View Full Version : The Storming of Dantris III - Horus Heresy Weekender

Michael Botterill
02-11-2016, 05:10 AM
########### 2 Spaces Left ###########

The Storming of Dantris III is a Hourus Heresy Event . The premise is to have some excellent narrative based gaming in the Heresy era of the 40k Universe.

This is to act as a narrative sequel to The Gathering of the Storm held in October 2015. The outcome of that event will have a direct effect on this event.

Tickets cost £40, you get two night accommodation and food, as well as three games on Saturday, two singles games of 3500 pts, and then a doubles game of 7000pts per side. Sunday will be a large scale apocalypse style clash game. And on Friday and Saturday evening the tables will be free for pickup games.

Rules Pack Can be Found Here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/o16jktdzp8gjgqi/The%20Storming%20of%20Dantris%20III.pdf?dl=0)

Tickets can be purchased here.