! How can anyone scratchbuild such an amont of details onto a single model? I mean, the freakin`UNDERSIDE OF THE TOES???!!! That is the coolest way of total madness I can imagine.

Also, your pics and explanations are invaluable. Could you please tell us some more about the basics of your work, like did you use any templates or have you made some yourself that you could make available? Which raw materials did you use? (Which company, product codes,maybe links) It would also be interesting to learn more about how you made the moving joints, especially the ones in the toes.

And an additional thread about your titan hunter would be very much appreciated.

My greatest respect to you, sir.

Greetz, Proxy

04-20-2010, 08:20 AM
wow - just wow

very nice work there blackadder, very nice - you make my scratch built droppods that i spent a week on each seem farcical - and the detail - amazing! good job!


04-20-2010, 08:23 AM
Black Adder, this thing is pretty cool and you've done a wonderful job. I'm a scratchbuilder as well, though so far all my projects have been 15mm scale for the most part. I'm definitely going to be using your pics as reference.

I'd also consider it a great compliment to have people believe this wasn't scratchbuilt lol. If you're model is barely indistinguishable from the real thing, you've done a fantastic job.

04-20-2010, 10:06 AM
Someone commented on the lack of detail on the ankle pistons and cylinders. You know I completely forgot to do that! A lot of the detail is hidden by the greaves but I could add a few skulls, aquilla, and data plates without too much trouble.

'twas me, and if you need I can give pics of my 'hound for details - just PM me.

I had a question about painting, namely how you're planning on keeping the paint sticking to the piston. Won't moving it in and out strip the paint from it, or do you have some other amazing technique up your sleeve?

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
04-20-2010, 02:59 PM
Jesus' Tits!
That's just pure modeling know how...

04-20-2010, 03:19 PM
'twas me, and if you need I can give pics of my 'hound for details - just PM me.

I had a question about painting, namely how you're planning on keeping the paint sticking to the piston. Won't moving it in and out strip the paint from it, or do you have some other amazing technique up your sleeve?

Okay technical questions in reverse order.

First the disclaimer: I know squat about painting so everything that follows right or wrong; I can only say it works for me.

I spray everything with Krylon gray Sandable Primer. It gives depth to the paint applied on top of it and makes all the parts the same base colour.

Next I use another primer that is considerably lighter for the areas such as the carapace which will be very close to white when finished.

I used a white primer for the armour and the head because they will be yellow.

I plan to paint this in the colours of the FW Lucius Wolf signature piece which was until recently visible in their online catalogue but has since disappeared.

http://j.imagehost.org/0511/Paintwarhound4g.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0511/Paintwarhound4g)

I have looked at hundreds of colour schemes and I still like this best and I have to resist my natural tendency to just leave her gray.

The pistons don't seem that close a tolerance to erode the paint but I am using powdered aluminum for the pistons anyway. Powdered aluminum is so finely divided that it acts as a lubricant and has the added benefit of looking like chrome plating more so than any paint. On the negative side it is toxic and may be a contributor to Alzheimer disease.........where was I????

Oh yeah, the legs and waist will be painted with a mixture of tin bitz and desert yellow dry brushed on with a fan blender I then will highlight the edges and raised components with powdered copper which as far as I know is not toxic been an element necessary for life.

I have only recently begun to use an airbrush and I must say the results are most gratifying. I purchased a Badger 350 ten years ago for my son, an antique I know but I like the heft of it. I use the fine and medium tip and a 50/50 paint to thinner mix.

The results will be forthcoming.


04-20-2010, 03:53 PM
Rest assured that I certainly won`t say that.

Man, that is awesome beyond words! How can anyone scratchbuild such an amont of details onto a single model? I mean, the freakin`UNDERSIDE OF THE TOES???!!! That is the coolest way of total madness I can imagine.

Also, your pics and explanations are invaluable. Could you please tell us some more about the basics of your work, like did you use any templates or have you made some yourself that you could make available? Which raw materials did you use? (Which company, product codes,maybe links) It would also be interesting to learn more about how you made the moving joints, especially the ones in the toes.

And an additional thread about your titan hunter would be very much appreciated.

My greatest respect to you, sir.

Greetz, Proxy

This model was completely built by eye. other than the almost useless information that the original is 10.5 inches high and the measurements in the codex I had nothing to go on. I feel I am in the ballpark on the size and the relative components but I could be way off. Time will tell when I actually stand Lucie up next to a real Warhound.

I use:

Evergreen plasticard exclusively, everything else I tried is crap. I did use some gray box beams for the leg cores but it didn't take glue that well. I don't know the brand.

Evergreen plastic tubing telescopes and I used that for the toe joints and hydraulic cylinders.

Ambroid or Tamiya super thin plastic glue. I like Taniya because the brush is better than the Ambroid brush for fine work. It doesn't evaporate overnight like Ambroid and the bottle doesn't tip over as easily. I keep my old Tamiya glue as it loses potency after a while which makes it ideal for the very thin plasticard. The full strength stuff will cause the card to melt completely.

I use Ambroid for gluing heavy pieces because it's twice as potent as Tamiya.

I use two epoxies:

A-4 Metall 24 hour military aircraft epoxy for work that requires strength and for casting pieces and Locktite 7 minute plastic epoxy for attaching thin plasticard to paper/posterboard.

The Titan Hunter thread will commence shortly.

Thanks for the questions,


04-20-2010, 03:59 PM
While I formulated my painting questions.................

"She's got legs and she knows how to use them."

"She's got legs and she knows how to move them. "

To quote an old song BTW the real lyrics for that song are a bit too racy for this forum.

Finally she'was standing on her own (well sort of I need to install some junk in the trunk) don't worry, I've got room for half a pound of lead weights.

but the joints seem strong enough to bear the weight and then some and she is fully pose-able within the limits of the design.

http://d.imagehost.org/0595/52320_DCP_7558_122_151lo.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0595/52320_DCP_7558_122_151lo)
http://e.imagehost.org/0721/52321_DCP_7559_122_71lo.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0721/52321_DCP_7559_122_71lo)
http://e.imagehost.org/0019/52322_DCP_7560_122_434lo.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0019/52322_DCP_7560_122_434lo)
http://i.imagehost.org/0926/52323_DCP_7561_122_197lo.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0926/52323_DCP_7561_122_197lo)

04-20-2010, 04:00 PM
http://d.imagehost.org/0737/52324_DCP_7562_122_11lo.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0737/52324_DCP_7562_122_11lo)http://e.imagehost.org/0032/52326_DCP_7563_122_43lo.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0032/52326_DCP_7563_122_43lo)http://i.imagehost.org/0834/52327_DCP_7565_122_408lo.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0834/52327_DCP_7565_122_408lo)http://i.imagehost.org/0131/52327_DCP_7566_122_507lo.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0131/52327_DCP_7566_122_507lo)

There were flaws in the FW design and the cylinders built to scale length do not allow for the full range of motion as represented by the various poses of the production model. FW employed a fudge factor (artistic license). The main problem is with the waist to hip cylinders. the piston length is too short and when posed at the extreme end of the socket orbit, the opposite piston slides out of the cylinder. The toe cylinders are likewise too short. I could change the length but it would alter the look of the model which I don't want to do so I'll just have to settle for a limited range of motion.

Now I could start on the weapons.


And when did I start referring to her as she? Well just this day; 24-09-2009.

BTW Thanks for all the responses,


04-21-2010, 06:10 AM
At last the long awaited raison d'etre. I mean walking about towering of the battle field is all well and good but ya just gotta have sump'in to kick some *** and here is the first of those somethings. I started with the megabolter because it looked like it would be the toughest to make and I was right. There's a lot more to this boxy weapon than meet the eye of the casual observer. Angles and step ups and downs telescoping parts and for the life of me I can't determine if those two lumps on the back are moulding vents or actually part of the gun.

Anyway here's the first days work.

http://i.imagehost.org/0263/DCP_7574.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0263/DCP_7574)

http://i.imagehost.org/0598/DCP_7576.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0598/DCP_7576)

http://d.imagehost.org/0986/DCP_7577.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0986/DCP_7577)

http://e.imagehost.org/0815/DCP_7578.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0815/DCP_7578)

04-21-2010, 06:13 AM

http://e.imagehost.org/0219/DCP_7579.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0219/DCP_7579)

http://i.imagehost.org/0618/DCP_7580.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0618/DCP_7580)

Okay, here is the detailing on the bolter thus far. I had to change the proportions a little.

http://d.imagehost.org/0408/P0002641-1.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0408/P0002641-1)

http://d.imagehost.org/0723/P0002642-1.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0723/P0002642-1)

Once I get the back cable connecting housing completed; I'll bore the hole for the arm gimbal mount.

That should be fun....


04-21-2010, 06:22 AM
Holy **** man... you just exploded my balls.

I have nothing to say. This is just... this kicks an unbelievable amount of ***.

Freaking props to you.

04-21-2010, 01:49 PM
Sir, this is quite possibly, no, definitely the best scratch-build I have ever seen.
I can only wish that I had the patience to spend as long on a project of such magnitude, I have the awful habit of getting distracted and starting another, then another, ad nauseum..
My greatest praise for such an informative and interesting look at such a grand project!:D

04-21-2010, 03:13 PM
Holy **** man... you just exploded my balls.

I have nothing to say. This is just... this kicks an unbelievable amount of ***.

Freaking props to you.

Ouch! That sounds painful but offers a nice segue to the next installment; namely the gimbal ball that the bolter hangs from.

The gimbal is installed. Now to finish the detailing.

Don't know why I put off installing the gimbal. It really is quite simple.

First you cut, chop bore, carve, or blast a hole larger than the rotator sphere.

stuff paper, kleenex, or whatever into the void so you don't waste too much epoxy.

mix up enough epoxy to fill the hole.

smear a light coat of vasoline or wax onto the sphere.

Insert the sphere slightly more than half way into the epoxy. a rim of epoxy will push out around the sphere. don't wipe it off or disturb it; you'll just make a mess.

Allow the epoxy to set for a few hours. I use epoxy that hardens in 24 hours but after a few hours it is hard enough to handle.

I use an exacto chisel to remove the rim of epoxy from the ball. The epoxy at this stage comes away readily from the plasticard with no residue. you can even flick it off with your fingernail.

http://d.imagehost.org/0834/BOLTER_1.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0834/BOLTER_1)

At this point it's good to note that I have threaded an 8-32 screw into the ball.

Grabbing the screw with a set of pliers; the ball should come out with a satisfying 'pop'.

http://d.imagehost.org/0984/BOLTER_2.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0984/BOLTER_2)

Voila one fully articulated gimbal,


04-21-2010, 03:22 PM
After the gimbal was taken care of I proceeded to install the rest of the rear housing You will note the lack of detail on the appendage power cable mount. I couldn't find any images on what it's supposed to look like.

Since then I obtained the requested information.

http://i.imagehost.org/0542/The_side_view.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0542/The_side_view)

http://i.imagehost.org/0420/The_bare_backside.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0420/The_bare_backside)


04-21-2010, 03:29 PM
Now for the Turbo-Laser:

The Turbo-Laser seemed it would be an easy build but the lack of detail made it look toylike compared to the Bolter especially since I discovered the Bolter had a lot of hidden bottom detail. I made an effort to expand the Laser's complexity:

http://d.imagehost.org/0950/LASCANNON_BUILD_1.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0950/LASCANNON_BUILD_1)

Lucie was so excited she accidentally stepped on one of her escorts.

http://e.imagehost.org/0348/LASCANNON_BUILD_3.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0348/LASCANNON_BUILD_3)

http://e.imagehost.org/0241/LASCANNON_BUILD_4.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0241/LASCANNON_BUILD_4)

http://e.imagehost.org/0643/LASCANNON_BUILD_5.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0643/LASCANNON_BUILD_5)


No Sentinels were injured in the production of these images. The little guy was actually a battlefield casualty after a heated game my son had with his buds.

It was on my workbench for repair and I figured it would make a good demo of Lucie's flexibility.



04-22-2010, 01:11 PM
Here is the second installment of the Turbo Laser, the wrapped item in the forground will be one the gun barrel bases.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0557/24446_P0002673_122_204lo.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0557/24446_P0002673_122_204lo)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0541/24452_P0002674_122_30lo.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0541/24452_P0002674_122_30lo)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0838/24456_P0002675_122_526lo.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0838/24456_P0002675_122_526lo)

I only had some extremely fuzzy images of the rear of the Turbo laser. This is the best I could decern from them. Even the FW building guide didn't have a decent picture.


04-22-2010, 01:18 PM
The Turbo Laser Barrels:

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0943/P0002680.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0943/P0002680)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0117/P0002682.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0117/P0002682)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0518/P0002683.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0518/P0002683)

The in house attachment uploader is pretty good.


04-22-2010, 02:22 PM
wow. just wow.

This is honestly the most amazing model work i have ever seen. Ever Ever Ever.

Keep up the outstanding work...

04-22-2010, 10:07 PM
There were flaws in the FW design and the cylinders built to scale length do not allow for the full range of motion as represented by the various poses of the production model. FW employed a fudge factor (artistic license). The main problem is with the waist to hip cylinders. the piston length is too short and when posed at the extreme end of the socket orbit, the opposite piston slides out of the cylinder. The toe cylinders are likewise too short. I could change the length but it would alter the look of the model which I don't want to do so I'll just have to settle for a limited range of motion.

Tell me about it. I had to build the Mars Pattern Warhound in 3D for the 40K MMO without a sample to work from, using nothing but pictures from the net as you did. I quickly learned how much fudge factor was involved with the model. The problem for me was I ended up having to change some proportions on the legs and pistons because the model was to be animated in-game - in otherwords, I had to re-engineer it to actually function.

I also had to deal with an art director that didn't like the original proportions of the Warhound either, so I had to build all of those changes into it as well.

My hat is off to you sir. You have done a wonderful job with this project.

04-23-2010, 03:35 AM
MMO? God I hate acronyms. I am not sufficiently "with it" to discern the cryptic esoterica hidden in those letters. Please elaborate. Looking it up on google only reinforced my concern for my lack of cognitive ability. Apparently everyone knows what MMO means except me. LOL

I am suitably impressed that you worked on the 3D Titan something I would truly love to do had that field of vocation been available in my early years. My son at the moment is in college learning that very field of endeavor.

To give FW credit the design of the Warhound is a fantastically well engineered and logical effort and there was a lot of thought put into the mechanics of the vehicle. That art and function are sometimes at odds seems to be built into the fabric of the universe.

I would like to hear more from you about that project.

EB (Edmund Blackadder) Lest I be hoist with my own petard.

MMO = Massively multiplayer online!!!

Come on, that isn't even good English; Ha!

04-23-2010, 05:33 AM
Lucie has guns, well weapons anyway. It's been a long wait but they came out fairly good. All that detail on the top and all you see is the bottoms and sides. The weapon hanging arms were a real bear. getting the length angle and size was really trying. The whole thing is just slapped together temporarily so I size up the proportions. Everything looks okay so I'll finish the detail.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0065/20230_P0002700_1.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0065/20230_P0002700_1)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0155/20257_P0002701_2.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0155/20257_P0002701_2)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0060/20257_P0002703_3.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0060/20257_P0002703_3)
Note the wire to keep her from falling forward; I still need to install weights in the generator housings to offset the head and weapons.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0318/20282_P0002684_4.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0318/20282_P0002684_4)


04-23-2010, 09:35 AM
MMO? God I hate acronyms. I am not sufficiently "with it" to discern the cryptic esoterica hidden in those letters. Please elaborate. Looking it up on google only reinforced my concern for my lack of cognitive ability. Apparently everyone knows what MMO means except me. LOL

I am suitably impressed that you worked on the 3D Titan something I would truly love to do had that field of vocation been available in my early years. My son at the moment is in college learning that very field of endeavor.

To give FW credit the design of the Warhound is a fantastically well engineered and logical effort and there was a lot of thought put into the mechanics of the vehicle. That art and function are sometimes at odds seems to be built into the fabric of the universe.

I would like to hear more from you about that project.

EB (Edmund Blackadder) Lest I be hoist with my own petard.

MMO = Massively multiplayer online!!!

Come on, that isn't even good English; Ha!

The vocation wasn't available in my early years either - middle years perhaps.

Unfortunately, I cant show you images of my work as they are owned by THQ, the game's publisher. But I can post a link to an work in progress image (http://kotaku.com/5415951/an-early-look-at-the-warhammer-40k-mmo/gallery/) that was leaked to the internet by an unknown and reckless party (for which I was fired, I might add).

I will say that building it by hand is more structurally challenging that building it in 3D as the later, being virtual doesn't have to support real weight. However, if it is to be animated then all of its apparent mechanical components have to work and interact convincingly through the vehicles range of motion, which can be an entirely different set of huge problems to deal with.

04-24-2010, 01:43 AM
:eek: ... thats all I can say ... :eek:

04-24-2010, 03:43 PM
The vocation wasn't available in my early years either - middle years perhaps.

Unfortunately, I cant show you images of my work as they are owned by THQ, the game's publisher. But I can post a link to an work in progress image (http://kotaku.com/5415951/an-early-look-at-the-warhammer-40k-mmo/gallery/) that was leaked to the internet by an unknown and reckless party (for which I was fired, I might add).

I will say that building it by hand is more structurally challenging that building it in 3D as the later, being virtual doesn't have to support real weight. However, if it is to be animated then all of its apparent mechanical components have to work and interact convincingly through the vehicles range of motion, which can be an entirely different set of huge problems to deal with.

I found those images looking for what MMO meant :D There are some mighty strict rules in your business to be fired over what ostensibly is just a well drawn artistic interpretation of a Mars Warhound. To the casual observer it doesn't look any different than other drawings I've seen.

"However, if it is to be animated then all of its apparent mechanical components have to work and interact convincingly through the vehicles range of motion"

That's the problem I ran into; the piston and or the cylinder mount locations are in the wrong place to allow for a working/animated machine I am terribly interested in how you circumvented this problem as My pistons have a tendency to leave the cylinder when posed in extreme positions.

Such as in this dynamic pose:

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0684/0002861.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0684/0002861)

04-30-2010, 12:18 PM
Another point of interest is the length of the toe cylinder. Given that the barrel of the cylinder is so short, it is pretty much as I suspected that the toe would not have that range of motion for if that were a possible stance then the toe could not be posed flat as is the usual flat footed pose seen on most models. let alone curling around objects such as the Rhino pictured below.

The toe cylinder would have to be considerably longer and conversely the piston that much shorter.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0500/1_51.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0500/1_51)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0877/2_1.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0877/2_1)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0783/3_13.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0783/3_13)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0686/4_2.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0686/4_2)

Mind you I am not casting aspersions on this inspired model so much as pointing out a minor flaw in the FW design.


04-30-2010, 12:32 PM
I took a week off from building because I was becoming too complacent in my work. It's a telltale sign that I have been over saturated and tend to get sloppy but last night I got my groove back and put the finishing touches on the armour i.e. cut the grooves for the panel segments. I first shallow scored the plasticard with my utility knife and then made a few more passes to deepen the scores. The holding the knife at an angle I made furrows on either side of the scored lines and sanded the raised ridges smooth. Then with a razor saw I deepened and straightened the furrows and filed the surface smooth again.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0082/1_35.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0082/1_35)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0977/2_5.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0977/2_5)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0276/3_6.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0276/3_6)

The grooves look about done and the armour as you see it is just clipped in place for now.


04-30-2010, 12:43 PM
Good lord. You sure you dont work for forge world?

04-30-2010, 02:01 PM
If I do they are extremely remiss in posting me my wages.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0465/4_10.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0465/4_10)

Lucie looks ominously mean in subdued lighting.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0947/5_9.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0947/5_9)

Though the rubberbands sort of distracts from the overall effect

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0350/6_18.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0350/6_18)

but a fifty foot automaton isn't to be triffled with. Watch your step!


05-01-2010, 07:36 PM
This is the definition of 40k porn.

05-02-2010, 02:22 AM
It seems Lucie is finally finished; as far as manufacturing the parts is concerned anyway. All that is left is the final assembly after painting. Thanks to all who showed such patience during the nine months (actually eight because I didn't start in earnest until the middle of April last.)

I did a major revamping of the roof panel on the cockpit because once the brow trim was added the overhang did not look thick enough. I added another millimetre to the thickness which still isn't as much as the original but I think gives the head a bit more sleek overall appearance.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0698/3_9.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0698/3_9)

See I'm not slavish in my attempt to copy, (Yeah, Right). My rationale is; this is the Lucius MarkII version. Anyone who has an original FW product can readily see that I widened the hull on my version and of course faired in the void generator housings into the top engine compartment. I straightened the fore to aft angle on the side of the carapace and lowered the overall height the void generator housing projects above the carapace. These were not mistakes as the changes greatly please me aesthetically. If I were to built a FW 'hound I would attempt to incorporate these amendments into that model as well.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0875/1_21.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0875/1_21)

The void shield projectors and the exhaust stacks (Thats the little cylindrical pieces strung on the wire for painting in the foreground.) are finished as well. I still debating whether to put the rivet detail on the greaves. They look so tiny compared to the massiveness of the panels on the original.

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0390/2_30.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0390/2_30)

I'm using Ambroid thin cement now and I must say its a lot more volatile than Tamiya. It evaporates before I can set the rivets so I have to glue them one at a time whereas with Tamiya I could put a few dots of liquid and set two or three rivets before it dried. A word to the wise "Don't leave the cap loose on the vial of Ambroid overnight or you will have significantly less the next day."

I used the empty Tamiya bottle to store the Ambroid glue as its less prone to tipping and the applicator brush is much better for applying fine detail. The brush is the main reason I stopped using Ambroid years ago.

Any suggestions or critiques will be welcome because I plan to paint this sucker this weekend, 2010/01/27


05-03-2010, 02:59 PM
The long anticipated paint has begun and in the main it's coming out as well as I expected. I did a lot of masking the first week and experimenting with my antique airbrush. After a thorough cleaning it was working good as new but the fine spray tip assembly is missing and no local hobby stores support the Badger 350 anymore.

I'm a bit disappointed in the metallic paint on the legs but as everything is only the base coat I should be able to rectify the shininess.

Anyway here she is showing her colours. Please bear in mind this is only the basic paint. The detailing will begin when I get the fine tip assembly.

http://j.imagehost.org/0743/Lucie_base_paint_2.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0743/Lucie_base_paint_2)http://j.imagehost.org/0630/Lucie_base_paint_3.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0630/Lucie_base_paint_3)http://j.imagehost.org/0541/Lucie_base_paint_5.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0541/Lucie_base_paint_5)

05-03-2010, 02:59 PM
http://j.imagehost.org/0847/Lucie_base_paint_6.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0847/Lucie_base_paint_6)http://j.imagehost.org/0240/Lucie_base_paint_7.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0240/Lucie_base_paint_7)http://j.imagehost.org/0551/Lucie_base_paint_8.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0551/Lucie_base_paint_8)


05-03-2010, 04:32 PM
Everything is coming along very nicely! keep up the great work


05-03-2010, 05:35 PM
I really appreciate the fast reply. Thanks for the interest.

The yellow is Testors Flat Yellow in those tiny jars which cost over a buck and a half now. I remember when they were a dime a jar??? I don't like water base paint and it's only the base coat. I'm going to wash it out with some shadowing with rust and highlighting with various shades of lighter yellow and orange in hopes of achieving a similar look to the FW offering. The Carapace will be likewise highlighted and a subtle coat of blue to add depth would not be amiss. The metallic paint on the legs and feet was a total mistake and I efforting to remedy that.





The head, weapons and armour were next to do and I tried to work up the courage to paint the carapace. The fine tip had arrived and I had no more excuses not to paint it.


05-03-2010, 05:43 PM
Gawd help me I have done the deed! For better or worse in the early hours this morning after a fitful few hours of sleep alas I could put off the painting of the carapace no longer. Armed with all the necessary pigments and thinners; my ancient airbrush cleaned and polished as if it were new, I girded myself, loaded up the base coat and commenced the nefarious act. Damn it looked soooo blue!

Then in a flurry of desperate enthusiasm I cleaned the brush and proceeded to apply the highlighting coat. Working in panic mode for fear of a mistake I did the entire job before the six hour this morning and on the seventh I rested. I must confess I am pleased with the outcome. It looks much better that I had anticipated. Whether it meets with the expectations of my loyal posters is another but It's the best I could do.

Here are the preliminary pictures I may do a bit of touching up before removing the tape.





05-03-2010, 05:44 PM





05-05-2010, 12:46 AM
I messed up on the sequence in these images so to get the record straight I'll post the carapace painting from the previous page after this reply:

A rare glimpse into the Adder's Sanctum Sanctorum that holiest of holies; my work bench. Rarely is it as neat as in these pictures I just cleared it of construction mess and substituted painting mess. I was surprised how much paint I had left from ten years ago and real toxic stuff at that.

Flo-Quil railroad colours remember that.

WARNING Known by the state of California to cause cancer in white mice!!!

Hell! Everything causes cancer in white mice.

Anyhow I got my 'fine' tip assembly for the antique Badger and tried it out today and here is the result. Naturally I didn't practice because what I do first always comes out best and it's all downhill from there so I did the yellow parts mainly because I was scared to do them. I used Testors flat yellow and added red blemishes with ModelMasters British red which is almost a burgundy colour and goes on the yellow in what appears to me a close match to the FW yellow headed Warhound.

http://j.imagehost.org/0511/Paintwarhound4g.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0511/Paintwarhound4g)

Okay so I'm fairly good at modeling but I suck at painting.


http://j.imagehost.org/0168/P0002770.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0168/P0002770)

http://j.imagehost.org/0798/P0002771.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0798/P0002771)

http://j.imagehost.org/0704/P0002773.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0704/P0002773)

05-05-2010, 12:48 AM
http://j.imagehost.org/0519/P0002774.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0519/P0002774)

http://j.imagehost.org/0315/P0002775.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0315/P0002775)

http://j.imagehost.org/0716/P0002776.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0716/P0002776)

05-05-2010, 08:23 AM
Very Impressive.

05-07-2010, 02:32 PM
I appreciate all the responses I've received on this thread and I am going to shoot myself in the foot by jumping the gun and showing Lucie as she is at this moment but I just can't resist.

The colours are a bit too intense and have to be toned down and she has to be dirtied up a little. A few battle scars are in order and some hydraulic leaks might not be amiss but here she is on my battle board in company with a few of my super heavies:

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0684/0002861.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0684/0002861)

http://j.imagehost.org/t/0980/0002862.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0980/0002862)

The master of platitudes Blackadder

05-27-2010, 08:37 AM
Absolutely incredible. Hats off to you in every respect, this is truly the work of a master.

I'm sort of new to the forum but I read through this entire thread, its astonishing. Thank you very much your hard work not only in creating this beauty but going through the effort of documenting it for us here, its simply a class-act.

05-27-2010, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the reply. I haven't been posting lately because I'm trying to recover from an operation. I've lost all interest in modeling for the time being.

The infirm Blackadder

05-30-2010, 04:20 PM
I've been convalescing for the past few weeks and not felt like building or posting but to just keep this thread alive I feel I must post something/

Someone asked for Lucie in a battlefield scene with figures for comparison. Well I repainted the old Battleboard and set up Lucie and the tanks etc. but my son must have all his armies with him at school; the only stuff left was pretty pitiful so heres Lucie and company advancing on some foe who in for a very bad day.

http://j.imagehost.org/0778/0002855.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0778/0002855)

http://j.imagehost.org/0466/0002856.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0466/0002856)

http://j.imagehost.org/0772/0002857.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0772/0002857)

http://j.imagehost.org/0668/0002858.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0668/0002858)


05-30-2010, 04:21 PM
http://j.imagehost.org/0471/0002859.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0471/0002859)

http://j.imagehost.org/0279/0002860.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0279/0002860)

http://j.imagehost.org/0684/0002861.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0684/0002861)

http://j.imagehost.org/0980/0002862.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0980/0002862)

and the rest


05-30-2010, 05:36 PM
Very nice indeed, I particularly like the legs.

08-11-2010, 06:08 AM
Just to keep this thread alive and to add to the "How to" portion of this dissertation I whipped up a diagram of how to make the mount gimbals on the end of hydraulic cylinder and the piston.

The red objects are plastic bead headed straight pins (metal would be better). You drill a recess into the rod end head and insert the straight pin. Glue on the cap and drill an tight hole into the mount plate. Repeat the process on the other end and voila a gimbal mounted telescoping hydraulic cylinder. These have a reltively long travel and are used on the ankle gimbals and the waist to hip gimbals and are primarily used for steering and adjusting the feet to variations in the terrain.

The other style mounting for the hydraulic cylinders on the Warhound is the double rod end. This is the most common mounting and consists of a pin or axle through the mount end of the cylinder and a pin through the rod end of the piston. These are heavy duty cylinders and actually support the weight of the vehicle. They have a very short travel and are thick in cross section.

The toes use a variation on the rod end mount called a base mounted cylinder or trunnion mount.

08-16-2010, 04:33 AM
The toes are 100% individually hand crafted with close to a hundred parts per toe (counting rivets). I never did anything so tedious in my life. Thank god the Warlord feet will be easier.

Anyway here are some images of the toe build up:

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0679/Toes_assembled_and_exploded.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0679/Toes_assembled_and_exploded) http://h.imagehost.org/t/0417/Toes_breakdown_and_caps.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0417/Toes_breakdown_and_caps) http://h.imagehost.org/t/0719/Toes_with_caps.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0719/Toes_with_caps)

There are no cast parts on Lucie and aside from the skulls on the cheek vents no bitz either. I drew the line at sculpting skulls but now I regret I did because those two skulls compromised my scratch build.

Lucie suffered a little battle damage last night. The rear joint on her right center toe got damaged.

I didn't even know that until I decided to take some new pictures:

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0449/P0002902.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0449/P0002902)


08-16-2010, 04:34 AM
A close up of the tread detail, if you don't have a FW Warhound you probably weren't aware of this detail before I know I hadn't until a friend gave me a picture of his Warhounds feet.

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0238/P0002903.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0238/P0002903)


Finally a true colour non-flash image. The paint I used shows up too blue in flash images:

http://i.imagehost.org/t/0049/P0002905.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0049/P0002905)

BTW the waist armour and the greaves are attached with plastic velcro-like material for easy removal that's why the waist shield is askew.


09-07-2010, 02:50 AM
Wow an entire summer shot in the arse and nothing to show for it.

I took most of the summer off from modeling as I just got tired of doing it.

This weekend I started detailing Lucie and my first project was the daunting Griffin Logo. I calculated the proper size for my particular greaves was 1.25 inches by 0.82 inches. This approximates the area covered by the FW Mark Tait model.

http://a.imagehost.org/t/0563/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_1.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0563/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_1) http://a.imagehost.org/t/0846/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_2.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0846/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_2) http://j.imagehost.org/t/0245/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_3.jpg (http://j.imagehost.org/view/0245/WAR_GRIFFIN_LOGO_3)

The direction Mark's Griffin faces always bothered me so I reversed mine to face left purely for asthetics mind you lest my political affiliation be misconstrued.

http://i.imagehost.org/t/0396/Paintwarhound1LARGE.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0396/Paintwarhound1LARGE)

Now a question; what is the significance of the capital 'T' on the left greave and is there any clear representation available for the heraldic drapery hanging from the waist armour.

How's that hope and change working out for you?


09-14-2010, 05:01 PM
I am in the process of building a base/stand for this model as she is slightly unstable in some positions.

The Forgeworld model can only be build static in one pose although virtual any reasonable pose is possible.

Lucie is fully articulated. All the leg, ankle and toe joints can flex to assume any position likewise the waist hip and pelvis joints are also movable. Whilst the head and neck is able to move within the constraints of the upper shield collar.

The weapons are mounted on ball and socket gimbals and can be positioned within the limits of the carapace.

Here is Lucie assuming a different stance. Note that the pistons and cylinders on the legs and toes move and slide in and out with the poses.
Engineering the ability be posed into the constraints of the design was the biggest obstacle to overcome on this project and consumed the most time; especially the toe joints.

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0816/angled_stance_1.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0816/angled_stance_1) http://h.imagehost.org/t/0869/angled_stance_2.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0869/angled_stance_2) http://i.imagehost.org/t/0778/angled_stance_3.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0778/angled_stance_3) http://i.imagehost.org/t/0076/angled_stance_4.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0076/angled_stance_4)

09-14-2010, 05:02 PM
http://i.imagehost.org/t/0475/angled_stance_5.jpg (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0475/angled_stance_5) http://a.imagehost.org/t/0884/angled_stance_6.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0884/angled_stance_6) http://a.imagehost.org/t/0181/angled_stance_7.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0181/angled_stance_7) http://a.imagehost.org/t/0082/angled_stance_8.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0082/angled_stance_8)

All well and good Blackadder but you give half a dozen images of all the same pose. Tsk, tsk,


10-26-2010, 06:03 AM
After many months of procrastinating I have bitten the bullet as it were and commenced aging weathering and otherwise s--ting up Lucie so she doesn't look so new and clean. I studied a lot of weathering techniques and some of them are quite involved. Layers of this and that paint and wash and fixative and most of them I would have quit before the fifth or sixth coat. Having actually served in a combat zone I have first hand knowledge of what military vehicles look like in battlefield conditions and usually they're just grimy and battered. Now I didn't pour my heart and soul into building Lucie just to inflict battle damage unto her but I did attempt to add some filth and this is the result.

I used my old standby that I used on model railroad rolling stock i.e. Graphite scrapped from a soft lead pencil and automotive windshield washer fluid. I added some Tin Bitz just to keep the FW flavor. I liberally spread the mixture on with a wide flat fine haired brush until the whole thing looked like a disgusting mess. Then before the fluid dried I brushed the whole area with a soft tooth brush until the fluid evaporated. If it doesn't come out to your expectations, slather on some more wiper fluid. The beauty of this technique is you can change it if you don't like the result.

Below is the initial result and I can't say I'm displeased with the outcome but the pictures are a bit more coppery than the actual model. I pictured the megabolter along side of the aged and weathered turbolaser for comparison and the greaves and waste /hip armour is also done but not to the degree that the lascannon is. I can't decide which I prefer.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0828/P0002941.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0828/P0002941) http://b.imagehost.org/t/0279/P0002942.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0279/P0002942) http://d.imagehost.org/t/0241/P0002943.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0241/P0002943)

These came out satisfactory so tomorrow I'll apply the same technique to the rest of the model.


10-26-2010, 06:04 AM
Three more images to round out the post

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0020/P0002944.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0020/P0002944) http://d.imagehost.org/t/0941/P0002945.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0941/P0002945) http://d.imagehost.org/t/0480/P0002946a.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0480/P0002946a)


10-26-2010, 09:19 AM

id actually mistaken the feet for FW feet :P

10-28-2010, 02:43 AM
I really feel I've been procrastinating letting this go for a few months but I couldn't bring myself to administer paint until I had psyched myself up to the task. This wasn't the time to rush into as it could only be done once. I experimented with a lot of weathering techniques, some very complex and for the life of me I can't say I see any benefit to a lot of steps especially using "fixative" and "clearcoats". Mainly they just make the paint look too thick and obliterate the fine detail. On a small figure that may be okay but since I omitted a lot of detail on Lucie as it is I didn't think I could afford to diminish what there was of it.

Lucie has a uniform base coat of gray automotive sandable primer, a coat of white primer on the head, and body armour because I made a mistake and needed a lighter base coat for the yellow bits. I used Testors flat yellow with an airbrush to paint the head and body armour.

The legs and feet were gray primer with a wash of graphite (shaved pencil lead), washer fluid and "tinbitz" after which I rubbed in some copper powder for highlights.

I did solicit ideas for colouring suggestions but of all the iterations of the Lucius Warhound schemes I always preferred this one and I'd be damned if I was just going to go with shades of gray as my unimaginative gut feelings dictated.

Thank God I didn't have to decide on a Mars pattern theme; there isn't one scheme that I like. If I ever build a Mars Warhound I may use the same yellow and blue-gray motif, wouldn't that be awesome?

Anyway the reason for this post:

More images and damn me if she still doesn't looks too blue in the flash pictures. I antiqued her last night; took some photos early this morning 4:00 AM and rushed to post them. I used a wash of Citadel "gunmetal", powdered graphite and windshield washer fluid to thin the paint, smeared it on and worked it in with a toothbrush, stiff bristle 1/2" flat and a fan blender for the hard to reach places. The hull under the carapace looks a bit too gray but that should be amendable with some Windex and or washer fluid. This technique (For want of a better term) has quickness going for it at least; I had the whole carapace and hull done in less than an hour.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0069/P0002949.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0069/P0002949) Natural lighting doesn't cut it.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0404/P0002950.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0404/P0002950)She's not really as blue as the flash images portray.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0872/P0002951.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0872/P0002951)Lucie in a defensive posture.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0930/P0002952.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0930/P0002952)Lucie hunkering down in attack mode

More to come,

10-28-2010, 02:44 AM
http://d.imagehost.org/t/0860/P0002953.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0860/P0002953)A bird's eye view of pure malevolence.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0835/P0002954.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0835/P0002954)Gee I dropped my battle banner.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0557/P0002955.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0557/P0002955)Not the best position for an adversary to be in.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0868/P0002956.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0868/P0002956)Look no flash!

More to come,

10-28-2010, 02:44 AM
http://b.imagehost.org/t/0584/P0002960.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0584/P0002960)My favorite view of Lucie sez the arseman Blackadder.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0572/P0002961.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0572/P0002961)The shield projectors and exhausts were then washed with "tinbits" and washer fluid. I've gotta rework the exhaust soot stains.

God help me I have done the deed,

The Blackadder

10-28-2010, 06:12 AM


11-19-2010, 06:30 PM
At long last I have installed the power cables to the underside of the head, er cockpit, er command deck. I wanted to keep the head removable for repair and modification and I stumbled on the idea to make the power cables plug in so they can be disconnected regularly.

I took advantage of the 'Evergreen' tubing telescoping properties and built up some male plugs to fit into the sockets previously fabricated soooo long ago although at the time I had no inkling of what I would even use for power conduit (which was so graciously donated by Jabba ka Hutt) and are the only truly FW items on Lucie. The rubber cable lent itself well to drilling with a fine pin drill bit and subsequently a 1/16th inch drill bit. I cyan-acitate glued 1/16th rod into the hole and added the appropriate sleeves to build the plug into a snug fitting end to fit into the connecting sleeve.

After waiting for the glue to dry I actually went on a customer call whilst I was waiting; below is the result.

Fully detachable conduits with very little evidence that they can be disconnected.

Man if I could only work this fast full time I could build dozens of these puppies.

The indolent Blackadder

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0366/P0002973.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0366/P0002973) http://b.imagehost.org/t/0800/P0002972.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0800/P0002972) http://d.imagehost.org/t/0433/P0002971.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0433/P0002971) http://b.imagehost.org/t/0043/P0002975a.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0043/P0002975a)

11-20-2010, 03:25 AM
cool :D i like that idea! the titan is looking soo awsomely fantastic
well done

now go into the local gw and see how many people you can fool :P

11-20-2010, 04:38 AM
Awesome read, absolutely epic work.

I'm not sure if all the time you put in isnt worth how much one would actually cost you to buy.

That aside definitely something I wouldnt be able to do and you have a wicked talent and patience lol.


11-20-2010, 05:05 AM
Awesome read, absolutely epic work.

I'm not sure if all the time you put in isnt worth how much one would actually cost you to buy.

That aside definitely something I wouldnt be able to do and you have a wicked talent and patience lol.


You're quite probably right but then I would not have had the dubious pleasure of building it myself from scratch:). One cannot count time when it's devoted to a hobby plus my experience with FW models lead me to conclude that there is a tremendous amount of modification/repair/grief connected with the proper execution of a FW resin model. Rather than pay for the privilege of correcting someone else's mistakes I rather correct my own.

I also made numerous design changes in my model that subtly make it distinct from the FW offering witness the post I made on another forum to a query whether I would have done anything different if I had it to do overagain:

"Interesting question, I suppose I would have made the head with removable armour for access to the interior of the cockpit. The head and carapace were the first parts I fabricated and they were initially a trial run so I could get a feel for the scale. Also at that time I had no idea how detailed the project would be when completed other than I knew I wanted a very close approximation of a genuine FW Warhound. The other item I would have considered changing but I am glad I didn't in retrospect is the thickness of the ceiling of the carapace.* I used 1/2 inch poster board in the prototype which subsequently became the core of the actual model. Came the time to install the underside detail and I could only approximate that detail because of that thickness and also the fact that I made the hull wider that the FW original (I did make it wider for aesthetic purposes so I could merge the 'Void generators' into the upper hull.) Naturally because of that change the 'servo compartments' had to be modified in shape and size.

*The reason I am happy about the thickness of the carapace ceiling is that the mount pylons take a lot of abuse when installing and removing the weapons. They are a press fit and a 1/4 inch ceiling would probably not take the force of the pressure to pop them into and out of the weapon sockets.

These are the initial and only drawings (I believe) I made at the start of the project.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0105/FRONTVIEW_SKETCH.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0105/FRONTVIEW_SKETCH)

You will note in the above drawing that I originally made the width of the hull the same as in the FW model but then sketched in a wider hull which pleased me more aesthetically.

http://d.imagehost.org/t/0505/TOPBOTVIEW_SKETCH.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0505/TOPBOTVIEW_SKETCH)

The above top/bottom view was very much a surprise to me for shortly after I began the project I lost these drawings and only after a year or so later (and Lucie was basically built) found them copied into an old hard drive for reference when I made the image below. It's interesting that I actually took into account the under side modifications in this drawing and a year later subliminally reproduced my own work without benefit of my original ideas for reference. Ha!

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0292/TOP_VIEW_BW_PROJECTION.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0292/TOP_VIEW_BW_PROJECTION)

This projection is the only photoshop (Photoimpact) image I made. The most egregious mistake is the width of the top hull in relation to the vent screens and fortunately I didn't have this drawing when I built Lucie or she would have looked dramatically different than she actually does.

I'm not one given to waste a lot of time in planning and therefore always pay a large price in time and effort correcting mistakes but that's how we learn boys and girls isn't it.


The Blackadder

12-21-2010, 06:40 AM
Let me state that Lucie looks fantastic with her gen-u-wine FW accoutrements and I am forever in the debt of a generous contribution for one of my readers.

http://b.imagehost.org/t/0829/P0002976.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0829/P0002976) http://d.imagehost.org/t/0815/P0002977.jpg (http://d.imagehost.org/view/0815/P0002977) http://b.imagehost.org/t/0287/P0002978.jpg (http://b.imagehost.org/view/0287/P0002978)
In natural light where the true colour of the carapace is evident. She's not at all as blue as the flash would indicate.

Lucie suffered some battle damage last month and broke a middle toe on her right foot. Repairing her was difficult as I still wanted the toe to function. I'm happy to report the repair went very well and Lucie is still ambulatory with nary a sign that the repair was made thanks to 'METALSET A4' Military Grade Epoxy Resin Cement. Lucie could not have been manufactured as she is without this stuff.


12-21-2010, 07:06 AM
Now that is a nice looking titan. Great job on her.

12-21-2010, 09:49 AM
Great job!!!

12-21-2010, 10:43 AM
You're labor of love has completely paid itself off man! She is gorgeous!!! As many others have stated, I would love to have the time and patience that you have to complete something this amazing!

12-21-2010, 12:32 PM
Wow, that's a gorgeous build man. That thing is begging to be covered with masses of details and weathering.

bloodangel 83
12-21-2010, 05:42 PM
She looks great and i'm glad you finished her. Also glad to hear surgry went well for her toe. I will get a titian for my BA someday but i get have to break down and buy the resin kit though. Again she looks great, 1 question though how has she done in battle.

12-22-2010, 01:04 AM
She looks great and i'm glad you finished her. Also glad to hear surgry went well for her toe. I will get a titian for my BA someday but i get have to break down and buy the resin kit though. Again she looks great, 1 question though how has she done in battle.

Aahah I hear ya! those FW titans have been stabbing my eyes out ever since they appeared. one day... when the money is plentiful and the strength-of-will is not, I'm buying one and hell yes it's going to be tied to my BA's!

03-10-2012, 05:54 AM
you are my own personal god on earth!!

Mud Duck
03-10-2012, 09:57 AM
More likely when just the will is weak, Meph.
Blackadder, Not sure what to say, but wow. I mean wow, just wow.

03-10-2012, 10:45 AM
Here comes the weekend and I'll be playing to an empty room. I did manage to cut out most of the basic components of both feet and hope to have them glued together this weekend. I used 2.0 mm for the tread base and the rest is 1.0 mm styrene. This beastie is going to consume a lot of plastic but the fabrication will be a lot easier as all the material will be the same so no problem with glue compatibility which is a big plus.

I'll just add this on:

The octagons are the center of the foot pads and are 2.0 mm thick and about 5.0 x 4.5 inches the larger boxes to the right are the front and back toes and the smaller boxes at the extreme left are the side toes. Both sets of these toes will be movable with hinges. The truncated toe pieces to the far right may or mayn't be movable as I haven't planned that far as yet but the disc will tilt side to side and the top surface will house a semicircular gear shape which will allow the entire foot to tilt forward and aft. This should afford a full range of motion to the feet. The semicircle will have a countersunk screw for the axis and a pal nut on the other side to provide the tension to maintain the various poses.




Ambitious? yes;

Possible? most probably,

Crazy? almost certainly.

Ah but if it works Priceless!

06-22-2013, 01:44 PM
A Warlord break

Man I need a break the Warlord is wearing me out so this weekend I started the terrain of the Wahound base.

Naturally I'm doing things backasswards first I glued cork to the wood display base and now I have covered it with clay. This clay is "Sculpy" low temp fired clay that hardens in the oven at 275°F/130°C for 15 minutes.........any combustibles (Here's a thought, why isn't there metric time?)

Anyway I temporarily place some distorted Russ turrets and a Ryza barrel for effect just to stimulate some idea neurons because I want a scarred battlefield scenario. Perhaps a skeleton slumping out of the hatch. This is my first attempt at making a base for a model so I need some ideas.

Naturally there will be Warhound footprints and some small craters, weeds, rocks, and debris.

You hafta wonder how much heat it would take to melt a cannon barrel and warp a turret?

The terrain still need more moulding

There are too many wrecks, I know

A closeup of the Ryza turret

06-22-2013, 02:17 PM
looks delicious...

06-28-2013, 12:49 PM
Whoops wrong thread.............

02-12-2014, 07:43 AM
The Rehabilitation Of Lucie:

Lucie has had numerous minor injuries over the years and since I was asked for a few reference pictures compared to the new Reaver I decided it would serve to show it along side of Lucie.

Well the poor dear couldn't even stand when I took her down from the shelf.




After a few hasty photos I set about disassembling the legs and waist.


02-12-2014, 08:54 AM
While I am repairing the waist it would be a good time to remove the velcro fasteners and install rare earth magnets in their stead.


I enclose the magnet discs in capped styrene tubes to make them easily glued in place. I find the 0,25 MM thick cover does not interfere with the magnetic attraction very much at all and the magnets have less tendency to come loose than if just glued on with Super-glue.


02-13-2014, 05:47 AM
Magnet Capsule:

I find these new rare earth magnets invaluable for making detachable components so that weapons, appendages, heads, what-have-you make your pieces more versatile on the battleboard.

A few simple steps to make a magnet capsule

Below are the four components indicated by the red arrows needed to make a glue on magnetic capsule

Cut two squares from some scrap sheet styrene and cut a ring from an appropriate sized tubing.


I use 0,25 MM styrene for the cover where the magnet will face the metal or other magnet and whatever thickness is needed for the back cover so that the two magnetic surfaces are just in contact.

Stack the four components and glue.


Trim or file away the excess if necessary.

In the image below note the magnet capsules installed the red arrows indicating the large magnets just made and the green arrows much smaller magnet capsules used for very small fastenings and as in this case to maintain proper alignment of a larger object.


02-13-2014, 08:51 AM
Reworking the toe and ankle joints:

I haven't had the toes and ankles apart since I finished up this model about four years ago but I did accomplish an emergency repair a few years back so the ankle ball and socket were frozen locked in the full back position.

This gave Lucie a settled back on her haunches look.

While I have the ankle apart I'd better check the security of the piston rod ends that flex when the ankle shifts front to back and allows the foot to twist in its socket.


That feature has not be available for quite some time due to the inoperability of the socket joint and gave Lucie a pigeon toed appearance in her recent photos.

The leg assembly at the rear left of the photo below has the center toe unable to flex up and if memory serves that is the toe that broke off a few years ago. That toe will have to be reworked as well.


Everything is functional on the right foot now so it is ready to be reassembled with my little guy looking on for scale.


You lose perspective on how big these feet are until you see them off the leg and along side a scale human figure.

02-13-2014, 09:55 AM
Left Foot Repair:

Reviving this thread serves two purposes other than demonstrating the rehabilitation of Lucie.

Theres a lot of new forums I post on now that have not seen how Lucie was assembled originally and while I constantly refer to the model there are no visible representations of how she works.

There are also I'm sorry to say picture empty posts where the image storage website has gone belly up and all the images are gone.

Anyway here's how Lucie's toes are attached and now that I have the toe off I cannot see why it won't flex.......?

Everything seems okay.


While I have the leg disassembled its a good time to show the flexibility of the ankle I mentioned in the above post.

Lucie has fully functional spherical ankle joints just as in the real Warhound the FW model is taken from. Later I'll explain in depth how the cylinder and piston rod ends are produced if anyone is interested.

The red arrow points to the ankle flexed......


and extended...........

02-13-2014, 10:58 AM
Toe Pistons and Cylinders and Blackadder's Shame:

Each toe has three actuators; two at the base that extends and flexes the intermediate phalanges (Red arrows) and one actuator (Yellow arrows)that extends and flexes the distal phalanges (Blue arrows).



Now for the part I am ashamed of, after I completed the feet I found the side toes did not touch the ground when the foot was flexed and I excoriated FW for a flaw in their design.

Well it turned out I was the one in error because the very savvy FW engineers did make allowances for the toes to swivel at their base; (Green Arrows) It was I who did not pick up on it.

I went back to correct the error but I would have had to make each toe less wide to accomplish the modification and it was there that I drew the line. But a note to anyone attempting to replicate these assemblies; be aware of my error and plan accordingly.

02-14-2014, 07:38 AM
Big Butted Woman:

While I feel ambitious I should add a bit more junk to Lucie's trunk. Right now Lucie's hull weighs about one and a half pounds (3/4 kilo) including about 8 ounces
of scrap lead. If I hollow out the rest of the generator housings I will have room for an additional 10 ounces of lead weight which would make Lucie more stable on her feet.


I shouldn't need that much but there is room for it.

I was going to link Rob Bartlett's hilarious song parody rendering of the 'Big Butted Woman' but it may be too risqué for a SFW forum.

02-14-2014, 11:10 AM
A Poltergeist Named Dave:

Well here's the family portrait taken after a bit of an incident where Luteus toppled over on top of Lucie.


I set up the Warlord and the Reaver last night on the battle board with the Cadian planning to take a group portrait this morning after I installed the counterweights in Lucie which worked very well incidentally. I added a quarter pound to the generator housings and for the first time in a couple of years Lucie can pose bending forward.


So why was the Warhound facing the wall in the first picture you may well ask?

I was setting up the camera when I heard a crash behind me; twelve pounds of Warlord styrene for no apparent reason crashed down upon Lucie flattening her down under it's mass. First thing I did was look for the cat but it was nowhere around. Then I surveyed the damage.

Lucie had all her breakaway armour displaced and the battle banner broke off for the twentieth time.

Some of the magnet attached armour fell off the Warlord and the prime was a wee bit scuffed but no significant damage to him as well that I could readily see


I set everything back up and snapped a few quick pictures before I realized Lucie was still facing the wall.

I turned her around and finish photographing it was then I noticed the Laser cannons on the left shoulder of Luteus were knocked askew.so there we have it.


A poltergeist named Dave knocked the Warlord over after it had been standing for almost twelve hours. Here is a picture of Dave..............

02-15-2014, 09:37 AM
DAM you dave also how the hell did i miss you finishing the big guy?

03-14-2014, 06:31 PM
Ya snooze ya lose............:D

A FW Warhound Titan:

This is Going to be Some Fun;

I've done this so often I believe I could assemble this blindfolded.

When I was in the service I made a bet that I could assemble the trigger mechanism and the rest of a M14 rifle blindfolded. Halfway through the assembly I thought someone was playing a trick and pocketed the trigger return spring so I said where's the spring? Turns out it had fallen off the footlocker and no one noticed.

Now that the Warhound is primed I can't wait to start assembly but I have to resist the temptation to plunge right in I want to magnetize all removable components and screw assemble the feet and legs so the stance can be re-positioned.


and I have to do it three times; once for the Wolf and twice for the Chaos 'hounds.

Richard Morris
04-28-2014, 07:02 AM
I remember that pile of pieces well, i got my Warhound the first week they were released, payed my brother £50 to take me to Warhammer World just to pick it up. When i opened the box and dug into the parts i was amazed at the amount of parts, something like 50 pieces per foot. this is by far the most complex model i ever built, i just wish i could of done it justice with the paint job, i that really want to get into painting again and was reading you cockroach nids article and may have to invest in that magic airbrush you found and watch many many tutorials. Keep up the excellent work.

05-10-2014, 08:00 AM
Conduit Collars:

You always have to be on the look out for interesting bits of scrap such as the subject of this post; conduit collars.

It would be pretty tedious to make collars to ring the penetration points where the large electrical conduits enter the housings; in this case the Reaver head jowls. Leaving these plain give an unfinished look to the area besides the more detail the better.


Fortunately I have had this idea for quite a few years and have mentioned it before but it doesn't hurt to re-introduce it.


When you cut large holes in styrene using wood hole augers you get these nicely shaped rings that are roundly beveled inside and out but usually get swept away with the refuse. These make dandy collars with a minimum of cleaning and sanding.


The image above shows the collars glued in place before the final cleaning and I believe they add a nice touch to an ordinarily bland area.

I have used these extensively on most of my models even as just tchotchke decorations.

06-29-2014, 04:43 AM
Not Much of a Poser:

After all these years I'm finally getting around to putting Lucie on a pedestal ahem! er; well a display base and taking advantage of her flexibility I want as dynamic a pose as she is capable of so adjusting the legs to the extreme positions I tried out a photo.


I must say I'm not exactly overawed.

Even the advent of a Trygon seems little to recommend the position.


I'll try again tomorrow when I have more time.

06-30-2014, 01:52 PM
Ruins Base # One:

First layer of cork and some ruins bitz that need to be trimmed to fit the base and allow a passage for the Warhound.


Front view needs terracing and the foundation of the ruin needs raising.


Side view show the difficulty of multilevel terrain.


Rear view of ruin shows the Gothic arches need to be trimmed to allow the foot to pass




All the tread work is virtually unseen.... but at least I know it's there.


Anyone know the kit name and or number of these ruins; I can't find the item on the GW website.

07-02-2014, 11:01 AM
Awesome stuff as usual, mate. Looks like a good weighted walking pose.

07-02-2014, 01:10 PM
Those particular ruins are out of production I'm afraid, they're the ones that came with the 3rd edition starter boxed set. They did sell them for awhile but that was a good few years back. Sorry.

07-02-2014, 02:05 PM
Holy ****! That's ****ing awesome! Great job! :D

07-02-2014, 03:48 PM
Thanks, I actually have two sets of these ruins but I was just curious about the source.

A Learning Experience:

The following images are more FYI than instructions on how to make a base/diorama because I have little idea where I am going with these bases.


I'm sure people more savvy with base construction can find errors I am committing with my preliminary work but I have madness to my methods.


One thing I note on some of the ruins I see planted on bases is they usually do not have foundations. Even my mentor Jaro didn't allow that the building does not just sit on the ground but has a basement dug into the earth/bedrock whathaveyou so the building is anchored.


So to allow for this I made fine cork angled strips that will be coated with fine sand to simulate a concrete footing.


In this final photo I show the foot print recesses for the Warhound that probably will be partially filled with debris so the Warhound will also be situated in the display rather than just floating scale inches above the terrain.


None of this is to be taken as gospel but is just as I perceive it should be.

07-04-2014, 09:45 AM

A bit of an experiment here; I spent the better part of an hour making an octagonal ruin tower and felt there had to be an easier way. Fortunately I just had an oak workbench delivered that came with the usual environmentally unfriendly foam packing. Sheets upon sheets of 1/2 inch styrene foam that will outlast any of us by millennia.

Taking my utility knife with a pristine new blade; in a couple of seconds I had duplicated the labor intense tower facets with apropos distressed fractures complimentary to the cutting.

A couple more minutes gluing the foam to the base and below are the results. Note the white glue isn't even dried.




Now obviously there is a downside to this simple procedure otherwise greater brains than I possess would have suggested it but until I hit this snag I'll proceed like Pollyanna.

07-06-2014, 10:14 AM
Organized Entropy:

Who would have thought it would be so hard to create disorder; try as I might everything still looks too orderly. I have to thank Winterdyne for the idea to chop up sprues for beams and bricks but I need to go a few steps further to blur the sharp edges as the clean lines stand out too vividly;especially in image three.


The tree is a clean dried root from a weed I had growing on my patio and the major buttress components are sculpted packing foam (See above)


Believe it or not the black prime is direct from a toluene based aerosol paint spray can applied directly on the naked foam (Ha; he said, "Naked....") lightly for the first and second coat to stabilize the surface so the final coats do not dissolve the styrene foam.


07-14-2014, 11:46 AM
Have you considered having the Warhound walking on its toes instead of flat-footed? A la: 9943

07-14-2014, 12:10 PM
Yes but while Lucie is fully capable of attaining that pose the delicate structure of her movable toe joints will not support her two and a half kilo weight. If in fact I finish the wire supported diorama that pose is definitely in her repertoire.

10-18-2016, 07:09 AM
When last we visited I was building a base for Lucie so as to display her on a shelf without toppling. But wire coat hangers are too flexible for a model of her weight so searched for a more durable rod of similar diameter. I have just found such a rod in of all places an electioneering poster support frame. These frames must withstand high winds at times so the rod is super stiff for it's diameter.


So Lucie now stands somewhat erect on a custom base that still requires further painting.


Soon to be displayed in my curio cabinet.


10-27-2016, 03:59 AM
Lucy! Oh, how I've missed her. She's looking good, man. And the base does her justice. Good job!