View Full Version : reinforced amour on rhino questions

bloodangel 83
04-14-2010, 11:13 AM
Hey everyone, i have a question or two. 1 does any one one have pics of the reinforeced armour for the space marine's rhinos from forge world. i would like to attemp to build my own if i can get some desent pics from all angles. 2 why does everyone ony build whirlwinds with either the large missles or the small one''s. i built my whirlwind with both and i like the look of it and i will post pics as soon as i can to show off the combo of large and small. thanks for any and all help and comments.

04-14-2010, 04:23 PM
You could try the Forge World site for pics.

And on the other note, I think most people like putting only one kind of missile on the Whirlwind because it gives it a more visually balanced look. Although I'm tempted to try the lopsided payload myself if I ever get a Whirlwind.

bloodangel 83
04-17-2010, 05:49 AM
true the whirlwind may have a balanced look to it but i think mine looks like it will be able to bring death and pain into the game. the only problem with forge worlds pics is that it doesn't show every angel for me to get a good idea on how to sratch build the reinforced armour. still have not been able to get any pics but i will try this weekend. thanks for the comments.

04-17-2010, 07:29 AM
Have you considered expanding your army with a Vindicator and copying that?
Should be a short time indeed just retracing it onto plasticard.
If anything, it'd probably look even cooler just to make your own.

Being an Iron Hands man myself, and having bought the extra armour for the Land Raider, I can attest to it being very uneven and misshapen.
Sure, it's from the moulds and you can use hot water to flatten it, but I'd then have to adjust the edges with greenstuff, etc..
I figure using plasticard and making your own would look a lot cooler and more unique.
I've always intended to have mine with cog-tooth edging..
Dammit, now I have a task for the day.. :D:D

04-17-2010, 08:48 AM
I did the same thing with my Whirlwind for WYSIWYG, then I can use what ever I want. Some people I play with take that a little to far it was just easier then slapping them : )

bloodangel 83
04-19-2010, 06:14 AM
hey guys, yes i do plan to get a couple vindators for my army. i guess i need to order them soon and start working on the extra armour for the whirlwind. thanks for all the replys to this matter. i will post pics of the whirlwind as soon as i can.

bloodangel 83
04-19-2010, 06:33 AM
here are the pics of my whirlwind as of now, still have some work to do with it. the drawings on top are just rough drafts and will be painted on and will look better after color and final drafts are finished. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2053854&id=1552880704&l=1e429ab627 any and all comments are welcome.