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View Full Version : 2000pt Eagle Warriors Armylist for Tournament Play

04-16-2010, 10:56 AM
Hey all,

I posted the first incantation of this list awhile ago but I have revamped and redone large portions of it (in no small part due to suggestions I got here) so now I'm posting the almost finalized list.

I'm still a bit unsure on some of the weapon configurations on the Land Speeders, I'm considering the benefits and drawbacks of Typhoon Missile Launchers vs. Assault Cannons.

I am also considering dropping the combi-weapons is each squad and replacing them with a heavy flamer - but I don't think losing the bolter is worth it.

My general strategy is to hold the army in reserves and outflank using Kor'Sarro Khan preferably arriving on turn 3 (I will use the re-roll ability from Tigurius to do this) and have all my Assault Cannons be in range.

+ Chief Librarian Tigurius [230]

+ Kor'Sarro Khan [160]

+ Sternguard Veteran Squad [210]
- 5x Sternguard (1x Combi-Melta, 1x Combi-Flamer)
- Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

+ Sternguard Veteran Squad [210]
- 5x Sternguard (1x Combi-Melta, 1x Combi-Flamer)
- Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

+ Sternguard Veteran Squad [210]
- 5x Sternguard (1x Combi-Melta, 1x Combi-Flamer)
- Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

+ Tactical Squad [165]
- 5x Space Marines
- Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

+ Tactical Squad [165]
- 5x Space Marines
- Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

+ Land Speeder Squadron [200]
- 2x Land Speeders with Multi-Melta & Assault Cannon

+ Land Speeder Squadron [270]
- 3x Land Speeders with Heavy Bolter & Assault Cannon

+ Land Speeder Squadron [180]
- 2x Land Speeders with Heavy Bolter & Assault Cannon

Total: 2000 on the dot

04-19-2010, 11:47 AM
Really? Nobody? Man I must write good or REALLY bad lists if no one has anything to critique lol...

04-19-2010, 05:18 PM
I personally am toying with khan and flanking bikes - the best way to bring that melta death! 205 points for such a unit - easy swap for one stern squad. I'm considering drop pods with something nasty or 3 vindis to rea the benefits from the herding effect of flanking forces.

A few quick thoughts Re the list:

I remember seeing such assault cannon numbers in 4th ed but not so much these days. I get the benefits of side shots but I don't think that *** cannons have the punch - for me the las plas is a better option. I think Mech guard will would shoot you with str 6 multi lasers and bigger tanks.

Assault cannons cost too much. they are not reliable enough re armour. They are only ap 4. Not enough v marines.

You should not be over dependant on one type of weapon, this is where a spam list falls down.

With flanking - you are coming at opponents from the long route (i.e. length ways down a 6' board rather than across a 4' width of the board)-you have 6" move, 24" shoot- (less than half the board) or 12" move, 2" disembark and 12" shoot or 12" move pop smoke and no shoot. Either way, 30" max. That is not enough as you are open to a refused flank tactic. Opponent will know that they are safe from your army coming from one side (due to the lack of ranged fire power) so they will only have to position for cover from one side thereby further limiting your effectiveness v tanks.

if I saw your army I would be in cover, with a refused flank. One refused flank forces you to either 1. travel a long way, while being unable to bring meaningful fire to bear all the while you will be very vulnerable (only armour 11) to the return fire of your opponent's army. or due to the lack of fire being brought by your flanking forces allows an assualty army to prepare an organised counter charge. Or 2. you have to come on to the flank where such an opponent would have massed their forces - say it was orks, chaos Sm, tyranids - you don't want to be arriving so close with only one turn of shooting before they are all over you.
This is especially so as your army lacks any close combat punch. How many terminator assault squads are out there? - ouch - a LRC with terminators would really ruin your day. (centrally placed in opponent's deployment zone) your guys come on - can't do much to hurt it really and it then goes after you when your force arrives.

Same problems apply in spear head deployment.

No Fun
Surely to hold back to turn 3 is missing the point of the game. Will not be fun for your opponent to have nothing to do for 3 turns. Won't get you many games.

the game can end on turn 5. Such an army can't do much in 2 turns particularly given the above- distance to travel - limited speed v firepower trade off). Your army for example could not realistically take a centrally placed objective that had been placed in cover in your opponent's deployment zone and you have in the mean time given them 2-3 turns to move onto and take yours and dig in.

Lack of scoring units.
Very tempting for your opponent to ignore everything else and take out the tactical squads.

Land speeders.
I would defo go for missiles on the speeders - 48 inch range and 36 inch range guns allow you to sit back and shoot while out of range of most of your opponent's nasty stuff. The 24" range of assault cannons requires you to get within 24" of all that lethal small arms fire that speeders hate so much.
Note it is difficult to over rely on these - imagine one manticore barrage - missile launchers from tac squads lascannons from obliterators / land raiders. These guys are going to get dropped and quickly.

The HQ's are too expensive together for the benefit of one trick.

Then again, you could go out there and prove me wrong.

04-19-2010, 05:23 PM
Christ, I've just read what I've written - who the hell am I to comment in such a way! I've left it up as you were looking for someone to bite - at least it gives you something to shout at. My apologies for the tone of my prattling.

04-19-2010, 05:43 PM
Well damn, thanks very much for the C&C.

1) I agree with you very much, it's a bad idea to base an entire army around a single weapon. The Assault Cannon, I think is an exception. Consider the following:

At Rapid Fire:
Plasmagun: 1.11 GEQ/1.11 MEQ/0.74 TEQ
Assault Cannons: 3.11 GEQ/1.63 MEQ/0.96 TEQ

Vehicles (sum penetrations):
Lascannon: AV10: 0.56/ AV11: 0.44/ AV12: 0.33/ AV13: 0.22/ AV14: 0.11
Assault Cannon: AV10: 1.58/ AV11: 1.09/ AV12: 0.59/ AV13: 0.49/ AV14: 0.40

The Assault Cannon is BY FAR the best all-around gun in Warhammer 40k even in 5th edition. It's better than anything but a multi-melta for tanks and second to NOTHING for anything else.

In fact, the only critique of the Assault Cannon is it's range which is solved by outflanking.

2) Refused Flank is something to consider. I guess my plan was that if I considered my opponent able to block off an entire side I would simply come in turn 2 and shoot them.

3) I'm aware that the list won't get me many games - I didn't plan to run it in friendly games. I'd drop the expensive HQs, add some land speeders and Pedro so everything is scoring.

4) As per objectives, I intend to abuse the turbo-boost to contest everything and simply hold a single point for a victory.

5) That's the reason I like the Missiles too, the extra range would be nice and the ability to move 12" and shoot the Heavy Bolters plus the missiles on frag mode would shred infantry.

Lots to consider though...thanks for the C&C

04-19-2010, 07:52 PM
Christ, I've just read what I've written - who the hell am I to comment in such a way! I've left it up as you were looking for someone to bite - at least it gives you something to shout at. My apologies for the tone of my prattling.

I'm confused...are you mad or being sarcastic? I meant no offense by anything, I'm just searching for a happy medium...

04-20-2010, 07:59 AM
No -not sarcastic, just got over keen when writing comments last night, re read what I had written and did not like how I came across. I didn't have the time to rewrite what I had written so I thought better just hold my hands up! I run pedro with my stern guard but i do sorely miss combat tactics which shine with the special ammo.

04-20-2010, 11:00 AM
So you want to play 2 turns of 40k? I think Tigirus was meant for Drop Pod armies and people using 1-2 outflankers but I guess if its legal I would want to play that army at least once. It's not as big of a benefit as you might think, the opponent is going to move around, camp on the objectives, sit in the middle of the table and go to ground out of reach of your 6" move onto the board when you outflank, the beta(?) strike you right back with everything they have. At least thats how I would do it...

It would be cool for a game or two then I'd want to go back to playing 40k.

Sternguard already cost an eye and an ear for the special ammo, combi-weapons generally aren't worth it on them. You're better off buying a unit that can do that task. Only 2 scoring units? If you're going to try and march them straight towards the objective in 2 turns you're going to need more than that. The assault cannon is awesome, but you are playing only 2 turns of 40k, you need something with a bit more reach. Lascannons, heavy bolters, etc or some dakka / las preds... I think that your list would be alot more fun and competitive for both you and your opponent if you added some deepstrikers or pods or something. The turn 3 game would be fun, but the list you're running right now would just kill it for me.

04-21-2010, 12:08 AM
Yeah, this list would be purely for very competative games.

In more friendly endeavors I'd most likely drop the HQ's for Pedro instead and fill in the points with more marines or something.

No worries, ggg I didn't take it offensively.