View Full Version : Fast Attack Drop Pod Occupants

02-24-2016, 07:00 PM
I'm taking a Drop Pod as a Fast Attack choice. All of the units can take it as a dedicated transport, but by taking it as fast attack to I gain flexibility in deciding who uses it?

I've got three units that could be advantageous to deployed out of it.
Death Company Dreadnought
Furioso Dreadnought
Tactical Squad with flamer and Heavy Flamer

Before the game is the Drop Pod just hanging out waiting for me to decide who gets to ride in it?

Is it cool if I choose after seeing my opponents army?

02-24-2016, 08:00 PM
Basically, Yes.
You can decide which unit you want to put in a Fast attack selection drop pod during deployment.
It dosn't even have to be from the same faction (so long as they're battle brothers)

02-24-2016, 08:44 PM
Basically, Yes.
You can decide which unit you want to put in a Fast attack selection drop pod during deployment.
It dosn't even have to be from the same faction (so long as they're battle brothers)

AND they are Infantry or a Dreadnought. Sadly, the DreadKNIGHT does not qualify.

03-17-2016, 06:01 PM
Is it alright to join an Inquisitor to a squad of Sternguard and have them all transported together in a drop pod?

What about plopping my Inquisitor into a transport that is chosen through some sort of formation? Like Angel's Fury Spearhead (Slightly Annoyed High-Pitched Buzzing) Force. There are three Storm Ravens in this formation, and they are loaded with ten marines each, leaving two extra transport spots. Can an Inquisitor slip into the raven and join a squad?