View Full Version : evil team tournament strategy

04-16-2010, 10:28 AM
so me an my brother went to a doubles tournament recently. we lost pretty badly since it was the first tournament either of us have gone to. but i thought i'd just warn everyone of a nasty strategy one of our opponents used. the first team we played was a tzeench chaos and tyranid list. i was playing a chaos army and brother was using orks. my two squads of berzerkers in rhinos moved up first turn. our opponents blew up both rhinos. the chaos guy had a sorcerer with lash and used it on to lash 1 of the berzerker squads to the tyranid guy's swarmlord. the swarmlord then used its psychic power i can't remember the name but it reduces an enemy unit's ws and bs to 1 until the tyranid player's next turn. needless to say the swarmlord and his tyrant guard destroyed the berzerkers. you wouldn't have to worry about this in a normal game but in a doubles tournament watch out for this. also if anyone has any ideas how to counter this id love to hear them.

04-16-2010, 11:33 AM
Lash lists are not a new idea in terms of cheesing lists. That same strategy would work in a simple Chaos list, lashing something into assault range or off of an objective is something Slaanesh princes have been doing for some time.

04-16-2010, 12:05 PM
Lash lists are not a new idea in terms of cheesing lists.

He's more specifically talking about the combination of CSM Lash with the Tyranid power Paroxysm in a doubles tournament. Paroxysm has a relatively short range that benefits from the synergy of having a partner with Lash.

04-16-2010, 12:41 PM
He's more specifically talking about the combination of CSM Lash with the Tyranid power Paroxysm in a doubles tournament. Paroxysm has a relatively short range that benefits from the synergy of having a partner with Lash.

exactly my point. lash wouldn't have bothered me that much because i wanted to get into assault with the berzerkers, but paroxysm made them completely useless

Herald of Nurgle
04-16-2010, 01:06 PM
This is why Kharn betrayed the World Eaters.

04-16-2010, 03:47 PM
Swarmlord, assuming he had some Guards with him, would have ruined your Berzerkers anyways. Pretty much a guaranteed five dead 'Zerks and then ~1 more per Guard with him, more if he runs them with Boneswords.

04-16-2010, 10:28 PM
In 4th my old roommate and I played in a 1k a piece doubles tourny. IG and CSM. I ran a las plas platoon (back when they were cool) armored fist squad and 2 russes. He went dual lash prince, noise marines and a normal csm squad. It was brutal. Needless to say we won either by pulling ppl into circles in the open and templating them or keeping hordes on a treadmill in cover until we were ready to deal with them.

Good times and I got to make some cool slaanesh cultists to chaos up my boys :p