View Full Version : Commander Farsight's Shield Generator

03-03-2016, 05:05 PM
Commander Farsight has a shield generator. Does the XV8 Crisis Bodyguard Team benefit from that Shield Generator? Or do they need to take their own Shield Generator drone along with them?

03-03-2016, 05:58 PM
Shield Drones have Shield Generators. Farsight has a Shield Generator. A unit with either will "benefit" from the Shield Generator so long as Wounds are allocated to the model with a Shield Generator.

03-03-2016, 06:37 PM
Shield Drones have Shield Generators. Farsight has a Shield Generator. A unit with either will "benefit" from the Shield Generator so long as Wounds are allocated to the model with a Shield Generator.

So then you have to put Farsight or your Shield Drone out in the front of the unit? And wouldn't that be risky?

03-03-2016, 11:33 PM
So then you have to put Farsight or your Shield Drone out in the front of the unit? And wouldn't that be risky?

Exactly. Tanking wounds with models can be risky. If there are to many shots you can try to "look out sir" some.

03-04-2016, 07:26 AM
Can the gun drones do "look out sir?"

03-04-2016, 07:29 AM
Only Characters can, on a 4+, or Independent Characters on a 2+. They can pass the wounds onto the nearest model if they succeed, but Drones and other generic schmucks don't have the ability.

Farsight's not very good for tank. One good Krak Missile or Lascannon will end him. He's Mont'ka. Drop in, hit hard with your Farsight Bomb and no-scatter Deep Strike, and make sure there's nothing left of the enemy to fire back.

03-04-2016, 07:34 AM
Only Characters can, on a 4+, or Independent Characters on a 2+. They can pass the wounds onto the nearest model if they succeed, but Drones and other generic schmucks don't have the ability.

I meant can the drone be the model that the lookout sir is passed to. If they can, you could put a bunch of the cheap gun drones from the bodyguard unit around Farsight and he could pass the wound to the drone using "look out sir."

03-04-2016, 07:37 AM
Oh yeah, sure. Throw a Drone Controller in there as well to give them BS3 and they'll put hurt on the right kind of target.

03-04-2016, 08:15 AM
Good idea.

03-04-2016, 09:17 AM
Oh yeah, sure. Throw a Drone Controller in there as well to give them BS3 and they'll put hurt on the right kind of target.

Shield Drones have little use for the Drone Controller...

03-04-2016, 09:20 AM
Shield Drones have little use for the Drone Controller...


I meant can the drone be the model that the lookout sir is passed to. If they can, you could put a bunch of the cheap gun drones from the bodyguard unit around Farsight and he could pass the wound to the drone using "look out sir."

If they can, you could put a bunch of the cheap gun drones from the bodyguard unit around Farsight and he could pass the wound to the drone using "look out sir."

put a bunch of the cheap gun drones from the bodyguard unit around Farsight

gun drones

gun drones

03-04-2016, 10:36 AM

03-05-2016, 09:09 AM
And the main topic is Shield Generators which the Gun Drones have none, making them useless for defending a unit.

03-05-2016, 09:13 AM
Well, in my game yesterday I had lots of gun drones in the units; I deployed them out front and they absorbed a lot of kills before the main models of the units got zapped. When fighting against IG, that kind of buffer is useful.

03-05-2016, 07:12 PM
And the main topic is Shield Generators which the Gun Drones have none, making them useless for defending a unit.

That question was answer and the topic moved on. Keep up.

Well, in my game yesterday I had lots of gun drones in the units; I deployed them out front and they absorbed a lot of kills before the main models of the units got zapped. When fighting against IG, that kind of buffer is useful.

Oh yeah, especially as the Drones can help mow down a few Guardsmen as well, (like everything else!) Don't forget that Drones count as losses for morale as well, btw. A lot of people miss that one.

03-05-2016, 09:44 PM
Don't forget that Drones count as losses for morale as well, btw. A lot of people miss that one.

My visceral response is "why would that matter for morale, they're just flying tin cans." But then, if you think about a Fire warrior counting down the drones as they get blasted will soon come to realize that he/she is next...

03-06-2016, 05:25 PM
My visceral response is "why would that matter for morale, they're just flying tin cans." But then, if you think about a Fire warrior counting down the drones as they get blasted will soon come to realize that he/she is next...

Yeah, the Tau value their Drones enough to realise that a bunch getting scythed down by fire is probably a sign to fall back to a better position. :P

03-07-2016, 10:15 AM
That question was answer and the topic moved on. Keep up.

To something OFF topic and on to Tactics/Army List discussion.

03-07-2016, 10:39 AM
To something OFF topic and on to Tactics/Army List discussion.

This happens. Take a deep breath, it'll be fine. Count to ten...good.

There was no more need to discuss the Original Topic, but new questions arose and thus a New Topic was discussed. Rather than demand Blackcloud make a new Thread for every question they may have, it was more efficient to simply progress to new topics and answer them here.

Is that okay with you, Sir?