View Full Version : 40K and expansions

04-17-2010, 05:08 PM
well as i have been playing a few of them lately i wanted to know what other hobbies think of the expansion to 40k and if GW had the right i day at making them
first of can we dicuss mostly about: cites of death , planet strike , battle misson and apoc
as the map base one (can't remeber name) is just a way to pla campains
so what do u think of them?

04-17-2010, 07:33 PM
Cities of Death; I've actually never played it and I think the rules (being written for 4th) might need a little tweaking to mesh with 5th. Looks like it might be a good buy, though, for fluff and ideas.

Planetstrike: Excellent ruleset for themed games, IMO. The thing that stops me from playing it often is the fact that the rules rely so heavily on bastions that are best represented by the GW models... not exactly in my budget.

Apocalypse: It's a lot of work to pull off an Apocalypse game. A lot of fun though, if you set aside an entire day and invite your whole gaming group to throw down.

Battle Missions isn't really an expansion; it's just a book of scenarios with a couple of added special rules.

04-17-2010, 07:50 PM
going to mostly agree with AKH here...I love CoD. there is an FAQ for it that updates it, really the only issues are with the Stratagem system. and you just don't take the lame ones. I've got a modular table on the back burner that i'm looking forward to. As for game play i like it a lot. just make sure you bring some sort of flamer\ template weapon.

Planetstrike does rely on the bastion but you can certainly "count as" something or go for the inexpensive cardboard\plasticard making. also there are a number of other model companies that make quality cheap scenery.

Apoc, i've only ever gotten a few games in and they take a long time and can be chaotic. but if you have super-heavys it's worthwhile or like me have a ton of marines and just want an excuse to field them some day. our group rarely plays, and i won't be picking up any super-heavys bc of the lack of frequency we play.

Battlemissions will be a valid part of our regular gaming experience soon. It's good for us as we play few large pt games these days. and almost always out of the BRB. So we're looking forward to this.

A lot of the value depends on your gaming group and their style of play. Our Tau player hates CoD bc of his lack of template weapons. So he prefers PS if we're playing an expansion. on the contrast out Nid player prefers CoD over PS...so it just depends on your groups take and what you find fun.

04-18-2010, 06:39 PM
Agree with what has been said above. Cities of Death and Battle Missions are da bomb. Cityfight before them was also fun and I had hoped to see a series of themed books like that. Kind of like the themed books I saw a friend had picked up for his D&D gaming habit; I think there was one for each generic region type, desert, arctic, jungle, et cetera.

Planetstrike looks fun but I have yet to get a game in with our group. There have been some fun Apocalypse games, though. Some of us really like them but some of us really, really dislike one game taking so long and having so much stuff on the table.

As far as the bastion goes, a little while with a ruler and some foamcore and you can make your own buildings. A lot of the stuff going on my tables is home made. One of the guys built a guard post based on a guard tower in Battlefield: 2142. Another fellow donated a couple of large pieces, one with these crumbling Roman-style columns and the other a two story devastated building. I am planning on adding a building or two, maybe a bunker this week and I have a bunch of foam to carve into earthworks/trenches, just need to get some time outside in some good weather to cut it up. One of the tables in my basement is being built as a winter battlefield and I have a bunch of snow and ice covered conifer trees to go on it. My IG are also being painted in whites and winter camo to go with the table. If you have a group of five or six players and you each build one bunker or bastion type of building, maybe some kind of fortification, your tables will be fine.

Spearhead may turn out to be fun, we'll just have to wait an see. I am certainly all for getting the most fun and use out of my minis as possible.

04-18-2010, 07:29 PM
well as i have been playing a few of them lately i wanted to know what other hobbies think of the expansion to 40k and if GW had the right i day at making them
first of can we dicuss mostly about: cites of death , planet strike , battle misson and apoc
as the map base one (can't remeber name) is just a way to pla campains
so what do u think of them?

:cool: I have played City Fight & Cities of Death since CF was released & it is always a fun game.
I lashed out over a period & made many of the ruined building kits plus some scratch built ruins & played on the COD battle map really gives a great atmosphere to the games. You need different stratagies to normal terrain & need to tweek your Army list to suit.

As for Planet Strike a few of our games club members brought the combo kit with 2 bastions plus all the walls etc which was a good buy. However we had some difficulties with the lack of clear rules at the beginning but worked around those. Again the way the game is played makes it quite different to your normal 40k game. Its always very "Bloody" & seems to ensure not many models suvive to games end!

Apocalypse is an absolute blast & we play it as often as we can. There are 6 members of our games club who play it regularly & 3 of us have additional tables to allow 6' x 4' plus a 4' x 4' in L or T shape & every game has been great fun. We only have 3 super heavies plus a Necron Pylon & Chaos Flyer but Points work out well with extra Monoliths etc.

The Battle Missions Book looks like some really good additional scenarios to pad out the very basic ones in the BRB which tend to become fairly boring after a while especially if you Roll for them as you seem to be always playing the same one.

Havent played Planetary Empires as thought we had enough choices already! :p

04-18-2010, 09:34 PM
Planetstrike is awesome. I've never seen a game of it that didn't end with someone wiping someone out. Haven't played it in a while, though.

04-18-2010, 09:46 PM
I really liked cities of death.

Possibly because Sisters are practically MADE for it.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-19-2010, 10:03 AM
Never played Cities of Death yet, but i agree the SoB are just perfect for its closed in terrain, short street fights and with so many Flamers in the army they as Melissia said "made for it".

Think i may have to start some games of it up, right after i buy and paint more of a city for myself.

04-19-2010, 10:29 AM
Out of the expansions, I'd have to say that my favorites were City Fight/Cities of Death. They just plain made the game more chaotic and fun for me. Apocalypse is pretty good if you have the dedication to play with the right people (my shop has very few of them for the record). The battle missions book is just a book with more missions.

The real beauty of all the expasions is that you can create a supremely awesome campaign with elements/missions from each book. It's cool that each of them can work in concert with each other to some extent.

04-19-2010, 12:59 PM
Apoc got boring after a while. It quickly turns into a parking lot full of superheavies in our area. We stopped playing it almost a year ago, aside from the occational small game.

04-19-2010, 01:03 PM
CoD was a fabulous expansion, though sometimes difficult to run wholescale campaigns with because of the terrain requirements.

Planetstrike is good but more like going to watch an arnie movie lots of explosions and great fun but a lil lacking in depth.

Apocalypse, I had great fun with this to begin with, its a great beer and pizza game til people worked out how to beard it up and sucked the fun out of it quicker than a $10 rent boy.

Planetary empires, a good system, some small rule flaws that can be overcome with common sense, though too many players usually causes it to never end.

04-19-2010, 01:09 PM
Apoc got boring after a while. It quickly turns into a parking lot full of superheavies in our area. We stopped playing it almost a year ago, aside from the occational small game.

I think apocalypse works bet when you have something like... 3v3, everyone brings 2k points, and limited superheavies (if any).

04-19-2010, 01:22 PM
I also found that ripping up the flank march stratagem helped a lot, and any formations that get as part of there data sheet really should be the only ones to benefit from it. I saw a lot of games where one opponent got to sit round doing nothing til they got flank marched to death. What fun!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-19-2010, 07:29 PM
I really hate that Flanked March, what a serious killjoy.
I watched a game a while back, and tounament at the local store, and seriously nearly everyone took Flanked March, and it really sucked the funout of th game.
Even the store owner, who played cracked it with everyone, me i would just ban it if i could. And as a SoB fan who loves 12 inch or less range combats i never use it. EVER.

Commissar Lewis
04-19-2010, 08:13 PM
The Apoc strategic asset I personally hate is Jammers. It is borderline, if not full on cheating. The one time one of my friends pulled it I replied with a very eloquent and profound hand gesture.

04-19-2010, 08:15 PM
I always pick jammers.

Nice to see an ability which doesn't actually affect the game be so useful.

04-19-2010, 08:25 PM
I think apocalypse works bet when you have something like... 3v3, everyone brings 2k points, and limited superheavies (if any).

I'd agree. To be honest, if anyone takes any superheavies over, say, 600 or so points, then it starts to turn into a game of shoveling models off the table faster than you can put them on. And I don't mean that in a good way.

04-19-2010, 08:31 PM
>.> A kustom stompa STARTS at 600 - unfortunately.