View Full Version : nocturnal combat question.

04-15-2010, 08:15 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick question concerning night fighting rule (as in Dawn of War set up, turn one).

For "normal" weapons (bolters, plama guns, etc) you throw two D6 and multiply by 3. Great, easy enough, but what about artillery like a vindicator?

I always thought you had to just add 1D6 to the normal 2D6 scatter rolls. Is this correct? It came up in a recent game.


Lord Azaghul
04-15-2010, 08:17 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick question concerning night fighting rule (as in Dawn of War set up, turn one).

For "normal" weapons (bolters, plama guns, etc) you throw two D6 and multiply by 3. Great, easy enough, but what about artillery like a vindicator?

I always thought you had to just add 1D6 to the normal 2D6 scatter rolls. Is this correct? It came up in a recent game.


Samething. The 2d6x3 is just to check if you can 'see' the opponent. You still fire and scatter as normal.

If you are firing a 'barrage' weapon, and have range and CAN'T see and fail to 'hit' you roll an extra d6 on the scatter for a grand total of 3d6.

04-15-2010, 08:31 AM
Ok great I thought I was correct.

I was playing against orks and I aimed at his hord of boyz and boss and scattered a full 10 inches behind and hit his truk which was carrying something important (mekboyz? or something) and blow the truk sky high with two of the five orks inside and the rest ran off the table!

As you can imagine my opponant wasn't too happy and it made me doubt what I had done!

04-15-2010, 12:51 PM
Ok great I thought I was correct.

I was playing against orks and I aimed at his hord of boyz and boss and scattered a full 10 inches behind and hit his truk which was carrying something important (mekboyz? or something) and blow the truk sky high with two of the five orks inside and the rest ran off the table!

As you can imagine my opponant wasn't too happy and it made me doubt what I had done!
I can't tell from this post whether you did it right or not. Azaghul has it right, though:
All direct-fire weapons, even if they are ordnance, fire blast templates, fire flamer templates, and/or are barrage weapons firing directly, roll 2d6 and multiply by 3" to see if they can see the target. If they can see the target, they fire and scatter (if applicable) normally.
All indirect-fire weapons, if they are firing indirectly, do not roll for night-fighting distance but instead scatter 3d6".
So a Vindicator firing in night conditions would roll 2d6x3" sighting distance, and if it could see the target, would scatter 2d6-BS". Same with a Basilisk firing directly. However, if the Basilisk fired indirectly, it would not roll for night fighting, and instead roll scatter 3d6" (unless it rolled a hit, of course).

04-17-2010, 12:55 AM
All direct-fire weapons, even if they are ordnance, fire blast templates, fire flamer templates, and/or are barrage weapons firing directly, roll 2d6 and multiply by 3" to see if they can see the target. If they can see the target, they fire and scatter (if applicable) normally.
All indirect-fire weapons, if they are firing indirectly, do not roll for night-fighting distance but instead scatter 3d6".

Can the barage weapon attempt to fire directly, can it take a distance test and if it fails, then fire indirectly, rolling the additional die?

04-17-2010, 10:05 AM
Nope. You declare just before you shoot whether you are firing directly or indirectly.