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View Full Version : Newb looking for a beginner imperial list.

02-17-2016, 07:33 PM
So I know almost nothing about x-wing and I was wondering if you guys could reccomend a starting list, maybe a swarm. I've always been a big fan of the Tie Interceptor and the Defender (though I am given to understand that the Defender is a subpar choice)

02-18-2016, 06:40 AM
The Defender, without the upgrades from Imperial Veterans, requires a lot of skill and luck to get your points worth - there are some builds that include Colonel Vessery and some TIE Advanced that are worth looking into...

As for a beginners list:
Imperial Lists are about outmaneuvering your opponent and the use of space, so a Swarm is ideal for learning but it will take you some time get it all sorted out (so you don't hamstring yourself with unwanted collisions)...

This here is a classic:

"Howlrunner" (18)
Hull Upgrade (3)

"Backstabber" (16)
Hull Upgrade (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder (https://geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v4!s!18:-1:-1:6:;15::-1:6:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron)

Backstaber should try to flank an enemy ship while the rest of the list flies close to Howlrunner to get a bonus ... depending on your enemy you want to either concentrate fire or spread out your firing arcs with that 6 ship block

If you want an Interceptor in the mix:

Soontir Fel (27)
Push the Limit (3)
Autothrusters (2)

"Scourge" (17)
Predator (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder (https://geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v4!s!28:18:-1:15:;151:57:-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:;10::-1:-1:&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron)

This build doesn require you to be as clustered as the one with Howlrunner. Try to outflank with Soontir (use both movement actions he has via PtL and get a focus for free, or use one and then evade for max. tokens). Scourge is good to deal the deathblow to ships that Soontir hasn't killed with his shooting (if you don't have him Mauler Mithel does the same job but has to close to range 1)

02-20-2016, 08:09 AM
I have a list that uses both a defender and interceptors but it uses stuff from Imperial veterans and is very vulnerable to bad green dice
Carnor Jax(interceptor)
Push the Limit
Royal Guard Tie
Stealth Device

Tetran Cowell (Interceptor)
Royal Guard Tie
Stealth Device

Delta Squadron Pilot (Defender)
Ion cannon
Twin Ion engine Mark 2

comes out to 99 points if I remember correctly