View Full Version : Bands/music of the ruinous powers.

04-14-2010, 06:44 PM
So aside from the appeal of being a heretic, part of what drew me to the side of Chaos was my personal choice in music (punk/metal/thrash or basically anything loud, unintelligible, or abrasive). So, as a point of discussion I have outlined what bands are the particular patrons of each of the four Chaos gods.

Nurgle: Send More Paramedics or any other zombiecore. Also GG Allin for his ability to get on stage naked and covered in feces prior to being found dead in a gutter.
Slaanesh: Exploited, simply for the song Sex and Violence.
Tzeench: The Lord of Change would probably dig Marilyn Manson's gender bending. I say David Bowie would also get an honorable mention.
Khorne: Slayer. Raining Blood. Period.

So what about the other Legions and Armies out there? I'd say that the Space Wolves would be down with Tyr or other viking/death metal.

Ultramarines listen to Nickelback and Dave Matthews.

04-14-2010, 06:49 PM
lol in my head im singing disturbed - sickness, and picturing an army of nurgle moshing out to it lol

04-14-2010, 07:06 PM
Also GG Allin for his ability to get on stage naked and covered in feces prior to being found dead in a gutter.

I find it mildly disturbing that you consider this to be a positive quality.

Tzeench: The Lord of Change would probably dig Marilyn Manson's gender bending. I say David Bowie would also get an honorable mention.

Err, that's more of a Slaanesh thing, I think.

Ultramarines listen to Nickelback and Dave Matthews.

Dream Evil, actually.

Commissar Lewis
04-14-2010, 07:44 PM
Bolt Thrower has an entire album dedicated to Chaos. With such hits as Through the Eye of Terror and World Eater.

For Space Wolves, go with Amon Amarth. Tell me them kicking *** while either Valhal Awaits Me or Victorious March plays would not be awesome.

04-14-2010, 07:48 PM
Wouldn't tzentch be more into something prog? Maybe only playing signatures that are prime numbers, and only for a prime number of bars. Damn you tzeentch! Where's the one!

04-14-2010, 07:53 PM
I have it on good authority that Tzeentch likes Gilbert & Sullivan.

04-14-2010, 08:30 PM
I find it mildly disturbing that you consider this to be a positive quality.

Neither positive or negative. Just a Nurgle quality. Be disturbed all you want though.

04-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Bolt Thrower has an entire album dedicated to Chaos. With such hits as Through the Eye of Terror and World Eater.

That is a good album. I'd say it's fair to say that Bolt Thrower wears the mark of Chaos Undivided.

04-14-2010, 08:53 PM
I have it on good authority that Tzeentch likes Gilbert & Sullivan.

I figured he'd like Wizard Rock.

But I could totally see a Lord of Change singing Bowie-"Time to face the change...Cha-cha-changes."

Now I want to model my (future) Chaos Rhinos all with mp3 players and speakers and their own playlists for each squad.

04-14-2010, 09:25 PM
hahahaha yes! to that last post!!

oh that made my day..although now i cant stop singing "time to face the change.."


04-14-2010, 09:53 PM
I'm thinking anything Rocky Horror Picture Show for Slaanesh.

04-14-2010, 10:05 PM
I see Slaanesh music as very avant-garde noise music.

Dark Eldar blare Suicide Silence and Cannibal Corpse over sleek coffin shaped orifices of their raiders.

Tau blast Infected Mushroom as they swoop across the battlefield, their actions matching up perfectly to the electronic drum beats.

Necrons listen to Microsoft Office 98 beeps and warning signs as they meander through battle ... ****ing necrons.

Nids gurgle negro slave songs as they wash over the landscape. Breakin' steel in the yard! Oh woe is me.

Orks play Salsa music over archaic Fender speakers strapped to the sides of their looted wagons.

Eldar listen to pan flutes and lutes over their delicate IPod earpieces implanted in their pointy helmets.

Sisters of Battle listen to Nightwish and other generic operatic rock/metal.

Imperial Guardsmen listen to Carlos Santana as they think about how great the music is and how depressed it makes them feel as their cardboard armour is pierced by chaos bolter rounds, which were fired from the slightly disgruntled Chaos Marine who wasn't even fairly affected by the flicker of their handy dandy flashlights. Fleshlights through might have affected him were he one of the Emperors Children : D

Space marines listen to Bebop. You know every Astartes is tapping along to Zoot Sims over his vox system. Skiddly-bee-dow yeah!

Edit: Actually, most of the forces of Chaos listen to the Mars Volta on their down time when not massacring the filthy emperor lovers or sexing each other. Maim, kill, burn, Cassandra Gemini.

04-14-2010, 10:06 PM
I'm thinking anything Rocky Horror Picture Show for Slaanesh.

Excellent call. Is there a Japanese noise version of that? Also I think Disaster Area would appeal to Noise Marines if not Slaanesh specifically.

04-14-2010, 10:09 PM
I see Slaanesh music as very avant-garde noise music.
Necrons listen to Microsoft Office 98 beeps and warning signs as they meander through battle ... Fuking necrons.

Orks play Salsa music over archaic Fender speakers strapped to the sides of their looted wagons.

Fleshlights through might have affected him were he one of the Emperors Children : D

HA!!! ****ing necrons. classic.

I think the Orks probably listen to old British Oi bands.

I don't recommend ever listening to a Fleshlight. Unless you want some kind of ear infection.

04-14-2010, 10:10 PM

Bad form using a certain topic and word on two posts up. i wont repeat but im sure people can see it.

04-14-2010, 10:29 PM

Bad form using a certain topic and word on two posts up. i wont repeat but im sure people can see it.

what're you, five? I didn't say anything bad, unluss poopy is bad too. Oh fiddle-sticks! Better go get the soap...

04-14-2010, 10:33 PM
dude im old school. The emperors children theme song is Accepts Balls to the wall!!:cool:

04-14-2010, 10:37 PM
I dont know about you, but for me slave songs Are Not some form of light humor and a certain n word isn;t either.

Nothing childish about it.

I'm Just saying be careful what you type. someone could take huge offence to what you put.

04-14-2010, 10:39 PM
You're right, I was wrong. The orks should have that genre, not the Nids ; P The nids sing Bon Jovi classics and chatter the tunes to Styx and Queen.

04-14-2010, 10:41 PM
Imperial Guardsmen listen to Carlos Santana as they think about how great the music is and how depressed it makes them feel as their cardboard armour is pierced by chaos bolter rounds, which were fired from the slightly disgruntled Chaos Marine who wasn't even fairly affected by the flicker of their handy dandy flashlights. Fleshlights through might have affected him were he one of the Emperors Children : D

Though I'm sure some will protest (something vague about them being too mainstream), Metallica has some very guard-esque songs as well. In particular, Disposable Heroes. Seriously, look up the lyrics for that song. It sounds like it was written specifically for conscript guardsmen.

04-14-2010, 10:43 PM
you jsut made your statement even worse and made yourself look like an even bigger douche bag

04-14-2010, 10:54 PM
There was an old Carnifex, his name was Old One Eye, he dead long ago, long ago...

04-14-2010, 10:56 PM
Metallica has some very guard-esque songs as well

your so right

Master of puppets :D

04-14-2010, 11:02 PM
eldargal = awesome interjection ; 3

04-14-2010, 11:15 PM
if you think racist language is a long dead issue then you need a wake up call loverzcry

04-14-2010, 11:24 PM
if you think racist language is a long dead issue then you need a wake up call loverzcry

haha, I live in the south with my fellow brother blacks. Do I care about racist comments? No. Do they? Hell no. We joke around about it all the time and have a good laugh, and snicker about serious people like you who comment "Oh that's not funny, that's not right." Please, you're talking to the guy who makes holocaust jokes and chortles at starving african children jokes. Cut the crap acting all high and mighty. This is the internet. No one cares about you, or me, or anyone. I am not a person here, I am an entity. An idea. I am only as great as your perception of me. Do I care about your petty opinions on me saying negro and making some slave jokes? no. The answer is no. If all you have to say in this thread is your trivial attempts at my nature and opinions towards cotton picking, then piss off to some civil rights forums, for that's where you belong. Not here in the "sexist, racist, classist, speciesist, homophobic, heterosexist, pachydermist, genreist, hydrophobic, etc. It's an evil, patriarchal society" (as quoted by Gnoblar With A Pointy Stick) of the Dark Future.

Edit: You don't think 40k is racist? All the black people are segregated to one planet, and they are the Salamanders.

04-14-2010, 11:36 PM
i have made contributions to this thread before and since your post that are on topic regarding music.

Just because you and said friends can joke about it doesn't mean everyone will see it that way and that was my warning to you, so that you didn't get someone else slinging you a load of abuse for your statement, if anything was trying to do you a favor, by advising you not to use that term, but hey say what you like see if i care.

If you want to laugh at starving children go for it.

If you want to laugh at people dying by the Millions go for it.

But do it in your own time.

04-14-2010, 11:41 PM
Oh! Susanna, don't you cry for me, I come from Holy Terra with a lasgun on my knee.

Just be grateful I don't go writing out full versions.:rolleyes:

04-14-2010, 11:43 PM
Oh! Susanna, don't you cry for me, I come from Holy Terra with a lasgun on my knee.

Just be grateful I don't go writing out full versions.:rolleyes:

I love you <3 xD

04-14-2010, 11:45 PM
there you go bell of lost souls the new match maker :p

04-14-2010, 11:49 PM
there you go bell of lost souls the new match maker :p

> . > taken actually.... and I'm sure she is as well. Wait... where has this thread gone!? This was not its intent!

Music, and army, and listens to such spouting and blargh!

04-15-2010, 12:07 AM
I came from Holy Terra with a lasgun on my knee
I’m going to Cadia, for the Emperor Glory Be.
I trained all night the day I left, Drill-Sergeant he was spry
The Warp so cold I froze to death, Susanna do not cry.

Oh! Susanna, don’t you cry for me
I come from Holy Terra
With a lasgun on my knee

I had a vision the other night when everything was dull
I thought I saw a Daemonette coming through the hull
A young cadet was in his mouth, it made my blood run dry
I said I’m coming with the fleet, Susanna do not cry.

Oh! Susanna, don’t you cry for me
I come from Holy Terra
With a lasgun on my knee

I soon will be in Cadia, and then I’ll look around
If the combat be too fierce, I shall go to ground
I shall desert to find her, though I shall surely die
And when I’m dead and buried, Susanna don’t you cry.

I warned you. Insomnia and a fondness for Stephen Foster is a terrible, terrible combination.

04-15-2010, 12:15 AM
omg, that's fantastic hahaha xD oh man, it's been fun but I gotta crash : P Tests tomorrow and such.

04-15-2010, 12:35 AM
Oh god, I am so going to bed after this, to wallow in shame.

Khorne has only got one ball
Tzeentch has two but very small
Nurgles is just disturbin'
And Slaanesh has no balls at all.

04-15-2010, 02:23 AM
well since this thread was about songs for chaos my first choice would be FULL BLOWN CHAOS-WAKE THE DEMONS but anything by full blown would work...they effing rock, best american metal since pantera

04-15-2010, 02:53 AM
I always imagined Space Marines listening to Power metal, lots of thunder, lightning, brotherhood and waging war.

The Necrons probably listen to early Megaman themesongs

Tau listens to j-pop, sung by girls that sound like 5 year olds.

I'd imagine the Fight song by Marilyn Manson is quite popular in the Chaos camp

Sisters probably listens to Christian (Imperial?) Rock

04-15-2010, 04:21 AM
loverzcry good luck in your test hope you do well. eldargal thank you for the full length version put a smile on my face lol.

A terrible combination indeed!

i only suffer from the insomnia bit. Night to both of you.

right music and such things hmm....

necrons i could see listening to a bit of daft punk :D

Commissar Lewis
04-15-2010, 04:42 AM
For Guard, the song The Price of a Mile by Sabaton fits perfectly with trench warfare/ wars of attrition the Guard usually take part in. Actually a lot of Sabaton's stuff would work well.

Then again, nothing beats charging with Guardsmen across an open board while The Trooper by Iron Maiden is blaring.

Them Tau never had a chance... Also, A+ job on the song lyrics, eldargal. As Garrus Vakarian would say: "Impressive."

04-15-2010, 05:52 AM
Guard air-mech would have to be listening to the Animals, the Stones and the like as they tootle about in up in the air. We gotta get out of this place...

04-15-2010, 07:53 AM
So, this thread wandered into eye scratching for a bit, and has been rescued by the brilliant lyrics of eldargal.

Eldargal wins 3 internets.

04-15-2010, 11:26 AM
For Spaces Wolves surely it's Manowars 'Gods of War' album.


( longer version ).

04-15-2010, 02:06 PM
Plague Marines: Infected by Bad Religion

Noise Marines: Cities On Flame with Rock and Roll by Blue Oyster Cult

Black Legion: Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones

04-15-2010, 03:17 PM
good call on the sabaton for guard Lewis very fittin as I see it

your codex marines i think would have iced earth on in the rhino

Black legion have gotta be marching to some Dimmu Borgir or some kind of epic symphonic metal

Noise marines would listen to some pig destroyer or insect warfare grindy/noisy gubbinz either that or Akercocke - of menstrual blood and semen anyone

Plague marines have to ride to some carcass nothing says nurgle like vomited anal tract

Thousand sons woulnd't listen to owt they have no ears ha ha either that or some karl sanders either that or Arcturus

World eaters - gotta be bolt thrower or slayer as said before

04-15-2010, 04:18 PM
C'mon, here's what the Traitor Legions are really listening to:

Emperor's Children- Big Balls, AC/DC (don't ask)

Iron Warriors- Shoot to Thrill, AC/DC

Night Lords- Night Prowler, AC/DC

World Eaters- If you want Blood, AC/DC

Death Guard- Have a Drink [off] Me, AC/DC (XP)

Thousand Sons- Rising Power, AC/DC

Black Legion- Back in Black, AC/DC

Word Bearers- Hells Bells, AC/DC

Alpha Legion- Highway to Hell, AC/DC

'nuff said

Commissar Lewis
04-15-2010, 06:30 PM
Yeah Back in Black would be the best theme song for the Black Legion, especially a Black Crusade!

Good call, man.

04-15-2010, 08:03 PM
good call on the sabaton for guard Lewis very fittin as I see it

your codex marines i think would have iced earth on in the rhino

Black legion have gotta be marching to some Dimmu Borgir or some kind of epic symphonic metal

Noise marines would listen to some pig destroyer or insect warfare grindy/noisy gubbinz either that or Akercocke - of menstrual blood and semen anyone

Plague marines have to ride to some carcass nothing says nurgle like vomited anal tract

Thousand sons woulnd't listen to owt they have no ears ha ha either that or some karl sanders either that or Arcturus

World eaters - gotta be bolt thrower or slayer as said before

All right we have a winner. Really this whole thread was a way for me to get my ears on music I haven't heard before.
I dig the Dimmu Borgir and Pig Destroyer. Not totally down for Cookie Monster metal, but I do agree that the Noise Marines would be into it.
Nice choice with the Sabaton you two! Kinda like a better version of Iron Maiden for the small amount I heard.

Thank F for iTunes. There isn't a record store within 140 miles of me that stocks anything besides Tejano and Mandy Moore.

04-16-2010, 12:23 PM
kinda like a better version of iron maiden for the small amount i heard.


04-16-2010, 01:24 PM
I always imagined Space Marines listening to Power metal, lots of thunder, lightning, brotherhood and waging war.

Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyBCDeFCck)

04-16-2010, 02:16 PM
man, does no one listen to american metal anymore?? we listen to this with every apocalypse game

04-16-2010, 06:14 PM
Oddly enough part of my chapters background was influenced by Inkubus Sukkubus's Church Of Madness

Here come the Emperor's knights
Dressed in red and white
To bring the Holy Word and set the world alight
Here comes a plague of warriors blinded by their faith
Here comes the Inquisition to burn you at the stake

Here comes the Church of Madness
Bearing gifts of death and torture
Here comes the Church of Madness
Of the Emperor their Lord

The fire and the fury
To be our judge to be our jury
Here comes the Church of Madness
Of the Emperor their Lord

A new dark age descended, it’s Torquemada’s dream
Liberty lies raped, crushed, broken
Neath the Imperial war machine
World after world falling
In the shadow of the Astartes sword
With death they bring the lore of love
What do they tell the people of their old crusades?
Of the women and the children
Impaled on Astartes blades
Rejoice they say for we are saved
And we must sing the fight
Sing it till your lungs burst or they’ll set you alight

Though it would be a good SoB theme too

04-16-2010, 07:58 PM
Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyBCDeFCck)

I would imagine that Ultramarines listen to that while they put on their mascara.

04-17-2010, 01:39 AM
I would imagine that Ultramarines listen to that while they put on their mascara.

Yeah, I found out about that song via a "SM tribute" video on youtube. It just fits Marines so perfectly.

04-17-2010, 02:48 AM
Mektown Races
By eldargal, with apologies to Stephen Foster

De Mektown Orkies sing dis song -- Doo-da! doo-da!
De Mektown racetrack five miles long -- Oh! doo-da day!
I come down da wid my skull caved in -- Doo-da! doo-da!
I go back ‘ome wid a pocket full of teef -- Oh! doo-da day!

Goin’ to fight all night! Goin’ to fight all day!
I'll bet my teef on de bob-tail squig -- Somebody bet on de bay!

De long tail squiggy and de big black grot -- Doo-da! doo-da!
Dey fly de track and dey both cheat a lot -- Oh! doo-da day!
De blind Mek sticken in a big mud hole -- Doo-da! doo-da!
Can't touch bottom wid a ten foot pole -- Oh! doo-da day!

Goin’ to fight all night! Goin’ to fight all day!
I'll bet my teef on de bob-tail squig -- Somebody bet on de bay!

Old rebel grot come on de track -- Doo-da! doo-da!
De bob-tail fling ‘im ovver ‘is back -- Oh! doo-da day!
Den fly along like a red-painted trukk -- Doo-da! doo-da!
Leavin’ Ol’ rebel grot ded in da muck -- Oh! doo-da day!

Goin’ to fight all night! Goin’ to fight all day!
I'll bet my teef on de bob-tail squig -- Somebody bet on de bay!

Seen dem flyin' in a ten mile ‘eat -- Doo-da! doo-da!
Round de race track, den repeat -- Oh! doo-da day!
I win my teef on de bob-tail squig -- Doo-da! doo-da!
Gonna spend it all on a squig hair wig -- Oh! doo-da day!

Goin’ to fight all night! Goin’ to fight all day!
I'll bet my teef on de bob-tail squig -- Somebody bet on de bay!

I'll try and make this the last one.:o

04-17-2010, 03:56 AM
I'll try to be brief:
Tzeentch -> Anything not in 4/4, progressive, math, bach, anything unusual, better if it's unusual without any reason for it. Change for the sake of changing. I'm thinking Zappa, John Zorn...
Slaanesh -> I'm focusing on noise marines mostly, anything with multiple discordant textures: one noise-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_(music)), possibly fast and complex; the other smooth and melodic, possibly with sensual female voices/chorus. Think Cradle of Filth but less mainstream.
Khorne -> Anything moshable, really, pretty much anything with anthemic HC-punk inspired rythms (specially on the drums). Slayers have HC roots, so they are spot on, plus the lyrics of Rain of blood kinda fit.
Nurge -> tough choice, I'm thinking to adjectives like rich, slow and purposeful. Probably anything symphonic with a tempo of Grave, featuring a rich set of low pitch instruments, cello, oboe, bassoon. I can't really pin anything on it, but the intro of Windows by At the Gates is close enough I guess. Tongue in cheek stuff a la Peter and the Wolf might also apply, since gramps has a sense of humour.

04-17-2010, 01:40 PM
I heard some time ago about a band called Rib Spreader, and a song of theirs called Monolith. It appears to be heavily Necron themed... Has anyone found this? My curiosity is piqued, too bad the army doesn't stand up to the fluff.

Definitely Daft Punk for Tau, I'd love to see like a bunch of Crisis Suits cruising around with the bass cranked way up.