View Full Version : AoS Boxed Game wishlist.

Mr Mystery
02-17-2016, 06:10 AM
How do?

So reliable rumour monger points to an AoS set boxed game coming later in the year.

This isn't likely to be a new starter type set, but something closer to Betrayal at Calth and Execution Force.

Since we have no other info to go, I fancied a wishlist.

Mine is ded smol....

Warhammer Quest. GIVE ME A DECENT DUNGEON CRAWL. All they need to do is character models for the heroes, perhaps a character model for the big bad, and lots of floor tiles. Boom. Done. GIMME.

02-17-2016, 06:29 AM
It doesn't quite work as a stand alone game, but some sort of skirmish campaign addon. Give me the rules, some models for a warband (or something similar I can swap out for my Seraphon, or interesting enough to start a new army) and the bits to make it work. Like those hexagonal map tiles. Ones with freaky things for the different realms and rules for each and some sort of way to turn the results of skimishes into progression.

It'd be like an escalation league I can bolt on to anyone else's AoS game.

Mr Mystery
02-17-2016, 07:04 AM
That too would be cool, spesh if it focusses on Mortal Survivors of the Eight Realms.

02-17-2016, 03:46 PM
I would either like to see

A game with 2 warbands of the same alliance, so you could just buy for the models to make 1 starter army similar to B@C, could be set in realms not yet explored, maybe humans from shadow and light fighting for resources etc double sided board tiles for each realm (can be mixed representing fighting over a realm gate). Or chaos warbands for tzeentch nurgle or slaanesh. Either way with new models, warscrolls and a battalion each for AoS

Or the war hammer quest idea, but with a themed warband and dungeon, again with new sculpts rules etc. My favourite idea would be (trying to avoid spoilers)

A certain new stormcast eternal is charged with defeating a nurgle sorcerer/warlord/deamon thingy that did something to him while he was mortal
Joining him are human champions from the celestial realm, a witch hunter, warrior priest and celestial wizard, together they have a warscroll for AoS (champions of Azyr or something)
Against him hordes of plague minions (plague rats, plague censor bearers, pestigors, chaos warriors of nurgle ( blight warriors? Pox warriors? Something like that) and a big baddie corrupter. These would use existing warscrolls if they have them, new if not, and a battalion warscroll. Again all new sculpts.
This would make a great themed game, continue the overall story and fill in some new models for factions that may not see any attention for a while.

Unfortunately I don't see this as the direction they will take this character though.