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View Full Version : BA RAZ for dummies!

04-17-2010, 05:55 AM
Hi! I'm just beginning to collect and paint a BA army. I've seen in many forum the popularity of lists feauring 5 man assault marine squads on razorbacks. Sure they are relativey cheap, scoring and can have a melta/fist loadout on top of the razor turret weapon but... 5 man don't have such a punch and I can't figure the tactical use. Would you zoom 18' that sit in your box hoping then in the next turn disembark and charge? Or you' rather move 12' shoot with the assault cannon turret (for example) and disembrak straight away?
I know that many different situation may change the answer (opponent army, deploy, frst turn or not) but im thinking of an ideal situation.
By the way, I'm for moving 12, shoot with the lascannon (or twin linked plasma) and sit in for the next turn disembark/assault.
Thanks, DE

04-17-2010, 08:51 AM
for 155 points, you get a scoring av 11 vechicle, with (usually) a las/plas turret, and a melta gun inside. most people i see dont normally assault, they take the as marines for the 35 point discount on a transport, then just sit in there the whole time, and only leaving to melta a harder tank to kill. when they assault, its normally only to support another assaulting squad.

04-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Right, one 5 man squad isn't very intimidating, but 3 or 4 counter assaulting...

04-17-2010, 10:50 AM
You mean that one RAZ plus 5 assault marine isn't much but in a razorback spam list backed by a couple of solid jump pack squads it would work? It makes sense but still i cant decide is fast move to 18 and cross fingers (and leaving behind jp troops in the process) or move 12+shoot keeping assault squads safe screened by the razors. Probably the second...

04-17-2010, 11:08 AM
5 man assault squads are good at tying up devs, scouts, combat squads , guardians and the like (also with a meltabomb thank hunnting is fun :D)

i run 2 5 man assaults and a GK squad.

these kill the light infanty and serve as meat shields for inquisitors and powerful units :D

Ive won a few games like this

04-26-2010, 03:35 AM
Razorbacks with 5 man Assault Squads work just fine, just realize what your limitations are. You have a nice weapon on a fast platform that can hide behind Predators, but you also sacrifice numbers and melta fire. You will not normally want to be moving Flat Out with the Razorback; I would personally rather quickly move up a flank behind an AV-13 wall and snipe tanks.

But realize that while Assault Razorbacks are all the rave right now, Rhinos are just as much of a great tool. Load up with 9 Men and a Combi-Melta Priest, and you have a Troop that can deliver up to 3 accurate melta shots(Melta; Combi; Infernus) turn 2, and take on a tremendous amount of return fire power. Or they can bunker up and shoot out two meltas per turn

04-26-2010, 09:39 AM
Fact, 5-6 Marines in a Heavy Bolter armed Razorback shoot just as well as 10 marines with bolters plus you got range.

The razorbak is expensive for a reason: because it's awesome! Personally I prefer the Assault Cannon, but that's just me.