View Full Version : 1800p CSM

03-02-2016, 10:58 AM

HQ: Sorcerer( lvl 3, powerfist, force weapon) (135)

T: CSM (total 20, 2x meltagun, icon of vengance, chamion: powerfist, combi-melta) (230)

T: Cultists with flamer or heavy stubber (55)

T: Cultists with autoguns and heavy stubber (65)

E: Thousand sons (Total 7+Sorc) (219)
Rhino, additional combi-melta (45)

E: Noise Marines (Total 7, Blastmaster, 3x sonic blasters, champion with doom siren) (186)
Rhino, additional combi-melta (45)

E: Sonic dreadnought, blastmaster, chainfist (175)

FA: Chaos Spawn 2x, MoN (72)

HS: Rapier battery (2x hades autocannon) (110)

HS: Obliterator, MoN (81)

Dataslate: Mayhem Pack
3x Hellbrute with Multimelta, Powerfist with heavy flamer (120)x3

That is closed in 1798 points. I am thinking how would be this a good aim. Sorcerer and 1k sons are here for fluff. I like fluff, and competitive gaming. So I try the middle ground.

I am thinking of using hellbrutes to a) stop the advancing armies or b) distract gunlines bythrowing them at their heads.
Then the cultists, rhinos, spawns and marines advance.

I was thinking more oblits/rapiers, or making 1k sons and noise squads smaller/cheaper etc.
What do you think about this? The biggest problem is no bonuses for reserves, but it is hard for CSM.

The idea was also to give the sorcerer a bike and put him in a squad of 3 beasts
