View Full Version : Kill Team?

04-14-2010, 08:08 AM
Hey there guys,

I hear alot about it, but I just haven't a clue what it is, or where to find it. I'm fantastic at overlooking things, so that's probably why I've missed it if it's in the rulebook. : / Just where to find it or rudimentary info on it would be nice : D Thanks all!


The Madman
04-14-2010, 08:30 AM
kill teams is a mission in the new battle missions book. its a 200pts aside skirmish with each model being a single unit, it has a few addtional rules so check out the book for the full thing.

also in 4th edition kill team was a sort of supplement in the back of the rulebook where a 180pts of a race (they could purchase indvidual models from different squads, eg a single chaos havoc and a chosen marine in the team) would play six (?) scenarios ranging from sabotage to assassination to Vip while the other player had a set amount of henchman squads of 1-3 models (from the troops choice) with a boss model acting as the leader.

but i bet theres someone out ther working on some home-made rules for a much fleshed out version of the concept.

04-14-2010, 11:35 PM
Thanks Madman : D