View Full Version : Forgeworld Titans

04-14-2010, 07:20 PM
Long have I looked at these goliaths in awe with tear in eye. They are gorgeous models, especially the Chaos renditions, but sadly are obscenely expensive. With the recent Demi-Legion post on the BOLS main page I am once again tempted to purchase one... However, I feel it best to ask over all opinion first. Should I do it?

What are your thoughts on the titan models? Are they worth the cost? Buying plastic crack is expensive enough, are these perhaps too much?

04-14-2010, 07:31 PM
Dude I totally want one, and my wife even said if I ever have a fully painted 40k and Fantasy army she'll buy me one.

I guess It'll always be a pipe dream.

04-14-2010, 07:35 PM
Everyone I know who has titan(s) loves them*. I myself am working on a FW avatar to overcome my fear of resin in preperation of purchasing a bunch of Eldar titans.

*Which isn't to say they love putting the things together and painting them. Or watching their pet cat tackle them off the desk right after the varnish has finished setting.

04-14-2010, 08:03 PM
Well....if you give it a great paintjob you can always make your money back on ebay :)

04-14-2010, 08:04 PM
I love mine, I'm currently working on painting the interior, and so far it's been a reward project which has helped me improve my skill in this hobby.

I don't care if I ever use it once anymore, I'm just happy I have it.

04-14-2010, 11:00 PM
I am a proud owner of two reaver titans.The old armorcast ones, and let me tell you.They are the centerpiece of my armies. if you buy one ,you wont regret it. By the way if you're opponent ever pulls out a leaf blower force? you can pull out your titan and utterly vaporize the opposing force!!!!!! :eek:

04-15-2010, 03:54 AM
Proud owner of 3 reavers, a warhound, a wraithlord and an eldar scout titan, all Armorcast versions, let me tell you that this is a beauty to see exposed / deployed.
I'm not completly sold on the FW versions even if the Chaos Reaver is growing on me lately (need more weapons options done to fully convince me to buy one).
With all the "official" rules support written lately, it's also now very simple to use those.
I also own a Dragons Den Armory Gaberial Knight Titan but it's too large for my taste. There are many more other versions of Knight Titans on Ebay that are of a better size to fit in 40K games.

I hope I helped a bit.

04-15-2010, 08:04 AM
I've been tempted to get one for a while. They're actually pretty cheap for people living in Australia.

04-15-2010, 09:31 AM

Give in to the awesomeness. (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2009/10/divisio-mandati-igneus-angelus-and.html)

04-15-2010, 09:50 AM
How True....

The British Pound Sterling has faltered since their Elections. It's SLOWLY on the recovering end, but you can many times get a better deal purchasing them direct from Forge World.

Here in the U.S. the Dollar to Pound normally is 1:2.0 but as of late it's been hovering around 1:1.5 (Also reflected in the newest catalogs) but for a short time two years ago the Dollar to Pound was 1:1.2 and I went crazy....

Don't forget many credit cards WILL charge you a 3% International fee. But that's nothing in the larger scope of things. Get your friends together in a Forge World order, or just do it yourself. Orders over 250 Pounds get FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING! And let me tell you, it's FAST! I order on Monday and it's across the pond and at my doorstep on Wednesday!!

04-15-2010, 10:24 AM
The FW models are step above and beyond the Armorcast stuff in terms of quality, there is no doubt there. The question is are you simply looking to field a Titan or do you really love your models?

I LOVE my FW titans. I have a Chaos Warhound (built). I have a Chaos Reaver still in the FW bags that I got for X-Mas and just haven't had the time to devote to. (Its difficult with my two year old - 'El Destructo' around). They are both beautiful models.

Some Titan buying tips -

- Definitely order direct and take advantage of the express shipping and exchange rate
- If cost is a concern, do what I did for my Reaver - start a Titan fund jar. Every week I'd stick some cash in it. If I got any 'found money' (Found a $20 in the couch, bonus at work, sold a kidney on EBay), I'd stick it in there as well. Pack a lunch instead of hitting fast food and stick the cash in the bucket instead. By the time my B-Day and X-mas rolled around, people would just stick cash in the Titan fund in lieu of a gift. You'd be surprised how quickly you can save up the cash.

I even stuck a picture of the Reaver on my desktop background to remind me.... :)

04-16-2010, 03:45 AM
I've got 2 reavers and a warhound. They are awesome! Just be prepared for the building part. It can be....a lil demorilizing if your not ready. But ya just gotta love them.

04-17-2010, 02:23 PM
I must say that resin is not THAT hard to work with.

If you get some experience in you will learn that it is actually easier to work with and convert than even GW plastics (because it is softer and very elastic if heated a bit with say a hair dryer).

If you take your time and take the project seriously you will have much fun with your titan whatever you get. I'd suggest to get a bit of experience in before you start on any of the imperial/chaos titans and prolly the ork stuff as well.

The eldar stuff is quite easy to handle and the IG leman russ turrets are prolly the best to start with (or resin doors if you are more marine player. just keep your hands off those shoulder pads unless you are experienced because they are very frail).

one last thing:
if you want an imperial titan and are only concearned about the complexity the reaver is the easier type because they made the toes less complex.

04-17-2010, 06:52 PM
I ordered my FW Eldar Revenant Titan via the local GW bunker.

It took 8 weeks to arrive.

When it arrived it was missing a key piece to be able to assemble it (the cockpit).

After 6 weeks of waiting for a replacement part, I returned the titan to the bunker and demanded a refund.

****ing forgeworld.

Their stuff is gorgeous, but their quality control is only slightly more accurate than the Bush Administration's intelligence on Iraqi WMD's...

I've heard if you order directly from them via the website, their stuff is packaged better, though.

And after the 3d mockup of the Phantom Titan...I'm seriously jonesing.

04-17-2010, 09:50 PM
Thanks for all the advice every one.
I think the best idea for now is the "titan fund" cache. As I will be moving to Europe at the end of summer to finally start college (four years late), I'll be needed to save as much money as possible for now. Just buying a Valk and Baal Pred the other day made my wallet cringe. :O

Or course I could hold out hope that my family might get me one for Xmas, haha!

Time will tell.

04-17-2010, 11:14 PM
Everyone I know who has titan(s) loves them*. I myself am working on a FW avatar to overcome my fear of resin in preperation of purchasing a bunch of Eldar titans.

I think if someone is willing to spend such a ridiculous amount of money on a block of resin, there's no way they couldn't love it. Their love would have to be a foregone conclusion for them to even make the purchasing decision in the first place.

04-18-2010, 12:53 AM
I disagree, these are Games Workshop hobbyists we are talking about here, they can find something to complain about anything.:p AND they will still buy it.

I think if someone is willing to spend such a ridiculous amount of money on a block of resin, there's no way they couldn't love it. Their love would have to be a foregone conclusion for them to even make the purchasing decision in the first place.

Capn Stoogey
04-18-2010, 06:09 AM
I have a Mars pattern Warhound, and am currently saving towards a Reaver.
They are absolutely amazing models, the detail from the Forgeworld sculptors is incredible.
If you have the cash to blow on one of these bad boys, do it man, you won't regret it.

Capn Stoogey
04-18-2010, 06:12 AM
- If cost is a concern, do what I did for my Reaver - start a Titan fund jar. Every week I'd stick some cash in it. If I got any 'found money' (Found a $20 in the couch, bonus at work, sold a kidney on EBay), I'd stick it in there as well. Pack a lunch instead of hitting fast food and stick the cash in the bucket instead. By the time my B-Day and X-mas rolled around, people would just stick cash in the Titan fund in lieu of a gift. You'd be surprised how quickly you can save up the cash.

I even stuck a picture of the Reaver on my desktop background to remind me.... :)

He he, that is exactly what I did for My Warhound, and am doing again for a Reaver, It is a great idea.

04-24-2010, 12:26 AM
I've decided to go the cheap route (for now) and take on the challenge of scratch building. At first I was going to make a Warhound out of card sheet paper and reinforce it with plasticard... After making the toes in such a manner I've decided it's far too flimsy and time consuming. Instead I will make it out of pink foam (extrude polystyrene or "styrofoam") and cover with plasticard for the finishing layer. Should turn out relatively nicely.

04-24-2010, 12:54 AM
If you're scratchbuilding then this is the only thread you need to see, this guy's attention to detail is unbelievable - and to make it even more insane, all the joints move and are tolerance fits too, so you can pose it and it will stay there. even the toes are moveable allowing the thing to look like it's stomping on other models etc.

Blackadder's Scratchbuilt titan (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=6571)

05-25-2010, 01:20 PM
personly I love titans; both playing with and against them. While I currently do not own any of the Forge World models (being a poor student) I am looking forward to getting one as soon as I've saved up for it. I have scratch built a Warlord (although it is almost large enough to be an Imperator) and really enjoy partaking in Apocolypse games.

From my experience, such powerful super-heavies can seriously over power a game if both sides don't have something equivalent. Obviously a Warhound won't make the game as one-sides as a Warlord can, but if your opponent isn't prepared for a super-heavy it can suck the fun out of a game for both of you. For this reason a couple of my friends have said that super-heavies aren't worth it, especially the FW models as they are quite expensive. It's quite often the case that they won't get their points back in a game (the bigger you go, the truer this gets), but that is a risk you take. They will usually draw a LOT of fire however. This is great as they can usually shrug a good amount of it off without a problem.

If you a titan for the love of the model, I promise you you won't be dissapointed. Every time I go to the FW Open Day I'm still amazed by some detail or other I haven't seen before (no matter how many times I have seen them). If you are getting one to add a bit of character to your armies for Apocolypse games and/or display, again I'm certain you won't be dissapointed. If you are trying to get an upperhand over you regular opponants or are trying to make a 'win at all costs' army list, you may find you aren't as happy with a titan as you might be with a few otherother units. Pound for Pound, or Doller for Doller if you prefer, you will be able to buy more/better competitive units for the cost.

As I've said, I'll be getting some FW titans as soon as I can afford to :)

05-25-2010, 01:35 PM
Like several others on this thread, I have more than one FW Titan. They may be spendy, but they are also incredibly detailed. They are not just pretty on the outside, but they come with magnificent cockpits, engine rooms, servitors, and other goodies that aren't often photographed when people show their table top battles.

With the coming recession in Europe, the dollar is likely to get stronger against the pound incrementally for some time [IMHO] which makes it a good time to contemplate making a purchase if you have been on the fence for a while.