View Full Version : Titan Talk - Because Big Guns Kill Big Things

04-15-2010, 11:28 PM
So my friends and I have been in the talks of spending our kidneys worth of money on some Forgeworld goodies. Needless to say, the conversation devolved into "Yeah, I think if I get anything from Forgeworld, it'll probably be something that I can't convert myself. And more than likely, it'll be a Titan."

We talked of the big three (affordable) superheavies - the Imperial Warhound, the Eldar Revenant and the Tyranid Hierophant.

The Warhound is a flexible Titan, you can customize your loadout for massive infantry killing or vehicle destroying. I personally think that, while slaying infantry with the Vulcan Megabolter and Inferno Cannon, it is a huge waste of potential. Thus, Plasma Blastgun and Turbo Lasers are the winner. 2 void shields, 3 structure points and high armor values means that you can take a reasonable amount of punishment.

The Revenant Titan looks damn cool. It's pretty much a Space Elf gundam. It's weapon loadout is either super-heavy killer or infantry killing Hellstorm template. Titan Holo-fields easily make up for the lack of void shields, allowing you to save on a 4+ against any attack coming your way. It's armor values are much to be desired, so those hits that land are probably gonna hurt you. Unfortunately, if you don't move, then you're boned since the Titan Holo-fields don't work.

The Hierophant Bio-Titan is probably the most godly killing machine until the Reaver titan walks into the door. It can punch out a total of 16 S10 shots at BS3, is deadly in assault with 8 attacks and has tons of nifty toys that make it much harder to kill (Lash Whips, Warp Field). The thing that makes this so powerful is that it's not a Vehicle. As a Bio-Titan, you can't have your drives damaged, weapons destroyed, crew stunned, or whatever. You only lose wounds. You have 10 of them.

What would you do with a Titan? Which one would you buy? I'm considering the Warhound as my next big project (since I have two armies already, one fully painted another well in progress and no others armies really interest me so far.)

04-16-2010, 03:30 AM
I got 2 Reavers and a Warhound.
Reaver: laser blaster, gatling blaster, Doubled-barrelled turbo-laser
Reaver: laser blaster, melta cannon, Apoc missile launcher
Warhound: plasma blastgun, vulcan mega bolter
I've only been able to use the warhound in battle so far (still working on the reavers) I think dropping that giant plasma plate just demorializes your opponent or freaks them out so that they will change all thier plans just to bringing down that death dealing monstrosity. It's been great in games, always tends to attract alot of attention. Off the board it looks great on my shelf.
Just really gotta get working on those Reavers.

04-16-2010, 01:14 PM
I once built an Imperitor Titan (not a very fancy one, mind you). I've only used it once, in a 40k per side battle. In the first round of shooting, it killed roughly 3000pts.

It took out one of the medium sized 'nid gargantuan creatures, put a bunch of wounds on the other, and cleared out quite a large area of the board. In a single shooting phase:D.

04-17-2010, 10:06 AM
I personally think that, while slaying infantry with the Vulcan Megabolter and Inferno Cannon, it is a huge waste of potential. Thus, Plasma Blastgun and Turbo Lasers are the winner. 2 void shields, 3 structure points and high armor values means that you can take a reasonable amount of punishment.

Agreed on the VMB and Inferno, for titan weapons they are hugely underwhelming. A plasma / turbo combo is one of the best killing machines out there.

I once killed 30 necrons and their lord with a PBG - instant phase out mwahahaha!

The Revenant Titan looks damn cool. It's pretty much a Space Elf gundam. It's weapon loadout is either super-heavy killer or infantry killing Hellstorm template. Titan Holo-fields easily make up for the lack of void shields, allowing you to save on a 4+ against any attack coming your way. It's armor values are much to be desired, so those hits that land are probably gonna hurt you. Unfortunately, if you don't move, then you're boned since the Titan Holo-fields don't work.

Don't forget you only need to move to claim the holo-field save, it doesn't say how far. I saw a game where a Revenant shuffled back and forth 1" every turn. It's also worth noting the save is not a cover or invulnerable, so nothing defeats it.

The Hierophant Bio-Titan is probably the most godly killing machine until the Reaver titan walks into the door. It can punch out a total of 16 S10 shots at BS3, is deadly in assault with 8 attacks and has tons of nifty toys that make it much harder to kill (Lash Whips, Warp Field). The thing that makes this so powerful is that it's not a Vehicle. As a Bio-Titan, you can't have your drives damaged, weapons destroyed, crew stunned, or whatever. You only lose wounds. You have 10 of them.

I'd say the Hierophant is better than a Reaver - it has an invulnerable save (better than voids), wounds over structure points (better, as one hit can't chain reaction you to oblivion), and StrD only does one wound to it per hit (which it might save anyway thanks to the invulnerable).

Also if a Reaver is to come close to matching it in HtH it has to sacrifice shooting, and that really defeats the main strength of the imperial machine.

What would you do with a Titan? Which one would you buy? I'm considering the Warhound as my next big project (since I have two armies already, one fully painted another well in progress and no others armies really interest me so far.)

I have a Reaver and a Warhound, need to finish my Stompa, and am sorely tempted to start saving for a Phantom. But I should really finish my guard / skitarii army first.

04-22-2010, 05:38 AM
on my Reaver and Warhound, I try to use as many weapons with strength D as possible.